The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Percy E. Raymond Archives
Percy E. Raymond •ï¿½1 Book
Prehistoric Life (1939)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    New Books: A Reader's List (5 Reviews)
    1. Atoms in Action by George Russell Harrison
    2. You and Heredity by Amram Scheinfeld and Morton D. Schweitzer, Ph.D., ...
    3. Prehistoric Life by Percy E. Raymond
    4. O Canaan! by Waters E. Turpin
    5. Vermont Valley by Walter R. Hard
    The New Republic, October 4, 1939, pp. 251-252
  2. [+]
    Forum Quiz Contest Winners (9 Reviews)
    Fighting Years, by Oswald Garrison Villard
    1. Fighting Years by Oswald Garrison Villard
    2. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    3. Autobiography, with Letters by William Lyon Phelps
    4. American Earth by Carleton Beals
    5. The Psychology of Making Life Interesting by Wendell White
    6. War in Our Time by Hans Speier and Alfred Kahler
    7. You Can't Eat That by Helen Morgan
    8. Fremont: Pathmarker of the West by Allan Nevins
    9. Prehistoric Life by Percy E. Raymond
    The Forum, April 1939