iPhone 16e
release: 0.0.3 last update: $Date: 2007-08-04 10:02:36 +0900 (Sat, 04 Aug 2007) $ Release: 0.0.3 Table of Contents: Introduction Overview Features Comparison with other solutions Benchmark Installation Designer's Guide Notation Convert into JavaScript Code Syntax Checking Context Data File Command-line Context Data Nested Template Layout Template Capturing Template Arguments Preprocessing Other Op
pyKook Users' Guiderelease: 0.7.1 Preface pyKook is a software build tool such as Make, Rake, Ant, SCons or Cook. It is implemented in Python and runs any platform Python support. Basic command (copy, move, rename, mkdir, ...) is also implemented in Python and allows you to execute platform-depended command. pyKook liken build process to cooking. Input file is called 'ingredient', output is 'produ
This book is work in progress, your help is requested @ github この本はまだ執筆中です。協力いただけるなら github まで。 Life On The Edge With Merb, DataMapper & RSpec Foreword (前書き) (TODO) the foreword Preface (序文) This is a collaborative effort to document the features of Merb and DataMapper, while also providing example Merb applications. これは、Merb と DataMapper の機能をドキュメント化しようという、協力的な取り組みです。 また Merb アプリケーションのサンプルも提供します
last update: $Date: 2008-02-24 11:43:28 +0900 (Sun, 24 Feb 2008) $ Release: 0.0.2 Table of Contents: Introduction Overview Features Comparison with other solutions Benchmark Installation Designer's Guide Notation Convert into Perl Code Syntax Checking Context Data File Command-line Context Data Nested Template Layout Template Capturing Template Arguments Preprocessing Other Options Developer's Gui
RubyFlowを翻訳してみるプロジェクト。間違いや誤訳の指摘はコメントでどうぞ。The ongoing hackfest at http://guides.rails.info/ to create up to date and very in depth documentation on the various components of Rails is quickly becoming a valuable resource while the official wiki quickly grows out of date with stale information and dead links. Is it time for an official wiki hackfest to bring it up to snuff or is it something that sho
NOTE: pyTenjin now supports indent-free syntax since version 1.0.0. See this section for details. New embedded notation ({=...=} and {==...==}) is available since version 1.0.0. See this section for details. Since 1.1.0, it is possible to include pair of '{' and '}' inside of '${...}' or '#{...}'. See this section. Overview Tenjin is a very fast and full-featured template engine implemented in pur
Erubis Users' Guide release: 2.7.0 Preface Erubis is an implementation of eRuby. It has the following features. Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C) File caching of converted Ruby script support Auto escaping support Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>' Embedded pattern changeable (default '<% %>') Enable to handle Processing Instr
Tenjin News (2012-02-16) pyTenjin 1.1.0 released (2011-11-27) rbTenjin 0.7.1 released (2011-11-24) rbTenjin 0.7.0 released (2011-04-29) pyTenjin 1.0.2 released (2011-02-22) pyTenjin 1.0.1 released (2011-02-21) pyTenjin 1.0.0 released Introduction Tenjin is a very fast and full-featured template engine available in several script languages. How fast Tenjin is? The following is a result of benchmark
Erubis News [2011-04-01] erubis-2.7.0 released [2010-06-27] erubis-2.6.6 released [2009-07-20] erubis-2.6.5 released [2009-02-18] erubis-2.6.4 released [2009-02-07] erubis-2.6.3 released Introduction Erubis is a fast, secure, and very extensible implementation of eRuby. It has the following features. Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented
Kwalify News (2010-07-18) 0.7.2 released (for Ruby) (2008-01-27) 0.7.1 released (for Ruby) (2008-01-27) 0.7.0 released (for Ruby) (2006-05-30) 0.6.0 released (for Ruby) (2005-12-20) 0.5.1 released (for Ruby and Java). (2005-12-17) 0.5.0 released. (2005-12-17) Kwalify for Java released. Introduction Kwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for YAML and JSON. YAML and JSON are si
Products Kwartz A beautiful template engine. Kwartz can separate presentation logics from html template file, and in the result template is pure HTML file. Kwalify A simple but useful schema validator for YAML and JSON. You can check your YAML or JSON data according to schema definition. Kook Build tool like Make, Rake or Ant for Python and so on. Kook is much powerful than other tools because it
Makoto Kuwata <kwa(at)kuwata-lab.com> last update: $Date: 2005-04-30 10:56:26 +0900 (Sat, 30 Apr 2005) $ KwartzとKwartz-rubyについて Kwartzとは、『プレゼンテーションロジックとプレゼンテーションデータの分離』 (または『プレゼンテーションロジックの独立』)という概念を実現した テンプレートシステムです。 次のような特徴があります。 プレゼンテーションデータからプレゼンテーションロジックを分離できます。 複数のプログラミング言語に対応します: Ruby(eRuby), PHP, Java(JSP), and Velocity. 高速に動作します。 自動サニタイズ機能があります。 HTMLデザインをまったく崩しません。 どんな種類のテキストファイルでも扱うことがで
Kwartz News (2010-10-26) kwartz-ruby 3.2.0 released (2006-10-22) kwartz-ruby 3.1.2 released (2006-09-29) kwartz-ruby and kwartz-php 3.1.1 released (2006-09-24) kwartz-ruby 3.1.0 released (2006-06-01) kwartz-ruby 3.0.0 released Introduction Fig1. Business layer and presentation layer have their own data and logic. Fig2. Kwartz vs. Other template system: Kwartz separates presentation logic from pres