鉄鋼製造の副産物である鉄鋼スラグの種類や用途について解説しています。 提供 鐵鋼スラグ協会 URL http://www.slg.jp/ |
スラグ用語集 のさくいん
- bacillariophyc
- backfill
- backfilling
- ballast
- bank
- bark
- bark compost
- basalt
- base course
- base creation technique of seaweed bed
- base exchange capacity
- basic oxygen furnace slag
- basicity
- batcher plant
- beach erosion
- beach sand
- bearing capacity
- bearing power of soil
- bed
- belite
- Benkelman-beam test
- benthos
- BF slag
- binder
- binder course
- biological oxygen demand
- bituminous material
- bituminous stabilization
- blaine air permeability test
- blast furnace
- blast furnace slag
- blast furnace slag coarse aggregate
- blast furnace slag fine aggregate
- blast furnace slag for road construction
- bleeding
- blended cement
- blow count
- blue tide
- BOF slag
- boiling test
- bond strength
- boring
- bottom materials
- boulder
- brackish
- brackish lake
- broken stone
- brown coat second coat
- bulk density
- B交通