The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The New Republic Archives
The New Republic •ï¿½96 Years, 4,504 Issues, 84,793 Articles, 162,453pp
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1910s = 6 Years, 264 Issues, 4,459 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1914 = 8 Issues, 151 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1915 = 52 Issues, 900 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1916 = 52 Issues, 835 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1917 = 52 Issues, 865 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1918 = 52 Issues, 823 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1919 = 48 Issues, 885 Articles
              2. [+]
                Issues of the 1920s = 10 Years, 518 Issues, 9,872 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1920 = 49 Issues, 863 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1921 = 52 Issues, 932 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1922 = 52 Issues, 1,020 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1923 = 52 Issues, 1,001 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1924 = 53 Issues, 997 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1925 = 52 Issues, 999 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1926 = 52 Issues, 1,043 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1927 = 52 Issues, 1,001 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1928 = 52 Issues, 994 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1929 = 52 Issues, 1,022 Articles
                                  2. [+]
                                    Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 519 Issues, 11,336 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1930 = 53 Issues, 981 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of Jan.-Mar. 1930 = 13 Issues, 236 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          January 1, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 152-153
                                          2. Final Railroad Consolidation?, p. 154
                                          3. At Andy Mellon's University, pp. 155-156
                                          4. The Pan-American Arbitration Treaty, pp. 157-158
                                          5. Russia and the Orient by Nathaniel Peffer, pp. 159-160
                                          6. A Substitute for Bullets by George Soule, pp. 161-163
                                          7. Lady Hoboes by Samuel Milton Elam, pp. 164-168
                                          8. The Poplar at Sundown by Helen Cornelius, p. 169
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 170
                                          10. Christmas by a Stream by Stark Young, pp. 171-172
                                          11. Correspondence, p. 173
                                          12. [+]
                                            A Back Bay Humanist by Robert Herrick, p. 174 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Letters of Thomas Sergeant Perry by Edwin Arlington Robinson and Thomas Sergeant Perry, ...
                                          13. [+]
                                            Born To Be by Melvin P. Levy, p. 175 - 1 Review
                                            1. Born To Be by Taylor Gordon
                                          14. [+]
                                            Beethoven and Brahms by Jeffrey Mark, p. 175 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Beethoven: The Man Who Freed Music by Robert H. Schauffler
                                            2. Brahms by Walter Niemann
                                          15. [+]
                                            A Veteran Iconoclast by Horace Gregory, p. 176 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Poet in the Desert by C.E.S. Wood
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 177-179 - 6 Reviews
                                            1. The Wings of the Eagle by Gilbert Seldes
                                            2. The Hawbucks by John Masefield
                                            3. Sailors of Fortune by William McFee
                                            4. Fever House by Walther G.H. von Hollander
                                            5. Sketch of a Sinner by Frank Swinnerton
                                            6. The Maurizius Case by Jacob Wassermann
                                        2. [+]
                                          January 8, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 179-180
                                          2. France's Purpose at London, p. 181
                                          3. The Irrepressible Issue Again, p. 182
                                          4. The End of "Extrality", p. 183
                                          5. What India Wants, pp. 184-185
                                          6. Massachuetts' Great Insurance War by J.H. Powers, pp. 186-189
                                          7. The Booby Prizes for 1929 by Lewis Mumford, p. 190
                                          8. My Heart Is Poor Now by Dorothea Matthews, p. 191
                                          9. Conrad After Five Years by Granville Hicks, pp. 192-193
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", pp. 194-195
                                          11. To Wait and See by Stark Young, pp. 196-197
                                          12. Three Concerts by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 198
                                          13. A Communication by C.F. Andrews, p. 199
                                          14. Correspondence, p. 200
                                          15. [+]
                                            Mr. Cabell's Farewell by Allen Tate, p. 201 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Way of Ecben by James Branch Cabell
                                          16. [+]
                                            Let the Dogs Howl by Henry F. Pringle, p. 202 - 1 Review
                                            1. Hanna by Thomas Beer
                                          17. [+]
                                            Interchanges Between Nations by Beatrice L. Pitney, p. 203 - 1 Review
                                            1. Survey of International Affairs, 1927 by Arnold J. Toynbee
                                          18. [+]
                                            Theater Mysticism by Harold Clurman, p. 203 - 1 Review
                                            1. Creative Theatre by Roy Mitchell
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 204-206 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. Sincerity: A Story of Our Time by John Erskine
                                            2. Living by Henry Green
                                            3. A House Is Built by M. Barnard Eldershaw
                                            4. Pidgin Cargo by Alice Tisdale Hobart
                                            5. Dr. Krasinski's Secret by M.P. Shiel
                                        3. [+]
                                          January 15, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 206-208
                                          2. News from the Power Front, pp. 209-210
                                          3. Christian Science and Free Speech, p. 211
                                          4. Hard Times on Broadway, p. 212
                                          5. Will British Labor Go Out? by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 213-214
                                          6. Kentucky Mountain Farm by Robert Penn Warren, p. 215
                                          7. The Dentifrice Racket by Catherine Hackett, pp. 216-217
                                          8. After All by Carleton Drewry, p. 218
                                          9. The Attack on the Jury by S. Chesterfield Oppenheim, pp. 219-220
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 221
                                          11. High Heaven by Wade Van Dore, p. 222
                                          12. A Book on Diego Rivera by Stark Young, p. 223
                                          13. A Communication by Brent Dow Allinson, p. 224
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 225-226
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Sex Boys in a Balloon by Malcolm Cowley, p. 227 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Our Changing Human Nature by Samuel D. Schmalhausen
                                            2. The Riddle of Sex by Joseph Tenenbaum
                                            3. Critique of Love by Fritz Wittels
                                          16. [+]
                                            Poet or Prophet? by Rolfe Humphries, p. 228 - 1 Review
                                            1. Dear Judas, and Other Poems by Robinson Jeffers
                                          17. [+]
                                            Lincoln and Davis by Allan Nevins, p. 229 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Jefferson Davis: His Rise And Fall by Allen Tate
                                            2. Abraham Lincoln: The Politician and the Man by Raymond Holden
                                          18. [+]
                                            Salesmanship Revamped by Constance Naar, p. 230 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Saleslady by Frances R. Donovan
                                          19. [+]
                                            The Twilight of Pensieri-Vani by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 230 - 1 Review
                                            1. Gardens of This World by Henry B. Fuller
                                          20. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 231-233 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Brothers and Sisters by I. Compton-Burnett
                                            2. Black Roses by Francis Brett Young
                                        4. [+]
                                          January 22, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 233-234
                                          2. Should the United States Join the League?, pp. 235-236
                                          3. The Wickersham Report, p. 237
                                          4. The Lesson of the Sugar Lobby, p. 238
                                          5. Individualism, Old and New by John Dewey, pp. 239-240
                                          6. Forester's Song by A.E. Coppard, p. 241
                                          7. The League Survives Its Obsequies by Parker Thomas Moon, pp. 242-246
                                          8. The Land of the Free: 1929 by Ralph L. Woods, p. 247
                                          9. Clear Night by Frances M. Frost, p. 248
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 248
                                          11. Song of Starlings by Padraic Colum, p. 249
                                          12. Mostly the Actors by Stark Young, p. 250
                                          13. Carl Sandburg and Photography by Paul Rosenfeld, pp. 251-252
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 253-254
                                          15. [+]
                                            Conrad Aiken by R.P. Blackmur, p. 255 - 1 Review
                                            1. Selected Poems by Conrad Aiken
                                          16. [+]
                                            Marriage and Morals by R.M. MacIver, p. 256 - 1 Review
                                            1. Marriage and Morals by Bertrand Russell
                                          17. [+]
                                            The New Germany by Robert C. Binkley, p. 257 - 1 Review
                                            1. The New German Republic by Elmer Luehr
                                          18. [+]
                                            Bolitho's Adventures by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 258 - 1 Review
                                            1. Twelve Against the Gods by William Bolitho
                                          19. [+]
                                            The Midas of Barra by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 258 - 1 Review
                                            1. The House of Gold by Liam O'Flaherty
                                          20. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 258-260 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Coals from Newcastle by Bruce Beddow
                                            2. Cora by Ruth Suckow
                                        5. [+]
                                          January 29, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 260-262
                                          2. Automobiles and Prosperity, p. 263
                                          3. Did Hoover Mean Battleships?, p. 264
                                          4. The Pope's Encyclical, p. 265
                                          5. A Policy for Progressives by William Orton, p. 266
                                          6. The Trick of Change by A.E. Coppard, p. 267
                                          7. Normalcy in the Carolinas by Lois MacDonald, p. 268
                                          8. The "Unspeakable" Russians by Drew Pearson, pp. 269-270
                                          9. Spy-Hunters: 1930 by Robert Wohlforth, pp. 271-273
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 274
                                          11. Death Takes a Holiday by Stark Young, p. 275
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 276-278
                                          13. [+]
                                            "Outskirts of Nightmare" by T.S. Matthews, p. 279 - 1 Review
                                            1. Peter Arno's Parade by Peter Arno
                                          14. [+]
                                            Merrill Moore's Sonnets by Robert Penn Warren, p. 280 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Noise That Time Makes by Merrill Moore
                                          15. [+]
                                            Heredity and Sterilization by Maynard Shipley, p. 281 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Child's Heredity by Paul Popenoe
                                            2. Sterilization for Human Betterment by E.S. Gosney and Paul Bowman Popenoe
                                          16. [+]
                                            The Isolation of Hawthorne by F.O. Matthiessen, p. 281 - 1 Review
                                            1. Hawthorne by Newton Arvin
                                          17. [+]
                                            Bismarck's Master by Walter Phelps Hall, p. 282 - 1 Review
                                            1. William the First: His Life and Times by Paul Wiegler
                                          18. [+]
                                            Review Hudson River Bracketed, by Edith Wharton by Gilbert Seldes, p. 283 - 1 Review
                                            1. Hudson River Bracketed by Edith Wharton
                                          19. [+]
                                            Review The Seven Vices, by Guglielmo Ferrero by V.B., pp. 283-285 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Seven Vices by Guglielmo Ferrero
                                        6. [+]
                                          February 5, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 285-286
                                          2. Secret Diplomacy at London, p. 287
                                          3. Cossacks on Broadway, p. 288
                                          4. Profiteering States, pp. 289-290
                                          5. Free Speech in Fascist Italy by Robert C. Binkley, pp. 291-293
                                          6. The Lost Individual by John Dewey, p. 294
                                          7. Song for March by Robert P. Tristram Coffin, pp. 294-296
                                          8. Will Hollywood Move to Broadway? by Frances Taylor Patterson, pp. 297-298
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 299
                                          10. Chariot by Witter Bynner, p. 300
                                          11. Josef Suss by Stark Young, p. 301
                                          12. A Case for Solomon by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 302
                                          13. Correspondence, pp. 303-304
                                          14. [+]
                                            Germania Rediviva by Harry Elmer Barnes, p. 305 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Making of New Germany by Philipp Scheidemann
                                            2. The Recovery of Germany by James W. Angell
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Paths of Glory by Martha Gellhorn, p. 306 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. God Have Mercy on Us! by William T. Scanlon
                                            2. "It's a Great War!" by Mary Lee
                                            3. German Students' War Letters by Philipp Witkop and A.F. Wedd
                                            4. Class of 1902 by Ernst Glaeser
                                          16. [+]
                                            Clash of Colors by Beatrice L. Pitney, p. 307 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Coming of the White Man, 1492-1848 by Herbert Ingram Priestley
                                          17. [+]
                                            Carry Nation by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 307 - 1 Review
                                            1. Carry Nation by Herbert Asbury
                                          18. [+]
                                            Recent Poetry, pp. 308-310 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Pansies by D.H. Lawrence
                                            2. The Black Christ, and Other Poems by Countee Cullen
                                        7. [+]
                                          February 12, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 310-312
                                          2. The Kellogg Pact in the London Conference, p. 313
                                          3. Nullification at Home, p. 314
                                          4. The Embattled Humanists, p. 315
                                          5. The Personality of Proust by Edmund Wilson, pp. 316-320
                                          6. Cartoon by Archibald MacLeish, p. 321
                                          7. The Future in Spain by John Langdon-Davies, pp. 322-323
                                          8. Chicago's Financial Muddle by Paul H. Douglas, pp. 324-325
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 326
                                          10. Musicals, Plain and Fancy by Gilbert Seldes, pp. 327-328
                                          11. A Communication by Roy Veatch, p. 329
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 330-331
                                          13. [+]
                                            The City of Tomorrow by Lewis Mumford, p. 332 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. The Metropolis of Tomorrow by Hugh Ferriss
                                            2. Our Cities Today and Tomorrow by Theodora Kimball Hubbard and Henry Vincent Hubbard, ...
                                            3. The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning by Le Corbusier
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Prophetess of Reform by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 333 - 1 Review
                                            1. Elizabeth Gaskell by Gerald DeWitt Sanders
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Mystery Man Unmasked by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 333 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Mystery Man of Europe: Sir Basil Zaharoff by Richard Lewinsohn
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 334-336 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. The Embezzlers by Valentin Kataev
                                            2. The Sleeping Fury by Martin Armstrong
                                            3. Low Run Tide and Lava Rock by Elliot Paul
                                            4. Three Against Fate by Mary Agnes Hamilton
                                        8. [+]
                                          February 19, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 1-2
                                          2. America Blocks Disarmament, pp. 3-4
                                          3. The Great Raisin Bond Mystery, p. 5
                                          4. The ABC of Hate, pp. 5-6
                                          5. The Steel Mills Today by E.M. Hartl and E.G. Ernst, pp. 7-9
                                          6. Mexico and the Communists by Carleton Beals, pp. 10-12
                                          7. Toward a New Individualism by John Dewey, pp. 13-15
                                          8. Battleships in the Conference by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 16-17
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", pp. 18-19
                                          10. Three Plays by Stark Young, p. 20
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 21-22
                                          12. [+]
                                            Farewell and Hail by T.S. Matthews, p. 23 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Good-Bye to All That by Robert Graves
                                            2. Poems, 1929 by Robert Graves
                                          13. [+]
                                            New York, New Haven and Hartford by Edmund Wilson, p. 24 - 1 Review
                                            1. On the Make by John Riordan
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Rise and Decline of Labor Banking by Paul H. Douglas, p. 25 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Labor Banking Movement in the United States
                                          15. [+]
                                            Europa by Allen Tate, p. 25 - 1 Review
                                            1. Europa, and Other Poems and Sonnets by Rolfe Humphries
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 26-28 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Fugitive's Return by Susan Glaspell
                                            2. The Miracle of Peille by J.L. Campbell
                                            3. The Love of Jeanne Ney by Ilya Ehrenbourg
                                        9. [+]
                                          February 26, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 28-29
                                          2. The Supreme Court Under Fire, p. 30
                                          3. Mr. Hoover and the Atlantic Pact, p. 31
                                          4. "Shooting at the Piano Player", pp. 32-33
                                          5. Axel and Rimbaud by Edmund Wilson, pp. 34-40
                                          6. What Next in India? by C.F. Andrews, pp. 41-43
                                          7. Christian Science Censorship Again by Craig F. Thompson, pp. 44-45
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 46
                                          9. Mrs. Fiske and Three Plays by Stark Young, p. 47
                                          10. The Marin Show by Paul Rosenfeld, pp. 48-49
                                          11. Correspondence, p. 50
                                          12. [+]
                                            Poetry as Progress by Allen Tate, p. 51 - 1 Review
                                            1. Our Singing Strength by Alfred Kreymborg
                                          13. [+]
                                            Fantasy and Obsession by Louise Brogan, p. 52 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Harriet Hume: A London Fantasy by Rebecca West
                                            2. A Night Among the Horses by Djuna Barnes
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Great Romantic by E. Preston Dargan, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Incredible Marquis: Alexander Dumas by Herbert Gorman
                                          15. [+]
                                            Small Jewels by R.P. Blackmur, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                            1. Coronet by Manuel Komroff
                                          16. [+]
                                            A Borgia by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 54 - 1 Review
                                            1. Borgia by Zona Gale
                                          17. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 54-55 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Shadows of Men by Jim Tully
                                            2. The Crystal Icicle by Katherine Keith
                                        10. [+]
                                          March 5, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 55-56
                                          2. Hoover's First Year, pp. 57-58
                                          3. Russia and Religion, pp. 59-60
                                          4. The Struggle in Russia by Vera Micheles Dean, pp. 61-62
                                          5. Two Poems by Katherine Mansfield, p. 63
                                          6. Capitalistic or Public Socialism? by John Dewey, pp. 64-66
                                          7. War in the Power Commission by George Soule, pp. 67-68
                                          8. Axel and Rimbaud: III by Edmund Wilson, pp. 69-72
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 73
                                          10. Mei Lan-fang by Stark Young, p. 74
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 75-76
                                          12. [+]
                                            Art in America by Lewis Mumford, p. 77 - 1 Review
                                            1. Art in America by Suzanne La Follette
                                          13. [+]
                                            The Physical Culture King by C. Hartley Grattan, p. 78 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Bernarr Macfadden: A Study in Success by Clement Wood
                                            2. The True Story of Bernarr Macfadden by Fulton Oursler
                                            3. Chats With the Macfadden Family by Grace Perkins
                                          14. [+]
                                            Dance of the Machines by Melvin P. Levy, p. 79 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Dance of the Machines by Edward J. O'Brien
                                          15. [+]
                                            Tilted Moons by Theodore Spencer, p. 79 - 1 Review
                                            1. Tilted Moons by S. Foster Damon
                                          16. [+]
                                            A Modern Morality by Harold Clurman, p. 80 - 1 Review
                                            1. New Year's Eve by Waldo David Frank
                                          17. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 80-82 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Australia Felix by Henry Handel Richardson
                                            2. Joy Is My Name by Sarah Salt
                                        11. [+]
                                          March 12, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 82-83
                                          2. A Crisis in the Conference, p. 84
                                          3. Exploiting the Unemployed, pp. 85-86
                                          4. The Prohibition Hearing, p. 87
                                          5. Wanted: More Boldness at London by W.T. Stone, pp. 88-89
                                          6. The Steel Mills Today: II by E.G. Ernst and E.M. Hartl, pp. 90-92
                                          7. The Townless Highway by Benton MacKaye, pp. 93-94
                                          8. Mrs. McCormick of Illinois by Duff Gilfond, pp. 95-96
                                          9. Harpy and Hunter by A.E. Coppard, p. 97
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 98
                                          11. The Neighborhood and the Guild by Stark Young, p. 99
                                          12. The Fable of the Three Limperary Cripples by Edmund Wilson, p. 100
                                          13. Correspondence, pp. 101-103
                                          14. [+]
                                            Was England Fighting for Us? by Harold D. Lasswell, p. 104 - 1 Review
                                            1. Why We Fought by C. Hartley Grattan
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Lion and the Lamb by Granville Hicks, p. 105 - 1 Review
                                            1. Tradition and Experiment in Present-Day Literature
                                          16. [+]
                                            Luther and Richelieu by Neilson Abeel, p. 106 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Martin Luther: A Destiny by Lucien Febvre
                                            2. Richelieu: A Study by Hilaire Belloc
                                          17. [+]
                                            A Book About a Sitwell by Lloyd Goodrich, p. 106 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Gothick North by Sacheverell Sitwell
                                          18. [+]
                                            An Old Black Screamy Mood by Horace Gregory, p. 107 - 1 Review
                                            1. Bringing Jazz! by Maxwell Bodenheim
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 107-109 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. The Whistlers' Room by Paul Alverdes
                                            2. Taking Chances by M.J. Farrell
                                            3. Mothers Cry by Helen Grace Carlisle
                                        12. [+]
                                          March 19, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 109-111
                                          2. Can the Utilities Be Controlled?, p. 112
                                          3. American Torquemadas, pp. 113-114
                                          4. Notes on Babbitt and More by Edmund Wilson, pp. 115-119
                                          5. On the Bowery by Bruce Bliven, pp. 120-121
                                          6. Killing No More by Sylvia Townsend Warner, p. 122
                                          7. The Crisis in Culture by John Dewey, pp. 123-125
                                          8. The Stationary Engineer by Felix Ray, p. 126
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 127
                                          10. The Green Pastures by Stark Young, pp. 128-129
                                          11. Correspondence, p. 130
                                          12. [+]
                                            Modern Architecture by Lewis Mumford, p. 131 - 1 Review
                                            1. Modern Architecture: Romanticism and Reintegration by Henry R. Hitchcock, Jr.
                                          13. [+]
                                            The Twin Monsters by Allen Tate, p. 132 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Two Frontiers by John Gould Fletcher
                                          14. [+]
                                            Promontories and Gardens by Padraic Colum, p. 132 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Leaves of Wild Grape by Helen Hoyt
                                            2. A Cedar Box by Robert Nathan
                                          15. [+]
                                            American Prosperity by Charles W. Wood, p. 133 - 1 Review
                                            1. Prosperity: Fact or Myth by Stuart Chase
                                          16. [+]
                                            Martyr and Fanatic by Allan Nevins, p. 134 - 1 Review
                                            1. John Brown: The Making of a Martyr by Robert Penn Warren
                                          17. [+]
                                            Review Spider Web, by Marjorie Muir Worthington, pp. 135-136 - 1 Review
                                            1. Spider Web by Marjorie Muir Worthington
                                        13. [+]
                                          March 26, 1930 Issue = 22 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 136-138
                                          2. The American Blunder at London, pp. 139-140
                                          3. Intelligent Unionism, p. 141
                                          4. That "Immoral" Questionnaire, p. 142
                                          5. Factory Town by Sherwood Anderson, pp. 143-144
                                          6. Wall Street and Hard Times by Lewis Corey, pp. 145-147
                                          7. How to Get Out of Haiti by Raymond Leslie Buell, pp. 148-149
                                          8. The Red Menace Comes to Baltimore by Gerald W. Johnson, p. 150
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 151
                                          10. Shall We Have the Horse? by Stark Young, p. 152
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 153-154
                                          12. D.H. Lawrence by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 155
                                          13. [+]
                                            Dahlberg, Dos Passos and Wilder by Edmund Wilson, pp. 156-158 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. The Woman of Andros by Thornton Wilder
                                            2. Bottom Dogs by Edward Dahlberg
                                            3. The Forty-Second Parallel by John Dos Passos
                                          14. [+]
                                            Saint and Politician by Edward Thompson, p. 159 - 1 Review
                                            1. Mahatma Gandhi's Ideas by C.F. Andrews and Mahatma Gandhi
                                          15. [+]
                                            Rabelais: Two Views by Ramon Guthrie, p. 159 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Francis Rabelais: The Man and His Work by Albert Jay Nock and Catherine Rose Wilson
                                            2. All the Extant Works of Francois Rabelais by Samuel Putnam and Francois Rabelais
                                            3. Francois Rabelais: Man of the Renaissance by Samuel Putnam
                                          16. [+]
                                            Michael Gold by Melvin P. Levy, p. 160 - 1 Review
                                            1. Jews Without Money by Michael Gold
                                          17. [+]
                                            Pragmatists and Pragmatists by Paul Weiss, p. 161 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Logic for Use by Ferdinand C.S. Schiller
                                            2. Mind and the World Order by Clarence Irving Lewis
                                          18. [+]
                                            The New Tractarians by Lewis Mumford, p. 162 - 1 Review
                                            1. Humanism and America by Norman Foerster
                                          19. [+]
                                            Big Business in Alsace by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 163 - 1 Review
                                            1. "--- And Co." by Jean Richard Bloch
                                          20. [+]
                                            Prose and Music by Conrad Aiken, pp. 164-165 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Testament of Beauty by Robert Bridges
                                          21. [+]
                                            Review Indian Earth, by Witter Bynner, p. 166 - 1 Review
                                            1. Indian Earth by Witter Bynner
                                          22. Spring Announcement List, pp. 167-174
                                      2. [+]
                                        Issues of Apr.-Jun. 1930 = 13 Issues, 246 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          April 2, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 174-175
                                          2. The Tariff Tragedy, p. 176
                                          3. Mr. Justice Parker, p. 177
                                          4. Hoover and Huston, p. 178
                                          5. The Children's Bureau, pp. 179-180
                                          6. Investment Trusts Gone Wrong by John T. Flynn, pp. 181-183
                                          7. Individuality in Our Day by John Dewey, pp. 184-187
                                          8. Dirty Hands by Perry Hobbs, pp. 188-189
                                          9. I'll Take an Apple by Vincent Sheean, pp. 190-191
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 192
                                          11. Neo-Classicism and Paul Hindesmith by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 193
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 194-195
                                          13. [+]
                                            A French View of Jefferson by Robert Penn Warren, p. 196 - 1 Review
                                            1. Thomas Jefferson: The Apostle of Americanism by Gilbert Chinard
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Promised Land by John Chamberlain, p. 197 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Great Meadow by Elizabeth Madox Roberts
                                          15. [+]
                                            Chekhov: Enfant Terrible by T.S. Matthews, p. 198 - 1 Review
                                            1. That Worthless Fellow Platonov by Anton Chekhov
                                          16. [+]
                                            The Lineage of Donne by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 199 - 1 Review
                                            1. Circumference by Genevieve Taggard
                                          17. [+]
                                            Labor in Illinois by Paul H. Douglas, p. 199 - 1 Review
                                            1. History of the Illinois State Federation of Labor by Eugene Staley
                                          18. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 200-201 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Pure Gold by Ole E. Rolvaag
                                            2. The Revolt of the Fishermen by Anna Seghers
                                            3. Drum and Monkey by George Manning-Sanders
                                        2. [+]
                                          April 9, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 201-202
                                          2. The Isolation of France, pp. 203-204
                                          3. Independence for the Philippines?, pp. 205-206
                                          4. Angry Professors by Malcolm Cowley, pp. 207-210
                                          5. A Lover by A.E. Coppard, p. 211
                                          6. What Bruce Barton Forgot by John T. Flynn, pp. 212-214
                                          7. The Motion Picture Trust by Sherman R. Wellsby, pp. 215-217
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 218
                                          9. Hsu Mei-ling by Agnes Smedley, p. 219
                                          10. No Word by Harold Lewis Cook, p. 220
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 221-222
                                          12. [+]
                                            Anne Hutchison by Louise Bogan, p. 223 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Unafraid: A Life of Anne Hutchinson by Winnifred King Rugg
                                            2. An American Jezebel by Helen Augur
                                          13. [+]
                                            A Chinese Anthology by Isidor Schneider, p. 224 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Jade Mountain: A Chinese Anthology by Witter Bynner and Kiang Kang-Hu
                                          14. [+]
                                            Joseph Pennell by William Sener Rusk, p. 224 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Life and Letters of Joseph Pennell by Elizabeth Robins Pennell and Joseph Pennell
                                          15. [+]
                                            Politics and Literature by Rolfe Humphries, p. 225 - 1 Review
                                            1. Politics and Literature by G.D.H. Cole
                                          16. [+]
                                            Social Anthropology by Florence Becker, p. 225 - 1 Review
                                            1. An Introduction to Social Anthropology by Clark Wissler
                                          17. [+]
                                            Not One Hoot for the Law by Donald Douglas, p. 226 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
                                          18. [+]
                                            Mr. Lewisohn Reiterates by Lionel Trilling, p. 226 - 1 Review
                                            1. Adam by Ludwig Lewisohn
                                          19. [+]
                                            Conversations with Foch by Robert C. Binkley, p. 226 - 1 Review
                                            1. Foch: My Conversations with the Marshal by Raymond Recouly
                                          20. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 227-228 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. The Thistles of the Baragan by Panait Istrati
                                            2. Return of the Brute by Liam O'Flaherty
                                            3. The Hoax by Italo Svevo
                                            4. This Is My Body by Margery Latimer
                                        3. [+]
                                          April 16, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 228-229
                                          2. Judge Parker and the Injuction, pp. 230-231
                                          3. Conservation on the Canadian Border, pp. 232-233
                                          4. The Muscle Shoals Lobby by Duff Gilfond, pp. 234-235
                                          5. The New Theatre in Russia by John Dos Passos, pp. 236-239
                                          6. Investment Trusts Gone Wrong: III by John T. Flynn, pp. 240-241
                                          7. The Sun This March by Wallace Stevens, p. 242
                                          8. Picking Miss Europe by Padraic Colum, p. 243
                                          9. Pattern of Wakening by Marie de L. Welch, p. 244
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 245
                                          11. Turgenev and Richard III by Stark Young, p. 246
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 247-248
                                          13. Verse by Harold Lewis Cook, p. 249
                                          14. Pagan Year by Aldous Huxley, p. 249
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Sense of the Past by Matthew Josephson, p. 250 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Sense of Glory by Herbert Read
                                          16. [+]
                                            Scanties and Platitudes by Howard Coxe, p. 251 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Party Dress by Joseph Hergesheimer
                                          17. [+]
                                            O Sister, Sister! by Hazelton Spencer, p. 251 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Daughters of Eve by Gamaliel Bradford
                                            2. Women Have Told by Amy Wellington
                                            3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning by Louise Schutz Boas
                                          18. [+]
                                            Philosophy of Value by Felix Morrow, p. 252 - 1 Review
                                            1. Philosophy of Value by Leo R. Ward
                                          19. [+]
                                            Edward Coke by Theodore F.T. Plucknett, p. 253 - 1 Review
                                            1. Edward Coke: Oracle of the Law by Hastings Lyon and Herman Block
                                          20. [+]
                                            "Poetic Intimacies" by Rolfe Humphries, pp. 253-255 - 1 Review
                                            1. Letters to Women by Joseph Auslander
                                        4. [+]
                                          April 23, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 255-256
                                          2. Stimson's Report on London, pp. 257-258
                                          3. The League Covenant and the Kellogg Pact, pp. 259-260
                                          4. Freedom for the Aged by Abraham Epstein, pp. 261-263
                                          5. The Latest "Cancer Cure" by Dr. Francis Carter Wood, p. 264
                                          6. Liquor Control in Ontario by Merrill Denison, pp. 265-266
                                          7. Investment Trusts Gone Wrong: IV by John T. Flynn, pp. 267-268
                                          8. City Streets by Harold T. Pulsifer, p. 269
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 270
                                          10. Cosiima Wagner's Work by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 271
                                          11. A Communication by Oscar Jaszi, p. 272
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 273-275
                                          13. [+]
                                            A Preface to Hart Crane by Malcolm Cowley, p. 276 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Bridge by Hart Crane
                                          14. [+]
                                            Three Soldiers by Allen Tate, p. 277 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Sherman: Soldier, Realist, American by B.H. Liddell Hart
                                            2. The Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant by J.F.C. Fuller
                                            3. Marse Robert: Knight of the Confederacy by James Capers Young
                                          15. [+]
                                            Personal Problems by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 278 - 1 Review
                                            1. Stephen Escott by Ludwig Lewisohn
                                          16. [+]
                                            Pablo Casals by Jeffrey Mark, p. 278 - 1 Review
                                            1. Pablo Casals by Lillian Littlehales
                                          17. [+]
                                            The Click Theory by J.L. Sweeney, p. 279 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Profession of Poetry, and Other Lectures by Heathcote W. Garrod
                                          18. [+]
                                            Canfield, p. 279 - 1 Review
                                            1. Canfield by Alexander Gardiner
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 279-282 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. The Company by Edwin Seaver
                                            2. King Haber, and Other Stories by Alfred Neumann
                                            3. It's Never Over by Morley Callaghan
                                            4. The Purple Cloud by M.P. Shiel
                                        5. [+]
                                          April 30, 1930 Issue = 21 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 282-283
                                          2. Where London Leaves Us, pp. 284-285
                                          3. Students on Strike, p. 286
                                          4. Communists and the Courts, pp. 286-287
                                          5. Hard Times for Farmers: I by E.G. Nourse, pp. 288-290
                                          6. Epistle to Be Left in the Earth by Archibald MacLeish, p. 291
                                          7. Loom Dance by Sherwood Anderson, pp. 292-293
                                          8. Investment Trusts Gone Wrong: V by John T. Flynn, pp. 294-296
                                          9. Toronto Express by Martha Gellhorn, p. 297
                                          10. Rabbit and Hawk by Raymond Holden, p. 298
                                          11. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 298
                                          12. Reviewer's Pleasure by Stark Young, p. 299
                                          13. Philadelphia's Rites of Spring by Paul Rosenfeld, pp. 300-301
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 302-303
                                          15. [+]
                                            Happiness Made Easy by Malcolm Cowley, p. 304 - 1 Review
                                            1. Love in the Machine Age by Floyd Dell
                                          16. [+]
                                            Louis XI in Biography and Fiction by Donald Douglas, p. 305 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. King Spider by D.B. Wyndham Lewis
                                            2. The Saints, the Devil and the King by M.L. Mabie
                                          17. [+]
                                            New Lincoln Documents by Allan Nevins, p. 305 - 1 Review
                                            1. New Letters and Papers of Lincoln by Paul M. Angle and Abraham Lincoln
                                          18. [+]
                                            Wit and Hardihood by Rolfe Humphries, p. 306 - 1 Review
                                            1. Wild Apples by Oliver St. John Gogarty
                                          19. [+]
                                            American Contrasts by Melvin P. Levy, p. 307 - 1 Review
                                            1. An Autobiography of America by Mark Van Doren
                                          20. [+]
                                            The Book and the Bomb by C.A. Chapman, p. 307 - 1 Review
                                            1. Escape by Francesco Fausto Nitti
                                          21. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 307-309 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. A True Story by Stephen Hudson
                                            2. Cimarron by Edna Ferber
                                            3. The Master of the Day of Judgement by Leo Perutz
                                            4. Consequences by Julia Ellsworth Ford
                                            5. The Car of Croesus by Ernest Poole
                                        6. [+]
                                          May 7, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Alternatives in India, pp. 212-308
                                          2. The Week, pp. 309-310
                                          3. The Utilities as an Issue, pp. 311-313
                                          4. The Radio and the Press, p. 314
                                          5. The World's Future Population by Robert R. Kuczynski, pp. 315-318
                                          6. Can They Smoke Like Gentlemen? by Frances Perkins, p. 319
                                          7. Time Is a Flower on the Sea by Harold Lewis Cook, p. 320
                                          8. Religion and the Soviets by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 321-322
                                          9. Hard Times for Farmers: II by Roland R. Renne, pp. 323-324
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 325
                                          11. Hotel Universe by Stark Young, p. 326
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 327-330
                                          13. [+]
                                            The Grain of Things by Lewis Mumford, p. 331 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Sciences and Philosophy by John S. Haldane
                                            2. The Function of Reason by Alfred North Whitehead
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Beam of Light by Babette Deutsch, p. 332 - 1 Review
                                            1. Emily Dickinson by Josephine Pollitt
                                          15. [+]
                                            Tidings from London by Howard Coxe, p. 333 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh
                                            2. Arm's-Length by John Metcalfe
                                          16. [+]
                                            Anthologies, Good and "Bad" by Conrad Aiken, p. 333 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Imagist Anthology, 1930
                                            2. The Stuffed Owl by D.B. Wyndham Lewis and Charles Lee
                                          17. [+]
                                            Rupert Hughes' Washington by John Hyde Preston, p. 334 - 1 Review
                                            1. George Washington: The Savior of the States, 1777-1781 by Rupert Hughes
                                          18. [+]
                                            A Dull Series by Isidor Schneider, p. 334 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Heroic Age of India by N.K. Sidhanta
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 335-336 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Destiny by Otto Nuckel
                                            2. The Asking Price by Helen R. Hull
                                        7. [+]
                                          May 14, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 336-337
                                          2. The Experts Speak, p. 338
                                          3. Organizing Prosperity, p. 339
                                          4. The Centralia Case Again, pp. 340-341
                                          5. MacDonald and Gandhi by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 342-343
                                          6. How Canada Markets Its Wheat by H.N. McIntyre, pp. 344-346
                                          7. The Chinese Famine by Grover Clark, pp. 347-348
                                          8. Jane Addams at Hull House by Robert Morss Lovett, pp. 349-350
                                          9. Poem by Frances M. Frost, p. 351
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 351
                                          11. The Philadelphia Lysistrata by Stark Young, p. 352
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 353-354
                                          13. [+]
                                            Mencken on Religion by Hazelton Spencer, p. 355 - 1 Review
                                            1. Treatise on the Gods by H.L. Mencken
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Unthinkable War by Bruce Bliven, p. 356 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. America Conquers Britain by Ludwell Denny
                                            2. America and England? by Nicholas Roosevelt
                                          15. [+]
                                            Nurses and Soldiers by Geoffrey T. Hellman, pp. 356-357 - 8 Reviews
                                            1. Stepdaughters of War by Helen Zenna Smith
                                            2. War Nurse by Anonymous
                                            3. The Forbidden Zone by Mary Borden
                                            4. Four Infantrymen by Ernst Johannsen
                                            5. Three Men's War by R.H. Mottram, John Easton, and Eric Partridge
                                            6. Gallipoli Memories by Compton Mackenzie
                                            7. Show Me Death! by W. Redvers Dent
                                            8. Contact by Elliott White Springs
                                          16. [+]
                                            Edith Sitwell's Pope by Conrad Aiken, p. 358 - 1 Review
                                            1. Alexander Pope by Edith Sitwell
                                          17. [+]
                                            The Son of Apollo by Woodbridge Riley, pp. 359-360 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Son of Apollo by Frederick J.E. Woodbridge
                                          18. [+]
                                            Review The Excursion to Tilsit, by Hermann Sudermann, pp. 361-363 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Excursion to Tilsit by Hermann Sudermann
                                        8. [+]
                                          May 21, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 1-3
                                          2. Will Prosperity Return?, p. 4
                                          3. Billion Dollar Parity, pp. 5-6
                                          4. Cheap Power in Ontario by Harry W. Laidler, pp. 7-9
                                          5. Three Frenchmen's Churches by Kenneth Burke, pp. 10-13
                                          6. Unemployment in Agriculture by Arthur P. Chew, pp. 14-15
                                          7. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 16
                                          8. Imitation of a Welsh Poem by Padraic Colum, p. 17
                                          9. Notes on the Havemeyer Paintings by Stark Young, p. 18
                                          10. Love by Dorothy Reid, p. 19
                                          11. Sex Evenings in May by Bruce Bliven, p. 19
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 20-21
                                          13. [+]
                                            A Man's Mind by Sherwood Anderson, p. 22 - 1 Review
                                            1. Assorted Articles by D.H. Lawrence
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Chinese Miscellany by Isidor Schneider, pp. 23-24 - 8 Reviews
                                            1. The Chinese Revolution by Arthur N. Holcombe
                                            2. A Son of China by Sheng Cheng
                                            3. Portrait of a Chinese Lady, and Certain of Her Contemporaries by Dorothea S. Hosie
                                            4. East Wind, West Wind by Pearl S. Buck
                                            5. Jacqueline and the Japanese by Heinrich Eduard Jacob
                                            6. Winds of Gobi by Robert Hyde
                                            7. Li Sao: An Elegy on Encountering Sorrows by Chu Yuan
                                            8. The China Year Book, 1929-30 by H.G.W. Woodhead
                                          15. [+]
                                            Lark's Quill and Goosefeather by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 25 - 1 Review
                                            1. Fire for the Night by Babette Deutsch
                                          16. [+]
                                            Two Men of the Revolution by John Hyde Preston, p. 25 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Benedict Arnold: The Proud Warrior by Charles Coleman Sellers
                                            2. Ethan Allen by John Pell
                                          17. [+]
                                            Behind the Lines by C.A. Chapman, p. 26 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Good Soldier Schweik by Jaroslav Hasek
                                            2. Orderly! by M.R. Werner
                                          18. [+]
                                            Ernani Redivivus by Howard Coxe, p. 27 - 1 Review
                                            1. Gallows' Orchard by Claire Spencer
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 27-28 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Frost in April by Malachi Whitaker
                                            2. The Ship of Truth by Lettice Ulpha Cooper
                                        9. [+]
                                          May 28, 1930 Issue = 21 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 28-30
                                          2. Morrow Battling for Smith, p. 31
                                          3. When Admirals Disagree, p. 32
                                          4. Will Europe "Unite to Prosper"?, pp. 32-33
                                          5. The Amateur Sports Racket by John R. Tunis, pp. 34-35
                                          6. Spring by John Galsworthy, p. 36
                                          7. The Marginal Farmer by Robert Stewart, p. 37
                                          8. For an Artist by Marie de L. Welch, p. 38
                                          9. India: A Nation on Strike by N.B. Parulekar, pp. 39-40
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 41
                                          11. The Vikings by Stark Young, p. 42
                                          12. Mayakovsky by Eugene Lyons, pp. 43-44
                                          13. Two Communications by Lewis B. Tebbetts and T.J.V. Cullen, pp. 45-46
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 47-48
                                          15. [+]
                                            Toward Civilization? by Lewis Mumford, p. 49 - 1 Review
                                            1. Toward Civilization by Charles A. Beard
                                          16. [+]
                                            Sidelights on Medieval Culture by Christian Gauss, p. 50 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Studies in Mediaeval Culture by Charles Homer Haskins
                                            2. New Light on the Youth of Dante by Gertrude Leigh
                                          17. [+]
                                            The Soviets by Frederick L. Schuman, p. 51 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Soviet Russia: A Living Record and a History by William Henry Chamberlin
                                            2. Russia Today and Yesterday by E.J. Dillon
                                          18. [+]
                                            Wycherly by Lionel Trilling, p. 52 - 1 Review
                                            1. Brawny Wycherley by Willard Connely
                                          19. [+]
                                            Manuel de Falla by Jeffrey Mark, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                            1. Manuel de Falla and Spanish Music by J.B. Trend
                                          20. [+]
                                            The Adolescent Girl by Elsa M. Allen, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                            1. Understanding the Adolescent Girl by Grace Loucks Elliott
                                          21. [+]
                                            Light Reading by Howard Coxe, pp. 53-55 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. Grim Youth by John Held, Jr.
                                            2. She Knew She Was Right by Jesse Lynch Williams
                                            3. Uncle Sam: In the Eyes of His Family by John Erskine
                                            4. Men in Shirt-Sleeves by Benvenuto Sheard
                                            5. Mountain City by Upton Sinclair
                                        10. [+]
                                          June 4, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 55-56
                                          2. The Fraud of the Flexible Tariff, p. 57
                                          3. The Publishers' Price War, p. 58
                                          4. Who Won in Pennsylvania?, pp. 59-60
                                          5. The New Education Ten Years After by B.H. Bode, pp. 61-63
                                          6. Canada Plans Reprisal by J.A. Stevenson, pp. 64-65
                                          7. Corporation Farming---the Way Out? by Mordecai Ezekiel and Sherman Johnson, pp. 66-67
                                          8. The New Confessional by Irmengarde Eberle, pp. 68-69
                                          9. The Biography of Comfort by Stark Young, pp. 70-71
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 72
                                          11. Films, Russian and American by Bruce Bliven, p. 73
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 74-75
                                          13. [+]
                                            Trotzky's Career by Vera Micheles Dean, p. 76 - 1 Review
                                            1. My Life by Leon Trotsky
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Poetry of Stanley Kunitz by Yvor Winters, p. 77 - 1 Review
                                            1. Intellectual Things by Stanley J. Kunitz
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Plutocratic Republic by Hazelton Spencer, p. 78 - 1 Review
                                            1. The American Heresy by Christopher Hollis
                                          16. [+]
                                            No More Magic by Florence Becker, p. 79 - 1 Review
                                            1. Vocational Psychology and Character Analysis by Harry L. Hollingworth
                                          17. [+]
                                            A Spotlight on Injunctions by Donald R. Richberg, p. 79 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Labor Injunction by Felix Frankfurter and Nathan Greene
                                          18. [+]
                                            Sound and Fury by Joe Gould, p. 80 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Fabulous Forrest by Montrose Moses
                                          19. [+]
                                            Introverts and Extroverts by Geoffrey T. Hellman, pp. 80-82 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Three Strange Lovers by V.F. Calverton
                                            2. Frankie and Johnnie by Meyer Levin
                                            3. Rogue Herries by Hugh Walpole
                                            4. Flood by Robert Neumann
                                        11. [+]
                                          June 11, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 82-83
                                          2. Prohibition Repeal---Practical Politics, pp. 84-85
                                          3. Admirals and Peace, p. 86
                                          4. Flathead---A Power Yardstick, pp. 86-87
                                          5. Public Utility Profiteering by Ruth Finney, pp. 88-90
                                          6. Lobbying in Women's Clubs by Anna Steese Richardson, pp. 91-92
                                          7. Judging Our Progressive Schools by Joseph K. Hart, pp. 93-95
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 96
                                          9. Aunt Becky and Mr. Bowers by Stark Young, pp. 97-98
                                          10. The Old by Carleton Drewry, p. 99
                                          11. Five Women of Mukden by Agnes Smedley, pp. 99-100
                                          12. Home Movies in Excelsis by Bruce Bliven, p. 101
                                          13. Correspondence, p. 102
                                          14. [+]
                                            Real---Unreal by Sherwood Anderson, pp. 103-104 - 1 Review
                                            1. My Thirty Years' War by Margaret C. Anderson
                                          15. [+]
                                            The New Romanticism by P.M. Jack, p. 105 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Proving of Psyche by Hugh l'Anson Fausset
                                          16. [+]
                                            The Lions and the Lambs by Donald Douglas, p. 105 - 6 Reviews
                                            1. The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints by Harold Lamb
                                            2. Saladin: Prince of Chivalry by Charles J. Rosebault
                                            3. Arrogance: The Conquests of Xerxes by Louis Couperus
                                            4. Xenophon: Soldier of Fortune by Leo V. Jacks
                                            5. The Bulls of Rome by Ludwig Huna
                                            6. The Knight of the Virgin by Vicente Blasco Ibanez
                                          17. [+]
                                            A Biological Explanation of Human Nature by Augusta Alpert, p. 106 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Biological Basis of Human Nature by H.S. Jennings
                                          18. [+]
                                            Africander Caesar by E.R. Pineda, p. 107 - 1 Review
                                            1. Africa and Some World Problems by Jan Christiaan Smuts
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 107-109 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Dandelion Days by Henry Williamson
                                            2. Anthony in the Nude by Myron Brinig
                                            3. The Trader's Wife by Jean Kenyon Mackenzie
                                        12. [+]
                                          June 18, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 109-110
                                          2. MacDonald's First Year, p. 111
                                          3. Doles for the Rich, pp. 112-113
                                          4. The League and the Opium Traffic, p. 114
                                          5. Government by Technologists by Charles A. Beard, pp. 115-119
                                          6. Dying for Dear Old Mazuma by John R. Tunis, pp. 120-122
                                          7. A Program for Progressive Schools by Francis Mitchell Froelicher, pp. 123-124
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", pp. 125-126
                                          9. Aristophanes' Babyhood by Stark Young, p. 127
                                          10. Correspondence, p. 128
                                          11. [+]
                                            The Revolt Against Dualism by Sidney Hook, p. 129 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Revolt Against Dualism by Arthur O. Lovejoy
                                          12. [+]
                                            The Tiger on a Pedestal of Books by Regis Michaud, p. 130 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Grandeur and Misery of Victory by Georges Clemenceau
                                            2. In the Evening of My Thought by Georges Clemenceau
                                            3. The Tiger: Georges Clemenceau, 1841-1929 by George Adam
                                            4. Georges Clemenceau by Jean Martet
                                          13. [+]
                                            The American Tragedy by Granville Hicks, p. 131 - 1 Review
                                            1. Portrait of the Artist as American by Matthew Josephson
                                          14. [+]
                                            Africa by Melvin P. Levy, p. 132 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Lobagola: An African Savage's Own Story by Bata Lobagola and Bata Kindai Amgoza
                                            2. People of the Small Arrow by J.H. Driberg
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Disease of Old Age by Maynard Shipley, p. 132 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Bio-Dynamics: The Battle for Youth by Boris Sokoloff
                                            2. Old Age: The Major Involution by Aldred Scott Warthin
                                            3. The Creed of a Biologist by Aldred Scott Warthin
                                          16. [+]
                                            Wall Street's Sweetheart by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 133 - 1 Review
                                            1. Hetty Green, A Woman Who Loved Money by Boyden Sparkes and Samuel Taylor Moore
                                          17. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, p. 134 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. With Trailing Banners by Estelle Aubrey Brown
                                            2. Above and Below by R.D. Dorthy
                                            3. Falcon's Flight by Donald Douglas
                                            4. None So Pretty by Margaret Irwin
                                        13. [+]
                                          June 25, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 135-136
                                          2. Humpty Dumpty Hoover, pp. 137-138
                                          3. The Universal Spotlight, pp. 139-140
                                          4. Big Banks Out of Little Ones by John T. Flynn, pp. 141-142
                                          5. Why Gandhi Is in Jail by M.K. Gandhi, pp. 143-144
                                          6. The Crux of Progressive Education by Margaret Naumburg, pp. 145-146
                                          7. The Vice Squad Carries On by Malcolm Cowley, pp. 147-148
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 149
                                          9. Mr. Throckmorton's Revue by Stark Young, p. 150
                                          10. A Portrait of Bill Williams by Paul Rosenfeld, pp. 151-152
                                          11. A Communication by Roger N. Baldwin, p. 153
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 154-155
                                          13. [+]
                                            The Babbittiad by Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., pp. 156-158 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Critique of Humanism by C. Hartley Grattan
                                          14. [+]
                                            Stephen Crane's Poems by Horace Gregory, p. 159 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Collected Poems of Stephen Crane by Wilson Follett and Stephen Crane
                                          15. [+]
                                            Sir William Johnson, Bart. by Janet Lewis, p. 160 - 1 Review
                                            1. Johnson of the Mohawks by Arthur Pound and Richard E. Day
                                          16. [+]
                                            Review Prairie Women, by Ivan Beede by H.C.C., pp. 161-162 - 1 Review
                                            1. Prairie Women by Ivan Beede
                                      3. [+]
                                        Issues of Jul.-Sep. 1930 = 13 Issues, 248 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          July 2, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 162-164
                                          2. Temporizing with India, p. 165
                                          3. Chicago's Traction Problem, pp. 166-167
                                          4. Back to Red Hysteria! by John Dos Passos, p. 168
                                          5. Persimmons by Lizette Woodworth Reese, p. 169
                                          6. Merge and Submerge by John T. Flynn, pp. 170-171
                                          7. Two Basic Principles of Education by Caroline Pratt, pp. 172-175
                                          8. Daughters by William Rose Benet, p. 176
                                          9. The Vice Squad Carries On: II by Malcolm Cowley, pp. 177-179
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 180
                                          11. A Communication by Waldo Frank, p. 181
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 182-183
                                          13. [+]
                                            Froude and Carlyle by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 184 - 1 Review
                                            1. Froude and Carlyle by Waldo H. Dunn
                                          14. [+]
                                            Porto Rico by Raymond L. Buell, p. 185 - 1 Review
                                            1. Porto Rico and Its Problems by Victor S. Clark
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Excavations at Ur by B.W. Bacon, p. 186 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Dead Towns and Living Men by Leonard Woolley
                                            2. Ur of the Chaldees by C. Leonard Woolley
                                          16. [+]
                                            Here Is Thy Sting! by Lewis Galantiere, p. 187 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Last Enemy by Iris Barry
                                          17. [+]
                                            Tolstoy's Wife by Louise Bogan, pp. 187-189 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Diary of Tolstoy's Wife, 1860-1891 by Sophia A. Tolstoy
                                            2. The Countess Tolstoy's Later Diary, 1891-1897 by Sofia Tolstoy
                                        2. [+]
                                          July 9, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 189-191
                                          2. G.E. and the Lords of Industry, p. 192
                                          3. The Free Speech Barometer, pp. 193-194
                                          4. Radio for Robots by William Orton, pp. 195-198
                                          5. India Rejects the Simon Report by Savel Zimand, pp. 199-201
                                          6. Laid Off by Helen Hall, pp. 202-203
                                          7. How Much Freedom in New Schools? by John Dewey, pp. 204-206
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 207
                                          9. Admonition to the Pocahontases by Stark Young, p. 208
                                          10. Correspondence, p. 209
                                          11. [+]
                                            Modern Culture by Lewis Mumford, p. 210 - 1 Review
                                            1. Money, and Other Stories by Karel Capek
                                          12. [+]
                                            Emily Dickinson Again by Babette Deutsch, p. 211 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Life and Mind of Emily Dickinson by Genevieve Taggard
                                            2. Emily Dickinson: Friend and Neighbor by MacGregor Jenkins
                                          13. [+]
                                            Two Books on Satan by Cuthbert Wright, p. 212 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Devil: An Historical Critical and Medical Study by Maurice Garcon and Jean Vinchon
                                            2. The Life of the Devil by Louis Coulange
                                          14. [+]
                                            Tall Tales and Torrid Trails by Percy H. Boynton, p. 212 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Tall Tales of the Southwest by Franklin J. Meine
                                            2. A Vaquero of the Brush Country by J. Frank Dobie and John D. Young
                                            3. Death Valley by Bourke Lee
                                            4. The Last Rustler by Lee Sage
                                          15. [+]
                                            Strindberg by Elsa M. Allen, p. 213 - 1 Review
                                            1. August Strindberg: The Bedeviled Viking by Vivian J. McGill
                                          16. [+]
                                            A Bravery of Earth by Edith H. Walton, p. 214 - 1 Review
                                            1. A Bravery of Earth by Richard Eberhart
                                          17. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 214-216 - 6 Reviews
                                            1. Down in Flames by Ben Ray Redman
                                            2. The Way Home by Henry Handel Richardson
                                            3. The Days of Her Life by Wallace Irwin
                                            4. On Virgin Soil by Balder Olden
                                            5. The Crime of the Just by Andre Chamson
                                            6. The Man with the X-Ray Eyes, and Other Stories from the Front by Frois Froisland
                                        3. [+]
                                          July 16, 1930 Issue = 34 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 216-218
                                          2. Professors and Propagandists, p. 219
                                          3. Who Shall Control the Nile?, pp. 220-221
                                          4. Good Little Boys of Science by John Hodgdon Bradley, Jr., pp. 222-224
                                          5. Quiet night by Helen McAfee, p. 225
                                          6. After Divorce---What? by I.M. Rubinow, pp. 226-227
                                          7. Waste---The Future of Prosperity by Kenneth Burke, pp. 228-230
                                          8. Against Heaven by Harold Lewis Cook, p. 231
                                          9. Do You Own a Radio? by Joel Kimball, p. 231
                                          10. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", pp. 231-233
                                          11. The History of the Immortals by Stark Young, p. 234
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 235-236
                                          13. [+]
                                            Contemporary American Philosophy by Sidney Hook, pp. 237-238 - 1 Review
                                            1. Contemporary American Philosophy by George P. Adams and William Pepperell Montague, ...
                                          14. [+]
                                            Columbus by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 239 - 1 Review
                                            1. Christopher Columbus: Don Quixote of the Seas by Jacob Wassermann
                                          15. [+]
                                            France and America by Regis Michaud, p. 239 - 1 Review
                                            1. France: A Study in Nationality by Andre Siegfried
                                          16. [+]
                                            Lope de Vega by William L. Fichter, p. 240 - 1 Review
                                            1. Lope de Vega: Monster of Nature by Angel Flores
                                          17. [+]
                                            Two Scandinavian Novels by Jerome Mellquist, p. 240 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Lisbeth of Jarnfjeld by Johan Falkberget
                                            2. Martin Birck's Youth by Hjalmar Soderberg
                                          18. [+]
                                            Local Color in Verse by Eda Lou Walton, p. 241 - 1 Review
                                            1. Deep South by Carl L. Carmer
                                          19. [+]
                                            William Laud by John Chamberlain, p. 241 - 1 Review
                                            1. Laud: Storm Center of Stuart England by Robert P. Tristram Coffin
                                          20. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 241-242 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. The Obelisk by William Rollins, Jr.
                                            2. Son of John Winteringham by Warrene Piper
                                            3. Huntsman in the Sky by Granville Toogood
                                            4. Ella by Elisabeth Wilkins Thomas
                                            5. Pay Day by Nathan Asch
                                          21. Herbert Croly by Dorothy Elmhirst, p. 243
                                          22. As a Friend by Philip Littell, pp. 243-244
                                          23. Herbert Croly's Contribution to American Life by Robert Morss Lovett, pp. 245-246
                                          24. Herbert Croly and American Political Opinion by Felix Frankfurter, pp. 247-249
                                          25. Notes for a Biography by Walter Lippmann, pp. 250-252
                                          26. Herbert Croly's Liberalism, 1920-1928 by George Soule, pp. 253-256
                                          27. Herbert Croly and Architecture by Charles A. Platt, p. 257
                                          28. Herbert Croly and Journalism by Bruce Bliven, pp. 258-259
                                          29. The Promise of Herbert Croly by Waldo Frank, pp. 260-262
                                          30. A Man of Wisdom by Eduard C. Lindeman, pp. 263-265
                                          31. "H.C." by Edmund Wilson, pp. 266-267
                                          32. With H.C. by Stark Young, pp. 268-269
                                          33. One Generation to Another by T.S. Matthews, p. 270
                                          34. One Who Stood Firm by Ruth Morgan, p. 271
                                        4. [+]
                                          July 23, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 272-273
                                          2. The Farm Board's Troubles, p. 274
                                          3. Stalin As the New Lenin, pp. 275-276
                                          4. Norris Saves the President, p. 277
                                          5. The Philosophy of Morris R. Cohen by Sidney Hook, pp. 278-280
                                          6. The Brier Goes in Scarlet by Lizette Woodworth Reese, p. 281
                                          7. Prejudice Speaks from the Bench by George P. West, pp. 282-283
                                          8. The Chains of Chain Stores by Ralph L. Woods, pp. 284-285
                                          9. Early Evening on the City by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 286
                                          10. In Darkest Hollywood by Welford Beaton, pp. 287-288
                                          11. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 289
                                          12. Bell Which Speaks to Rest by Leonie Adams, p. 290
                                          13. Coronado by Stark Young, p. 290
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 291-293
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Lost Poet of Georgia by Allen Tate, p. 294 - 1 Review
                                            1. Thomas Holley Chivers: Friend of Poe by S. Foster Damon
                                          16. [+]
                                            The Approach to Esthetics by Carl Thurston, p. 295 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Philosophy of Art by Curt J. Ducasse
                                          17. [+]
                                            Fighting It Over by Lionel Trilling, p. 296 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. Her Privates We by Frederic Manning (Private 19022)
                                            2. Generals Die in Bed by Charles Yale Harrison
                                            3. War Is War by Ex-Private X
                                            4. Medal Without Bar by Richard Blaker
                                            5. Retreat by Charles R. Benstead
                                          18. [+]
                                            The Jesuits by Cuthbert Wright, p. 296 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Power and Secret of the Jesuits by Rene Fulop-Miller
                                          19. [+]
                                            A Reliable Madman by Hazelton Spencer, p. 297 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. A Gentleman Rebel by John Hyde Preston
                                            2. Mad Anthony Wayne by Thomas Boyd
                                          20. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 298-299 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. The Man of God by Eduard von Keyserling
                                            2. The Royal Woman by Heinrich Mann
                                            3. Years of Grace by Margaret Ayer Barnes
                                        5. [+]
                                          July 30, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 299-300
                                          2. Is Germany Safe for Democracy?, pp. 301-302
                                          3. Will Iraq Go Free, pp. 303-304
                                          4. Money in Federal Politics by Charles A. Beard, pp. 305-306
                                          5. Sweet Oath in Mallorca by John Galsworthy, p. 307
                                          6. The Future in Palestine by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 308-309
                                          7. Who Will Benefit by Boulder Dam? by F.L. Bird, pp. 310-312
                                          8. Beautiful Old Things by Edmund Wilson, pp. 313-316
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 317
                                          10. Correspondence, pp. 318-320
                                          11. [+]
                                            Classmates by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 321 - 1 Review
                                            1. Roosevelt: The Story of a Friendship, 1880-1919 by Owen Wister
                                          12. [+]
                                            Llewelyn Powys by Arthur Colton, p. 322 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Apples Be Ripe by Llewelyn Powys
                                            2. The Cradle of God by Llewelyn Powys
                                            3. An Hour on Christianity by Llewelyn Powys
                                          13. [+]
                                            A Hebrew Scholastic by Paul Weiss, p. 323 - 1 Review
                                            1. Crescas' Critique of Aristotle by Harry Austryn Wolfson
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Russian Theater by Harold Clurman, p. 324 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Russian Theatre by Rene Fulop-Miller and Joseph Gregor
                                            2. Myself and the Theatre by Theodore Komisarjevsky
                                          15. [+]
                                            Bolivar by E. Munguia, Jr., p. 324 - 1 Review
                                            1. Simon Bolivar: South American Liberator by Hildegarde Angell
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 325-326 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Harm's Way by Roberts Tapley
                                            2. The Woman with a Thousand Children by Clara Viebig
                                            3. Droll Peter by Felix Timmermans
                                        6. [+]
                                          August 6, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The week, pp. 326-328
                                          2. The Boycott on Russia, p. 329
                                          3. Another Book Another Dollar, pp. 330-331
                                          4. The Fight Against Norris by Judson King, pp. 332-333
                                          5. Prelude by Conrad Aiken, p. 334
                                          6. Plant Quarantines Run Wild by G.F. Ferris, pp. 335-337
                                          7. Peshawar and Amritsar by Robert Morss Lovett, pp. 338-339
                                          8. Millionaires' Retreat by Morrow Mayo, pp. 340-341
                                          9. Orderly Marketing for Labor by Sumner H. Slichter, pp. 342-344
                                          10. Paul Robeson, Negro by Stark Young, p. 345
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 346-347
                                          12. [+]
                                            Science on the Loose by Lewis Mumford, p. 348 - 1 Review
                                            1. Science and the New Civilization by Robert A. Millikan
                                          13. [+]
                                            Hereditary Genius by Huntington Cairns, p. 349 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Adams Family by James Truslow Adams
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Unicorn by Padraic Colum, p. 350 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Lore of the Unicorn by Odell Shepard
                                          15. [+]
                                            Eugene V. Debs by Melvin P. Levy, p. 351 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Eugene V. Debs: A Man Unafraid by McAlister Coleman
                                            2. That Man Debs, and His Life Work by Floy Ruth Painter
                                          16. [+]
                                            Captain Jack Randell by C.A. Chapman, p. 352 - 1 Review
                                            1. I'm Alone by Jack Randell and Meigs O. Frost
                                          17. [+]
                                            Review The Fools' Parade, by John W. Vandercook, p. 352 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Fools' Parade by John W. Vandercook
                                          18. [+]
                                            Review The Kramer Girls, by Ruth Suckow, pp. 352-353 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Kramer Girls by Ruth Suckow
                                        7. [+]
                                          August 13, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, p. 353
                                          2. Will Hoover Discredit the Expert?, pp. 354-355
                                          3. Britain Says Yes and No, p. 356
                                          4. The Radio and Education, pp. 357-358
                                          5. Free Trade Ebbs in England by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 359-360
                                          6. Gangsters and Politicians in Detroit by Cyril Arthur Player, pp. 361-362
                                          7. Surely, Grass Will Cover by Harold Lewis Cook, p. 363
                                          8. The Peking Man by J.H. McGregor, pp. 364-365
                                          9. Med Shows on the Main Stem by Jerome Renitz, pp. 366-367
                                          10. Birds of Passage by Helen McAfee, p. 368
                                          11. Alaric at the Walls of Rome by Stark Young, p. 369
                                          12. Mr. Carroll's Vanities by Gilbert Seldes, p. 370
                                          13. A Communication by John Dos Passos, p. 371
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 372-374
                                          15. [+]
                                            Colette by Louise Bogan, p. 375 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Cheri by Colette
                                            2. Mitsou; or How Girls Grow Wise by Colette
                                          16. [+]
                                            A Gentlemanly Platonist by Hazelton Spencer, p. 376 - 1 Review
                                            1. Emerson: The Enraptured Yankee by Regis Michaud
                                          17. [+]
                                            More About the Reconstruction by Allen Tate, p. 376 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Critical Year by Howard K. Beale
                                          18. [+]
                                            The Present and Future of Religion by Benjamin Ginzburg, p. 377 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Present and Future of Religion by C.E.M. Joad
                                          19. [+]
                                            Boccaccio by Ramon Guthrie, p. 378 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Life of Giovanni Boccaccio by Thomas Caldecot Chubb
                                          20. [+]
                                            Two Novels by Kenneth White, pp. 379-380 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Youth Dares All by Anonymous
                                            2. Revelation by Andre Birabeau
                                        8. [+]
                                          August 20, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 1-3
                                          2. An Expert on Hoover's "Experts", p. 4
                                          3. American Opinion and India, pp. 5-6
                                          4. Breakers Ahead for Fascist Italy by Francesco Nitti, pp. 7-9
                                          5. Aviation Blues by Bruce Gould, pp. 10-11
                                          6. The League Fights the Poppy by Helen H. Moorhead, pp. 12-13
                                          7. To Li Po by Witter Bynner, p. 14
                                          8. Oedipus: The Future of Love by Malcolm Cowley, pp. 14-15
                                          9. Thanks to a Pig by Stark Young, pp. 16-18
                                          10. A Communication by Ramandanda Chatterjee, p. 19
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 19-22
                                          12. [+]
                                            The Social Sciences by George Soule, p. 23 - 1 Review
                                            1. Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences by Edwin R.A. Seligman and Alvin Johnson
                                          13. [+]
                                            "Ash-Wednesday" by Edmund Wilson, p. 24 - 1 Review
                                            1. Ash-Wednesday by T.S. Eliot
                                          14. [+]
                                            Confused Violence by Kenneth White, p. 25 - 1 Review
                                            1. Les Enfants Terribles by Jean Cocteau
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Great Spirit by Joe Gould, p. 25 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Sun God's Children by James Willard Schultz and Jessie Louise Donaldson, ...
                                            2. American: The Life Story of a Great Indian by Frank B. Linderman
                                          16. [+]
                                            Papini by Cuthbert Wright, p. 26 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Life and Myself by Giovanni Papini
                                            2. Saint Augustine by Giovanni Papini
                                          17. [+]
                                            An East Side Epic by Melvin P. Levy, p. 27 - 1 Review
                                            1. An East Side Epic by Harry Rogoff
                                          18. [+]
                                            2 Reviews Christine, and Other Stories, by Julien Green, pp. 27-28 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Christine, and Other Stories by Julien Green
                                            2. The Shutter of Snow by Emily Holmes Coleman
                                        9. [+]
                                          August 27, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 28-29
                                          2. A Ten Year Program for a State, p. 30
                                          3. Summer Conferees, p. 31
                                          4. Justice or Class Justice?, pp. 32-33
                                          5. Two Sonnets in Memory by Edna St. Vincent Millay, p. 34
                                          6. Communism in America by J.B.S. Hardman, pp. 34-36
                                          7. Dream of Death by Kirke Mechem, p. 37
                                          8. One Wine in New Bottles by John Hodgdon Bradley, Jr., pp. 38-40
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 41
                                          10. Mother and Son by Allen Tate, p. 42
                                          11. Victor Branford by Lewis Mumford, p. 43
                                          12. Two Communications, pp. 44-48
                                          13. Correspondence, pp. 49-50
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Strange Story by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 51 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Strange Death of President Harding by Gaston B. Means and May Dixon Thacker
                                          15. [+]
                                            Intellectual Comedy by Horace Gregory, p. 52 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Confessions of Zeno by Italo Svevo
                                          16. [+]
                                            American Wages by Leo Wolman, p. 53 - 1 Review
                                            1. Real Wages in the United States, 1890-1926 by Paul H. Douglas
                                          17. [+]
                                            An English Baudelaire by R.P. Blackmur, pp. 54-55 - 1 Review
                                            1. Baudelaire: Flesh and Spirit by Lewis Piaget Shanks
                                        10. [+]
                                          September 3, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 55-57
                                          2. The Heart of the Indian Problem, p. 58
                                          3. The Negro in a White Man's World, pp. 59-60
                                          4. When Population Ceases to Grow by J.J. Spengler, pp. 61-62
                                          5. The Communist Party versus the Labor Movement by J.B.S. Hardman, pp. 63-66
                                          6. The Power Trust Goes International by M.L. Ramsay, pp. 67-68
                                          7. Peasants and Lords in China by Agnes Smedley, pp. 69-70
                                          8. High Stream's End by Hildegarde Flanner, p. 71
                                          9. The Younger Mask by Stark Young, p. 71
                                          10. The Original Mooney Report, pp. 72-73
                                          11. Fawn by Marie de L. Welch, p. 74
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 75-76
                                          13. [+]
                                            Intelligence as a Good by Kenneth Burke, pp. 77-78 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Quest for Certainty by John Dewey
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Academic Fascist by Edmund Wilson, p. 79 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Autocracy of Mr. Parham by H.G. Wells
                                          15. [+]
                                            Lambs to the Slaughter by John Chamberlain, p. 79 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. As I Saw It by Alden Brooks
                                            2. A Brass Hat in No Man's Land by Frank P. Crozier
                                          16. [+]
                                            Three Novelists by Arthur Colton, p. 80 - 1 Review
                                            1. Three Masters: Balzac, Dickens, Dostoievsky by Stefan Zweig
                                          17. [+]
                                            The Russian Soil by Albert Rhys Williams, p. 80 - 1 Review
                                            1. Tale of a Vanished Land by Harry E. Burroughs
                                          18. [+]
                                            Worth No More by Geoffrey T. Hellman, pp. 81-82 - 8 Reviews
                                            1. I Lived This Story by Betty White#2
                                            2. West of Fifth by Catharine Brody
                                            3. That Other Love by Geoffrey McNeill-Moss
                                            4. April Fools by Compton Mackenzie
                                            5. The Immediate Faimly by Nalbro Bartley
                                            6. Murder in Paris by Alice Campbell
                                            7. Romance Prescribed by Eric Hatch
                                            8. The Gay Procession by Norma Patterson
                                        11. [+]
                                          September 10, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 82-83
                                          2. Is the Industrial Cupboard Bare?, pp. 84-85
                                          3. A White Man's Court, p. 86
                                          4. Behind the Wailing Wall, pp. 86-87
                                          5. The Future of Zion by Harold Loeb, pp. 88-92
                                          6. The Fergusons and Democracy by Stark Young, p. 93
                                          7. The Price of "Moscow Gold" by J.B.S. Hardman, pp. 94-97
                                          8. Reframing Warren K. Billings by Miriam Allen de Ford, pp. 98-99
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 100
                                          10. Abraham Lincoln Talks by Raymond Holden, p. 101
                                          11. A Communication by Edward Thompson, p. 102
                                          12. Correspondence, p. 103
                                          13. [+]
                                            On Liberty by Matthew Josephson, p. 104 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Liberty by Everett Dean Martin
                                            2. This Land of Liberty by Ernest Sutherland Bates
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Portrait of Cowper by R.P. Blackmur, p. 105 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Stricken Deer, or The Life of Cowper by Lord David Cecil
                                          15. [+]
                                            Humanizing Science by Benjamin Ginzburg, pp. 106-107 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. Man and His Universe by John Langdon-Davies
                                            2. Crucibles by Bernard Jaffe
                                            3. The Great Astronomers by Henry Smith Williams
                                            4. Heaven and Earth: A Modern Astronomy by Oswald Thomas
                                            5. Number: The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 108-109 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Relentless by Myrtle Johnston
                                            2. Wind Without Rain by Shan Sedgwick
                                            3. Rings on Her Fingers by Rhys Davies
                                            4. Severn Woods by Edith Rickert
                                        12. [+]
                                          September 17, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 109-110
                                          2. Housing---One Way to Prosperity, p. 111
                                          3. The Argentine Revolution, p. 112
                                          4. Agriculture as a World Problem, pp. 113-114
                                          5. The Chance for Civilized Housing by Lewis Mumford, pp. 115-116
                                          6. What Overthrew Leguia by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 117-119
                                          7. Communist Factions and Leadership by J.B.S. Hardman, pp. 120-122
                                          8. The Spoils System Enters College by John B. Hudson, pp. 123-124
                                          9. Leda, the Lost by Eda Lou Walton, p. 125
                                          10. Herb Workers by Felix Ray, p. 126
                                          11. Romance and Romance by Stark Young, p. 127
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 128-130
                                          13. [+]
                                            From a Work in Porgress by Padraic Colum, p. 131 - 1 Review
                                            1. Haveth Childers Everywhere by James Joyce
                                          14. [+]
                                            Wilderness Madness by James Rorty, p. 132 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Outlaw Years by Robert M. Coates
                                          15. [+]
                                            Curses Not Loud But Deep by T.S. Matthews, p. 133 - 1 Review
                                            1. Laments for the Living by Dorothy Parker
                                          16. [+]
                                            Strange Music by Hazelton Spencer, p. 133 - 1 Review
                                            1. After-Walker by Leonard Cline
                                          17. [+]
                                            George Eliot by John Chamberlain, p. 133 - 1 Review
                                            1. George Eliot by J. Lewis May
                                          18. [+]
                                            Other Biographies, p. 134 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. William Pitt, the Younger by P.W. Wilson
                                            2. De Soto and the Conquistadores by Theodore Maynard
                                            3. D.H. Lawrence: A First Study by Stephen Potter
                                            4. The Business Biography of John Wanamaker, Founder and Builder by Joseph H. Appel
                                          19. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 135-136 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Shepherds in Sackcloth by Sheila Kaye-Smith
                                            2. The Man Who Lost Himself by Osbert Sitwell
                                        13. [+]
                                          September 24, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 136-138
                                          2. Germany's Challenge to France, p. 139
                                          3. Scientists as Leaders, pp. 140-141
                                          4. Is the End of Fascism in Sight? by Percy Winner, pp. 142-143
                                          5. The Goose Step at West Point by Margery Bedinger, pp. 144-145
                                          6. Cross Section of the Rural Mind by Russell Lord, pp. 146-150
                                          7. The Image of Randolph Bourne by Lewis Mumford, p. 151
                                          8. Pioneers by Allen Tate, p. 152
                                          9. Serious Start by Stark Young, p. 152
                                          10. Correspondence, pp. 153-155
                                          11. Verse by Janet Lewis, p. 156
                                          12. Wood's Ground by Marie de L. Welch, p. 156
                                          13. [+]
                                            Sires of New England by Allan Nevins, p. 157 - 1 Review
                                            1. Builders of the Bay Colony by Samuel Eliot Morison
                                          14. [+]
                                            Talent Without Courage by Granville Hicks, p. 158 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Edwardians by Vita Sackville-West
                                          15. [+]
                                            Kiki Tells All by Robert M. Coates, p. 159 - 1 Review
                                            1. Kiki's Memoirs by Kiki
                                          16. [+]
                                            Corn and Fiestas by Stuart Chase, p. 160 - 1 Review
                                            1. Tepoztlan---A Mexican Village by Robert Redfield
                                          17. [+]
                                            The Best Is Yet to Be by Gerald Sykes, p. 160 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Later Years of Thomas Hardy, 1892-1928 by Florence Emily Hardy
                                          18. [+]
                                            No Encumbrance by Eugene Armfield, p. 161 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. I Am Jonathan Scrivener by Claude Houghton
                                            2. The Earth Told Me by Thames Williamson
                                            3. Fifteen Rabbits by Felix Salten
                                      4. [+]
                                        Issues of Oct.-Dec. 1930 = 14 Issues, 251 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          October 1, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. This Week, pp. 162-164
                                          2. Why Tammany Survives, p. 165
                                          3. Unrest in the Caribbean, pp. 166-167
                                          4. Mare Nostrum by Francis Miller and Helen Hill, pp. 168-170
                                          5. Expelled by Jon Cheever, pp. 171-174
                                          6. Drought Relief---A Worm's-eye View by A Dirt Farmer's Wife, p. 175
                                          7. Publishing, Old and New by Lewis Mumford, pp. 176-177
                                          8. In Two Flats by Stark Young, pp. 178-179
                                          9. Emperor Hughes by Malcolm Cowley, p. 180
                                          10. Correspondence, pp. 181-182
                                          11. [+]
                                            "We Old Diplomatists" by Sidney B. Fay, p. 183 - 1 Review
                                            1. Portrait of a Diplomatist by Harold G. Nicolson
                                          12. [+]
                                            An Acoustical Investigation by Jeffrey Mark, p. 184 - 1 Review
                                            1. New Musical Resources by Henry Cowell
                                          13. [+]
                                            High Comedy by Kenneth White, p. 185 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Governor of Massachusetts by Elliot Paul
                                          14. [+]
                                            A Twentieth Century Liberal by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 186 - 1 Review
                                            1. Tents of the Mighty by Donald R. Richberg
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Rollo Boys in Russia by James Rorty, p. 186 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Dog Lane by Lev Gumilevsky
                                            2. Cynics by Anatol Marienhoff
                                          16. [+]
                                            Stagecoatches, Etc. by Joe Gould, pp. 186-189 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Six Horses by William Banning and George Hugh Banning
                                            2. Seven Horizons by Charles J. Finger
                                            3. Prayer for Profit by Robert Collyer Washburn
                                            4. End of Roaming by Alexander Laing
                                        2. [+]
                                          October 8, 1930 Issue = 15 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 189-192
                                          2. The Battle of Broken Bow, p. 193
                                          3. Unemployment Insurance in America, pp. 194-195
                                          4. The Imperial Conference by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 196-197
                                          5. Twenty Hours from New York by Bruce Bliven, pp. 198-200
                                          6. News and the Newspaper: I by Susan Kingsbury, Hornell Hart, and Anna Clark, pp. 201-203
                                          7. Blackshirts in Georgia by Edwin Tribble, pp. 204-205
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 206
                                          9. Orpheus and the Ether by John Malta, p. 207
                                          10. A Farewell to Dramatization by Stark Young, p. 208
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 209-210
                                          12. [+]
                                            South American Revolutionists by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 211 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Life of Miranda by William Spence Robertson
                                            2. Bolivar: The Passionate Warrior by Thomas R. Ybarra
                                          13. [+]
                                            Money-Making as a Religion by Benjamin Ginzburg, p. 212 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber
                                          14. [+]
                                            Get Hot! by T.S. Matthews, p. 213 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. Touch Me Not by Vincent McHugh
                                            2. The Whipping by Roy C. Flannagan
                                            3. Strangers May Kiss by Ursula Parrott
                                            4. The Gentleman from America by Polan Banks
                                            5. Ride the Nightmare by Ward Greene
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Palestine Massacre by Harold Loeb, pp. 214-216 - 1 Review
                                            1. What Happened in Palestine? by Maurice Samuel
                                        3. [+]
                                          October 15, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 216-217
                                          2. Hoover Looks Forward, pp. 218-219
                                          3. 1930: The Dilemma of the Progressive, pp. 220-221
                                          4. "Equal Protection of the Law" by Mathew O. Tobriner, pp. 222-223
                                          5. The Russian Bear in the Wheat Pit by Vera Micheles Dean, pp. 224-225
                                          6. New York City: Corruption As Usual by Joseph McGoldrick, pp. 226-227
                                          7. Good News from Wisconsin by Lyle W. Cooper, pp. 228-229
                                          8. The Detection of Journalistic Bias by Hornell Hart and Susan Kingsbury, pp. 230-232
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 233
                                          10. A Vase for Telemachus by Vincent Sheean, p. 234
                                          11. Correspondence, p. 235
                                          12. [+]
                                            Gothic Magnificence by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 236 - 1 Review
                                            1. Morgan the Magnificent by John K. Winkler
                                          13. [+]
                                            The Cycle of Lord Chelsea by John Chamberlain, p. 237 - 1 Review
                                            1. Last and First Love by Abel Hermant
                                          14. [+]
                                            Ford Was Right by Murray Godwin, p. 237 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Great Crusade and After, 1914-1928 by Preston William Slosson
                                          15. [+]
                                            A New History of Science by Hyman Rosen, p. 238 - 1 Review
                                            1. A History of Science by William Cecil Dampier
                                          16. [+]
                                            "God Help Me to Be Better" by Slater Brown, p. 239 - 1 Review
                                            1. No Bed of Roses by O.W.
                                          17. [+]
                                            A Mistress of Vision by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 240 - 1 Review
                                            1. White April, and Other Poems by Lizette Woodworth Reese
                                          18. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, p. 241 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Angel Pavement by John B. Priestley
                                            2. The Patriot's Progress by Henry Williamson
                                        4. [+]
                                          October 22, 1930 Issue = 19 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 242-244
                                          2. Coffee and Revolution in Brazil, p. 245
                                          3. The Unpatriotic Bear, pp. 246-247
                                          4. The Nietschean Line by Edmund Wilson, pp. 248-249
                                          5. Seven Poems by W.B. Yeats, p. 250
                                          6. Prejudice in Newspaper Headlines by Hornell Hart, pp. 251-254
                                          7. What Hope for India? by C.F. Andrews, pp. 255-256
                                          8. Catch 'Em Young---Teach 'Em Rough by Robert Wohlforth, pp. 257-258
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 259
                                          10. Correspondence, pp. 260-261
                                          11. [+]
                                            Santayana's Palm Tree by John Crowe Ransom, p. 262 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Realm of Matter by George Santayana
                                          12. [+]
                                            A Fox-Hunting Man in the War by T.S. Matthews, p. 263 - 1 Review
                                            1. Memoirs of an Infantry Officer by Siegfried Sassoon
                                          13. [+]
                                            This Neurotic World by Newton Arvin, pp. 264-265 - 1 Review
                                            1. Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
                                          14. [+]
                                            Wilder: Prophet of the Genteel Christ by Michael Gold, pp. 266-267 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. The Cabala by Thornton Niven Wilder
                                            2. The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder
                                            3. The Woman of Andros by Thornton Wilder
                                            4. The Angel That Troubled the Waters by Thornton Wilder
                                          15. [+]
                                            Henry Adams' Letters by Robert Morss Lovett, pp. 268-269 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. I: 1858-1891 by Worthington Chauncey Ford and Henry Adams
                                          16. [+]
                                            Salvaging German War Guilt by Harry Elmer Barnes, pp. 270-272 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Coming of the War, 1914 by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
                                            2. A Refutation of the Versailles War Guilt Thesis by Alfred von Wegerer
                                          17. [+]
                                            Veal and Vinegar by Howard Coxe, pp. 273-274 - 1 Review
                                            1. Cakes and Ale by W. Somerset Maugham
                                          18. [+]
                                            The Jobless by Marquis W. Childs, pp. 275-276 - 1 Review
                                            1. Some Folks Won't Work by Clinch Calkins
                                          19. [+]
                                            Flowering Judas by Louise Bogan, pp. 277-279 - 1 Review
                                            1. Flowering Judas, and Other Stories by Katherine Anne Porter
                                        5. [+]
                                          October 29, 1930 Issue = 15 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 279-281
                                          2. America Turns to the Dole, p. 282
                                          3. Why Schools of Journalism?, pp. 283-284
                                          4. The Grim Anniversary by Burton Rascoe, pp. 285-288
                                          5. Tennis Manners by T.S. Matthews, p. 289
                                          6. Crisp County Bucks the Utilities by Judson King, pp. 290-291
                                          7. Violations of Newspaper Codes by Hornell Hart, Susan M. Kingsbury, and Romayne Rowe, ..., pp. 292-294
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 295
                                          9. The Bi-Millennium of Vergil by Allen Tate, pp. 296-297
                                          10. Solid South by Stark Young, pp. 298-299
                                          11. Correspondence, p. 300
                                          12. [+]
                                            Three Frenchmen in the U.S. by Edmund Wilson, pp. 301-302 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. World Champions by Paul Morand
                                            2. America, the Menace by Georges Duhamel
                                            3. Standards: Le Travail Americain vu Par UN Ouvrier by Henri Dubreuil
                                          13. [+]
                                            An Opponent of the Soviets by Vera Micheles Dean, p. 303 - 1 Review
                                            1. Economic Trends in Soviet Russia by A. Yugoff
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Glory of the Nightingales by Horace Gregory, p. 303 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Glory of the Nightingales by Edwin Arlington Robinson
                                          15. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels by Howard Coxe, pp. 304-306 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. The Bitter Tea of General Yen by Grace Zaring Stone
                                            2. Mirthful Haven by Booth Tarkington
                                            3. The Man from Limbo by S. Guy Endore
                                        6. [+]
                                          November 5, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 306-308
                                          2. Just Before the Battle, pp. 309-310
                                          3. Prophet Lamont, p. 311
                                          4. Gold by E.M.H. Lloyd, pp. 312-315
                                          5. Dwight Morrow in New Jersey by Edmund Wilson, pp. 316-317
                                          6. Who Opposes Mussolini? by Percy Winner, pp. 318-320
                                          7. The Mexican Exposition by Stark Young, p. 321
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 322
                                          9. Big, Little and Good Shows by Gilbert Seldes, p. 323
                                          10. Correspondence, pp. 324-326
                                          11. [+]
                                            Moliere by Peter Monro Jack, p. 327 - 1 Review
                                            1. Moliere by John Palmer
                                          12. [+]
                                            Death to the Novelists by Robert M. Coates, p. 328 - 1 Review
                                            1. The John Riddell Murder Case by John Riddell
                                          13. [+]
                                            Northcliffe, Stunt Journalist by Silas Bent, p. 328 - 1 Review
                                            1. Northcliffe: An Intimate Biography by Hamilton Fyfe
                                          14. [+]
                                            Manus and Americans by Isidor Schneider, p. 329 - 1 Review
                                            1. Growing Up in New Guinea by Margaret Mead
                                          15. [+]
                                            Experimental Psychology by Leonard Carmichael, p. 330 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. A History of Experimental Psychology by Edwin G. Boring
                                            2. Principles of Experimental Psychology by Henri Pieron
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 331-333 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Seed by Charles G. Norris
                                            2. A Note in Music by Rosamond Lehmann
                                            3. The Island by Naomi Royde-Smith
                                            4. The Silence of Colonel Bramble by Andre Maurois
                                        7. [+]
                                          November 12, 1930 Issue = 15 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 333-334
                                          2. Buy Now---If You Can!, p. 335
                                          3. The Melodrama of Communism, p. 336
                                          4. Dr. Schacht Breaks the Rule, pp. 337-338
                                          5. Gold and the Industrial Depression by George Soule, pp. 339-342
                                          6. Zion for the Arabs by Harold Loeb, pp. 343-345
                                          7. The Redmongers Go West by Conrad Seiler, pp. 346-347
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 348
                                          9. Roar China by Stark Young, pp. 349-350
                                          10. Four Poems by W.B. Yeats, p. 351
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 352-353
                                          12. [+]
                                            The Strange Case of Mr. Roosevelt and Dr. Taft by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 354 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Taft and Roosevelt by Archibald W. Butt
                                            2. William Howard Taft by Herbert S. Duffy
                                            3. Roosevelt: His Mind in Action by Lewis Einstein
                                          13. [+]
                                            Soviet Foreign Policy by Vera Micheles Dean, p. 355 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Soviets in World Affairs by Louis Fischer
                                          14. [+]
                                            King Babbitt by Cuthbert Wright, p. 356 - 1 Review
                                            1. Henry of Navarre by Henry Dwight Sedgwick
                                          15. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels, pp. 357-360 - 5 Reviews
                                            1. The Big Barn by Walter D. Edmonds
                                            2. The Mother by Sholem Asch
                                            3. Red Snow by F. Wright Moxley
                                            4. David Golder by Irene Nemirovsky
                                            5. The Family by Francois Mauriac
                                        8. [+]
                                          November 19, 1930 Issue = 16 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 1-3
                                          2. Bankrupt Business Leadership, pp. 4-5
                                          3. The Chance in India, pp. 6-7
                                          4. "Sold" on Foreign Bonds by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 8-11
                                          5. No Money, No Work by Bruce Bliven, pp. 12-13
                                          6. Program for a Voyage by Isidor Schneider, p. 14
                                          7. Political Headquarters by Edmund Wilson, p. 15
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 16
                                          9. Elizabeth by Stark Young, pp. 17-18
                                          10. Torch Songs by Gilbert Seldes, p. 19
                                          11. Correspondence, pp. 20-21
                                          12. [+]
                                            Animals, Fairies and Children by Padraic Colum, pp. 22-23 - 18 Reviews
                                            1. Green Island by George Biddle
                                            2. Red Man's Luck by Constance Lindsay Skinner
                                            3. Rama, the Hero of India by Dhan Gopal Mukerji
                                            4. How the Derrick Works by Wilfred Jones
                                            5. Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kastner
                                            6. Susie Sugarbeet by Margaret Ashmun
                                            7. The Five Children by E. Nesbit
                                            8. The Wee Men of Ballywooden by Arthur Mason
                                            9. Magyar Fairy Tales from Old Hungarian Legends by Nandor Pogany
                                            10. The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth
                                            11. The Ark of Father Noah and Mother Noah by Maud Petersham and Miska Petersham
                                            12. The Painted Pig by Elizabeth C. Morrow
                                            13. Berta and Elmer Hader's Picture Book of Mother Goose by Berta Hader and Elmer Hader
                                            14. Mother Goose Land by James Norman Hall
                                            15. Liang and lo by Kurt Wiese
                                            16. Angus and the Ducks by Marjorie Flack
                                            17. Tina Mina by Dorothy Mayer
                                            18. The Enchanted Button by Marion Bullard
                                          13. [+]
                                            Shmarya Levin's Memoirs by Melvin P. Levy, p. 24 - 1 Review
                                            1. Youth in Revolt by Shmarya Levin
                                          14. [+]
                                            Lynn Rigg's Poems by Morton Dauwen Zabel, p. 25 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Iron Dish by Lynn Riggs
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Dreyfus Case by Matthew Josephson, p. 25 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Les Carnets de Schwartzkoppen by B. Schwertfeger
                                            2. Traitor! Traitor! by Johnston D. Kerkhoff
                                          16. [+]
                                            Notes on Novels by Kenneth White, pp. 26-28 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. The Great Jasper by Fulton Oursler
                                            2. Miss Mole by E.H. Young
                                            3. As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
                                            4. Tales Told by Simpson by May Sinclair
                                        9. [+]
                                          November 26, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 28-30
                                          2. The Economic Interpretation of Wilder, p. 31
                                          3. The Buyers' Baedeker, p. 32
                                          4. Unrest in Panama, pp. 33-34
                                          5. How Fares Ireland? by James Winder Good, pp. 35-36
                                          6. To a Swallow by John Peale Bishop, p. 37
                                          7. "Sold" on Foreign Bonds: II by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 38-40
                                          8. Roraback of Connecticut by Bulkley S. Griffin, pp. 41-42
                                          9. Scanderbeg by Padraic Colum, p. 43
                                          10. Many Happy Returns by Felix Ray, p. 44
                                          11. Football Morals by T.S. Matthews, p. 45
                                          12. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 46
                                          13. The Curtain Call by Stark Young, p. 47
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 48-49
                                          15. [+]
                                            Joseph Wood Krutch by Granville Hicks, p. 50 - 1 Review
                                            1. Five Masters by Joseph Wood Krutch
                                          16. [+]
                                            East and West on Population by Henry Pratt Fairchild, p. 51 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Population by Corrado Gini, Shiroshi Nasu, and Robert Kuczynski, ...
                                            2. Population Problems by Warren S. Thompson
                                          17. [+]
                                            Moral for Millionaires by Cuthbert Wright, p. 52 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Black Baron by Tennille Dix
                                            2. Alias Bluebeard by Emile Gabory
                                          18. [+]
                                            Chelsea Rooming House by Kenneth White, pp. 53-55 - 1 Review
                                            1. Chelsea Rooming House by Horace Gregory
                                        10. [+]
                                          December 3, 1930 Issue = 18 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 55-56
                                          2. From Breadline to Millionaire, p. 57
                                          3. Mr. Hoover and the Children, p. 58
                                          4. Can Copper Be Controlled?, pp. 59-60
                                          5. Will the Five Year Plan Succeed? by George Soule, pp. 61-64
                                          6. "Sold" on Foreign Bonds: III by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 65-67
                                          7. Sophocles, Babbitt and Freud by Edmund Wilson, pp. 68-69
                                          8. Almeria by Aldous Huxley, p. 70
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 71
                                          10. Seasonable Notes by Stark Young, p. 72
                                          11. Two by L.A.G. Strong, p. 73
                                          12. The Janacek Festival Mass by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 73
                                          13. Correspondence, pp. 74-76
                                          14. [+]
                                            The World of Robert Frost by Granville Hicks, p. 77 - 1 Review
                                            1. Collected Poems by Robert Frost
                                          15. [+]
                                            Sailors and a Soldier by John Wheelwright, p. 78 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Old China Trade by Foster Rhea Dulles
                                            2. A Yankee Adventurer by Holger Cahill
                                          16. [+]
                                            An Artist With a Bad Conscience by Howard Coxe, p. 79 - 1 Review
                                            1. A Man and His Dog by Thomas Mann
                                          17. [+]
                                            Why Are We Happy? by W.B. Curry, p. 80 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell
                                          18. [+]
                                            Literary Madness by Kenneth White, pp. 81-82 - 1 Review
                                            1. Confessions: A Study in Pathology by Arthur Symons
                                        11. [+]
                                          December 10, 1930 Issue = 26 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 82-84
                                          2. Engineers View the Depression, p. 85
                                          3. France Tries Again, p. 86
                                          4. Enforcing Academic Freedom, pp. 87-88
                                          5. India Under the Lathi by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 89-90
                                          6. The Next Phase of the Power Fight by Judson King, pp. 91-92
                                          7. "Sold" on Foreign Bonds: IV by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 93-96
                                          8. Will Hays, Himself by Silas Bent, pp. 97-99
                                          9. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 100
                                          10. Scarlet Sister Mary by Stark Young, pp. 101-102
                                          11. Some Movie Notes by Gilbert Seldes, p. 103
                                          12. Correspondence, pp. 104-105
                                          13. [+]
                                            Voiceless India by Robert Morss Lovett, pp. 106-107 - 10 Reviews
                                            1. Voiceless India by Gertrude Emerson
                                            2. A Marriage to India by Frieda M. Hauswirth Das
                                            3. The Power of India by Michael Pym
                                            4. Disillusioned India by Dhan Gopal Mukerji
                                            5. Reconstructing India by Edward J. Thompson
                                            6. Must England Lose India? by Arthur Carr Osburn
                                            7. The Dilemma in India by Reginald H. Craddock
                                            8. India and the Simon Report by C.F. Andrews
                                            9. The Case for India by William J. Durant
                                            10. Mahatma Gandhi: His Own Story by C.F. Andrews and Mahatma Gandhi
                                          14. [+]
                                            The Police Gazette by T.S. Matthews, p. 108 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Sins of New York by Edward Van Every
                                          15. [+]
                                            Arrangement in Gray and Silver by Howard Coxe, p. 109 - 1 Review
                                            1. Claudia by Arnold Zweig
                                          16. [+]
                                            A Gallant Crusader by Paul H. Douglas, p. 110 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Prophet of San Francisco by Louis F. Post
                                          17. [+]
                                            Big Hotel by Geoffrey T. Hellman, p. 111 - 1 Review
                                            1. Imperial Palace by Arnold Bennett
                                          18. [+]
                                            Physics and Metaphysics by Benjamin Ginzburg, pp. 111-112 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Mysterious Universe by James H. Jeans
                                          19. [+]
                                            Beautiful Prose by Allen Tate, p. 113 - 1 Review
                                            1. John Wesley by John Donald Wade
                                          20. [+]
                                            Good Proletarian Realism by Murray Godwin, pp. 113-114 - 1 Review
                                            1. Strike! by Mary Heaton Vorse
                                          21. [+]
                                            John Bagnell Bury by Wallace Brockway, p. 115 - 1 Review
                                            1. Selected Essays of J. B. Bury by Harold Temperley and J.B. Bury
                                          22. [+]
                                            Book Notes, p. 116 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. From Toulouse-Lautrec to Rodin by Arthur Symons
                                            2. The Meaning of Art by A. Philip McMahon
                                            3. A Miniature History of Art by Reginald H. Wilenski
                                          23. [+]
                                            Belles Lettres The Greek Way, by Edith Hamilton, p. 116 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton
                                            2. The Letters and Epigrams of Sir John Harington by Norman Egbert McClure and John Harington
                                          24. [+]
                                            Fiction Beloved!, by Sarah Levy, p. 117 - 7 Reviews
                                            1. Beloved! by Sarah Levy
                                            2. The Castle by Franz Kafka
                                            3. Every Mother's Son by Norman Lindsay
                                            4. Madman's Drum by Lynd Ward
                                            5. Seven Days' Darkness by Gunnar Gunnarsson
                                            6. Stories by Katherine Mansfield by John Middleton Murry and Katherine Mansfield
                                            7. Women and Monks by Joseph F. Kallinikov
                                          25. [+]
                                            History The Growth of the American Republic, by Samuel..., p. 118 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. The Growth of the American Republic by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager, ...
                                            2. The Origins of the World War by Sidney Bradshaw Fay
                                            3. The South as a Conscious Minority, 1789-1861 by Jesse T. Carpenter
                                          26. [+]
                                            Memoirs Two Years, by Liam O'Flaherty, pp. 118-121 - 1 Review
                                            1. Two Years by Liam O'Flaherty
                                        12. [+]
                                          December 17, 1930 Issue = 17 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 121-123
                                          2. A Modest Proposal, p. 124
                                          3. The Deadlock in Progressive Education, pp. 125-126
                                          4. An American Loan to Russia? by Miles M. Sherover, pp. 127-130
                                          5. "Sold" on Foreign Bonds: V by Lawrence Dennis, pp. 131-134
                                          6. It's Hitting the Luxury Trades by Beulah Amidon, pp. 135-136
                                          7. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 137
                                          8. Madame Povla Frijsh by Stark Young, p. 138
                                          9. When Green Went up in Tide by Leonie Adams, p. 139
                                          10. Correspondence, pp. 140-141
                                          11. [+]
                                            An American Leviathan by Lindsay Rogers, p. 142 - 1 Review
                                            1. The American Leviathan by Charles A. Beard and William Beard
                                          12. [+]
                                            Our Universities by Grant H. Code, pp. 143-144 - 1 Review
                                            1. Universities: American, English, German by Abraham Flexner
                                          13. [+]
                                            Understanding Gordon Craig by Harold Clurman, p. 145 - 1 Review
                                            1. Henry Irving by Edward Gordon Craig
                                          14. [+]
                                            Books Notes, p. 145 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Peter Arno's Hullabaloo by Peter Arno
                                            2. The Third New Yorker Album
                                          15. [+]
                                            Poetry and Drama The Best Plays of 1929-1930, by Burns Mantle, p. 145 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. The Best Plays of 1929-1930 by Burns Mantle
                                            2. Lyric America by Alfred Kreymborg
                                          16. [+]
                                            The Social Sciences Rationalization and Unemployment, by J.A. Hobson, p. 146 - 1 Review
                                            1. Rationalization and Unemployment by J.A. Hobson
                                          17. [+]
                                            Fiction Claudine at School, by Colette, pp. 146-148 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Claudine at School by Colette
                                            2. A Short History of Julia by Isa Glenn
                                            3. Staying with Relations by Rose Macaulay
                                            4. A Story-Teller's Holiday by George Moore
                                        13. [+]
                                          December 24, 1930 Issue = 20 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 148-150
                                          2. Hoover Uses the Whip, p. 151
                                          3. Incompetent Banking Leadership, pp. 152-153
                                          4. Two American Boys in the U.S.S.R. by David Kinkead and Robin Kinkead, pp. 154-156
                                          5. Fight the Good Fight by T.S. Matthews, p. 157
                                          6. Foster and Fish by Edmund Wilson, pp. 158-162
                                          7. Virginians on Strike by Louis Adamic, p. 163
                                          8. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 164
                                          9. Revue and Revolution by Stark Young, pp. 165-166
                                          10. A Communication by Murray Godwin, p. 167
                                          11. Correspondence, p. 168
                                          12. [+]
                                            The Great Man by Robert Morss Lovett, p. 169 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Daniel Webster by Claude Moore Fuess
                                            2. The Godlike Daniel by Samuel Hopkins Adams
                                          13. [+]
                                            Myths of the World by Frederick Dupee, p. 170 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Orpheus: Myths of the World by Padraic Colum
                                            2. Old Pastures by Padraic Colum
                                          14. [+]
                                            Lawrence's Last Novel by Robert Cantwell, p. 171 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Virgin and the Gipsy by D.H. Lawrence
                                          15. [+]
                                            Storm Over Africa by R.F. Alfred Hoernle, p. 171 - 1 Review
                                            1. Caliban in Africa by Leonard Barnes
                                          16. [+]
                                            Book Notes, p. 172 - 3 Reviews
                                            1. Great Pictures of Europe by Thomas Munro
                                            2. An Hour of Art by Walter Pach
                                            3. Ultimo by John Vassos and Ruth Vassos
                                          17. [+]
                                            Biography and Memoirs Memories and Vagaries, by Axel Munthe, p. 173 - 1 Review
                                            1. Memories and Vagaries by Axel Munthe
                                          18. [+]
                                            Travel and Adventure High Tartary, by Owen Lattimore, p. 173 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. High Tartary by Owen Lattimore
                                            2. Little America by Richard E. Byrd
                                          19. [+]
                                            Poetry The Canterbury Tales, by William Van Wyck and ..., p. 173 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Canterbury Tales by William Van Wyck and Geoffrey Chaucer
                                          20. [+]
                                            Fiction Best Seller, by A.N. Youmans, p. 173 - 4 Reviews
                                            1. Best Seller by A.N. Youmans
                                            2. Dance Night by Dawn Powell
                                            3. Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
                                            4. Celestine: Being the Diary of a Chambermaid by Octave Mirbeau
                                        14. [+]
                                          December 31, 1930 Issue = 22 Articles
                                          1. The Week, pp. 174-175
                                          2. A Better American Way with Unemployment, pp. 176-177
                                          3. Judge Clark and the Constitution, p. 178
                                          4. Who Tried to Knife Norris---and Why?, p. 179
                                          5. Macedonia Fights On, pp. 179-180
                                          6. Doles for Employers by Sumner H. Slichter, pp. 181-182
                                          7. The Indian Peasant Strikes Back by H.N. Brailsford, pp. 183-184
                                          8. Short Cut to God by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, pp. 185-186
                                          9. Two American Boys in the U.S.S.R. by David Kinkead and Robin Kinkead, pp. 187-189
                                          10. Harold Weston's Adventure by Paul Rosenfeld, p. 190
                                          11. Washington Notes by "T.R.B.", p. 191
                                          12. Max and the Theater by Stark Young, p. 192
                                          13. Who Are Not Kings by H. Boner, p. 193
                                          14. Correspondence, pp. 194-195
                                          15. [+]
                                            The Technique of Voltaire by Matthew Josephson, p. 196 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Voltaire by Georg M.C. Brandes
                                            2. Voltaire by C.E. Vulliamy
                                          16. [+]
                                            History While You Wait by Howard Coxe, p. 197 - 1 Review
                                            1. Success by Lion Feuchtwanger
                                          17. [+]
                                            John Masefield and Ships by Eda Lou Walton, p. 198 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Wanderer of Liverpool by John Masefield
                                          18. [+]
                                            Athlete and Mystic by Isidor Schneider, p. 199 - 1 Review
                                            1. The Lives of a Bengal Lancer by Francis C.C. Yeats-Brown
                                          19. [+]
                                            Book Notes, p. 199 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Modern American Painters by Samuel M. Kootz
                                            2. Pyramid and Temple by Julius Meier-Graefe
                                          20. [+]
                                            Biography and Memoirs Joseph Fouche: The Portrait of a Politician, b..., p. 200 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Joseph Fouche: The Portrait of a Politician by Stefan Zweig
                                            2. Twenty-One Americans by Niven Busch, Jr.
                                          21. [+]
                                            History Death Customs, by Effie Bendann, p. 200 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Death Customs by Effie Bendann
                                            2. Minoans, Philistines, and Greeks, B.C. 1400-900 by A.R. Burn
                                          22. [+]
                                            Fiction Burnt Offering, by Jeanne Galzy, pp. 200-201 - 2 Reviews
                                            1. Burnt Offering by Jeanne Galzy
                                            2. Midsummernight by Carl Wilhelmson
                                    2. [+]
                                      Issues of 1931 = 52 Issues, 1,089 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1932 = 52 Issues, 1,103 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1933 = 52 Issues, 1,051 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1934 = 51 Issues, 1,169 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1935 = 51 Issues, 1,141 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1936 = 53 Issues, 1,223 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1937 = 52 Issues, 1,239 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1938 = 51 Issues, 1,162 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1939 = 52 Issues, 1,178 Articles
                                                    2. [+]
                                                      Issues of the 1940s = 9 Years, 443 Issues, 8,910 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1940 = 27 Issues, 598 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1941 = 52 Issues, 1,128 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1943 = 52 Issues, 1,035 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1944 = 52 Issues, 942 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1945 = 53 Issues, 994 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1946 = 51 Issues, 1,082 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1947 = 52 Issues, 1,091 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1948 = 52 Issues, 986 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1949 = 52 Issues, 1,054 Articles
                                                                      2. [+]
                                                                        Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 481 Issues, 8,151 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1950 = 52 Issues, 1,022 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1951 = 53 Issues, 1,009 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1952 = 50 Issues, 962 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 1953 = 52 Issues, 870 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 1954 = 52 Issues, 747 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 1955 = 52 Issues, 617 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 1956 = 26 Issues, 407 Articles
                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of 1957 = 48 Issues, 786 Articles
                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of 1958 = 48 Issues, 919 Articles
                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                            Issues of 1959 = 48 Issues, 812 Articles
                                                                                          2. [+]
                                                                                            Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 471 Issues, 8,607 Articles
                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                              Issues of 1960 = 48 Issues, 879 Articles
                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                Issues of 1961 = 48 Issues, 918 Articles
                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                  Issues of 1962 = 48 Issues, 983 Articles
                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                    Issues of 1963 = 48 Issues, 933 Articles
                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                      Issues of 1964 = 48 Issues, 883 Articles
                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                        Issues of 1965 = 48 Issues, 840 Articles
                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                          Issues of 1966 = 47 Issues, 827 Articles
                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                            Issues of 1967 = 48 Issues, 866 Articles
                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                              Issues of 1968 = 40 Issues, 727 Articles
                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                Issues of 1969 = 48 Issues, 751 Articles
                                                                                                              2. [+]
                                                                                                                Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 478 Issues, 8,732 Articles
                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                  Issues of 1970 = 48 Issues, 777 Articles
                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                    Issues of 1971 = 48 Issues, 809 Articles
                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                      Issues of 1972 = 48 Issues, 810 Articles
                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                        Issues of 1973 = 48 Issues, 857 Articles
                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                          Issues of 1974 = 48 Issues, 921 Articles
                                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                                            Issues of 1975 = 48 Issues, 781 Articles
                                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                                              Issues of 1976 = 46 Issues, 765 Articles
                                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                                Issues of 1977 = 48 Issues, 1,002 Articles
                                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                                  Issues of 1978 = 48 Issues, 989 Articles
                                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                                    Issues of 1979 = 48 Issues, 1,021 Articles
                                                                                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                                                                                    Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 474 Issues, 9,320 Articles
                                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                                      Issues of 1980 = 48 Issues, 1,016 Articles
                                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                                        Issues of 1981 = 47 Issues, 931 Articles
                                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                                          Issues of 1982 = 48 Issues, 878 Articles
                                                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                                                            Issues of 1983 = 48 Issues, 874 Articles
                                                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                                                              Issues of 1984 = 48 Issues, 893 Articles
                                                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                Issues of 1985 = 48 Issues, 943 Articles
                                                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                  Issues of 1986 = 48 Issues, 974 Articles
                                                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                    Issues of 1987 = 48 Issues, 988 Articles
                                                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                      Issues of 1988 = 45 Issues, 914 Articles
                                                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                        Issues of 1989 = 46 Issues, 909 Articles
                                                                                                                                                      2. [+]
                                                                                                                                                        Issues of the 1990s = 10 Years, 467 Issues, 8,784 Articles
                                                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                          Issues of 1990 = 48 Issues, 902 Articles
                                                                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                            Issues of 1991 = 43 Issues, 842 Articles
                                                                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                              Issues of 1992 = 45 Issues, 889 Articles
                                                                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                Issues of 1993 = 47 Issues, 897 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                  Issues of 1994 = 47 Issues, 893 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                    Issues of 1995 = 47 Issues, 845 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                      Issues of 1996 = 49 Issues, 921 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                        Issues of 1997 = 47 Issues, 853 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                          Issues of 1998 = 47 Issues, 870 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                            Issues of 1999 = 47 Issues, 872 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                          2. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                            Issues of the 2000s = 10 Years, 370 Issues, 6,302 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                              Issues of 2000 = 48 Issues, 872 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                Issues of 2001 = 48 Issues, 867 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                  Issues of 2002 = 44 Issues, 735 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                    Issues of 2003 = 42 Issues, 687 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                      Issues of 2004 = 41 Issues, 665 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                        Issues of 2005 = 42 Issues, 652 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                          Issues of 2006 = 42 Issues, 634 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                            Issues of 2007 = 24 Issues, 424 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                              Issues of 2008 = 18 Issues, 352 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                                Issues of 2009 = 21 Issues, 414 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                              2. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                                Issues of the 2010s = 1 Year, 19 Issues, 320 Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Issues of 2010 = 19 Issues, 320 Articles