オペレーションズ・リサーチに関する概念や理論などについて解説しています。 提供 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 URL http://www.orsj.or.jp/ |
OR事典 のさくいん
- 絞込み
- T
- TA
- TB
- TC
- TD
- TE
- TF
- TG
- TH
- TI
- TJ
- TK
- TL
- TM
- TN
- TO
- TP
- TQ
- TR
- TS
- TT
- TU
- TV
- TW
- TX
- TY
- TZ
- T(50音)
- T(タイ文字)
- T(数字)
- T(記号)
- tableau
- tabu search
- tail of waiting time distribution
- Takács
- tandem queue
- target
- target costing
- target distribution
- target position finding problem by position lines
- target with lifetime
- Tarjan
- taxi stand model
- technical analysis
- technical efficiency
- technological ordering
- technology forecasting
- term structure
- text mining
- theorem of alternatives
- theory of auction
- theory of constraints
- Thomas L.
- three field notation in scheduling
- three time estimate
- three-mirror theory
- throughput
- tightness of stochastic process
- time advance mechanism
- time bucket
- time homogeneity
- time series analysis
- time table
- time tabling problem
- time value of money
- topology-oriented method
- total capacity of tree
- total group rationality
- total quality control
- total quality management
- total unimodularity
- totally dual integrality
- trade-off analyses
- trading area/location model
- traffic
- traffic equation
- traffic intensity
- traffic policy
- trait
- transferable utility
- transition
- transition probability
- transition probability matrix
- transition rate
- transition rate matrix
- transportation problem
- traveling salesman problem
- tree
- tree diagram
- triangular distribution of velocity
- triangulation
- trunk reservation
- trust region method
- TSP polytope
- Tucker
- two-person bargaining problem
- two-person zerosum game
- two-stage programming problem