CES 2025
There are two types of programmers in the world: the practical, sensible, shell-resigned people who need to google the correct argument order for ln -s; and those twisted, Stockholmed souls who will gleefully run their company’s entire infrastructure on 57 commands stitched together into a single-line bash script. This guide is for the former. For the latter: sorry, but I can’t help you. Babashka
Table of Contents Front Matter Foreword Acknowledgements Introduction Part I: Environment Setup Chapter 1: Building, Running, and the REPL Chapter 2: How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor Part II: Language Fundamentals Chapter 3: Do Things: A Clojure Crash Course Chapter 4: Core Functions in Depth Chapter 5: Functional Programming Chapter 6: Organizing Your Project: A Librarian’s Tale Chap
Deep in your innermost being, you’ve always known you were destined to learn Clojure. Every time you held your keyboard aloft, crying out in anguish over an incomprehensible class hierarchy; every time you lay awake at night, disturbing your loved ones with sobs over a mutation-induced heisenbug; every time a race condition caused you to pull out more of your ever-dwindling hair, some secret part
One day, while you are walking down the street, you will be surprised, intrigued, and a little disgusted to discover a hot dog vending machine. Your scalp tingling with guilty curiosity, you won’t be able to help yourself from pulling out three dollars and seeing if this contraption actually works. After accepting your money with a click and a whir, it pops out a fresh hot dog, bun and all. The ve
So far, you’ve focused on becoming familiar with the tools that Clojure provides: immutable data structures, functions, abstractions, and so on. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to think about your programming tasks in a way that makes the best use of those tools. You’ll begin integrating your experience into a new functional programming mindset. The core concepts you’ll learn include: what pure
On your journey to Clojure mastery, your editor will be your closest ally. I highly recommend working with Emacs, but you can, of course, use any editor you want. If you don’t follow the thorough Emacs instructions in this chapter, or if you choose to use a different editor, it’s worthwhile to at least invest some time in setting up your editor to work with a REPL. Two alternatives that I recommen
It was Socrates who first said... “Learning Clojure is the best way you can improve as a programmer because it introduces you to powerful concepts implemented in a simple, cohesive, and practical language. You learn Clojure here. Therefore, Brave Clojure is your very best friend when it comes to programming.” And lo, the syllogism was born! Do you want to learn Clojure, the most powerful and fun p
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