Tip 10 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2001 · complexity basic · author Yegappan · version 6.0 Vim remembers the locations you have recently visited (where you jumped from). Each position (file name, column number, line number) is recorded in a jump list, and each window has a separate jump list that records the last 100 positions where a jump occurred. The commands that are regarded as "
This tip presents different methods showing how to insert a list of increasing numbers. Making a list[] It is easy to insert a list of ascending numbers, for example, this command inserts five lines after the current line: :put =range(11,15) The five lines are: 11 12 13 14 15 If wanted, the lines can be inserted after a particular line number, for example :123put =range(11,15) inserts them after l
Tip 16 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2001 · complexity basic · author Yegappan · version 5.7 The "Hit ENTER to continue" prompt is displayed when Vim is about to redraw the screen, but there's text on the screen that you might need to read. This happens when something is displayed on the status line that is wider than the window, and after executing an external command. To reduce how of
Tip 278 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2002 · complexity basic · author vim_power · version 6.0 Vim provides many ways to move the cursor. Becoming familiar with them leads to more effective text editing. h move one character left j move one row down k move one row up l move one character right w move to beginning of next word b move to previous beginning of word e move to end of word W
The coding style for one project may use CamelCase for variables, while another may use under_scores. Here are some Vim procedures to switch between CamelCase and under_score variable names. Converting PHP variables[] This is a simple procedure to change variables names from $this_variable_style to $thisVariableStyle. The commands below define these mappings: + Find the next $variable_with_under
You can easily change your color scheme, but it can be hard to compare several schemes to decide what's best for you. It may help to view a one-page summary of many color schemes. Alternatively, the script presented below allows you to quickly change colors by pressing a key. If you like variety, you can start Vim with a different scheme depending upon the time of day. One page summary of color sc
Proposed tip Please edit this page to improve it, or add your comments below (do not use the discussion page). Please use new tips to discuss whether this page should be a permanent tip, or whether it should be merged to an existing tip. created June 5, 2012 · complexity basic · author Whiteinge · version 7.0 Git ships with support to invoke Vimdiff as a "mergetool" to help resolve merge conflicts
This tip discusses automatic indenting of text that may occur while you are typing, and explains how to disable such automatic indentation. For a general discussion of indenting, see Indenting source code. If you use Vim in a terminal, you may find that pasting from another application changes the indents in the pasted text. See Toggle auto-indenting for code paste to deal with that problem. Disab
Tip 1622 Printable Monobook Previous Next created March 28, 2009 · complexity basic · author Weltensegler · version 7.0 To change the shape of the cursor in different modes, you can add the following into your vimrc: For Terminal on macOS[] "Mode Settings let &t_SI.="\e[5 q" "SI = INSERT mode let &t_SR.="\e[4 q" "SR = REPLACE mode let &t_EI.="\e[1 q" "EI = NORMAL mode (ELSE) "Cursor settings: " 1
Tip 1287 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2006 · complexity basic · author Yakov Lerner · version 7.0 The following small piece changes the color of the statusline when you enter insert mode, and when you leave insert mode. There are no mapping keys or new commands to remember, it works totally automatically. The color codes below are Green in normal mode, and Magenta in insert mode. If yo
It is possible to highlight the line containing the cursor. In addition, the column containing the cursor can be highlighted. Highlighting the line makes it easy to locate the cursor when scrolling through a large file, and highlighting the column can help to check horizontal alignment of text in different lines. Highlighting that moves with the cursor[] Simply putting :set cursorline in your vimr
Tip 1516 Printable Monobook Previous Next created September 1, 2007 · complexity intermediate · author Yegappan Lakshmanan · version 6.0 This is the first part of a three part tutorial on mapping keys in Vim. You can read the other two parts of this tutorial from the following pages: Mapping keys in Vim - Tutorial (Part 2) Mapping keys in Vim - Tutorial (Part 3) Introduction[] Key mapping refers t
When such file-name/line number pairs are the result of compiling code, the following commands are also useful: :help :cn :help :cl :help :cfile The file:line plugin allows you to use combinations of file name and line number, like global.h:123, as an argument to Vim. When you open file:line, the script checks if file exists and line is a number. If so, Vim opens file at the correct line line numb
Pasting text into a terminal running Vim with automatic indentation enabled can destroy the indentation of the pasted text. This tip shows how to avoid the problem. See how to stop auto indenting for automatic indentation issues while you are typing. Background[] If you use Vim commands to paste text, nothing unexpected occurs. The problem only arises when pasting from another application, and onl
Tip 605 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2003 · complexity basic · author Yang Xiangyu · version 6.0 A common requirement, particularly when programming, is to copy or delete text from one location, and use what was copied or deleted to replace text in one or more other locations. This tip describes how this operation is performed using standard Vim techniques, and with some tricks that ma
This tip presents an overview of how to download the source for Vim, then build a Vim executable, and install it on your system. You need to download the C source code and the runtime files (standard plugins, help files, and more). You may also need to download dependencies (packages required for building), and you will need a compiler/linker (free versions are available for almost all systems). S
Tip 1543 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2008 · complexity basic · author Fritzophrenic · version 7.0 Basic use[] A useful feature in many text editors is the ability to search for regular expressions in multiple files. Vim has this feature, but it is a little hard to find. Vim provides these commands for searching files: :grep :lgrep :vimgrep :lvimgrep All of these commands can be used t
Programmers often want to move a line of text up or down, or to some other position. We start by explaining the basics (cut and paste, as well as move), and show how to append to a register. An amazing trick with the redo register is then presented (useful for reordering up to nine lines), and there is a set of mappings so you can press a key to move the current line, or a block of selected lines,
Tip 1294 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2006 · complexity basic · author vagusri · version 5.7 I had been searching for a way to ignore white spaces while using vimdiff. Unfortunately, vimdiff -h yields the generic Vim help. I finally found that including the following line in vimrc solves the problem. set diffopt+=iwhite From the command line use: vimdiff -c 'set diffopt+=iwhite' ... To
Tip 630 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2004 · complexity basic · author Andrzej Cuber · version 6.0 This tip is deprecated for the following reasons: The undo/redo workarounds contained here were broken by Vim version 7.4. A fix has been included as of 7.4.849 to support this without workarounds; this tip needs updating to reflect the new method. This tip discusses methods to automatical
Tip 878 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2005 · complexity intermediate · author Bertram Scharpf · version 6.0 Simple commands to remove unwanted whitespace[] In a search, \s finds whitespace (a space or a tab), and \+ finds one or more occurrences. The following command deletes any trailing whitespace at the end of each line. If no trailing whitespace is found no change occurs, and the e
Tip 1384 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2006 · complexity basic · author Mosh · version n/a Xterm can display text in 256 colors, but it is hard to determine what all those colors are. So below is a list of the approximate names for the 256 default colors in xterm. You can put it in your vimrc or just use it as a reference when in doubt. hi x016_Grey0 ctermfg=16 guifg=#000000 "rgb=0,0,0
It can be hard to maintain consistent use of whitespace characters (space and tab). You may not want spaces before tabs, or trailing whitespace at the end of a line. Sometimes you may want to avoid tabs, or just see where tabs occur. This tip shows several ways to highlight unwanted whitespace. In addition, the tip explains how to use the listchars option (abbreviated to lcs) to indicate when char
Tip 97 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2001 · complexity basic · author newbie · version 6.0 There are a variety of ways to insert a date/time stamp. You can even have Vim automatically update an existing 'last modified' date/time when writing the file. Using strftime()[] Vim's internal strftime() function (:help strftime()) returns a date/time string formatted in a way you specify with a
Please review this tip: This tip was imported from vim.org and needs general review. You might clean up comments or merge similar tips. Add suitable categories so people can find the tip. Please avoid the discussion page (use the Comments section below for notes). If the tip contains good advice for current Vim, remove the {{review}} line. In the GUI version of Vim (gvim), the mapping of keys seem
Tip 530 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2003 · complexity basic · author Th3Fost3rChildr3n · version 6.0 Register % contains the name of the current file, and register # contains the name of the alternate file. These registers allow the name of the current or alternate files to be displayed or inserted. The name, or full path, or directory containing the file can be used. For example, in
Please review this tip: This tip was imported from vim.org and needs general review. You might clean up comments or merge similar tips. Add suitable categories so people can find the tip. Please avoid the discussion page (use the Comments section below for notes). If the tip contains good advice for current Vim, remove the {{review}} line. Duplicate tip This tip is very similar to the following: V
Please review this tip: This tip was imported from vim.org and needs general review. You might clean up comments or merge similar tips. Add suitable categories so people can find the tip. Please avoid the discussion page (use the Comments section below for notes). If the tip contains good advice for current Vim, remove the {{review}} line. There is a nifty feature for gtk 2.x and key bindings. Unf
Tip 1437 Printable Monobook Previous Next created 2006 · complexity basic · author Jesse Read · version 6.0 Some long-time users of Vim have trouble when they try to switch to the Dvorak keyboard layout. They may want to type with the efficiency of the Dvorak layout but use the default Vim layout for navigating and commands (especially the hjkl movement keys). You can continue using the familiar Q