Jean Hunhoff

Sen. Jean Hunhoff, R-Yankton, was given flowers by her fellow lawmakers in November to honor her for being the longest-serving female lawmaker in South Dakota history.  

Jean Hunhoff’s historic tenure in the South Dakota Legislature is coming to a close.

The Yankton Republican has represented Legislative District 18 — both in the House of Representatives and the Senate — for 24 years in Pierre.

(1) comment

Larry Skow

WHOA. Let's hold off on the big whoop de doo congrats. Let's ask our self's why congrat someone whose 18 years in policy making resulted in HISTORIC rise in property taxes. Not just one year--but year after year after year. Why do we constantly reward bad job? Who was she really "working' for during those years. Don't seem to be the voters. She got whined and dined by lobbyist's and property owners got the SHAFT.

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