iPad Air
Many people are using Docker as the means to have different Ruby versions or for any other language. I still think the added overhead both in resources usage and usability friction is simply not worth it. I highly recommend against it. Docker is great as the basis for automated infrastrucutres, but I prefer to have them in servers only. I've been using asdf as my main Ruby version manager for a lo
Windows Subsystem for Linux is good, but not enough yet I wrote a premature post in July of 2016 titled "The Year of Linux on the Desktop - It's Usable!" and, indeed, it was (barely) usable. The real "Year of Linux on the Desktop" is still not here. It's getting closer as I will explain. TL;DR this won't be 'yet-another-WSL-install-blog-post', there are already several out there, for example this
Let's continue from where I left off in Part 1 where I quickly described how you can extract reusable model logic from a Rails app into a testable Rubygem. If I were building a secondary Rails app connecting directly to the same database as the first, I could just add the dependency to the extracted gem: gem 'central-support', github: 'Codeminer42/cm42-central-support', branch: 'master', require:
Upcoming built-in Upload Solution for Rails 5.2 (ActiveStorage) Update 07/11/2017: Just after our twitter brainstorm, DHH and @gauravtiwari stepped up and started a new branch to add Direct Upload to Cloud support right away. Of course, it's still work in progress but it will be great that it will come with the support out of the box. Update 07/20/2017: I need to clarify a few points. First, I am
I released THE CONF yesterday. I hope you enjoy the conference program and take advantage of the limited early-bird discount! Anyway, the website itself is super simple. A single page site. I chose to use Rails 5.1 as the site structure because it takes care of all the stuff I'd have to add manually in any other framework. Specially now that that it brings native Yarn and Webpack support it's a br
Personal Thoughts on the Current Functional Programming Bandwagon Today, Git is unanimously the only best way to manage source code. Back in 2009, when it was still gaining traction, there were some detractors. Some would say that they wouldn't use Git because it was written in C, instead of C++. To that, Linus Torvalds famously retorted: *YOU* are full of bullshit. C++ is a horrible language. It'
I am a technologist, basically a nerd. So when I obsess over technical stuff, no matter how small, I just can't sleep calmly until I find reasonable closure. My team, my clients, we've been happily using Slack for more than 2 years, as I believe was true for many teams around the world. Although no one ever complained, I was always annoyed by the small things. First of all, as everything of value,
I've been researching a lot about Linux on the Desktop these days as you may see from my posts about Fedora 25 and Arch Linux (recommended!). There are some things you must have in mind when migrating to Linux systems. Even if you have a top of the line Intel Core i7 Kaby Lake, 32GB of RAM, 2TB M.2 SSDs, you may still benefit from the optimizations I will talk about. One of the best resources is A
Update 01/18/2017: Right after trying out Fedora for a few days, I decided to try Arch Linux and I couldn't be happier. I recommend you try Arch too, it will probably surprise you. You may be also interested about advanced Linux tuning for better responsiveness on the desktop. I've been a long time Ubuntu user. Whenever I need to setup a Linux box I go to straight to the latest LTS. Muscle memory,
"Build a microservice and expose an API." That would be the quick answer if you ask any developer how to share business logic between applications. Although it makes sense in many number of situations, it's not a good answer all the time. My TL;DR for some situations is that you can organize your models logic as ActiveSupport::Concerns (or plain Ruby Modules if you will) and move them out to a Rub
If you're following me you will see that I have been sidetracking to Elixir recently. I will write a big introduction before diving into Crystal, so bear with me. I'll say that the Erlang OTP and it's internals do intrigue me more than just the novelty of the language syntax. I believe that if you want to build highly distributed and also highly reliable systems you will either use Erlang (through
I just read a very well written and important article from OSS contributor Solnic and I have to agree with him in almost every technical point. First of all, it's inevitable but I still hate dramatic headlines, even though I write like this myself sometimes. "My time with Rails is up" like it's saying "And you should leave Rails now too if you're smart". I dismissed the article entirely because of
This is a checklist. You should follow these instructions if you want some peace of mind after deploying an application to production. If you're experienced, please contribute in the comments section below. But if you're a beginner, you should pay attention. Where to Deploy? TL;DR: Heroku Many people will first target the cheap choices. Usually EC2 micro instances or small Digital Ocean droplets.
I was exercising through this 2014's old blog post by Drew Kerrigan where he builds a bare bones, command line-based, chat application, with a client that send messages and commands to a server. This is Elixir pre-1.0, and because it's an exercise I refactored the original code and merged the server (ex_messenger) and client (ex_messenger_client) projects into an Elixir Umbrella project and you ca
If you ask what's the best way to do a fast content site, many people will point you to Jekyll or a similar tool. The concept is simple: nothing will be faster than a statically generated website. But writing a complete website statically is not viable because you will be repeating HTML code for headers, footers, sidebars, and more across all pages. But current tools such as Markdown, SASS, Sprock
Update (25/11/2014): We can finally confirm that yes, the awesome Raptor project is the codename for the next release of Phusion Passenger itself! Read the announcement If you're a seasoned Ruby web developer you're probably familiar and comfortable using the usual suspects to deploy your applications. You're either deploying something simple through good old Thin, or you're orchestrating several
Vocês devem ter notado que agora as tags de cada post estão listadas e são clicáveis, levando a uma listagem de todas as posts com a mesma tag. Essa funcionalidade já existia nos outros sistemas de blog que usei, mas desde que comecei o blog eu nunca gerenciei as tags corretamente. Só que hoje eu tenho mais de 860 artigos. Eu preciso olhar uma a uma e reeditar as tags. Mas o fluxo normal de: abre
Update: This article generated some heat. I've published another post with some of my thoughts about the subject later. RubyConf Brazil 2012 has just finished but the US Rubyconf 2012 will begin on November 1-3, 2012, at Denver, Colorado. While I was finishing my post about the event, I came across this trailer for Why's Documentary, to be released during the US Rubyconf, if I understood correctly
This is the continuation of Part 1. For the Screencast that I did, that inspired this tutorial, click here I am looking for volunteers who are willing to translate this 2 part tutorial into Brazilian Portuguese and someone that can convert this into nice PDFs for everyone to download. I will do it myself eventually but maybe someone else have more time to spare than me right now. Hope you enjoy th
I hope you enjoyed my first article in the series Exploring Tokyo City. Now let me tell my impressions of the RubyKaigi Conference itself. What many may not know is that RubyKaigi is in its 6th iteration and it has always been organized by volunteers effort. Their leader is Masayoshi Takahashi-san. He is also the founder of Nihon Ruby-no-kai (Japan Ruby Group) which also helds the e-zine Rubyist M
This is the first article in a series that will use the Japanese RubyKaigi trip as the background – and a kind of excuse – for something else entirely that I’ll attempt to achieve, though I am not sure if I will be able to succeed. If you don’t know me, my name is Fabio Makoto Akita. Fabio is my Brazilian first name. Makoto is my Japanese first name (considered a middle name in the Western world)
Eu participei da RubyKaigi 2011 e foi uma viagem muito emocionante para mim. Meus avós nasceram no Japão. Eu sou japonês nascido no Brasil de 3a geração. Esta foi a primeira vez que visitei o país de origem dos meus avós. Portanto também foi a primeira vez que decidi participar da RubyKaigi, a conferência mais famosa de Ruby do Japão. E como se isso já não fosse suficiente, ainda pude participar c
Update 2013: I’m not using the configuration described here. Go straight to YADR for a more modern set of dotfiles. Update 04/27/09: I made some updates that you can read about here I’ve been thinking this through for a while about what are the best tools to develop Ruby and Rails project outside of the Mac. Specially on Windows. Netbeans and Eclipse Aptana are good choices and they are evolving f
これは僕のはじめの日本語で核ブログポスト。減った糞な日本語で書くのもすみません、でも今日は"@satokoさん":https://twitter.com/satoko ていうプログラマーと話して何となく日本語で書ムードになりました。僕はブラジル生まれなので、子供のころからアニメや漫画読みながら少しだけ日本語学んだ、でも経験不足です。 残園ながらまだ日本まで旅行した事がまだない。僕はブラジル生まれで Ruby on Railsの初めてのエバンジェリストです。2006年に初めてのRails本がポルトガル語で書きました。ルビーも日本生まれって事は面白い、マッツさんが本当に英雄と思います。 で、ほかの日本人が、もし、このブログを読んだら、日本にRailsがどうやっているか書いてください、すごく興味あります。 どうもよろしくお願いします。 tags: obsolete english
Update Jul/2016: Microsoft has just released the Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and it comes with the very good “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows”. You can use this instead. This post is now obsolete and you should read my latest The Year of Linux on the Desktop: It’s Usable! Update 04/27/09: I made some updates that you can read about here So you’re willing to start on Ruby on Rails. You’re not from nei
Update 06/09: Carlos just reported that they already have ready the First Rails 2.1 PDF Book thanks to the contributors from the Brazilian community that translated from the original Portuguese to English. This is a first! Carlos Brando and Marcos Tapajós are two of the best Railers in Brazil and long time collaborators of our community and they just released a very high quality material today. Ca