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Dan H. Fenn Archives
Dan H. Fenn •ï¿½5 Books
Management in a Rapidly Changing Economy (1958)
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Published Reviews
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    Businessman's Bookshelf (24 Reviews)
    Mass Leisure, by Eric Larrabee and Rolf Meyersohn
    1. Mass Leisure by Eric Larrabee and Rolf Meyersohn
    2. The Skills of the Economist by Kenneth E. Boulding
    3. Automation and Management by James Rieser Bright
    4. Madison Avenue, U.S.A. by Martin Mayer
    5. Mental Health in Industry by Alan A. McLean and Graham C. Taylor
    6. The Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith
    7. As Unions Mature by Richard A. Lester
    8. The Insolent Chariots by John Keats
    9. Antitrust Policies by Simon N. Whitney
    10. The Woman Executive by Margaret Cussler
    11. Long-Range Planning for Management by David W. Ewing
    12. The Administrative Process by Robert H. Roy
    13. Defense Against Inflation
    14. Of Stars and Men by Harlow Shapley
    15. The Motivation, Productivity, and Satisfaction of Workers by A. Zaleznik, C.R. Christensen, and F.J. Roethlisberger, ...
    16. Organizations by James G. March and Herbert A. Simon
    17. A Philosophy of Administration by Marshall E. Dimock
    18. Management in a Rapidly Changing Economy by Dan H. Fenn, Jr.
    19. Arms and the State by Walter Millis, Harvey C. Mansfield #2, and Harold Stein, ...
    20. The Income of Nations by Paul Studenski
    21. Managerial Psychology by Harold J. Leavitt
    22. The Job of the Federal Executive by Marver H. Bernstein
    23. A Decade of Industrial Relations Research, 1946-1956 by Neil W. Chamberlain, Frank C. Pierson, and Theresa Wolfson, ...
    24. Business Budgeting by Burnard H. Sord and Glenn A. Welsch
    The Saturday Review, January 17, 1959, pp. 70-71