Brushed is Free One Page Responsive HTML Template based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework. It is optimized for Retina Displays ( iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and MacBook Pro Retina). Best for studio, digital agency or creative people. Brushed is provides a powerful way to showcase your work. It is built with the HTML5 and CSS3 latest technologies, but at the same time make it compatible with older browse
Free Collection of 300 Metro-Style Icons for Designers and Developers. Metrize Icons is a free icon set, it works perfectly for your apps or web projects. You may use these icons for both commercial and personal projects and customize them any way you like. All Icons, WebFont and Updates are Free. The download includes: PSD (Single Shape Layer) SVG (Single Icon 512 x 512) EPS AI PDF Web Font The b
Hello everyone and Happy New Year to all, lately i’ve been busy and so i haven’t time to write here, i hope that by this experiment to be pardoned :). I wanted to create with only use of CSS3 the boot, the login page and finally the desktop of the Mac OS X Lion. This is the first release and as you will see not everything is fully functional and at least as regards the desktop. In the next release
CSS3 Hover Effectswith CSS3 Transitions Tutorial by Alessio Atzeni | View Tutorial
Hello guys, this time I will show you other five examples of hover effects using different CSS properties compared to the old tutorial posted on Codrops. In summary, we seek the same method but we will act especially using the border property, as we shall see later that allows us to create very particular effects. Please note that this will only work properly in modern browsers that support the CS
With the implementation of CSS3 can sometimes be unnecessary use jQuery. In this tutorial we will see how to create a simple drop-down menu and insert CSS3 transitions to make it more interactive. This tutorial is compatible with all modern browsers that support CSS3 Transitions. For Internet Explorer that don’t support the transitions you will just see a simple switch on hover. Let’s start! HTML
Hi guys, I wanted to create more CSS3 animations, this time experimenting with different methods to create simple loading animation loop. I used the translate property and the cubic-bezier property. I remember this animations are only visible in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Let’s see this new experiment! First Example CSS3 Loading Animation Loop HTML The markup of this first animation is very simpl
CSS3 Loading Animation LoopTutorial by Alessio Atzeni | View Tutorial Play/Stop Animation Play/Stop Animation Play/Stop Animation