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By now, many of you have seen the Perl 6 Github issue "Perl" in the name "Perl 6" is confusing and irritating. The issue suggested renaming Perl 6. While some may think that the name of the issue is trolling, or offensive, the actual issue was created by Elizabeth (Liz) Mattijsen, one of the core Perl 6 developers, a long-time Perl 5 developer, and with her spouse, Wendy, has long been an enthusia
Read this article on 6lang.Party When a couple months ago I rekindled the naming debate—the discussion on whether "Perl 6" should be renamed—I didn't expect anything more than a collective groan. That wasn't the case and today, I figured, I'd post a progress report and list the salient happenings, all the way to my currently being the proud owner of 6lang.party domain name. The "Rakudo" Language T
It's been a 100 weeks since the Perl5 to Java compiler started. The compiler is now "good enough" to translate itself to Java. # grab a copy of the project $ git clone [email protected]:fglock/Perlito.git ; cd Perlito $ make clean # create the "perlito5.java" file $ perl perlito5.pl --bootstrapping -Isrc5/lib -Cjava src5/util/perlito5.pl > perlito5.java # compile to ".class" $ time javac -J-Xms2000m
CPAN modules are normally distributed with Makefile.PL or Build.PL, so that people can install them by > perl Makefile.PL > make > make test > make install This makes CPAN modules installable without any CPAN clients help unlike other programing language ecosystem (such as ruby(gem), node(npm)). On the other hand, today, people mostly use CPAN clients (such as CPAN.pm, cpanm) to install CPAN modul
Here's the short version: gender anonymity is protection, and in a male-dominated community many women prioritize safety. A machine parsible list of female CPAN authors threatens their anonymity even if they're not on it. Here's the even shorter version: highlighting gender is advanced and should not be done lightly. A module was recently uploaded to CPAN whose aim was to provide a big list of fem
Hey everyone, Following is the p5p (Perl 5 Porters) mailing list summary for the past week. Enjoy! News and updates Ricardo Signes released Perl 5.24.0! Perl 5.25.0 shortly followed. Dave Mitchell provided 2nd grant report #125, #126, and #127. Dave also provided the monthly grant report for April. Another highlight related to Coro, which given a simple patch provided below, can compile and work w
Looks very interesting. how do you plan on versioning? e.g. if it's based on perl-5.22.1, and you release cperl-5.22.1, but then need to make fixes etc, would it be cperl- Also is it stable/production ready? I've not had a chance to test it yet, but I've always liked the idea of optional types in perl, as I guess have a fair few people, otherwise they wouldn't be there in perl6. There's a
We've had another hackathon at work. This time Bosko, Bruno, Frederico, Yati, and I hacked on the Perlito Perl5-to-Java compiler. We started adding unit tests - so that we can automatically extract a list of implemented features; the existing Perl tests are not properly organized "by feature". The latest additions to the Java backend are: "local" and "our" keywords; "sort", "map", and "grep" keywo
This is a Japanese summary of Grants Committee Charter, How to write a proposal and Grant Benefits. YAPC::Asiaが目の前に迫ってきました。日本のPerl使いの皆様向けにThe Perl Foundation内のGrants Committeeの活動を紹介します。 以前Grants Committee委員の牧から案内がありましたように、Grants CommitteeはPerlの開発に貢献する個人に1万ドルを上限として助成金の交付を行っています。もちろん日本の皆さんも対象で、最近はmoznion氏のPerl::Lintが採択されました。以下に私たちの活動理念と助成金の応募方法を記します。少し長いですがどうぞお付き合いを。 Grants Committeeの紹介 Grants Commi
So, I have been meaning to start a Perl 6 blog for a couple of months. At that point, though, this site was having issues and I have this perverse desire to write blog software every time I think about blogging and so things got put off for a bit. I am now starting this here and I want to get write off and start with what I think is my most important Perl 6 contribution thus far and one I want to
Howdy Perlites, After over 2.5 years of work, I'm very proud to (finally) announce the full release of RPerl v1.0 on CPAN! Installation should now be as simple as: $ cpan RPerl OR $ cpanm RPerl For more information about install options, please see: https://github.com/wbraswell/rperl/blob/master/INSTALL As outlined in step 3 of the install notes file, we can now automatically compile our test prog
Get Ready to Party! Larry Wall If you are reading this and you didn't hear that Larry bit the bullet, rolled the dice, flipped the coin, shattered the space time continuum...breathe... then you really are going to get a shock. Larry has announced that the Perl 6 Developers will attempt to make a development release of Version 1.0 of Perl 6.0 in time for his 61st Birthday this year and a Version 1.
Unless something comes up, I plan to release the new Test-Simple, with refactored and new internals, on Saturday January 10'th. Test-Simple-1.301001_096 This trial version has been on cpan since December 28'th. No issues have been reported against this trial version. Assuming that does not change I will re-release it as stable. Now is absolutely the time to check your code against this new version
If you join the CPAN pull request challenge, then at the start of each month in 2015 you'll be emailed a (somewhat) randomly selected CPAN distribution. You'll have one month to submit at least one pull request. You don't have to be an experienced Perl programmer, CPAN author, or githubber. The goal is to help others, possibly learn something, and hopefully have a bit of fun. If you want to sign u
Howdy folks. I offered to help Tim Bunce maintain Memcached::libmemcached earlier this year and managed to get a single release out with a few fixes. I intended a second release to solve some compilation issues, but never got around it, and I'm not sure I ever will - there's still more work to do to there, and my time/interests have moved on. I'm looking for someone to take over maintainership of
plenv is one of perl building tools. As similar tool, perlbrew is famous. I use both tools based on some environment. plenv install and setting is little hard job. Tasks are clone of some git repository, rewrite shell profile file and reload it, and so on. plenvsetup supports your such tasks. It is written by Satoshi AZUMA a.k.a @ytnobody / PAUSE: YTURTLE and some contributers. When you want to se
(This blog post will serve as a document that I point to for people to read when I suggest people renaming their third-party-API modules [although not necessarily always from Net:: to WWW:: or WebService::]. I'm currently on a Questhub quest that does exactly this.) Perl being a glue language, people write many modules to connect to third-party API services. These days, most public API services ar
In December last year released the first version of Time::Moment. I don't foresee any major changes in Time::Moment 0.16 API, so in next release I'll remove the "early preview release" notice in the description. I have been using 0.16 in production two different deployments with great success, by removing DateTime from the ORM we have seen significantly reduced the memory usage and CPU usage and i
A couple months back Schwern handed me the keys to Test::Builder and friends. Initially I planned to try and knock out little bugs and simply maintain stability... That plan failed and I ended up spending a lot of time giving it a major overhaul for a feature Schwern and I agreed would be very nice. Result Streaming. This was further prompted by a minor change to a specific diagnostic message that
We've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes on MetaCPAN lately and we've come to the realization that we needed some private repository hosting. In the past, we've reached out to companies where we had contacts, and they've been happy to help. Last night, I wondered if anyone on Twitter would be able to help us out. That was at 11:17 PM EST. By 12:27 AM Johannes Plunien had forwarded my reque
Perl 5.19.9 was released today, and it includes some exciting new features like subroutine signatures, and postfix dereferencing. The 5.19.X line also includes a number of optimisations that I'd like to discuss briefly, without going into too much detail (I hope). Combined and/or operators in void context The first improvement was added back in 5.19.6, and effects and and or operators in void cont
Installing Term::ReadLine::Gnu on OS X, the easy way If you try to install Term::ReadLine::Gnu on Mac OS X, you will ordinarily run into this unpleasantry from the Makefile.PL (which will likely end up in such as ~/.cpanm/build.log): The libreadline you are using is the libedit library. Use the GNU Readline Library. Here I will assume that you are using Homebrew and have installed GNU Readline: br
I have recently returned to working on Arriba, the PSGI-compliant web server with support for the SPDY protocol, modeled on Starman. I sort of released it (on GitHub only, not on CPAN) back in January, at that time the code was passing the tests in Plack::Test::Suite when running as a regular HTTP/HTTPS server. My next goal, before considering the module ready to be released on CPAN, was to make i
Here's a brief look-back of YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 using the official photo set, hosted by 30 Days Album. All the talk slides (at least the ones that the speakers uploaded) are available on our site, along with videos from each talk. The videos can also be checked out from our Youtube page Also, if you find this interesting, you might want to read Miyagawa's blog post about it, too Day 0 Day 0 has
Due to popular demand, I'm going to post a summary/transcript of my presentation for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013, titled "Fighting Legacy Code". It's also the presentation that I would've given if I didn't cancel my attendance for YAPC::NA Austin 2013. Because I wrote all this in a rush, the language is very terse. Please let me know on twitter (@lestrrat) if somethings don't make sense. You could also
While it's still just started, goccy, a Japanese hacker who has been working on rather cool modules, has been working on PerlMotion, which allows you to write iOS apps in Perl. I'm not an iOS guy so I haven't delved too deep into it, but other than the fact that it could use a bit more packaging love, I head that something is actually running on iOS... Although I'm not involved in project, I perso
C::TinyCompiler, a just-in-time C compiler for Perl There are many things you might do to speed up your Perl code. After profiling and benchmarking, you revise the slow spots, or maybe try a different algorithm. If you still need more speed, you may use Inline::C, or use PDL if you are doing numerics, or even write your own XS code. Reini Urban has even tried to create a Perl Backend that rewrites
I recently started porting Plack to the p5-mop and yesterday I completed the "straight" port of the code. This means I didn't try to refactor anything to take advantage of any p5-mop features, I just converted plain Perl classes to their p5-mop equivalent. My main reasoning for doing this was that I really wanted to push this prototype in real world scenarios, not just contrived tests and simplist
Everyone knows all that command-line stuff is for weirdo geeks, right? ;-) So let's bring Data::Dumper kicking and screaming into the 21st century and give it a pretty GUI! Introducing Data::Dumper::GUI; a GUI for Data::Dumper. It allows you to view your data structures as a tree with collapsible nodes. Data::Dumper::GUI is built using Prima (a rather nice GUI toolkit designed specifically for Per
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