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2008年4月11日 (金)


Science For All Americans 勝手に翻訳プロジェクト Chapter 3: THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY


The Social System Imposes Some Restrictions on Openness in Technology

For the most part, the professional values of engineering are very similar to those of science, including the advantages seen in the open sharing of knowledge. Because of the economic value of technology, however, there are often constraints on the openness of science and engineering that are relevant to technological innovation. A large investment of time and money and considerable commercial risk are often required to develop a new technology and bring it to market. That investment might well be jeopardized if competitors had access to the new technology without making a similar investment, and hence companies are often reluctant to share technological knowledge. But no scientific or technological knowledge is likely to remain secret for very long. Secrecy most often provides only an advantage in terms of time—a head start, not absolute control of knowledge. Patent laws encourage openness by giving individuals and companies control over the use of any new technology they develop; however, to promote technological competition, such control is only for a limited period of time.



[1] professional values はちょっと迷ったのですが、後に出てくる economic value に対してこのような意味が込められているのではないかと推測しました。
[2] a head start ですが、簡潔に過ぎてどういう意味なのか迷ってしまいました。時間についての利点、ということで、先頭に立って始められる、というようなことなのだろうかと推測しました。
[3] control は、ここでの文脈に沿って一語で表す訳語を思いつかず(敢えて言えば「統制」かなぁ)、使われている場所によって言葉を使い分けています。


Commercial advantage is not the only motivation for secrecy and control. Much technological development occurs in settings, such as government agencies, in which commercial concerns are minimal but national security concerns may lead to secrecy. Any technology that has potential military applications can arguably be subject to restrictions imposed by the federal government, which may limit the sharing of engineering knowledge—or even the exportation of products from which engineering knowledge could be inferred. Because the connections between science and technology are so close in some fields, secrecy inevitably begins to restrict some of the free flow of information in science as well. Some scientists and engineers are very uncomfortable with what they perceive as a compromise of the scientific ideal, and some refuse to work on projects that impose secrecy. Others, however, view the restrictions as appropriate.



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2008年4月 8日 (火)


Science For All Americans 勝手に翻訳プロジェクト Chapter 3: THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY


Technological and Social Systems Interact Strongly

Individual inventiveness is essential to technological innovation. Nonetheless, social and economic forces strongly influence what technologies will be undertaken, paid attention to, invested in, and used. Such decisions occur directly as a matter of government policy and indirectly as a consequence of the circumstances and values of a society at any particular time. In the United States, decisions about which technological options will prevail are influenced by many factors, such as consumer acceptance, patent laws, the availability of risk capital, the federal budget process, local and national regulations, media attention, economic competition, tax incentives, and scientific discoveries. The balance of such incentives and regulations usually bears differently on different technological systems, encouraging some and discouraging others.



[1] この technological systems はどういう日本語にしたものかと悩んでいます。social systems と対になって system という言葉が使われていますが、social systems の方はそのまま社会システム=社会制度や体制など社会の構造のこと、として良いかと思いますが、technological systems の方は技術システムと言ってしまうと具体的に何を指しているのかわからない言葉になってしまうと思います。文脈からしますと、体系付けられた個々の技術分野を指しているように読めるのですが、そうすると日本語としては、単に「技術」という言葉が一番適当でしょうか。
[2] incentive も日本語で一言で表すのには苦労してしまいまして、特に後に出てきた部分では大きく言葉を補って意訳してあります。


Technology has strongly influenced the course of history and the nature of human society, and it continues to do so. The great revolutions in agricultural technology, for example, have probably had more influence on how people live than political revolutions; changes in sanitation and preventive medicine have contributed to the population explosion (and to its control); bows and arrows, gunpowder, and nuclear explosives have in their turn changed how war is waged; and the microprocessor is changing how people write, compute, bank, operate businesses, conduct research, and communicate with one another. Technology is largely responsible for such large-scale changes as the increased urbanization of society and the dramatically growing economic interdependence of communities worldwide.



Historically, some social theorists have believed that technological change (such as industrialization and mass production) causes social change, whereas others have believed that social change (such as political or religious changes) leads to technological change. However, it is clear that because of the web of connections between technological and other social systems, many influences act in both directions.


[1] [3-31]でも出てきましたが、この technological systems は日本語では単に「技術」というべきかもしれません。
[2] web の日本語への置き換えに悩んだ末に大きく意訳してみました。


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2008年4月 5日 (土)


Science For All Americans 勝手に翻訳プロジェクト Chapter 3: THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY



The Human Presence

The earth's population has already doubled three times during the past century. Even at that, the human presence, which is evident almost everywhere on the earth, has had a greater impact than sheer numbers alone would indicate. We have developed the capacity to dominate most plant and animal species―far more than any other species can―and the ability to shape the future rather than merely respond to it.





Use of that capacity has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, developments in technology have brought enormous benefits to almost all people. Most people today have access to goods and services that were once luxuries enjoyed only by the wealthy―in transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment, and so on. On the other hand, the very behavior that made it possible for the human species to prosper so rapidly has put us and the earth's other living organisms at new kinds of risk. The growth of agricultural technology has made possible a very large population but has put enormous strain on the soil and water systems that are needed to continue sufficient production. Our antibiotics cure bacterial infection, but may continue to work only if we invent new ones faster than resistant bacterial strains emerge.



Our access to and use of vast stores of fossil fuels have made us dependent on a nonrenewable resource. In our present numbers, we will not be able to sustain our way of living on the energy that current technology provides, and alternative technologies may be inadequate or may present unacceptable hazards. Our vast mining and manufacturing efforts produce our goods, but they also dangerously pollute our rivers and oceans, soil, and atmosphere. Already, by-products of industrialization in the atmosphere may be depleting the ozone layer, which screens the planet's surface from harmful ultraviolet rays, and may be creating a buildup of carbon dioxide, which traps heat and could raise the planet's average temperatures significantly. The environmental consequences of a nuclear war, among its other disasters, could alter crucial aspects of all life on earth.


[1] access to and use of ですが、access は「入手または利用できること」、use は「実際に利用すること」だと思ったのですが、いまひとつ訳し方に自信のない部分でもあります。
[2] crucial aspects はもう少しうまい日本語にできないものかと思うのですが。


From the standpoint of other species, the human presence has reduced the amount of the earth's surface available to them by clearing large areas of vegetation; has interfered with their food sources; has changed their habitats by changing the temperature and chemical composition of large parts of the world environment; has destabilized their ecosystems by introducing foreign species, deliberately or accidentally; has reduced the number of living species; and in some instances has actually altered the characteristics of certain plants and animals by selective breeding and more recently by genetic engineering.


[1] chemical composition は土壌や大気中の元素構成のことかと想像したのですが、確信がありません。


What the future holds for life on earth, barring some immense natural catastrophe, will be determined largely by the human species. The same intelligence that got us where we are―improving many aspects of human existence and introducing new risks into the world―is also our main resource for survival.


[1] disaster ではなく catastrophe なので一応「大災害」としてみましたが、「自然大災害」とは、なんだか微妙な言い回しのように見えてしまっています。


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