Science For All Americans 勝手に翻訳プロジェクト Chapter 10: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES
DISPLACING THE EARTH FROM THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSETo observers on the earth, it appears that the earth stands still and everything else moves around it. Thus, in trying to imagine how the universe works, it made good sense to people in ancient times to start with those apparent truths. The ancient Greek thinkers, particularly Aristotle, set a pattern that was to last for about 2,000 years: a large, stationary earth at the center of the universe, and―positioned around the earth―the sun, the moon, and tiny stars arrayed in a perfect sphere, with all these bodies orbiting along perfect circles at constant speeds. Shortly after the beginning of the Christian era, that basic concept was transformed into a powerful mathematical model by an Egyptian astronomer, Ptolemy. His model of perfect circular motions served well for predicting the positions of the sun, moon, and stars. It even accounted for some motions in the heavens that appeared distinctly irregular. A few "wandering stars"―the planets―appeared not to circle perfectly around the earth but rather to change speed and sometimes even go into reverse, following odd loop-the-loop paths. This behavior was accounted for in Ptolemy's model by adding more circles, which spun on the main circles.
[1] universe と言った場合には単なる宇宙というだけでなくこの世界そのものの全体を指す言葉になるかと思うのですが、日本語での適当な単語が思い浮かばないので、ここでは単に「宇宙」としてあります。
[2] 観察者の視点、ということで earth を「地球」と「大地」と言い換えてみましたが、かえって悠長かな? 単に「地球は」でもいいかと思います。[10-6]
Over the following centuries, as astronomical data accumulated and became more accurate, this model was refined and complicated by many astronomers, including Arabs and Europeans. As clever as the refinements of perfect-circles models were, they did not involve any physical explanations of why heavenly bodies should so move. The principles of motion in the heavens were considered to be quite different from those of motion on earth.
[1] clever のニュアンスについてはやや測りかねています。(3/22 : 完全に訳し間違っていました。訳文は修正しておきました)
Shortly after the discovery of the Americas, a Polish astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus, a contemporary of Martin Luther and Leonardo da Vinci, proposed a different model of the universe. Discarding the premise of a stationary earth, he showed that if the earth and planets all circled around the sun, the apparent erratic motion of the planets could be accounted for just as well, and in a more intellectually pleasing way. But Copernicus' model still used perfect circular motions and was nearly as complicated as the old earth-centered model. Moreover, his model violated the prevailing common-sense notions about the world, in that it required the apparently immobile earth to spin completely around on its axis once a day, the universe to be far larger than had been imagined, and―worst of all―the earth to become commonplace by losing its position at the center of the universe. Further, an orbiting and spinning earth was thought to be inconsistent with some biblical passages. Most scholars perceived too little advantage in a sun-centered model―and too high a cost in giving up the many other ideas associated with the traditional earth-centered model.
[1] 正確には「コロンブスのアメリカ到達の少し後」でしょうけれど、原文に沿って訳してあります。
[2] intellectually pleasing way については良い訳し方を思い付いていません。要するに「理論的にすっきり」ということだと思うのですが。
[3] commonplace を「ごく普通のありふれた場所」と訳してありますが、宇宙の中での位置付けの話なので、「場所」よりは「存在」などの方が良いかもしれません。
[4] ここでの idea は「考えや観念」という言葉で置き換えてみました。適当な訳語があればいいのですが。後続の段落でも何度か idea は出てきますが、広い意味だったり特定の意味だったり、それぞれ微妙に意味合いが違うような気がするので、いちいち(idea)と付けた上でそれぞれ多少言葉を使い分けています。[10-8]
As astronomical measurements continued to become more precise, it became clear that neither the sun-centered nor the earth-centered system quite worked as long as all bodies had to have uniform circular motion. A German astronomer, Johannes Kepler, who lived at the same time as Galileo, developed a mathematical model of planetary motion that discarded both venerable premises―a stationary earth and circular motion. He postulated three laws, the most revolutionary of which was that planets naturally move in elliptical orbits at predictable but varying speeds. Although this law turned out to be correct, the calculations for ellipses were difficult with the mathematics known at the time, and Kepler offered no explanation for why the planets would move that way.
The many contributions of Italian scientist Galileo, who lived at the same time as Shakespeare and Rubens, were of great significance in the development of physics and astronomy. As an astronomer, he built and used the newly invented telescope to study the sun, moon, planets, and stars, and he made a host of discoveries that supported Copernicus' basic idea of planetary movement. Perhaps the most telling of these was his discovery of four moons that orbited around the planet Jupiter, demonstrating that the earth was not the only center of heavenly motion. With the telescope, he also discovered the inexplicable phenomena of craters and mountains on the moon, spots on the sun, moonlike phases of Venus, and vast numbers of stars not visible to the unaided eye.
Galileo's other great contribution to the cosmological revolution was in taking it to the public. He presented the new view in a form and language (Italian) that made it accessible to all educated people in his time. He also rebutted many popular arguments against an orbiting and spinning earth and showed inconsistencies in the Aristotelian account of motion. Criticism from clergy who still believed in Ptolemy's model―and Galileo's subsequent trial by the Inquisition for his allegedly heretical beliefs―only heightened the attention paid to the issues and thereby accelerated the process of changing generally accepted ideas on what constituted common sense. It also revealed some of the inevitable tensions that are bound to occur whenever scientists come up with radically new ideas.
[1] in a form and language なのですが、これは原文が in a form of language の間違いではないかと思います。(3/22 : これも完全に勘違いでした。訳文は修正しておきました)
| 固定リンク
- [3-34],[3-35](2008.04.11)
- [3-31]-[3-33](2008.04.08)
- [3-26]-[3-30](2008.04.05)
- [10-54]-[10-61](2008.03.29)
- [10-36]-[10-41](2008.03.26)
"As clever as ..."は[10-16]のはじめの"As elaborate and successful as it was ..."と同じで逆接ではないでしょうか。
"in a form and language"は、『対話という形式』と『(ラテン語でなく)イタリア語という言語』で一般の人に読みやすくしたということではないでしょうか。
投稿: hoyt | 2008年3月22日 (土) 09時24分
> hoyt さん
[10-5] thinker
[10-6] As clever as ...
あ、ここは完全に勘違いしてる……they did not involve ... のところを完全に勘違いしてました。
[10-10] in a form and language that ...
ああ! 「当時の教養人達が皆読むことのできる形式と言語で」ですね。お恥ずかしい、大ボケでした……すいません。
投稿: Yamanaka | 2008年3月22日 (土) 13時43分
投稿: hoyt | 2008年3月22日 (土) 17時04分