May 19th, 2022 @ justine's web page Logging C Functions One of my favorite features of the Cosmopolitan Libc runtime is its --ftrace flag that logs C function calls. It's the simplest system for debugging programs I've ever used and it surprises me that I found no evidence of someone having invented it before. Here's one of its most important use cases. Have you ever had you debugger stupified by
Cedro Español, English Cedro is a C language extension that works as a pre-processor with eight features: The backstitch macro x@ f(), g(y); â f(x); g(x, y); (related work). Deferred resource release auto ... or defer ... (related work). Break out of nested loops break label; (related work). Notation for array slices array[start..end] (related work). Block macros #define { ... #define }. Loop macr
About CBMC CBMC is a Bounded Model Checker for C and C++ programs. It supÂports C89, C99, most of C11/C17 and most compiÂler extenÂsions provided by gcc, clang, and Visual Studio. AÂ variant of CBMC that analyses Java bytecode is available as JBMC. CBMC verifies memory safety (which includes array bounds checks and checks for the safe use of pointers), checks for exÂcepÂtions, checks for various va
This is a reference implementation of a C language mechanism and library-based implementation for error handling and deferred cleanup adapted from similar features in the Go Programming Language. This mechanism improves the of cleanup and error handling over existing language features. The intent is to integrate the basic tools that are provided here into the C standard by providing a new library
(The old master has moved to historical/old branch. This is a new one uploaded in September 2020.) chibicc is yet another small C compiler that implements most C11 features. Even though it still probably falls into the "toy compilers" category just like other small compilers do, chibicc can compile several real-world programs, including Git, SQLite, libpng and chibicc itself, without making modifi
nsync is a C library that exports various synchronization primitives: locks condition variables run-once initialization waitable counter (useful for barriers) waitable bit (useful for cancellation, or other conditions) It is not an offical Google product. nsync may be desirable in place of pthread primitives in some cases: - nsync locks are reader-writer locks (but are as efficient as mutexes). -
The Safe C Library provides bound checking memory and string functions per ISO/IEC TR24731. These functions are alternative functions to the existing standard C library that promote safer, more secure programming. The ISO/IEC Programming languages â C spec, C11, now includes the bounded APIs in Appendix K, "Bounds-checking interfaces". This latest upload supports building static library, a shared
Wuffs is a memory-safe programming language (and a standard library written in that language) for Wrangling Untrusted File Formats Safely. Wrangling includes parsing, decoding and encoding. Example file formats include images, audio, video, fonts and compressed archives. It is "ridiculously fast". Per its benchmarks and other linked-to blog posts: It can decode bzip2 1.3x faster than /usr/bin/bzca
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