#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump qw(dump); use Perl6::Say; use SQL::String; sub ss { my ($sql, @params) = @_; SQL::String->new($sql, @params); } my ($country_min_population, $city_min_population) = (50000000, 1000000); my $sub_query = ss(q|SELECT Code FROM Country WHERE Population > ?|, $country_min_population); my $query = q|SELECT ID, Name, CountryCode, District, Population FROM City WHERE CountryCode IN (| . $sub_query . ss(q|) AND Population > ?|, $city_min_population); say dump(+{ sql => $query->sql, params => $query->params_ref, }); __END__ SELECT ID, Name, CountryCode, District, Population FROM City WHERE CountryCode IN (SELECT Code FROM Country WHERE Population > 50000000) AND Population > 1000000;
{ params => [50000000, 1000000], sql => "SELECT ID, Name, CountryCode, District, Population FROM City WHERE CountryCode IN (SELECT Code FROM Country WHERE Population > ?) AND Population > ?", }
SQL::String objects ALWAYS evaluate as true, stringify to just the SQL, and act properly in concatination, merging in other parameters in the correct order as expected.
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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump qw(dump); use Perl6::Say; use SQL::String; sub ss { SQL::String->new(@_); } sub sql_list { my @sqls = @_; ss( join(', ' => @sqls), map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'SQL::String') ? $_->params : $_ } @sqls ); } sub args { my @items = @_; ss( substr('?, ' x @items, 0, -2), map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'SQL::String') ? $_->params : $_ } @items ); } sub args_list { '(' . args(@_) . ')'; } sub bulk_insert { my ($table, $columns, @values) = @_; my $sql = ss('INSERT INTO ' . $table . '(' . join(', ', @$columns) . ') VALUES '); $sql .= sql_list(map { args_list(@$_) } @values); $sql; } my $sql = bulk_insert( 'foo', [qw/a b c/], ( [ 0 .. 2 ], [ 3 .. 5 ], [ 5 .. 7 ], ), ); say dump(+{ sql => $sql->sql, params => $sql->params_ref, }); __END__
{ params => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7], sql => "INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)", }