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Low-cost measurement of face mask efficacy for filtering expelled droplets during speech View ORCID ProfileEmma P. Fischer1, View ORCID ProfileMartin C. Fischer2,3,*, View ORCID ProfileDavid Grass2, View ORCID ProfileIsaac Henrion4, View ORCID ProfileWarren S. Warren2,3,5,6 and Eric Westman71Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA.2Department of Chemistry, D
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) now supports payload-based message filtering, expanding the feature set that already supported attribute-based message filtering. With this release, you can apply subscription filter policies to filter out messages based on their contents, unlocking a variety of workloads. You may use this new capability to filter events from 60+ AWS services that pu
Front-End Web & Mobile Create real-time applications via serverless WebSockets with new AWS AppSync GraphQL subscriptions filtering capabilities With AWS AppSync you can create serverless GraphQL APIs that simplify application development by providing a single endpoint to securely query or update data from multiple data sources, and leverage GraphQL subscriptions to implement engaging real-time ap
What exactly is a displacement filter? In this article, Dirk Weber explains the SVG feDisplacementMap filter primitive with a good number of examples to demonstrate the concept of animated displacement maps. Even today, the magic, wicked realm of SVG Filter Effects is largely uncharted territory. The art of SVG filtering is still surrounded by an aura of alchemy: you have to bravely dive into a da
Dracan is a specialized software solution designed to enhance filtering and validation capabilities within Kubernetes (k8s) environments. It aims to be lightweight middleware between ingress and applications. This tool focuses on several key functionalities: HTTP Method Filtering: Dracan allows you to filter specific HTTP methods, ensuring that only allowed request types can interact with your app
AWS Lambda now provides content filtering options for SQS, DynamoDB and Kinesis as event sources. With event pattern content filtering, customers can write complex rules so that their Lambda function is only triggered by SQS, DynamoDB, or Kinesis under filtering criteria you specify. This helps reduce traffic to customers’ Lambda functions, simplifies code, and reduces overall cost. Customers can
Amazon EventBridge now supports additional filtering capabilities including the ability to match against characters at the end of a value (suffix filtering), to ignore case sensitivity (equals-ignore-case), and to have a single EventBridge rule match if any conditions across multiple separate fields are true (OR matching). We’re also increasing the bounds supported for numeric values to -5e9 to 5e
AWS Compute Blog Introducing payload-based message filtering for Amazon SNS This post is written by Prachi Sharma (Software Development Manager, Amazon SNS), Mithun Mallick (Principal Solutions Architect, AWS Integration Services), and Otavio Ferreira (Sr. Software Development Manager, Amazon SNS). Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a messaging service for Application-to-Application (A2A)
Let's dive into Filtering event sources for AWS Lambda functionsAWSlambdasqsKinesis はじめに 今まで、 Kinesis Data Streams + AWS Lambda Amazon SQS+ AWS Lambdaのバックエンド、 Amazon SNS + Amazon SQS + AWS Lambda といったアーキテクチャをお客様のアプリケーションの中に組み込んできた中で、よくやっていたのが、Lambda Functions内で処理すべきデータか判断する、あるいは、判断を後に任せてとりあえず全部処理したり、不要なデータをスキップしたりしていました。これは、従量課金制のLambdaに対して、本来、処理対象ではないはずの不要なデータを投入し処理し、AWSサービス利用料、処理時間等に多少なりとも影響があった
FilteringWith Qdrant, you can set conditions when searching or retrieving points. For example, you can impose conditions on both the payload and the id of the point. Setting additional conditions is important when it is impossible to express all the features of the object in the embedding. Examples include a variety of business requirements: stock availability, user location, or desired price rang
[CircleCI][Orbs][path-filtering]特定ディレクトリに差分が出たらterraform applyを適用するように実装してみた投稿者: adachin 投稿日: 2021/10/162021/10/16 [DigitalOcean]Terraform開発環境構築とterraform applyをCircleCIのAPI経由でリリースするように実装してみた 先日書いたブログで、Terraformの開発環境は特に問題ないのですが、誰でもterraform applyをCircleCIのAPIで叩けてしまうことに対して懸念点がありました。その際inamuuさんにアドバイスをもらったところ、Orbsの path-filtering を利用すればTerraformのコードに差分が出ればterraform applyを実行できるとのことなので早速実装してみました。 GitHu
Continuing on the collaborative filtering theme from my collaborative filtering with binary data example i’m going to look at another way to do collaborative filtering using matrix factorization with implicit data. This story relies heavily on the work of Yifan Hu, Yehuda Koren, Chris Volinsky in their paper on Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback as well as code and concepts from Ben Fre