Rust buildCurrently, the Rust components are built differently on Android vs Linux. We are missing Rust support in our GN toolchain so we currently build the Rust libraries as a staticlib and link in C++. This may change in the future once we have better support. For now, you can build all of the Rust code using Cargo. There are some dependencies: You must have the protobuf-compiler package instal
Jetpack is a suite of libraries, tools, and guidance to help developers write high-quality apps easier. These components help you follow best practices, free you from writing boilerplate code, and simplify complex tasks, so you can focus on the code you care about. Jetpack comprises the androidx.* package libraries, unbundled from the platform APIs. This means that it offers backward compatibility
Demo mode for the status bar allows you to force the status bar into a fixed state, useful for taking screenshots with a consistent status bar state, or testing different status icon permutations. Demo mode is available in recent versions of Android. Enabling demo modeDemo mode is protected behind a system setting. To enable it for a device, run: adb shell settings put global sysui_demo_allowed 1
Report issues to GitHub. For Android Studio issues, follow the docs on the Android Studio site. AnnouncementsLLD is now available for testing. AOSP is in the process of switching to using LLD by default and the NDK will follow (timeline unknown). Test LLD in your app by passing -fuse-ld=lld when linking. The Play Store will require 64-bit support when uploading an APK beginning in August 2019. Sta
android / platform / build / lollipop-releasecommit750a343e0d1a9412f0be1dd24bda38a68c1aa567[log] [tgz]authorThe Android Automerger <[email protected]>Fri Mar 27 07:37:46 2015 -0700committerThe Android Automerger <[email protected]>Fri Mar 27 07:37:46 2015 -0700tree0412c2dfb1e9daa3eb57d267a2de295c61806b89parentdb01341c9ab8f38235f9ef90f12307f6552553d2 [diff]"LRX22L" core/build_id.mk[di
Dalvik is dead, long live Dalvik! DO NOT MERGE croot cd dalvik repo start dalvik-is-dead-long-live-dalvik . repo sync -c . git rm -r README.txt git rm -r dexopt git rm -r tools/deadcode.py git rm -r tools/dex-preopt git rm -r tools/dexcheck git rm -r tools/dexdeps git rm -r tools/gdbjithelper git rm -r unit-tests git rm -r vm git checkout vm/Common.h (needed by libdex) git checkout vm/DalvikVersio
9424680 Merge "Add some missing @Deprecated annotations." by Jeff Davidson · 8 years ago main master n-iot-preview-4 nougat-iot-release sdk-release android-n-iot-preview-4 android-n-iot-release-ihome-igv1 android-n-iot-release-lg-thinq-wk7 android-n-iot-release-polk-at1 android-n-iot-release-smart-display android-n-iot-release-smart-display-r2 android-n-mr2-preview-1 android-n-mr2-preview-288fb6bf
android / platform / frameworks / volley / refs/heads/maincommit9424680a52bc7804e0c7f0f71c2f1ea282f10cdd[log] [tgz]authorJeff Davidson <[email protected]>Wed Dec 28 17:36:53 2016 +0000committerGerrit Code Review <[email protected]>Wed Dec 28 17:36:53 2016 +0000tree18e3d5cf0ba1efb4cabea9a0acc9ba9241a6bd2fparent4ad53e3321d9bed5a216d65623d92c91c5457e55 [diff]parent88fb6bf04b961da9b149e
Git repositories on androidNameDescriptionaccessories/manifestassets/android-studio-ux-assetsBug: 32992167brillo/manifestcts_drno_filterParent project for CTS projects that requires Dr.No +2's.device/aaeon/upboarddevice/amlogic/yukawaBug: 122486287device/amlogic/yukawa-kernelBug: 122486287device/asus/debdevice/asus/flodevice/asus/flo-kerneldevice/asus/fugudevice/asus/fugu-kerneldevice/asus/grouper
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