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Ida M. Tarbell Archives
Ida M. Tarbell •ï¿½107 Items / 22 Books, 81 Articles, 3 Reviews
All in the Day's Work (1939)
An Autobiography
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Old School Muckraker (Review)
    All in the Day's Work, by Ida M. Tarbell
    1. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    The New Masses, June 27, 1939, p. 23
  2. [+]
    Education of a Reporter (Review)
    All in the Day's Work, by Ida M. Tarbell
    1. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    The Saturday Review, April 22, 1939, p. 10
  3. [+]
    The Check List (9 Reviews)
    1. Diego Rivera: His Life and Times by Bertram D. Wolfe
    2. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    3. Miss Bax of the Embassy by Emily Bax
    4. Fremont: Pathmarker of the West by Allan Nevins
    5. The Autobiography of a German Rebel by Toni Sender
    6. I Wanted to Be an Actress by Katharine Cornell and Ruth Woodbury Sedgwick
    7. Which Way America? by Lyman Bryson
    8. Let Me Think by Harry A. Overstreet
    9. Here Comes Labor by Chester M. Wright
    The American Mercury, June 1939, p. 245
  4. [+]
    Forum Quiz Contest Winners (9 Reviews)
    Fighting Years, by Oswald Garrison Villard
    1. Fighting Years by Oswald Garrison Villard
    2. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    3. Autobiography, with Letters by William Lyon Phelps
    4. American Earth by Carleton Beals
    5. The Psychology of Making Life Interesting by Wendell White
    6. War in Our Time by Hans Speier and Alfred Kahler
    7. You Can't Eat That by Helen Morgan
    8. Fremont: Pathmarker of the West by Allan Nevins
    9. Prehistoric Life by Percy E. Raymond
    The Forum, April 1939
  5. [+]
    New Books: A Reader's List (12 Reviews)
    War in Our Time, by Hans Speier and Alfred Kahler
    1. War in Our Time by Hans Speier and Alfred Kahler
    2. The New Inquisition by Konrad Heiden
    3. Soldier of the Church by Ludwig Marcuse
    4. Here Is New York by Helen Worden
    5. All in the Day's Work by Ida M. Tarbell
    6. Helen Hunt Jackson by Ruth Odell
    7. San Francisco: West Coast Metropolis by Edwin Rosskam
    8. A Key to New York by Rosalie Slocum and Ann Todd
    9. The Oregon Trail (#43)
    10. Me by Brenda Ueland
    11. Quartet by Emil Ludwig
    12. Drums at Dusk by Arna Bontemps
    The New Republic, May 24, 1939, pp. 82-84