Science For All Americans 勝手に翻訳プロジェクト Chapter 10: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES
The age of the earth was not at issue for most of human history. Until the nineteenth century, nearly everyone in Western cultures believed that the earth was only a few thousand years old, and that the face of the earth was fixed—the mountains, valleys, oceans, and rivers were as they always had been since their instantaneous creation.
From time to time, individuals speculated on the possibility that the earth's surface had been shaped by the kind of slow change processes they could observe occurring; in that case, the earth might have to be older than most people believed. If valleys were formed from erosion by rivers, and if layered rock originated in layers of sediment from erosion, one could estimate that millions of years would have been required to produce today's landscape. But the argument made only very gradual headway until English geologist Charles Lyell published the first edition of his masterpiece, Principles of Geology, early in the nineteenth century. The success of Lyell's book stemmed from its wealth of observations of the patterns of rock layers in mountains and the locations of various kinds of fossils, and from the close reasoning he used in drawing inferences from those data.
[1] 地質学にはあまり親しんでいないのと、and と of とがたくさん連なってしまっていることから、語句の繋がりがこれであっているかどうか、ちょっと不安だったりします。また、pattern はカタカナで「パターン」としてしまってありますが、層の模様のような見た目としてのパターンのことなのか、層の典型的な現れ方としてのパターンのことなのか、確信がありません。
[2] influence は、なんらかの効果や影響を及ぼす能力や余地を指す言葉だと思いますので、ここではデータの「意味」としてみました。[10-22]
Principles of Geology went through many editions and was studied by several generations of geology students, who came to accept Lyell's philosophy and to adopt his methods of investigation and reasoning. Moreover, Lyell's book also influenced Charles Darwin, who read it while on his worldwide voyages studying the diversity of species. As Darwin developed his concept of biological evolution, he adopted Lyell's premises about the age of the earth and Lyell's style of buttressing his argument with massive evidence.
As often happens in science, Lyell's revolutionary new view that so opened up thought about the world also came to restrict his own thinking. Lyell took the idea of very slow change to imply that the earth never changed in sudden ways—and in fact really never changed much in its general features at all, perpetually cycling through similar sequences of small-scale changes. However, new evidence continued to accumulate; by the middle of the twentieth century, geologists believed that such minor cycles were only part of a complex process that also included abrupt or even cataclysmic changes and long-term evolution into new states.
| 固定リンク
- [3-34],[3-35](2008.04.11)
- [3-31]-[3-33](2008.04.08)
- [3-26]-[3-30](2008.04.05)
- [10-54]-[10-61](2008.03.29)
- [10-36]-[10-41](2008.03.26)