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Edward C. Bursk Archives
Edward C. Bursk •ï¿½20 Items / 6 Books, 14 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Books on Business (16 Reviews)
    A Year's Harvest
    1. Power and Morality in a Business Society by Sylvia K. Selekman and Benjamin Selekman
    2. Over My Shoulder by Clarence B. Randall
    3. The Executive Life by The Editors of Fortune
    4. Work and Its Discontents by Daniel Bell
    5. The Pattern of Management by Lyndall F. Urwick
    6. Corporation Giving in a Free Society by Richard S.F. Eells
    7. Work and Authority in Industry by Reinhard Bendix
    8. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., A Portrait by Raymond B. Fosdick
    9. Appraising the Economics of Electronic Computers by Frank Wallace
    10. Frontiers of Knowledge in the Study of Man by Lynn T. White, Jr.
    11. The Mind Goes Forth by Harry A. Overstreet and Bonaro Overstreet
    12. Eisenhower: The Inside Story by Robert J. Donovan
    13. The American Business Creed by Francis X. Sutton
    14. The Big Business Executive by Mabel Newcomer
    15. All Out of Step by Gerard B. Lambert
    16. Business Practices, Trade Position, and Competition by Oswald W. Knauth
    The Saturday Review, January 19, 1957, pp. 32-33
  2. [+]
    Books on Business (18 Reviews)
    A Year's Harvest
    1. America's Next Twenty Years by Peter F. Drucker
    2. People's Capitalism by David M. Potter
    3. The Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914 by Samuel P. Hays
    4. The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933 by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
    5. Work and Contemplation by Douglas V. Steere
    6. Parkinson's Law, and Other Studies in Administration by C. Northcote Parkinson
    7. Management Guide to Overseas Operations by Dan H. Fenn, Jr.
    8. Are You Listening by Ralph G. Nichols and Leonard A. Stevens
    9. Motivation Research and Marketing Management by Joseph W. Newman
    10. The New Class by Milovan Djilas
    11. USA in New Dimensions by Thomas R. Carskadon and George Soule
    12. Dictionary of Business and Finance by Donald T. Clark and Bert A. Gottfried
    13. The Crack in the Picture Window by John Keats
    14. The Durable Fire by Howard Swiggett
    15. Baruch: My Own Story by Bernard Baruch
    16. Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy by Henry A. Kissinger
    17. Ford: Expansion and Challenge, 1915-33 by Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill
    18. Leadership in the Twentieth Century by Lyndall F. Urwick
    The Saturday Review, January 18, 1958, p. 20
  3. Business and Religion (1959)
    A New Depth Dimension in Management
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  4. [+]
    Businessman's Bookshelf (24 Reviews)
    Mass Leisure, by Eric Larrabee and Rolf Meyersohn
    1. Mass Leisure by Eric Larrabee and Rolf Meyersohn
    2. The Skills of the Economist by Kenneth E. Boulding
    3. Automation and Management by James Rieser Bright
    4. Madison Avenue, U.S.A. by Martin Mayer
    5. Mental Health in Industry by Alan A. McLean and Graham C. Taylor
    6. The Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith
    7. As Unions Mature by Richard A. Lester
    8. The Insolent Chariots by John Keats
    9. Antitrust Policies by Simon N. Whitney
    10. The Woman Executive by Margaret Cussler
    11. Long-Range Planning for Management by David W. Ewing
    12. The Administrative Process by Robert H. Roy
    13. Defense Against Inflation
    14. Of Stars and Men by Harlow Shapley
    15. The Motivation, Productivity, and Satisfaction of Workers by A. Zaleznik, C.R. Christensen, and F.J. Roethlisberger, ...
    16. Organizations by James G. March and Herbert A. Simon
    17. A Philosophy of Administration by Marshall E. Dimock
    18. Management in a Rapidly Changing Economy by Dan H. Fenn, Jr.
    19. Arms and the State by Walter Millis, Harvey C. Mansfield #2, and Harold Stein, ...
    20. The Income of Nations by Paul Studenski
    21. Managerial Psychology by Harold J. Leavitt
    22. The Job of the Federal Executive by Marver H. Bernstein
    23. A Decade of Industrial Relations Research, 1946-1956 by Neil W. Chamberlain, Frank C. Pierson, and Theresa Wolfson, ...
    24. Business Budgeting by Burnard H. Sord and Glenn A. Welsch
    The Saturday Review, January 17, 1959, pp. 70-71
  5. [+]
    Businessman's Bookshelf (17 Reviews)
    Power Without Property, by Adolf A. Berle, Jr.
    1. Power Without Property by Adolf A. Berle, Jr.
    2. Business Enterprise in Its Social Setting by Arthur H. Cole
    3. Planning for Freedom by Eugene V. Rostow
    4. Industrial Relations Systems by John T. Dunlop
    5. The Image of America by Raymond-Leopold Bruckberger
    6. Can Capitalism Compete? by Raymond W. Miller
    7. Probability and Statistics for Business Decisions by Robert Schlaifer
    8. The Education of American Businessmen by Frank C. Pierson
    9. Higher Education for Business by Robert Aaron Gordon and James Edwin Howell
    10. The Language of Dissent by Lowell Mason
    11. Administration: Its Purpose and Performance by Ordway Tead
    12. Management's Mission in a New Society by Dan H. Fenn, Jr.
    13. The Soviet Citizen by Alex Inkeles and Raymond A. Bauer
    14. The Economics of Freedom by Massimo Salvadori
    15. A Moral Philosophy for Management by Benjamin M. Selekman
    16. Industrial Man by W. Lloyd Warner and Norman H. Martin
    17. Business and Religion by Edward C. Bursk
    The Saturday Review, January 16, 1960, p. 69
  6. [+]
    Businessman's Bookshelf (19 Reviews)
    Men at Work, by William Foote Whyte
    1. Men at Work by William Foote Whyte
    2. The Man in the Middle by Nathan W. Shefferman and Dale Kramer
    3. A New Approach to Industrial Economics by James F. Lincoln
    4. Collective Bargaining in the Basic Steel Industry by E. Robert Livernash
    5. Understanding Profits by Claude E. Robinson
    6. Men, Money, and Motivation by Arch Patton
    7. New Patterns of Management by Rensis Likert
    8. The Folklore of Management by Clarence B. Randall
    9. Management Uses of Accounting by Ralph F. Lewis
    10. The Marketing Job
    11. Industrial Dynamics by Jay W. Forrester
    12. Job Strategy by Allan Rood
    13. American Management Abroad by George D. Bryson
    14. Federal Tax Reform by Dan Throop Smith
    15. Money and Credit
    16. Corporate Debt Capacity by Gordon Donaldson
    17. The Real National Income of Soviet Russia Since 1928 by Abram Bergson
    18. Excellence: Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too? by John W. Gardner
    19. Manifesto for Americans by Harry A. Bullis
    The Saturday Review, January 13, 1962, p. 61
  7. [+]
    Businessman's Bookshelf (26 Reviews)
    The Purposeful Pursuit of Profits and Growth in Business, by Charles G. Mortimer
    1. The Purposeful Pursuit of Profits and Growth in Business by Charles G. Mortimer
    2. The Young Executives by Walter Guzzardi, Jr.
    3. The Creative Organization by Gary A. Steiner
    4. Corporate Strategy by H. Igor Ansoff
    5. The American Gospel of Success by Moses Rischin
    6. How to Be Rich by J. Paul Getty
    7. Common Sense in Advertising by Charles F. Adams
    8. Executive Jobs Unlimited by Carl R. Boll
    9. Management: Challenge and Response by Martin B. Carter, Walter Weintraub, and Charles A. Ray, ...
    10. Organizational Behavior by Philip B. Applewhite
    11. Handbook of Organizations by James G. March
    12. The Rational Manager by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregue
    13. Planning and Control Systems by Robert N. Anthony
    14. Corporate Financial Reporting in a Competitive Economy by Herman W. Bevis
    15. How to Live with Your Computer by Paul T. Smith
    16. Economic Advice and Presidential Leadership by Edward S. Flash, Jr.
    17. The Big Board by Robert Sobel
    18. Distribution in a High-Level Economy by Reavis Cox
    19. Decision-Making for Defense by Charles J. Hitch
    20. The Soviet Economy Since Stalin by Harry Schwartz
    21. The Abundant Peace by Robert C. Garretson
    22. The Manpower Revolution: Its Policy Consequences by Garth L. Mangum
    23. Hoffa and the Teamsters by Ralph C. James and Estelle Dinerstein James
    24. The Crossroad Papers by Hans J. Morgenthau
    25. The Cultivation of Imperfection by Sol M. Davidson
    26. Science and Society by Norman Kaplan
    The Saturday Review, January 8, 1966, pp. 87-91
  8. [+]
    The Businessman's Bookshelf (19 Reviews)
    Soviet Economic Power, by Robert W. Campbell
    1. Soviet Economic Power by Robert W. Campbell
    2. Soviet Economic Warfare by Robert Loring Allen
    3. The Red Executive by David Granick
    4. The Spenders by Steuart Henderson Britt
    5. Vice President in Charge of Revolution by Murray D. Lincoln and David Karp
    6. Law and the National Labor Policy by Archibald Cox
    7. The Liberal Hour by John Kenneth Galbraith
    8. The Capital Budgeting Decision by Harold Bierman, Jr. and Seymour Smidt
    9. On the Writing of Advertising by Walter Weir
    10. The Effects of Mass Communication by Joseph T. Klapper
    11. The Meaning of Modern Business by Richard S.F. Eells
    12. The Human Side of Enterprise by Douglas M. McGregor
    13. Setting Standards for Executive Performance
    14. Developing the Corporate Image by Lee H. Bristol, Jr.
    15. The Waste Makers by Vance Packard
    16. Research Revolution by Leonard S. Silk
    17. The Scientist in American Industry by Simon Marcson
    18. It's Your Business by John Harriman
    19. Industrialism and Industrial Man by Clark Kerr, John T. Dunlop, and Frederick H. Harbison, ...
    The Saturday Review, January 21, 1961, pp. 68-69
  9. [+]
    The Businessman's Bookshelf (20 Reviews)
    The Fate of the Edsel, and Other Business Adventures, by John Brooks
    1. The Fate of the Edsel, and Other Business Adventures by John Brooks
    2. The Rothschilds by Frederic Morton
    3. The World of Business by Edward C. Bursk, Donald T. Clark, and Ralph W. Hidy, ...
    4. A Foreign Policy for American Business by Thomas Aitken, Jr.
    5. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective by Alexander Gerschenkron
    6. Housing, People and Cities by Martin Meyerson, Barbara Terrett, and William L.C. Wheaton, ...
    7. Applied Programmed Instruction by Stuart Margulies and Lewis D. Eigen
    8. The Pyramid Climbers by Vance Packard
    9. The Brain Watchers by Martin L. Gross
    10. Incentives for Executives by David W. Ewing and Dan H. Fenn, Jr.
    11. Management, Men, and Values by Abram T. Collier
    12. Management Problems of Corporate Acquisitions by Myles L. Mace and George C. Montgomery
    13. How Companies Plan by Stewart Thompson and George H. Haas
    14. Innovation in Marketing by Theodore Levitt
    15. Executive Skills by Roger M. Bellows, Thomas Q. Gilson, and George S. Odiorne, ...
    16. Pricing Power and the Public Interest by Gardiner C. Means
    17. The Government of Corporations by Richard Eells
    18. The Conduct of the Corporation by Wilbert E. Moore
    19. Businessman in the Statehouse by Luther H. Hodges
    20. The Warfare State by Fred J. Cook
    The Saturday Review, January 12, 1963, p. 68
  10. [+]
    The Businessman's Bookshelf (16 Reviews)
    Individualism and Big Business, by Leonard R. Sayles
    1. Individualism and Big Business by Leonard R. Sayles
    2. The Road to Huddersfield by James Morris
    3. Modern American Capitalism by R. Joseph Monsen
    4. The Quest for Industrial Peace by David L. Cole
    5. Disarmament and the Economy by Emile Benoit and Kenneth E. Boulding
    6. Managerial Long-Range Planning by George A. Steiner
    7. The American Federal Executive by W. Lloyd Warner, Paul Van Riper, and Norman H. Martin, ...
    8. The American Economic Republic by Adolf A. Berle
    9. Beyond the Welfare State by Gunnar Myrdal
    10. Problem-Solving Discussions and Confrences by Norman R.F. Maier
    11. Cities and Space by Lowdon Wingo, Jr.
    12. Schedule, Cost, and Profit Control with Pert by Robert W. Miller
    13. Marketing and the Computer by Wroe Alderson and Stanley J. Shapiro
    14. Forecasting Sales
    15. Leasing of Industrial Equipment by Richard F. Vancil
    16. The Technological Order by Carl F. Stover
    The Saturday Review, January 11, 1964, p. 44
  11. [+]
    The Businessman's Bookshelf (24 Reviews)
    Emotional Health in the World of Work, by Harry Levinson
    1. Emotional Health in the World of Work by Harry Levinson
    2. Managerial Behavior by Leonard R. Sayles
    3. My Years with General Motors by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
    4. Business Purpose and Performance by Frederick R. Kappel
    5. Managing for Results by Peter F. Drucker
    6. The Free Enterprisers by Hobart Rowen
    7. The Hidden Face of Free Enterprise by John R. Bunting
    8. The Managerial Mind by David W. Ewing
    9. Customer-Oriented Planning by Robert W. Ferrell
    10. Magnificent Masquerade by Charles Keats
    11. The Analytical Engine by Jeremy Bernstein
    12. Beyond Automation by John Diebold
    13. Technology and Social Change by Eli Ginzberg
    14. Christians in a Technological Era by Hugh C. White, Jr.
    15. Scientists and National Policy-Making by Robert Gilpin and Christopher Wright
    16. The Culture Consumers by Alvin Toffler
    17. The Mass Consumption Society by George Katona
    18. The Americanization of Europe by Edward A. McCreary
    19. The Economics of Soviet Planning by Abram Bergson
    20. Labor and the Public Interest by W. Willard Wirtz
    21. Big Enterprise in a Competitive System by A.D.H. Kaplan
    22. The Sinews of American Capitalism by Clark Spence
    23. Management Uses of Research and Development by Warren C. Lothrop
    24. Management by Exception by Lester R. Bittel
    The Saturday Review, January 9, 1965, pp. 18-19
  12. Getting Things Done in Business (1953)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  13. [+]
    A Goad to Economic Growth (Review)
    A Primer on Government Spending, by Robert L. Heilbroner and Peter L. Bernstein
    1. A Primer on Government Spending by Robert L. Heilbroner and Peter L. Bernstein
    The Saturday Review, June 1, 1963, p. 21
  14. How to Increase Executive Effectiveness (1954)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  15. [+]
    Invest Now, Pay Later (Review)
    The New Capitalists, by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler
    1. The New Capitalists by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler
    The Saturday Review, April 8, 1961, pp. 44-47
  16. The Management Team (1955)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  17. [+]
    Pawns in the Game of Profit (Review)
    The Consumers Manifesto, by Mario Pei
    1. The Consumers Manifesto by Mario Pei
    The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, p. 17
  18. [+]
    The President's Dilemma (Review)
    The Free Enterprisers, by Hobart Rowen
    1. The Free Enterprisers by Hobart Rowen
    The Saturday Review, October 31, 1964, pp. 60-62
  19. Thinking Ahead for Business (1952)
    1 Review
  20. The World of Business (1962)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  21. No Items Found