iPad Air
Update: CSS Tools is no longer maintained by me and is available on GitHub. I’ve been using Coda on a more consistent basis lately, primarily due to the inclusion of third party plugins. As I work, I’ll find myself missing a few features from TextMate bundles. Since it’s terribly easy to write your own Coda plugin, I’m going to make a consistent effort to write and maintain a small library of plug
I’m coming to appreciate more and more all of the hard work software developers perform. I wouldn’t consider myself an open source elitist, but there’s something special about the associated ideologies. When a large community of people band together to work on a project, a lot of fantastic products can be created. One such product is WebKit, the open source Web browser rendering engine used by Saf
I have written before about my admiration for Web typography, and in that article I touched on the fact that many “Web safe” fonts can’t be applied to Linux. Linux distributions each ship with their own font libraries, but I’d like to focus on similar typefaces you can use within a font-family to help make your design bulletproof. Like Windows & OS X, Linux does type too I’ve been a Linux user for
When the original Suckerfish HoverLightbox was published, I was honestly surprised at the amount of attention it received. I was a fan of the technique, and I was also really glad that many people took the time to read the entire article instead of just playing with the demo and move on. One thing I was disappointed in, however, was the lack of attention to detail on my part in the demo and exampl
Crop & Resize with JavaScript, PHP, and ImageMagick Update: A new version of this example and demonstration has been released. Version 1.1 includes a GD version of the script as well as a number of functional improvements worth checking out. Update: There has been significant discussion in the comments regarding a GD version of this script. I have re-released v1.0 of this example as a GD version a
Update: If you’re a fan of the Suckerfish HoverLightbox, you’ll probably like the Suckerfish HoverLightbox Redux, a new and improved version. From time to time I come across some truly impressive techniques that are a great blend of CSS, XHTML, and sometimes JavaScript. Personally, I am not a big fan of implementing JavaScript, but it is sometimes unavoidable. That is usually due to circumstances
The most important thing being delivered from any Web site is the content. Therefore, time and effort should be spent on making that content the most accessible aspect of any project. The method in which you style the content intensive elements of your document has a very strong effect on accessibility. There are different ways to style text according to the medium on which the text will appear. I
I build things with code. I’ve been using code to build things for as long as I can remember. I’ve spent many years building websites for clients, and nearly as many years building products that make websites better. I like to focus on the user experience behind those products, which empowers people to use their website even more. One product I built (and then sold) is SearchWP which automatically
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