The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert W. Miller Archives
Robert W. Miller •ï¿½2 Books
Schedule, Cost, and Profit Control with Pert (1963)
A Comprehensive Guide for Program Management
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Published Reviews
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    The Businessman's Bookshelf (16 Reviews)
    Individualism and Big Business, by Leonard R. Sayles
    1. Individualism and Big Business by Leonard R. Sayles
    2. The Road to Huddersfield by James Morris
    3. Modern American Capitalism by R. Joseph Monsen
    4. The Quest for Industrial Peace by David L. Cole
    5. Disarmament and the Economy by Emile Benoit and Kenneth E. Boulding
    6. Managerial Long-Range Planning by George A. Steiner
    7. The American Federal Executive by W. Lloyd Warner, Paul Van Riper, and Norman H. Martin, ...
    8. The American Economic Republic by Adolf A. Berle
    9. Beyond the Welfare State by Gunnar Myrdal
    10. Problem-Solving Discussions and Confrences by Norman R.F. Maier
    11. Cities and Space by Lowdon Wingo, Jr.
    12. Schedule, Cost, and Profit Control with Pert by Robert W. Miller
    13. Marketing and the Computer by Wroe Alderson and Stanley J. Shapiro
    14. Forecasting Sales
    15. Leasing of Industrial Equipment by Richard F. Vancil
    16. The Technological Order by Carl F. Stover
    The Saturday Review, January 11, 1964, p. 44