The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Waters E. Turpin Archives
Waters E. Turpin •ï¿½2 Books
O Canaan! (1939)
A Novel
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    New Books: A Reader's List (5 Reviews)
    1. Atoms in Action by George Russell Harrison
    2. You and Heredity by Amram Scheinfeld and Morton D. Schweitzer, Ph.D., ...
    3. Prehistoric Life by Percy E. Raymond
    4. O Canaan! by Waters E. Turpin
    5. Vermont Valley by Walter R. Hard
    The New Republic, October 4, 1939, pp. 251-252
  2. [+]
    The New Books (6 Reviews)
    O Canaan!, by Waters E. Turpin
    1. O Canaan! by Waters E. Turpin
    2. April Was When It Began by Barry Benefield
    3. I was in Prison by Charles S. Macfarland
    4. Don't Say It by John B. Opdycke
    5. The Saber-Tooth Curriculum by J. Abner Peddiwell
    6. Cannibal Caravan by Charles Constant Miller
    The Saturday Review, July 22, 1939, pp. 20-22
  3. The Library
    Neglected Books (8 Reviews)
    Hamlet Had an Uncle, by James Branch Cabell
    1. Hamlet Had an Uncle by James Branch Cabell
    2. Sun and Storm by Unto Seppanen
    3. River of Earth by James Still
    4. The Last Hunt by Maurice Genevoix
    5. We Pointed Them North by E.C. Abbott and Helena Huntington Smith
    6. O Canaan! by Waters E. Turpin
    7. The Dust Within the Rock by Frank Waters
    8. Jubal Troop by Paul I. Wellman
    The American Mercury, August 1940, pp. 495-498