Aratake-sensei provides an inside scoop about the UNC Summer in Tokyo program...
Kyoungjin Bae
Dr. Kyoungjin Bae joins the DAMES faculty...
Keren He
Dr. Keren He has won a 2024-25 academic fellowship...
Pamela Lothspeich
Dr. Pamela Lothspeich has received a Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship for the spring semester of 2024! She is also the co-editor...
Morgan Pitelka
Morgan Pitelka, recipient of the Bernard L. Herman Distinguished Professorship, has recently published two new books...
Morgan Pitelka
Dr. Morgan Pitelka (UNC–Chapel Hill) and Matthew Hayes (Duke University) gave a joint lecture titled...
Yurika Tamura
An interview with Dr. Yurika Tamura, one of the newest faculty members here in DAMES...
Robin Visser
Robin Visser has been promoted to the rank of full professor!
Robin Visser
Dr. Robin Visser has published a new book...
Claudia Yaghoobi
Claudia Yaghoobi has been promoted to the rank of full professor!
Claudia Yaghoobi
We are thrilled to announce that Professor Yaghoobi has been selected to serve on the Modern Language Association's (MLA) ALD Executive Committee (Association of Language Departments) for a three-year term beginning...