- Aemj ndat nanz gwn, sim vunz nanz rox. 粥热难吃,人心难测。 Hot porridge is hard to eat, a man’s heart is hard to predict.
- Aen daej rek ranzranz ndaem doxdoengz. 家家的锅底一样黑。 Every family’s pot has a black bottom.
- Aen gyaeq mbouj dek nengznyaen mbouj. 苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋。 Flies do no eat uncracked eggs.
- Aen gyong caeg daeuj mbouj gamj roq. 偷来的锣鼓不敢敲。 The thief dares not strike his stolen gong.
- Aen gyong ceiq yiengj, congh ndaej ceiq vaiq. 最响的鼓,破得最快。 The louder the drum, the sooner it’s broken.
- Aen mbei vaih rek aemj. 一只胆坏了一锅粥。 An animal’s gall destroys a pot of porridge.
- Aen muh cien diuz heuj, gveux ndij diuz duk ndeu. 石磨千条齿,编篮一条篾。 A stone mill has a thousand molar teeth, a basket is woven from one strip of bamboo.5
- Aen rap yied naek, rizdin yied laeg. 担子越重,脚印越深。 The heavier the load, the deeper the footprint.
- Aenq haeux haeuj cang, aenq ndang caiz buh. 计谷进仓,量体裁衣。 Weigh the rice before putting it in the barn, measure the body before making the clothes.
- Aeu baengh song cik fwngz, gwn daenj yienghyiengh miz. 要靠两只手,吃穿样样有。 Working with both hands, you get food and clothes.
- Aeu ngeggomq guh naj. 用木面具作脸皮。 Wear a wooden mask on the face.
- Aeu son lwg bienq lungz, gaej son lwg baenz guk. 要教子成龙,莫纵子成虎。 Teach the child to be a dragon, do not allow him to be a tiger.
- Amq ndeu mbouj ndaej gwn song aen ceiz. 一口难吃两个馍。 You cannot swallow two steamed buns in one gulp.
- Baengz hau haeuj gang romj, nyumx ndaej daengx ndang fonx. 白布进黑缸,染得一身黑。 Put white cloth into the vat and take black cloth out.
- Baenz baez ceiq in, aiqcingz ceiq naek. 脓疮最痛,爱情最重。 An abscess is the most painful condition, love is the heaviest.
- Baenz saeh youq gaenx,baih saeh youq gik. 成事在勤,败事在懒。 Success owes itself to diligence, failure to laziness.
- Baez ndeu deng ngwz haeb,cib bi lau gaeu daep. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕野藤。 A snake bite brings fear of vines for ten years.
- Bak gangj sim mbouj riengz. 口说心不随。 One’s mouth does not speak one’s heart.
- Bak ngoenz bumz fwn cungj miz ngoenz rongh. 百日阴雨总有一晴。 There is one sunny day even in a hundred rainy days.
- Bak yiengh haeux ciengx bak yiengh vunz. 百样米养百样人。 As many kinds of rice, as many different people.
- Bei baenz raem yiengzboux. 摇摆不定如羊卵。 He swings like a sheep testicles.
- Bij myaiz coq feiz dawz. 吐口水都燃火。 Even spit can be burnt into fire.
- Bik vaizdaeg roengz lwg. 逼公牛生崽。 Force an ox to bear a calf.
- Bit raen raemx cix maj, gyaj raen bwnh cix ndei. 鸭见水就长,苗见肥才好。 Ducks grow well in water, seedlings flourish in manure.
- Bo sang heih gvaq, dah laeg nanz vaij. 高坡易过,河深难涉。 It is easy to climb up a high mountain, it is hard to cross a deep river.
- Bongz baenz ceiz saz. 像火煨糍粑一样胀。 He grows bigger like a ciba that is burning in the fire.
- Bonjdeih lwgceu ciuqyiengh manh,bonjdeih byanouq ciuqyiengh raeuz. 本地辣椒照样辣,本地泥鳅照样滑。 The local pepper is also spicy, the local loach is also slick.
- Boq raemz raen haeux,raemx saw raen rin. 吹糠见米,水干见石。 Blow off the bran to see rice, dry up the river to see stones.
- Boux daeuj mbouj lau,boux lau mbouj daeuj. 来者不怕,怕者不来。 The one who comes is not frightened, the one who is frightened does not come.
- Boux daihfueng gangj leix,boux siujheiq doxceng. 大度的人讲理,小气的人争吵。 A generous man reasons, a petty man argues.
- Boux dangh raemx feuh ndaej bya gungq,boux dangh raemx laeg ndaej lungzhung. 涉浅水者得鱼虾,涉深水者得蛟龙。 The man in shallow water gets fish and shrimp, the man in deep water gets a flood dragon.
- Boux gonq ndaem mak,boux laeng yiengj fuk. 先人种果,后人享福。 Trees are planted by forefathers, fruits are eaten by descendants.
- Boux mengz da fangz sim mbouj fangz. 瞎子眼瞎心不瞎。 A blind man cannot see but his heart can (feel).
- Boux ndeu cawj byaek nanz hab bak vunz. 一人煮菜难合百人口味。 One man’s cooking is not to a hundred men’s taste.
- Boux ndeu guh ranz youh guh yiuj,cien boux guh miuh ndi daengz gwnz. 一人建屋又建房,千人做不成小庙堂。 One man can build a house, a thousand men cannot set up a small temple.
- Boux ndeu euq mbouj gvaq gyoengq. 一人不拗众。 One man cannot change the minds of a crowd.
- Bouxcaeuz naj riu ndaw sim doeg. 仇人脸笑心狠毒。 An enemy with a smiling face has an evil heart.
- Bouxgeq ginggvaq gijmaz gangj gijmaz, lwgnyez raen daengz gijmaz naeuz gijmaz. 老人经历啥就讲啥,小孩看到啥就说啥。 An old man says what he has experienced, a child says what he has seen.