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Knowledge is power, and the entire Stacks platform was built with that philosophy in mind. Information should be easy to access, regardless of the systems and content that exist behind the scenes. Stacks makes information and resources accessible and discoverable with ease. We empower organizations and their teams to maintain fresh experiences for their patrons.
GOBI Library Solutions is the leading provider of e-books, print books and workflow services to academic libraries worldwide. We have the people, tools and expertise to act as an extension of your library and fully support your unique collection development and acquisition needs.
MEDLINE Complete is a leading full-text database of biomedical and health journals, providing full text for thousands of top medical journals with cover-to-cover indexing. It is an essential research tool for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers.
2024年-2025年 年末年始休業のお知らせ 弊社の 2024年-25年、年末年始の休業日および営業について、お知らせいたします。 詳細はリンク先をご参照ください。 詳細はこちら Petroleum Source 新規リリースされました Petroleum Source は、石油(石油製品)の採掘、精製、輸送、およびその世界的な影響を網羅した、新しい全文情報データベースです。 詳細はこちら 日本語オンライン講習会 月次スケジュール公開中 弊社では EBSCOhost データベースをはじめとする弊社製品の利活用法について、日本人トレーナーがご案内するオンライン講習会を毎月開催しております。インターネット環境さえあればどなたでも、無料で参加できます。現在、2024年12月開催予定分 の参加申込みを受け付けています。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。 詳細・参加登録はこちら
EBSCO Discovery Service is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy.
Changing the future one reader at a time We are passionate about helping people fall in love with reading. We believe that libraries are an essential part of strong communities, and that our products can help them deliver exceptional service to readers. The Latest NoveList's blog showcases the best tips for connecting readers, books, and libraries. See what's new
FOLIO 200 Sites Live More than 200 libraries worldwide have implemented FOLIO LSP. Discover the impact of FOLIO through testimonials from our satisfied users. Watch video Petroleum Source Petroleum Source is a new full-text database that covers the extraction, refining and transportation of petroleum products as well as their global impact. Learn more AI at EBSCO EBSCO is dedicated to responsible
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