
The Zoologische Gärten Berlin have been an established institution in this city for many decades. Zoo Berlin has served as a unique retreat for entire generations through the years. The deep solidarity of the supporters is based on countless beautiful zoo memories that many people still have in their hearts to this day.

Preserving historical heritage and shaping the future

The Berlin Zoo has the potential to inspire many guests in the future. Every support is used conscientiously and makes a contribution to the careful further development of the Zoo Berlin. As a non-profit stock corporation dedicated to the species conservation, Zoologische Gärten Berlin are exempt from inheritance tax. Therefore, the Zoo Berlin and its animals can particularly benefit.

Still got questions?


Arranging your own estate is a very personal matter. There is a lot to consider with this emotional issue.

We would be happy to inform you in a personal meeting.

Christian Waibel
Hardenbergplatz 8
10787 Berlin

Email: c.waibel@zoo-berlin.de



We are planning the construction of a new Ape House that will provide varied habitats that better resemble the homes of our gorillas.

I want to help


The Zoo Berlin foundation promotes concrete measures for the welfare of animals in the zoo and supports Zoo Berlin financially in the implementation of species protection in the wild.

Learn more


Opening hours

Today, 17. February
9:00 - 16:30
Last admission: 15:30
Opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Panda talk 11:00
  • Chimpanzees 13:30
All feedings


Zoo map