
During Tuesday’s regular meeting, Yankton County Commissioner Dan Klimisch — a retired Army officer and Iraqi War veteran — spoke angrily about proposed cuts of all state funding to veteran service offices (VSO), harming veterans needing assistance.

“Unfortunately, we saw from the (governor’s) budget address that the state plans to cut all the reimbursement benefits for veteran service officers for the tribes and counties, which is unfortunate,” he said.

(1) comment

Larry Skow

Come on Dan. You really didn't think the politicians would keep helping the veterans who helped keep America free--did you? Noem no doesn't have to worry what South Dakota thinks about her. She on to bigger, better things in D.C. Big budget at DHS lots of power. She will fit right in with soon to be Ex speaker Johnson and other turn coat GOP. Why look at that stop gap spending bill they were going to run up our rears. Johnson and bunch of buddies are as bad as Democrats. I bet Thune had his fingers in that as well.

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