ÛÙÚº Ú¯ÙتگÙØ¦Û Ø§ÙÙت دÙÚسپ Û٠کرÛÚº Ú¯Û
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Yun Guftugu-e-ulfat Dilchasp Hum Karenge
ÛÛ Ú©ÛØ³Û Ø¨Ø¯ دعا Ø¯Û ÛÛ Ú©Ø³Û ÙÛ (ردÛÙ .. Ù)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Ye Kaisi Bad-dua Di Hai Kisi Ne
ÙØ·Ù Ù¾Ø±Ø³ØªÛ Û٠ارا Ù Ø°Ûب ÛÛÚº جس٠٠جاں Ù ÙÚ© Ú©Û Ø§Ù Ø§Ùت
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Watan-parasti Hamara Mazhab Hain Jism-o-jaan Mulk Ki Amanat
ØªÙ Ø¨Ú Ø±ÛÛ Ú¯Ø§ ÛÙÛÙا٠ÛÛ ØµØ±Ù Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ÙÚº Ù ÛÚº (ردÛÙ .. Û)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
To Bach Rahega Yaqinan Ye Sirf Aankhon Mein
تھا Ú©Ø¨Ú¾Û Ø§Ù Ú©Û ÙگاÛÙÚº Ù ÛÚº بÙÙد اپÙا Ù Ùا٠(ردÛÙ .. Û)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Tha Kabhi Unki Nigahon Mein Buland Apna Maqam
تھا Ú©Ø¨Ú¾Û Ø§Ù Ú©Û ÙگاÛÙÚº Ù ÛÚº بÙÙد اپÙا Ù Ùا٠(ردÛÙ .. Û)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Tha Kabhi Unki Nigahon Mein Buland Apna Maqam
سÛÛ Ø¨Ø®ØªÛ Ú©Ø§ ساÛÛ Ø¯ÛØ¯Û Ù Ø¯Ù Ù¾Ø± ÛÛ ÛÙÚº ØªØ§Ø±Û (ردÛÙ .. Ù)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Siyah-bakhti Ka Saya Dida-o-dil Par Hai Yun Tari
ÙÙ Øات Ùص٠Ûاد Ø¬Ù Ø¢Ø¦Û Ø´Ø¨ Ùرا٠(ردÛÙ .. ر)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Lamhat-e-wasl Yaad Jo Aae Shab-e-firaq
Ú©Û ÛÛ Ù Ø®ØªØµØ± داستاں Ø¹Ø´Ù Ú©Û (ردÛÙ .. ا)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Ki Hai Mukhtasar Dastan Ishq Ki
Ø®Ùشا٠د تابع Ø¯Ø§Ø±Û Ù Ùت ٠خد٠ت سجÙد Øس٠(ردÛÙ .. Ù)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Khushamad Tabedari Minnat-o-khidmat Sujud-e-husn
Ø®Ùب ر٠کÙÙ ÛÛ Ø¢Ûا ÚÙ Ù Ù ÛÚº آج Ú©Û Ûاں (ردÛÙ .. Û)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Khub-ru Kaun Ye Aaya Chaman Mein Aaj Ki Yan
Ú©Ûاں جرأت ا٠اشکÙÚº Ú©Û Ú©Û Ø¯ÛØ±Û Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ Ú©Û ÙاÙÚ¯Ú¾ÛÚº
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Kahan Jurat In Ashkon Ki Ki Dehri Aankh Ki Langhen
جب Ø¢Ùا Ø®Ùاب Ù ÛÚº ÛÙÙÛ Ø³Û ÙØ±Ù Û Ø³Û Ùد٠رکھÙا (ردÛÙ .. Ù)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Jab Aana Khwab Mein Haule Se Narmi Se Qadam Rakhna
جب Ø¢Ùا Ø®Ùاب Ù ÛÚº ÛÙÙÛ Ø³Û ÙØ±Ù Û Ø³Û Ùد٠رکھÙا (ردÛÙ .. Ù)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Jab Aana Khwab Mein Haule Se Narmi Se Qadam Rakhna
ÛÙس زر ÙÛ Ú©Ûا رشتÙÚº کا ج٠Øا٠ÙÛ Ù¾ÙÚÚ¾ (ردÛÙ .. ا)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Hawas-e-zar Ne Kiya Rishton Ka Jo Haal Na Puchh
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Hai Khub Manzar-e-chaara-gari Ki Humne Yahan
اÛÚ© ع٠ر بھر Ù ÛÚº Ø·Û ÛÛ Ø³Ùر ٠ختصر ÛÙا
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Ek Umr Bhar Mein Tai Ye Safar Mukhtasar Hua
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Azal Se Barse Hai Pakizgi Falak Se Yahan
عجب ÚÙÙ ÛÛ ÛÛ Ø¨Ø§Ø²Ø§Ø± عش٠کا Ú©Û ÛÛاں (ردÛÙ .. Û)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Ajab Chalan Hai Ye Bazar-e-ishq Ka Ki Yahan
عجب ÚÙÙ ÛÛ ÛÛ Ø¨Ø§Ø²Ø§Ø± عش٠کا Ú©Û ÛÛاں (ردÛÙ .. Û)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Ajab Chalan Hai Ye Bazar-e-ishq Ka Ki Yahan
اÚھا ÛÙا زبا٠خ٠ÙØ´Û ÙÛ ØªÙ Ù¾ÚÚ¾Û (ردÛÙ .. ت)
Deepak Purohit - دÛÙ¾Ú© پرÙÛت
Achchha Hua Zaban-e-khamoshi Na Tum Padhe
Deepak Purohit Two Lines Urdu Poetry
Urdu Poetry is always famous among people of the subcontinent, and Urdu Two-Lines Poetry comes above all. It is easy to understand and short to read, so there are many Urdu Two Lines Poetry followers. At UrduPoint, you can find a vast and updated collection of Two Lines Urdu Poetry by famous Urdu Poet, Deepak Purohit. Read your favorite Deepak Purohit 2 lines Urdu Poetry collection, and you will surely love our collection.
Poetry is a versatile way to express feelings. 2 lines poetry is the best and short form of poetry. It saves the time of both the persons, the poet, and the reader. The main advantage of two-line poetry is that it keeps the interest and concentration of the reader. Most people get bored with the long form of poetry, such as ghazals, so they prefer short poetry. For such people, Deepak Purohit two-line Shayari in Urdu is best. People love to read and enjoy poetry. Poetry not only consists of specific words; it has sounds, imagination, and language.
Nowadays, there are many social media platforms. People share their favorite poetry lines on different mediums like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc. Development occurs in every field of poetry. With time, people want updated versions of poetry. UrduPoint provides engaging poetry of Deepak Purohit to the readers. Deepak Purohit 2 lino ki Shayari cover a wide range of topics. Almost all the categories of Deepak Purohit 2 lines Urdu Shayari has unique and amazing poetry lines.
Rhyming is the key to the success of any poetry. As the two-line poetry is based on two lines, the poem's last word should be rhyming. Rhyming develops the rhythm in the poetry. Rhyming words also give a musical shape to the poetry. It also helps attract readers. Below is the list of Deepak Purohit two line Urdu poetry; read it, and you will love it.