The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
New Politics Archives
New Politics •ï¿½16 Years, 44 Issues, 663 Articles, 5,118pp
Ideology and American Social Structure
New Politics, Winter 1962, pp. 98-106
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1960s = 9 Years, 30 Issues, 488 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1961 = 2 Issues, 47 Articles
      1. [+]
        Fall 1961 Issue = 23 Articles
        1. The Cuban Revolution: Four Views by Robert Alexander, pp. 7-15
        2. Castro's Challenge to America by Samuel Shapiro, pp. 16-22
        3. Cuba: Socialist or Totalitarian? by Sam Bottone, pp. 23-35
        4. The Nature of Cuban Socialism by Cedric Belfrage, pp. 36-42
        5. Reflections of a Revolutionist in Exile by Pal Jonas, pp. 43-47
        6. American Labor at Dead-End by Sidney Lens, pp. 48-60
        7. The "New Negro" and the New Moderation by Tom Kahn, pp. 61-76
        8. British Socialism by Desmond Donnelly, M.P. and Frank Allaun, M.P., ..., pp. 77-86
        9. Neo-Corporatists and Neo-Reformers by Hal Draper, pp. 87-106
        10. Films to Make Us See by Ernest Callenbach, pp. 107-111
        11. Marx Versus Marx by Michael Harrington, pp. 112-123
        12. Pseudo-Profundity by Lionel Abel, pp. 124-131
        13. Ideology and History in America by Ludwig Mahler, pp. 132-143
        14. Prospects for Change in the Soviet Union by Joseph Clark, pp. 144-156
        15. The Limits of Russian Reform by Julius Jacobson, pp. 157-176
        16. The Politics of Zen by Henry Braun, pp. 177-189
        17. Trade Unions in the Soviet Orbit by Paul Barton, pp. 190-201
        18. Socialism and Technology by Mulford Q. Sibley, pp. 202-213
        19. Notes From Abroad by S. Parane, pp. 214-215
        20. Italian Socialist Congress by Giuseppe Faravelli, pp. 216-218
        21. The Imre Nagy Institute by Balazs Nagy, pp. 219-220
        22. Brussels Meeting by Dan Gallin, p. 221
        23. The BLP Since Scarborough by Eric Heffer, pp. 222-228
      2. [+]
        Winter 1961 Issue = 24 Articles
        1. The ILQWU Today by Herbert Hill, pp. 6-17
        2. The Economics of Cybernation by Paul Mattick, pp. 18-33
        3. An Interview by David Ball and Jeremy Larner, pp. 34-44
        4. Marx and Engels Visit Walter Ulbricht by Wolfgang Leonhard, pp. 45-52
        5. "We Shall All Char Together..." by Renata Adler, pp. 53-56
        6. Excerpts from the Last Writings of Andrzej Stawar by Andrzej Stawar, pp. 57-84
        7. A Report on Spain by Juan Bacofra, pp. 85-90
        8. Marx and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat by Hal Draper, pp. 91-104
        9. The Scientific Culture of C.P. Snow by Albert Fried, pp. 105-110
        10. Toward a Definition of Soviet Socialism by Robert V. Daniels, pp. 111-118
        11. Action In and Out of Painting by Nicolas Calas, pp. 119-122
        12. Currents in Italian Socialist Thought by Giovanni Pieraccini, pp. 123-132
        13. �---��by Lelio Basso, pp. 133-139
        14. �---��by Valerio Agostinone, pp. 140-145
        15. �---��by Lucio Libertini, pp. 146-154
        16. �---��by Italo Viglianesi, pp. 155-159
        17. �---��by Vittorio Foa, pp. 160-167
        18. �---��by Giorgio Galli, pp. 168-172
        19. Discussion and Controversy by Erich Fromm, Julius Jacobson, Harry Lipset, and Paul Jacobs, ..., pp. 173-181
        20. [+]
          A Significant Contribution by Julius Jacobson, p. 182 - 1 Review
          1. The Kremlin Since Stalin by Wolfgang Leonhard
        21. [+]
          A Tangled Vision by Don Kelley, p. 183 - 1 Review
          1. The Tangled Bank by Stanley Edgar Hyman
        22. [+]
          The Need to Say NO by Phyllis Jacobson, p. 184 - 1 Review
          1. A Radical's America by Harvey Swados
        23. [+]
          9 Reviews Socialism in the New Society, by Douglas Jay, pp. 185-189 - 9 Reviews
          1. Socialism in the New Society by Douglas Jay
          2. The Cold War: Retrospect and Prospect by Frederick L. Schuman
          3. Fenollosa and His Circle by Van Wyck Brooks
          4. The Share of Top Wealth-Holders in National Wealth, 1922-56 by Robert J. Lampman
          5. The Other America by Michael Harrington
          6. The Bureaucratic Revolution by Max Shachtman
          7. The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics by Arnold S. Rice
          8. Russia Under Khrushchev by Alexander Werth
          9. Communist China in Perspective by A. Doak Barnett
        24. Index Volue I 1961-1962, pp. 190-196
    2. [+]
      Issues of 1962 = 3 Issues, 60 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1962 Issue = 21 Articles
        1. American Socialism and Thermonuclear War: A Symposium by Norman Thomas, pp. 7-9
        2. �---��by Sidney Lens, pp. 10-19
        3. �---��by Robert Alexander, pp. 20-26
        4. �---��by Julius Jacobson, pp. 27-39
        5. �---��by William Appleman Williams, pp. 40-45
        6. �---��by Mulford Sibley, pp. 46-52
        7. A British View of the Cold War by Douglas Jay, M.P., pp. 53-57
        8. Tocqueville and the New Politics by James Keeney, pp. 58-65
        9. The End of the Algerian War by Francis Roy, pp. 66-73
        10. The Ultra Right and the Liberals by Hal Draper, pp. 74-81
        11. The Common Market by Michael Barratt Brown and Eric Heffer, pp. 82-96
        12. Bertie Brecht in New York by Lee Baxandall, pp. 97-100
        13. A Political Baedeker to Israel by Paul Jacobs, pp. 101-110
        14. Labor and Politics by Patrick Gorman, pp. 111-115
        15. What Is Alienation? by Lewis Feuer, pp. 116-134
        16. Negroes and the Labor Movement by Seymour Lipset, William Gomberg, Tom Kahn, and Herbert Hill, ..., pp. 135-142
        17. Correspondence, pp. 143-144
        18. Notes From Abroad by A. Giacometti, pp. 145-150
        19. The New Democratic Party of Canada by Carl Hamilton, pp. 151-153
        20. Labor's Progress in Australian Elections by Leonard Lambourne, pp. 154-157
        21. [+]
          Booknotes, pp. 158-164 - 10 Reviews
          1. H.M. Hyndman and British Socialism by Chushichi Tsuzuki and Henry Pelling
          2. Protests of an Ex-Organization Man by Kermit Eby
          3. Moscow Journal: The End of Stalin by Harrison E. Salisbury
          4. Rebel in Paradise by Richard Drinnon
          5. The Peace Race by Seymour Melman
          6. Organized Crime in America by Gus Tyler
          7. Race and Science by UNESCO
          8. The Contours of American History by William Appleman Williams
          9. The American Ultras by Irwin Suall
          10. What Is History? by Edward Hallett Carr
      2. [+]
        Winter 1962 Issue = 19 Articles
        1. Organized Labor and the Negro Wage Earner by Herbert Hill, pp. 7-19
        2. Toward Party Realignment by Gus Tyler, pp. 20-25
        3. The African Revolution and Its Image in America by St. Clair Drake and Elizabeth Drake, pp. 26-39
        4. Despotism and Totalitarianism by Paul Barton, pp. 40-50
        5. The Twenty Second Congress of the Russian Communist Party by Tony Cliff, pp. 51-65
        6. The Middle Class Revolution by Victor Alba, pp. 66-73
        7. Prospects for Change and Growth by Saul Mendelson, pp. 74-77
        8. Notes on Marx's Conception of Democracy by Maximilien Rubel, pp. 78-90
        9. Mass Film Criticism by Parker Tyler, pp. 91-97
        10. Ideology and American Social Structure by Douglas Dowd, pp. 98-106
        11. Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960) by Paul Mattick, pp. 107-115
        12. Introduction by Lewis Feuer, pp. 116-123
        13. The Zengakuren by Kenichi Koyama, pp. 124-134
        14. The Socialist Party by Hiroo Wada, pp. 135-143
        15. The Democratic Socialist Party by Yoshihiko Seki, pp. 144-150
        16. The Intellectuals by Ikutaro Shimizu, pp. 151-158
        17. Notes From Abroad by Francis Roy and Eric Heffer, pp. 159-167
        18. Correspondence, pp. 168-173
        19. [+]
          Booknotes, pp. 174-180 - 8 Reviews
          1. Norman Thomas, Respectable Rebel by Murray B. Seidler
          2. M-26: The Biography of a Revolution by Robert Taber
          3. United States and Cuba by Robert F. Smith
          4. House Without a Roof by Maurice Hindus
          5. The Sino-Soviet Dispute by G.F. Hudson, Richard Lowenthal, and Roderick MacFarquhar, ...
          6. The Red Phoenix by Harry Schwartz
          7. The Burden of Southern History by C. Vann Woodward
          8. The Long Revolution by Raymond Williams
      3. [+]
        Fall 1962 Issue = 20 Articles
        1. The Truth About the ILGWU by Gus Tyler, pp. 6-17
        2. Cuba-Blockade-Crisis: A Symposium, p. 18
        3. A Terrible Risk of Nuclear War by Norman Thomas, pp. 19-22
        4. A False "Crisis" by Victor Alba, pp. 23-26
        5. Kennedy's Disastrous Cuban Policy by Hal Draper, pp. 27-40
        6. Why President Kennedy Was Right in the Cuban Crisis by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 41-50
        7. Notes on the Cuban Revolution by Boris Goldenberg, pp. 51-58
        8. The Revolution Not Seen by David Dellinger, pp. 59-63
        9. The Two Faces of Cuba by Roy Finch, pp. 64-69
        10. Extract From a Cuban Diary by Samuel Shapiro, pp. 70-83
        11. Castro's Counter Revolution by Antonio de la Carrera, pp. 84-97
        12. A New Stage in Government-Labor Relations by Michael Shute, pp. 98-105
        13. Communism in the Era of "Enlightened Despotism" by Zygmunt Zaremba, pp. 106-114
        14. Sidney Hook and the Bill of Rights by Albert Fried, pp. 115-119
        15. Role of the State in Russian Trade Unions by Paul Barton, pp. 120-127
        16. The Curtain Raised, pp. 128-133
        17. A Man's Man by Lee Baxandall, pp. 134-137
        18. Notes From Abroad by Francis Roy, pp. 138-141
        19. Negroes and the Labor Movement by William Doyle, Herbert Hill, Bill Goode, and Seymour M. Lipset, ..., pp. 142-151
        20. [+]
          Booknotes, pp. 152-164 - 14 Reviews
          1. People and Life, 1891-1921 by Ilya Ehrenburg
          2. The Literature of Communism in America by Robert Finley Delaney
          3. The Muckrakers, 1902-1912 by Arthur Weinberg and Lila Weinberg
          4. Kill and Overkill by Ralph E. Lapp
          5. The Warfare State by Fred J. Cook
          6. The Wound in the Heart by Allen Guttmann
          7. The Amateur Democrat by James Q. Wilson
          8. Appeasement: A Study in Political Decline, 1933-1939 by A.L. Rowse
          9. Marx vs. Russia by J.A. Doerig
          10. Darwin, Marx and Wagner by Henry L. Plaine
          11. Aneurin Bevan: Cautious Rebel by Mark M. Krug
          12. American Social Thought by Ray Ginger
          13. The Autobiography of Upton Sinclair by Upton Sinclair
          14. The American Liberals and the Russian Revolution by Christopher Lasch
    3. [+]
      Issues of 1963 = 3 Issues, 49 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1963 Issue = 17 Articles
        1. The ILGWU---Fact and Fiction by Herbert Hill, pp. 7-27
        2. Toward an Effective Peace Movement by David McReynolds, pp. 28-37
        3. The Politics of Incineration by Julius Jacobson, pp. 38-55
        4. Origins of the Cold War by Joseph Clark, pp. 56-76
        5. Another View From Our Left by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 77-88
        6. Reminiscences by Max Nomad, pp. 89-95
        7. The Future of British Socialism by Douglas Jay, pp. 96-99
        8. The New Social-Democratic Reformism by Hal Draper, pp. 100-116
        9. Emancipation From the Past by George Lichtheim, pp. 117-127
        10. The Siqueiros Affair, A Letter by French Intellectuals by Victor Alba, pp. 128-131
        11. Problems of Italian Labor Movement by Bruno di Pol, pp. 132-139
        12. The Soviet Challenge in Germany by Stephan G. Thomas, pp. 140-144
        13. Prospects Bright for British Labor by Eric Heffer, pp. 145-146
        14. Ben Bella Takes Over the Unions by Francis Roy, pp. 147-149
        15. Party and Economic Reorganization in Russia by Bruno Kalnins, pp. 150-154
        16. Correspondence, pp. 155-160
        17. [+]
          Booknotes, pp. 161-164 - 10 Reviews
          1. The Corrupt Judge by Joseph Borkin
          2. The Soviet High Command by John Erickson and David M. Glantz
          3. The Pen and the Sword by Michael Foot
          4. Trade Union Democracy in Western Europe by Walter Galenson
          5. New Horizons for American Labor by Joseph A. Beirne
          6. Studies of War by P.M.S. Blackett
          7. Preventing World War III: Some Proposals by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton Deutsch, ...
          8. The Truth About Soviet Lies by R.H. Shackford
          9. The Winds of Freedom by Dean Rusk
          10. An Alternative to War or Surrender by Charles E. Osgood
      2. [+]
        Summer 1963 Issue = 15 Articles
        1. New Currents in the Civil Rights Movement by August Meier, pp. 7-32
        2. Does America Deserve the New Frontier? by Harvey Swados, pp. 33-52
        3. American Reality and Socialist Prospects by Joseph Clark, pp. 53-69
        4. Somewhere Left of Nowhere by Elwin Powell, pp. 70-80
        5. High Wages and Low Politics by Gus Sedares, pp. 81-85
        6. A Portrait of Victor Serge by Peter Sedgwick, pp. 86-95
        7. The Profumo Affair in Merrie Olde England by Irving L. Horowitz, pp. 96-99
        8. Anatomy of a Strike in a Manager State by George W. Ross, pp. 100-110
        9. The Secret Weapon by Hal Draper, pp. 111-120
        10. The Bay of Pigs Revisited by Robert Smith, pp. 121-126
        11. The American Peace Movement by Homer A. Jack and Mulford Q. Sibley, pp. 127-129
        12. Marx on the Paris Commune by Karl Marx, pp. 130-132
        13. The Rainbow by Joseph Freeman, pp. 133-154
        14. Correspondence and Reviews, pp. 155-157
        15. [+]
          Book Notes, pp. 158-164 - 6 Reviews
          1. Evolution and Culture by Marshall D. Sahlins and Elman R. Service
          2. The Populist Response to Industrial America by Norman Pollack
          3. Introduction to Independent Socialism by Hal Draper
          4. Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision by Roberta Wohlstetter
          5. World Communism by Sidney Hook
          6. Political Heretics by Max Nomad
      3. [+]
        Fall 1963 Issue = 17 Articles
        1. The Erosion of Liberty by William O. Douglas, pp. 6-18
        2. Russian Law Enters the "Final Stages of Communism" (I) by Julius Jacobson, pp. 19-42
        3. Civil Rights Strategy After the March by Marvin Rich, pp. 43-52
        4. Hannah Arendt Against the Facts by Gertrude Ezorsky, pp. 53-73
        5. Israel by Abraham Friend, pp. 74-87
        6. Three Views of French Socialism by Jules Moch, pp. 88-91
        7. The Crisis of French Socialism by Oreste Rosenfeld, pp. 92-97
        8. The P.S.U. and French Socialism by Edouard Depreux, pp. 98-103
        9. India's Disastrous Policy by Rammanohar Lohia, pp. 104-112
        10. "Liberalization" and Its Limits in Spain by A. Giacometti, pp. 113-122
        11. The Politics of Russian Literature by Francis Roy, pp. 123-136
        12. Clandestine Literature in Russia by Elimar Schubbe, pp. 137-142
        13. Notes of a Cuban Revolutionary in Exile by Carlos Luis, pp. 143-147
        14. [+]
          Cuba: Two Books in Review by Robert Alexander, pp. 148-151 - 2 Reviews
          1. The Second Revolution in Cuba by J.P. Morray
          2. The United States, Cuba and Castro by William Appleman Williams
        15. The Brig by Lee Baxandall, pp. 152-154
        16. Correspondence, pp. 155-157
        17. Index Volume II 1962-1963, pp. 158-164
    4. [+]
      Issues of 1964 = 4 Issues, 61 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1964 Issue = 21 Articles
        1. Wanted: For the American Labor Movement by Al Nash, pp. 7-22
        2. The ILWU by Stanley Weir, pp. 23-28
        3. The Double Job in Civil Rights by Howard Zinn, pp. 29-34
        4. White Anxiety and the Negro Revolt by Michael Parenti, pp. 35-39
        5. The Kennedy Myth by Ian McMahan, pp. 40-48
        6. Two Lines in Foreign Policy by Hal Draper, pp. 49-61
        7. Controversy by Robert G. Olson and Gertrude Ezorsky, pp. 62-68
        8. Discussion: Socialist-Communist Collaberation by Zygmunt Zaremba and Vilem Bernard, pp. 69-79
        9. Russian Law Enters the "Final Stages of Communism"---Part II by Julius Jacobson, pp. 80-96
        10. Correspondence, p. 97
        11. British Labor and the Coming Elections by Eric Heffer, pp. 98-101
        12. "Judaism Without Embellishment" by Moshe Decter, pp. 102-112
        13. [+]
          Review Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, by Rich... by Albert Fried, pp. 113-114 - 1 Review
          1. Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter
        14. [+]
          Review Three Intellectuals in Politics, by James Joll by Ronald Sanders, pp. 115-117 - 1 Review
          1. Three Intellectuals in Politics by James Joll
        15. [+]
          Review The Scientific Intellectual, by Lewis S. Feuer by Hal Draper, p. 118 - 1 Review
          1. The Scientific Intellectual by Lewis S. Feuer
        16. [+]
          Review Education and Freedom in a World of Conflict, ... by Lewis Coser, pp. 119-120 - 1 Review
          1. Education and Freedom in a World of Conflict by Clarence P. Oakes
        17. [+]
          Review Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1901-1941, by Vict... by A. Giacometti, pp. 121-122 - 1 Review
          1. Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1901-1941 by Victor Serge and Peter Sedgwick
        18. [+]
          Review Negro Thought in America, 1880-1915, by August... by Tom Kahn, p. 123 - 1 Review
          1. Negro Thought in America, 1880-1915 by August Meier
        19. [+]
          3 Reviews Manifest Destiny and Mission in American Histo... by August Meier, pp. 124-125 - 3 Reviews
          1. Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History by Frederick Merk and Lois Bannister Merk
          2. Plantation County by Morton Rubin
          3. Late Nineteenth-Century American Liberalism by Louis Filler
        20. [+]
          4 Reviews Freedom of the Mind, by William O. Douglas by H.D., pp. 126-127 - 4 Reviews
          1. Freedom of the Mind by William O. Douglas
          2. Sidney Webb and East Africa by Robert G. Gregory
          3. Recruits To Labour by Catherine Ann Cline
          4. Three Tactics by Stanley Moore
        21. [+]
          7 Reviews The Life and Ideas of Robert Owen, by Arthur L..., pp. 128-132 - 7 Reviews
          1. The Life and Ideas of Robert Owen by Arthur Leslie Morton
          2. When the Word Is Given by Louis E. Lomax
          3. American Negro Poetry by Arna Bontemps
          4. The Quiet Battle by Mulford Q. Sibley
          5. Spartacus, the Leader of the Roman Slaves by F.A. Ridley
          6. Norman Thomas: A Biography by Harry Fleischman
          7. Socialism Re-Examined by Norman Thomas
      2. [+]
        Spring 1964 Issue = 10 Articles
        1. Mr. Johnson's Little War on Poverty by David Komatsu, pp. 5-29
        2. On Blaming the Poor for Poverty by Gabriel Kolko, pp. 30-33
        3. Recent Trends in the Civil Rights Movement by Tom Kahn and August Meier, pp. 34-53
        4. Labor's New Conservatives by Sidney Lens, pp. 54-59
        5. An Exchange by Paul Jacobs and Al Nash, pp. 60-62
        6. The Painters' Union by Burton Hall, pp. 63-70
        7. Revolution in Brazil by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 71-80
        8. The Tendencies in World Communism by Wolfgang Leonhard, pp. 81-88
        9. "The Deputy"---Guilt and Responsibility by M. Perenson, pp. 89-93
        10. [+]
          "Dr. Strangelove"---Strange Loves and Stranger Deaths by T.J. Ross, pp. 94-100 - 1 Review
          1. Dr. Strangelove (1964 Film) by Stanley Kubrick
      3. [+]
        Summer 1964 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. Debate: The Presidential Elections by Michael Harrington and Ian McMahan, pp. 6-20
        2. The Cybernation Revolution by Robert Theobald, pp. 21-34
        3. The Negro Revolt by Sam Bottone, pp. 35-45
        4. Notes on the Negro Struggle and the White Community by Marc Karson, pp. 46-53
        5. Labor's Critics and Labor's Crises by Sumner Rosen, pp. 54-61
        6. The ILWU by Stanley Weir, pp. 62-64
        7. Letters from Longshoremen, pp. 65-66
        8. Old Quarrels in Havana by Robert Alexander, pp. 67-75
        9. Vladimir Ilyich Jefferson and Thomas Lenin by Hal Draper, pp. 76-80
        10. [+]
          Book Reviews, pp. 81-94 - 9 Reviews
          1. Racial Crisis in America by Lewis Killian and Charles Grigg
          2. Soon, One Morning by Herbert Hill
          3. Eagles of the Andes by Carleton Beals
          4. Latin America by Carleton Beals
          5. Invisible Latin America by Samuel Shapiro
          6. Whither Latin America by Monthly Review
          7. Central America, Land of Lords and Lizards by Thorsten V. Kalijarvi
          8. Challenge to Affluence by Gunnar Myrdal
          9. America's New Policy Makers by Donald W. Cox
        11. Correspondence, pp. 95-100
      4. [+]
        Fall 1964 Issue = 19 Articles
        1. Symposium: Johnson's War on Poverty by Hyman Bookbinder, pp. 7-10
        2. �---��by Charles Silberman, pp. 11-13
        3. �---��by Robert Theobald, pp. 14-25
        4. Black Christmas in South Bend by Kit Komatsu, pp. 26-29
        5. Law, Democracy and the Unions by Burton Hall, pp. 30-38
        6. The Paradox of Samuel Gompers by Al Nash, pp. 39-43
        7. Berkeley Campus in Revolt by Michael Shute, pp. 44-50
        8. The Mind of Clark Kerr by Hal Draper, pp. 51-61
        9. Negro Protest at the World's Fair, 1939-1940 by August Meier and Elliott M. Rudwick, pp. 62-68
        10. With My Martyred People by Jacob Celemenski, pp. 69-75
        11. The Rise of Latin American Christian Democracy by Robert Alexander, pp. 76-84
        12. The Chilean Presidential Elections by Alfred Stepan, pp. 85-91
        13. British Labor After the Elections by Raymond Challinor, pp. 92-94
        14. Isaac Deutscher by Julius Jacobson, pp. 95-121
        15. Correspondence, pp. 122-123
        16. [+]
          Anti-Poverty and the Young by Harry Brill, pp. 124-125 - 1 Review
          1. Profile of Youth---1963
        17. [+]
          Review The Holocaust Kingdom, by Alexander Donat by Ronald Sanders, p. 126 - 1 Review
          1. The Holocaust Kingdom by Alexander Donat
        18. [+]
          Review Moses Hess, Prophet of Zionism, by Mary Schulman by Hal Draper, pp. 127-128 - 1 Review
          1. Moses Hess, Prophet of Zionism by Mary Schulman
        19. Index Vol III 1963-1964, pp. 129-132
    5. [+]
      Issues of 1965 = 4 Issues, 71 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1965 Issue = 17 Articles
        1. Discussion: The War in Vietnam by Norman Thomas, pp. 4-10
        2. Alternatives In Southeast Asia by Alex Garber, pp. 11-17
        3. For the Immediate Withdrawal of American Troops by Bernard Bolitzer, pp. 18-24
        4. Controversy by Hal Draper and Nathan Glazer, pp. 25-51
        5. On the Role of Martin Luther King by August Meier, pp. 52-59
        6. An Exchange by Saul Mendelson and Robert Theobald, pp. 60-63
        7. An Exchange by James Youngdahl and Burton Hall, pp. 64-73
        8. An Exchange by James Petras and Robert Alexander, pp. 74-89
        9. What Happened to Baby "Alianza"? by Robert F. Smith, pp. 90-95
        10. The Rise and Fall of "Modern Revisionism" in Poland by Adam Ciolkosz, pp. 96-107
        11. A Year of Grace by Joseph Freeman, pp. 108-119
        12. "The Shadow of the Synagogue" by Moshe Decter, pp. 120-125
        13. [+]
          Review The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre, by Wilfred Desan by Albert Fried, pp. 126-127 - 1 Review
          1. The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre by Wilfred Desan
        14. [+]
          Review Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict, 1941-... by Joseph Clark, p. 128 - 1 Review
          1. Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict, 1941-1945 by Alan Clark
        15. [+]
          Review The Nazi Seizure of Power, by William Sheridan..., p. 129 - 1 Review
          1. The Nazi Seizure of Power by William Sheridan Allen
        16. [+]
          2 Reviews American Diplomacy During the Second World War... by J.C., p. 130 - 2 Reviews
          1. American Diplomacy During the Second World War, 1941-1945 by Gaddis Smith
          2. The Reluctant Belligerent by Robert A. Divine
        17. [+]
          Review Black Man's America, by Simeon Booker by August Meier, pp. 131-132 - 1 Review
          1. Black Man's America by Simeon Booker
      2. [+]
        Spring 1965 Issue = 17 Articles
        1. Controversy on the War in Vietnam by Sam Bottone and Michael Munk, pp. 5-25
        2. Racial Practices of Organized Labor by Herbert Hill, pp. 26-46
        3. Revolution and Counter Revolution in the Dominican Republic by Julio Cesar Martinez, pp. 47-55
        4. Lessons of an Absurd Situation by Victor Alba, pp. 56-58
        5. The Dominican Dilemma by Samuel Shapiro, pp. 59-69
        6. The Politics of Metternich by John L. Lewine, pp. 70-77
        7. Discussion: The Middle Class in Latin America by James Petras, pp. 78-82
        8. �---��by Robert F. Smith, pp. 83-86
        9. �---��by Alfred Stepan, pp. 87-90
        10. Three Views of the New Left by Dennis Hale, pp. 91-94
        11. Time for Some Questions by Steve Kelman, pp. 95-98
        12. The Illusion of a Social Revolution by Philip G. Altbach, pp. 99-103
        13. Harold Laski and the Soviet Union by Marc Karson, pp. 104-109
        14. Jean Jaures---People's Tribune by Thomas J. Spinner, Jr., pp. 110-113
        15. Rusty Weapon on the Cultural Front by David Evanier, pp. 114-116
        16. Correspondence, pp. 117-118
        17. Book Reviews, pp. 119-132
      3. [+]
        Summer 1965 Issue = 18 Articles
        1. In Defense of the "New Radicals" by Hal Draper, pp. 5-28
        2. Pacifists in Battle by David McReynolds, pp. 29-35
        3. Behind the Watts Revolt by Michael Hannon, pp. 36-40
        4. Watts: The Liberal Response by Michael Parker, pp. 41-49
        5. Equality and Privilege in Higher Education by Michael Parenti, pp. 50-54
        6. Government Intervention in the Steel Settlement by Kimberly Moody, pp. 55-64
        7. The Berkeley Revolution by Martin Oppenheimer, pp. 65-69
        8. The Negro During Reconstruction by August Meier, pp. 70-77
        9. [+]
          Review The New Radicalism in America, 1889-1963, by C... by Albert Fried, pp. 78-79 - 1 Review
          1. The New Radicalism in America, 1889-1963 by Christopher Lasch
        10. [+]
          Review And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight, by Jac... by Moshe Decter, pp. 80-81 - 1 Review
          1. And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight by Jacob Robinson
        11. [+]
          2 Reviews Freedom Summer, by Sally Belfrage by Eleanor Holmes Norton, pp. 82-83 - 2 Reviews
          1. Freedom Summer by Sally Belfrage
          2. Mississippi Black Paper by Elizabeth Allen
        12. [+]
          Review A Peril and a Hope, by Alice Kimball Smith by Edward Speyer, p. 84 - 1 Review
          1. A Peril and a Hope by Alice Kimball Smith
        13. [+]
          3 Reviews Years Off My Life, by A.V. Gorbatov by Joseph Clark, pp. 85-87 - 3 Reviews
          1. Years Off My Life by A.V. Gorbatov
          2. Report from a Chinese Village by Jan Myrdal
          3. The Communist Conquest of China by Lionel Max Chassin
        14. [+]
          Review The History of Surrealism, by Maurice Nadeau by Franklin Rosemont, p. 88 - 1 Review
          1. The History of Surrealism by Maurice Nadeau
        15. [+]
          5 Reviews Struggle for the World: The Cold War, 1917-196... by J.C., pp. 89-90 - 5 Reviews
          1. Struggle for the World: The Cold War, 1917-1965 by Desmond Donnelly
          2. The Cold War by H.L. Trefousse
          3. The Troubled Partnership by Henry A. Kissinger
          4. The Great Debate: Theories of Nuclear Strategy by Raymond Aron
          5. After Twenty Years by Richard J. Barnet and Marcus G. Raskin
        16. [+]
          5 Reviews Studies in the Theory of Economic Expansion, b... by Burton Hall, pp. 91-92 - 5 Reviews
          1. Studies in the Theory of Economic Expansion by Erik Lundberg
          2. The New Economics by Seymour E. Harris
          3. Theories of Welfare Economics by U. Hla Myint
          4. Competition Among the Few by William J. Fellner
          5. Labor and Administration by John R. Commons
        17. [+]
          Review The Emergence of the Modern Regulatory State, ... by A.A., p. 93 - 1 Review
          1. The Emergence of the Modern Regulatory State by James E. Anderson
        18. Comment and Correspondence, pp. 94-100
      4. [+]
        Fall 1965 Issue = 19 Articles
        1. Vietnam by Ian McMahan, pp. 5-12
        2. The "New Radicals" by Mario Savio, Jim Williams, William Spinrad, and Sidney Lens, ..., pp. 13-32
        3. Crime and Punishment in Poland by William Remsen, pp. 33-36
        4. Problems of Teacher Unionism by Maurice R. Berube, pp. 37-42
        5. Business and the Spectre of Democratization by Burton Hall, pp. 43-48
        6. The Vicious Circle of American Imperialism by William Appleman Williams, pp. 49-55
        7. Capitalism and the American Frontier by Fred Greenbaum, pp. 56-61
        8. The Stalinization of Fidel Castro by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 62-69
        9. Theater Without Ideas by Carol D. Hill, pp. 70-76
        10. Notes on Bertolt Brecht by Eric Bentley, pp. 77-80
        11. [+]
          2 Reviews "I Do So Politely", by Robert Canzoneri by Robert L. Carter, pp. 81-82 - 2 Reviews
          1. "I Do So Politely" by Robert Canzoneri
          2. The Past That Would Not Die by Walter Lord
        12. [+]
          Review Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto, by Gilbert Oso... by J.F.M., p. 83 - 1 Review
          1. Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto by Gilbert Osofsky
        13. [+]
          Review The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle, by David... by Thomas J. Spinner, Jr., pp. 84-85 - 1 Review
          1. The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle by David Schoenbrun
        14. [+]
          Review The Lost Revolution, by Robert Shaplen by Joseph Clark, pp. 86-87 - 1 Review
          1. The Lost Revolution by Robert Shaplen
        15. [+]
          Review The Anguish of India, by Ronald Segal by Philip G. Altbach, p. 88 - 1 Review
          1. The Anguish of India by Ronald Segal
        16. [+]
          Review Monopoly Capital, by Paul A. Baran and Paul M.... by Burton Hall, pp. 89-90 - 1 Review
          1. Monopoly Capital by Paul A. Baran and Paul M. Sweezy
        17. [+]
          3 Reviews Alternative to Partition, by Zbigniew K. Brzez... by Joseph Clark, pp. 91-92 - 3 Reviews
          1. Alternative to Partition by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
          2. Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy by Carl J. Friedrich and Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
          3. Africa and the Communist World by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
        18. [+]
          7 Reviews Marxism and Democracy, by Herbert Aptheker, pp. 93-95 - 7 Reviews
          1. Marxism and Democracy by Herbert Aptheker
          2. The Rise and Fall of Stalin by Robert Payne
          3. A Day of Dedication by Albert Fried
          4. The Rise of Indonesian Communism by Ruth T. McVey
          5. The Atlantic Community by Drew Middleton
          6. The Communist Revolution in Asia by Robert A. Scalapino
          7. America in the Twentieth Century by Frank Burt Freidel
        19. Index Volume IV, pp. 96-100
    6. [+]
      Issues of 1966 = 4 Issues, 57 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1966 Issue = 15 Articles
        1. Origins and Aims of the Viet Cong by Gail Kelly, pp. 5-16
        2. Statement of Purpose by Mihajlo Mihajlov, pp. 17-19
        3. On Socialists and Stalinists by C. Ian Lumsden, pp. 20-26
        4. Castrologists and Apologists by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 27-34
        5. Aftermath of the Berkeley Revolt by Marvin Garson, pp. 35-40
        6. Negro Retaliatory Violence in the Twentieth Century by Elliott M. Rudwick and August Meier, pp. 41-51
        7. Colonization of the International Trade Union Movement by David Langley, pp. 52-56
        8. The Two Souls of Socialism by Hal Draper, pp. 57-84
        9. [+]
          American Labor in Review by Ruth L. Horowitz, pp. 85-86 - 2 Reviews
          1. Automobile Workers and the American Dream by Ely Chinoy
          2. The Case of Joe Hill by Philip S. Foner
        10. [+]
          3 Reviews History of the Labor Movement in the United St... by Burton Hall, pp. 87-90 - 3 Reviews
          1. History of the Labor Movement in the United States by Philip S. Foner
          2. Hoffa and the Teamsters by Ralph C. James and Estelle Dinerstein James
          3. Tentacles of Power by Clark R. Mollenhoff
        11. [+]
          2 Reviews Huelga, by Eugene Nelson by Anne Draper, p. 91 - 2 Reviews
          1. Huelga by Eugene Nelson
          2. The Grape Strike by Eugene Nelson
        12. [+]
          Washington and Latin America by H. Brand, pp. 92-93 - 1 Review
          1. Alliance Without Allies by Victor Alba
        13. [+]
          Washington and Peking by Joseph Clark, pp. 94-95 - 3 Reviews
          1. The American People and China by A.T. Steele
          2. Policies Toward China: Views from Six Continents by A.M. Halpern
          3. America and China by Hsin-hai Chang
        14. [+]
          A Valuable Contribution by William O. Reichert, p. 96 - 1 Review
          1. Patterns of Anarchy by Leonard I. Krimerman and Lewis Perry
        15. [+]
          Western Opinion on Slave Labor by Jack Maddox, pp. 97-100 - 1 Review
          1. The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture by David Brion Davis
      2. [+]
        Spring 1966 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. An Open Letter to the Party by Jacek Kuron and Karol Modzelewski, pp. 5-46
        2. Isaac Deutscher as Theoretician by Julius Jacobson, pp. 47-85
        3. Birth Pangs of the New Politics by Jeanne Riha, pp. 86-90
        4. Student Strike at Berkeley by Michael Shute, pp. 91-93
        5. A Reply to Hal Draper by Max Nomad, pp. 94-100
        6. Wilson and the BLP---Two Years in Power by Thomas J. Spinner, Jr., pp. 101-108
        7. Peronism by James Petras, pp. 109-114
        8. The Changing Nature of Racial Violence by Allan Spear, pp. 115-122
        9. [+]
          Review Love's Body, by Norman O. Brown by Theodore Roszak, pp. 123-124 - 1 Review
          1. Love's Body by Norman O. Brown
        10. [+]
          Review Anger, and Beyond, by Herbert Hill by Joseph Boskin, p. 125 - 1 Review
          1. Anger, and Beyond by Herbert Hill
        11. Correspondence by Victor Alba, Philip Foner, and B. Walker, pp. 126-132
      3. [+]
        Summer 1966 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. A.J. Muste by David McReynolds, pp. 5-6
        2. Unions and the War in Viet Nam by Anne P. Draper, pp. 7-12
        3. Forces Behind the Reuther-Meany Split by Stanley Weir, pp. 13-20
        4. Painters and the Dictatorship of Bureaucrats by Burton Hall, pp. 21-26
        5. Rebel Voices in the NMU by M.A. Verick, pp. 27-34
        6. SIU: The Shortchange Artists by John Cole, pp. 35-42
        7. Labor Officialdom and the CIA by David Langley, A.G., pp. 43-46
        8. The Souls of White Folk by Miriam Wasserman, pp. 47-61
        9. Mac Bird! Satire or Symptom? by Harvey Swados, pp. 62-64
        10. A Reply to Max Nomad by Hal Draper, pp. 65-71
        11. An Open Letter to the Party by Jacek Kuron and Karol Modzelewski, pp. 72-100
      4. [+]
        Fall 1966 Issue = 20 Articles
        1. Vietnam by Tran Van Dinh, pp. 5-13
        2. The Re-Radicalization of the De-Radicalized by Paul Jacobs, pp. 14-21
        3. The Summa Popologica of Marshall McCluhan by Theodore Roszak, pp. 22-29
        4. The Middle East Crisis by Abraham Friend, pp. 30-37
        5. Spain: Learning Through Struggle by N. Blanc, pp. 38-42
        6. The British Labor Party Setback by Frank Allaun, M.P., pp. 43-46
        7. [+]
          Coalitionism From Protest to Politicking by Julius Jacobson, pp. 47-65 - 1 Review
          1. The Labor Revolution by Gus Tyler
        8. Postscript on Colonization of International Trade Union Movement by David Langley, pp. 66-69
        9. A Reply to Max Nomad---II by Hal Draper, pp. 70-75
        10. Are Liberal Socialists the Captives of Democracy? by Robert F. MacDonald, pp. 76-79
        11. The Limits of Historical Speculation by Horst Brand, pp. 80-86
        12. [+]
          Love That Big Business by Burton Hall, p. 87 - 1 Review
          1. The New Industrial State by John Kenneth Galbraith
        13. [+]
          The Anarchist Dream by Max Nomad, pp. 88-89 - 1 Review
          1. The Russian Anarchists by Paul Avrich
        14. [+]
          With Love and Envy by Bernard K. Johnpoll, p. 90 - 1 Review
          1. Echoes of Revolt: The Masses, 1911-1917 by William L. O'Neill
        15. [+]
          How to Fight Racism by Charles Leinenweber, pp. 91-92 - 1 Review
          1. Immigration and Race in British Politics by Paul Foot
        16. [+]
          Rationalizing Maoism by Joseph Clark, p. 93 - 1 Review
          1. Love and Hate in China by Hans Koningsberger
        17. [+]
          "Bang!" by Hal Draper, p. 94 - 1 Review
          1. The Rationalization of Russia by Bernard Shaw and Harry M. Geduld
        18. [+]
          Review Third Party Movements Since the Civil War, by ... by Burton Hall, p. 95 - 1 Review
          1. Third Party Movements Since the Civil War by Fred E. Haynes
        19. [+]
          4 Reviews The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, b... by J.C., p. 96 - 4 Reviews
          1. The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel by Walter Gorlitz and Wilhelm Keitel
          2. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
          3. Hitler and Russia by Trumbull Higgins
          4. Germany Between East and West by Frederick H. Hartmann
        20. Index Volume V, pp. 97-100
    7. [+]
      Issues of 1967 = 4 Issues, 56 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1967 Issue = 12 Articles
        1. New Politics Convention by Sid Lens, pp. 4-12
        2. The Origins of the Middle East Crisis by Hal Draper, pp. 13-22
        3. The Coalition Against Dishwashers by Burton Hall, pp. 23-32
        4. The "Y" Theory by Martin Oppenheimer, pp. 33-48
        5. The Free Speech Movement in Warsaw by Witold Jedlicki, pp. 49-56
        6. The Resistance by David McReynolds, pp. 57-61
        7. The Painters' Union by Burton Hall, pp. 62-66
        8. New Stage in the Longshore Struggle by Robert Joe Pierpont, pp. 67-71
        9. "Third Force" in World Communism? by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 72-79
        10. Guerrilla Movements in Latin America---I by James Petras, pp. 80-94
        11. Correspondence, pp. 95-97
        12. Critical Article Produces Resignations, pp. 98-100
      2. [+]
        Spring 1967 Issue = 15 Articles
        1. The Peace and Freedom Party by Michael Freedman, pp. 5-10
        2. Winds of Change in Chicago by Jake McCarthy, pp. 11-13
        3. Tendencies in the Peace Movement by David McReynolds, pp. 14-23
        4. Cultural Revolution or Reaction? by Raya Dunayevskaya, pp. 24-36
        5. Poverty and Politics by Kimberly Moody, pp. 37-42
        6. Labour's Hard Winter by Walter Kendall, pp. 43-48
        7. Twentieth Century Metternichs and the Fear of Revolution by Robert F. Smith, pp. 49-57
        8. Guerilla Movements in Latin America---II by James Petras, pp. 58-72
        9. Discussion: The Middle East Crisis by Elliott Green, p. 73
        10. Socialist Policy for the Middle East by Bernard K. Rosen, pp. 74-81
        11. A Brief Tour of Social-Chauvinism by Hal Draper, pp. 82-90
        12. [+]
          2 Reviews The Village of Ben Suc, by Jonathan Schell by Howard Zinn, pp. 91-93 - 2 Reviews
          1. The Village of Ben Suc by Jonathan Schell
          2. Beyond Vietnam by Edwin O. Reischauer
        13. [+]
          Review The Political Illusion, by Jacques Ellul by Irving L. Horowitz, p. 94 - 1 Review
          1. The Political Illusion by Jacques Ellul
        14. [+]
          2 Reviews Making It, by Norman Podhoretz by Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 95-97 - 2 Reviews
          1. Making It by Norman Podhoretz
          2. Tynan Right and Left by Kenneth Tynan
        15. Correspondence, pp. 98-100
      3. [+]
        Summer 1967 Issue = 14 Articles
        1. The Columbia Rebellion by Richard Greeman, pp. 4-12
        2. Night Comes to Columbia by Albert Fried, pp. 13-15
        3. Universities in the War Games by Bruce Levine, pp. 16-19
        4. The Politics of Apocalypse by Ian McMahan, pp. 20-25
        5. Murder in Oakland by Elizabeth Sutherland-Martinez, pp. 26-28
        6. "A State Like Any Other State"? by Joseph Neyer, pp. 29-40
        7. Exorcism as a Substitute for Logic by Abraham Friend, pp. 41-46
        8. Making a Caricature of a Discussion by Bernard K. Rosen, pp. 47-48
        9. Curran Dictatorship Under Fire by James Morrissey, pp. 49-52
        10. Was Fred Ferrara Slandered? by Fred Ferrara and Burton Hall, pp. 53-59
        11. Intellectual Ferment in Russia by Albert Fried, pp. 60-81
        12. Disorder in Warsaw by Witold Jedlicki, pp. 82-89
        13. Revolution in Czechoslovakia by Paul Barton, pp. 90-96
        14. Two Tendencies in the Peace Movement by Alfred Hassler and David McReynolds, pp. 97-100
      4. [+]
        Fall 1967 Issue = 15 Articles
        1. The Russian Assault on Czechoslovokia by Julius Jacobson, p. 3
        2. The Genius and the Apparatus by Ivan Svitak, pp. 4-11
        3. A Critical Re-Examination of Herbert Marcuse's Works by Richard Greeman, pp. 12-23
        4. Rebellion or Revolution? by David Sanders, pp. 24-29
        5. Radicalism and the Revolt Against Reason by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 30-41
        6. Notes on Strategy and Tactics of the Movement Against the War by Sidney M. Peck, pp. 42-55
        7. Anatomy of the Pro-Zionist Apologist by Hal Draper, pp. 56-70
        8. U.S. Business and Foreign Policy in Latin America by James Petras, pp. 71-84
        9. Progressivism: A Complex Phenomenon by Fred Greenbaum, pp. 85-89
        10. [+]
          Review Class Conflict, Slavery, and the United States... by Albert Fried, p. 90 - 1 Review
          1. Class Conflict, Slavery, and the United States Constitution by Staughton Lynd
        11. [+]
          Review The Second Rebellion, by James McCague, p. 91 - 1 Review
          1. The Second Rebellion by James McCague
        12. [+]
          Review The American Challenge, by Jean-Jacques Servan... by Albert Fried, p. 92 - 1 Review
          1. The American Challenge by Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber
        13. [+]
          Review The Armies of the Night, by Norman Mailer by P.J., p. 93 - 1 Review
          1. The Armies of the Night by Norman Mailer
        14. [+]
          3 Reviews The Betrayal, by William R. Corson by Burton Hall, pp. 94-97 - 3 Reviews
          1. The Betrayal by William R. Corson
          2. My Life by Noah Zhordania
          3. Reminiscences of a Georgian Social Democrat by Gregory Uratadze
        15. Index Vol. VI, pp. 98-100
    8. [+]
      Issues of 1968 = 3 Issues, 37 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1968 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. The UFT Strike by Steve Zeluck, pp. 5-14
        2. On Dissent and Justice by Richard Ashcraft, pp. 15-23
        3. Direct From Prague by Vitezslav Pravda, pp. 24-41
        4. The May Revolt in France and the Role of the Communist Party by George Ross, pp. 42-52
        5. The NMU and Ambiguities of Anti-Communism by James R. Prickett, pp. 53-59
        6. The Unambiguity of Labor History by M.A. Verick, pp. 60-63
        7. Marx and Bolivar by Hal Draper, pp. 64-77
        8. Another View of Marx by Burton Hall, pp. 78-85
        9. Latin America by Robert F. Smith, pp. 86-93
        10. [+]
          Book Review, pp. 94-95 - 1 Review
          1. Unofficial Art in the Soviet Union by Paul Sjeklocha and Igor Mead
        11. Correspondence, pp. 96-100
      2. [+]
        Summer 1968 Issue = 12 Articles
        1. The Alliance for Labor Action by George W. Brooks, pp. 4-9
        2. Black Caucusus in the Unions by Charles Denby, pp. 10-17
        3. The Charleston Strike by Arthur Elias, pp. 18-24
        4. Toward a Student Worker Alliance by David Nolan, pp. 25-29
        5. Labor Insurgency and the Legal Trap by Burton Hall, pp. 30-39
        6. Rule and Ruin in the NMU by M.A. Verick, pp. 40-46
        7. Labor Lieutenants of the Cold War by Sidney Lens, pp. 47-57
        8. New Working Class, Old Labor Bureaucracy by Stanley Aronowitz, pp. 58-67
        9. The UConn Story by John C. Leggett and Janet Roach, pp. 68-83
        10. The Spanish Revolution Revisited by Russell Blackwell, pp. 84-89
        11. Radicalism and Black Liberation by Roger Dionne, pp. 90-93
        12. Behind Racial Prejudice in England by Raymond Challinor, pp. 94-100
      3. [+]
        Fall 1968 Issue = 14 Articles
        1. Torture at Fort Dix by R. Joe Pierpont, pp. 5-14
        2. On the Burning of Draft Files by David McReynolds and Philip Berrigan, pp. 15-24
        3. The New Stalinists and the Myth of Ho by Julius Jacobson and Laurie Landy, pp. 25-29
        4. Cornell's Uptight Spring by Douglas Dowd, pp. 30-44
        5. SDS: Copping Out of American Life by Michael Parker, pp. 45-50
        6. SDS: An Experiment in Pragmatism Fails by Paula Reimer, pp. 51-57
        7. Politics and Strategy of Resistance by David Osher, pp. 58-65
        8. The Modernity of Rosa Luxemburg by Eugene Keller, pp. 66-81
        9. The Polish Bund Between the Wars by Marvin Zuckerman, pp. 82-85
        10. [+]
          Review Confrontation: The Student Rebellion and Unive... by James Petras, pp. 86-88 - 1 Review
          1. Confrontation: The Student Rebellion and Universities by Daniel Bell and Irving Kristol
        11. [+]
          Review War, Peace, and the Viet Cong, by Douglas Pike by Abe Farbstein, pp. 89-91 - 1 Review
          1. War, Peace, and the Viet Cong by Douglas Pike
        12. [+]
          Review I Ain't Marchin' Anymore!, by Dotson Rader by Daniel Gordon, pp. 92-93 - 1 Review
          1. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore! by Dotson Rader
        13. American Non-Capitalist Ideology by Fred Greenberg, pp. 94-95
        14. [+]
          Review My Friend Che, by Ricardo Rojo by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 96-100 - 1 Review
          1. My Friend Che by Ricardo Rojo
    9. [+]
      Issues of 1969 = 3 Issues, 50 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1969 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. The Anti-War Movement and Radical Politics by Sidney Peck, pp. 4-10
        2. The Class Struggle and Anti-War Politics by Ian McMahan and David Friedman, pp. 11-16
        3. Guatemala by Thomas Melville and Marjorie Melville, pp. 17-30
        4. Brazil by Thomas J. Spinner, Jr., pp. 31-33
        5. The Bankruptcy of the Social Democratic Movement in Latin America by Susanne Bodenheimer, pp. 34-50
        6. The Myth and Reality of Che Guevara by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 51-57
        7. New Forms of Struggle in Latin America by James Petras, pp. 58-61
        8. The Retreat of Harry Bridges by Stanley Weir, pp. 62-67
        9. The Short Spring of the Italian Student Movement by Gianni Statera, pp. 68-78
        10. A Note on the Father of Anarchism by Hal Draper, pp. 79-93
        11. Correspondence by Paul Le Blanc, Geoffrey Baumann, and Julius Jacobson, ..., pp. 94-100
      2. [+]
        Spring 1969 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. Norman Thomas by David McReynolds, p. 4
        2. Symposium: Prospects for American Radicalism, p. 5
        3. �---��by Christopher Lasch, pp. 6-8
        4. �---��by Marcus G. Raskin, pp. 9-11
        5. �---��by Martin Jezer, pp. 12-15
        6. �---��by Harvey Swados, pp. 16-17
        7. �---��by David McReynolds, pp. 18-20
        8. �---��by Jerry Rubin, p. 21
        9. �---��by David Friedman, pp. 22-31
        10. �---��by Paul Buhle, pp. 32-35
        11. �---��by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 36-40
        12. �---��by Robert S. Browne, p. 41
        13. �---��by Stanley Aronowitz, pp. 42-49
        14. Intellectuals and Workers in Czechoslovak Democratization by Ivan Svitak, pp. 50-59
        15. Three Months After the UFT Strike by Steve Zeluck, pp. 60-61
        16. Legislative Record of UFT Leadership by Walter Daum, pp. 62-64
        17. The GI Resistance by Kim Moody, pp. 65-72
        18. Black Panther Meets Lox and Bagel Man by Seymour Krim, pp. 73-77
        19. The School System by Daniel Gordon, pp. 78-81
        20. Evolution of the First Industrial State by Thomas J. Spinner, Jr., pp. 82-85
        21. Discussion: Bakunin, Marx and Freedom by Max Nomad, pp. 86-88
        22. �---��by William Jerome, pp. 89-91
        23. Reply by Burton Hall, pp. 92-96
        24. [+]
          Review The Origin of Forced Labor in the Soviet State... by Paul Barton, p. 97 - 1 Review
          1. The Origin of Forced Labor in the Soviet State, 1917-1921 by James Bunyan
        25. [+]
          Review From Schumacher to Brandt, by David Childs by Hal Draper, pp. 98-100 - 1 Review
          1. From Schumacher to Brandt by David Childs
      3. [+]
        Summer 1969 Issue = 14 Articles
        1. Two Views of the Middle East Crisis by David McReynolds and Abraham Friend, pp. 5-12
        2. The Conditino of the Working Class in the United States (1970) by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 13-27
        3. Another View of the Working Class by Paul Mattick, Jr., pp. 28-38
        4. The Tyranny of Progress by David E. Novack, pp. 39-43
        5. The Kent Story by Jerry M. Lewis, pp. 44-50
        6. The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties by Mel Wulf, pp. 51-56
        7. "Democratic Socialists" and the Schools by Maurice R. Berube, pp. 57-62
        8. "Will the Real Al Shanker Stand Up!", pp. 63-69
        9. The Aging of Saul Bellow and John Updike by Joan Mellen, pp. 70-76
        10. The End of Laborism by Peter Sedgwick, pp. 77-86
        11. Thoughts on the Morning After by Walter Kendall, pp. 87-90
        12. British Labor After the Elections by Frank Allaun, M.P., pp. 91-93
        13. [+]
          2 Reviews We Shall Be All, by Melvyn Dubofsky by Burton Hall, pp. 94-96 - 2 Reviews
          1. We Shall Be All by Melvyn Dubofsky
          2. The Founding Convention of the I.W.W. by New York Labor News
        14. [+]
          Review Five Lectures, by Herbert Marcuse by Keith Brooks, pp. 97-100 - 1 Review
          1. Five Lectures by Herbert Marcuse
  2. [+]
    Issues of the 1970s = 7 Years, 14 Issues, 175 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1970 = 2 Issues, 26 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1970 Issue = 13 Articles
        1. In Defense of the Young by Julius Jacobson, pp. 4-13
        2. Lawn Ordure at Fresno State by Stanley Poss, pp. 14-21
        3. Berkeley by Michael Shute, pp. 22-26
        4. On Women's Liberation by Claire Moriarty, pp. 27-36
        5. An Exchange by Robert J. Alexander and Susanne Bodenheimer, pp. 37-48
        6. Meanwhile Back at the Labor Department... by Burton Hall, pp. 49-61
        7. After 80 Years by Virgil J. Vogel, pp. 62-72
        8. The Breakdown of Stalinist "Socialism" by Walter Kendall, pp. 73-85
        9. The Trial of Polish Dissidents by Jerzy Giedroyc, pp. 86-87
        10. Correspondence by Adam Ciolkosz and Marvin Zuckerman, pp. 88-91
        11. [+]
          Review The Roots of American Foreign Policy, by Gabri... by Miles D. Wolpin, pp. 92-95 - 1 Review
          1. The Roots of American Foreign Policy by Gabriel Kolko
        12. [+]
          Review Push Comes to Shove, by Steven Kelman by Michael Hirsch, pp. 96-97 - 1 Review
          1. Push Comes to Shove by Steven Kelman
        13. [+]
          Review Everyone Was Brave, by William L. O'Neill by Claire Moriarty, pp. 98-100 - 1 Review
          1. Everyone Was Brave by William L. O'Neill
      2. [+]
        Fall 1970 Issue = 13 Articles
        1. King Richard's Political Arithmetick by Douglas F. Dowd, pp. 4-12
        2. Miners for Democracy by Clarice R. Feldman, pp. 13-20
        3. An Exchange by Albert Shanker and Herbert Hill, pp. 21-35
        4. Cuban Workers and the Revolution by Maxine Valdes and Nelson P. Valdes, pp. 36-48
        5. [+]
          Lewis Feuer and the Intellectuals by Richard Ashcraft, pp. 49-58 - 1 Review
          1. Marx and the Intellectuals by Lewis Feuer
        6. Letter from London by Stanley Poss, pp. 59-63
        7. Zionism After the June 1967 War by Emmanuel Farjoun, pp. 64-71
        8. Two Views of Allende's Victory by James Petras, pp. 72-76
        9. �---��by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 77-81
        10. Constitutional Problems of Northern Ireland by Paul Rose, M.P., pp. 82-88
        11. [+]
          Kate Millett and Her Critics by Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 89-94 - 1 Review
          1. Sexual Politics by Kate Millett
        12. Correspondence, pp. 95-97
        13. Index Volume VIII, pp. 98-100
    2. [+]
      Issues of 1971 = 2 Issues, 21 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1971 Issue = 10 Articles
        1. Debate by David McReynolds and Jerry Gordon, pp. 4-14
        2. ILGWU and the Labor Department by Burton Hall, pp. 15-23
        3. Campus Disorder by Michael Parenti, pp. 24-28
        4. An Exchange by Stanley Engelstein and Mel Wulf, pp. 29-42
        5. The Confession by Antonin Liehm, pp. 43-52
        6. Behind the Polish Upheavals by Zbigniew Byrski, pp. 53-73
        7. Pens Off Latin America Please by Irving Louis Horowitz, pp. 74-83
        8. Susan Sontag by Joan Mellen, pp. 84-93
        9. Socialism Off the Agenda by Ralph Schoenman, pp. 94-97
        10. Correspondence by Franklin Rosemont, pp. 98-100
      2. [+]
        Fall 1971 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. The Corporate State in Embryo by Sidney Lens, pp. 4-11
        2. Socialism's Uncertain Future by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 12-19
        3. Achievements of the Allende Government by James Petras, pp. 20-26
        4. Beyond Skinner and Skinnerism by Ian McMahan, pp. 27-37
        5. The Case for Reform in Communist Countries by Leszek Kolakowski, pp. 38-54
        6. Cabbies Fight Van Arsdale-Employer Axis by Jeffrey Miller, pp. 55-60
        7. Anti-Semitism as a Policy Tool in the Soviet Bloc by Maurice Friedberg, pp. 61-79
        8. [+]
          From Revolutionary Feminism to Accomodation by Joan Mellen, pp. 80-86 - 1 Review
          1. The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman by Alexandra Kollantai
        9. [+]
          Deschooling Society: The Respectable Revolution by Miriam Wasserman, pp. 87-91 - 2 Reviews
          1. Celebration of Awareness by Ivan D. Illich
          2. Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich
        10. [+]
          Review Woman Under Socialism, by August Bebel by Claire Moriarty, pp. 92-93 - 1 Review
          1. Woman Under Socialism by August Bebel
        11. [+]
          Review In Red and Black, by Eugene D. Genovese by Fred Greenbaum, pp. 94-100 - 1 Review
          1. In Red and Black by Eugene D. Genovese
    3. [+]
      Issues of 1972 = 2 Issues, 34 Articles
      1. [+]
        Fall 1972 Issue = 22 Articles
        1. McGovern and the Elections: An Exchange of Views by David McReynolds, pp. 4-5
        2. �---��by Douglas Dowd, pp. 6-7
        3. �---��by Jim McClellan, pp. 8-10
        4. �---��by Ron Radosh, pp. 11-14
        5. �---��by Noam Chomsky, p. 15
        6. �---��by Ralph Schoenman, pp. 16-20
        7. �---��by Marvin E. Gettleman, pp. 21-22
        8. �---��by Julius Jacobson, pp. 23-26
        9. �---��by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 27-28
        10. What is the New Working Class? by Martin Oppenheimer, pp. 29-43
        11. Karl Marx by James D. Young, pp. 44-49
        12. Women, "Big Fourteen" and Equal Rights by Howard N. Meyer, pp. 50-60
        13. Why the ILWU Strike Failed by Richard Boyden, pp. 61-69
        14. An Open Letter to My Former Student, Dr. Gustav Husak by Eugen Loebl, pp. 70-71
        15. An Open Letter to Angela Davis by Jiri Pelikan, pp. 72-76
        16. "Their Struggle is Our Struggle" by Andre Granou, pp. 77-79
        17. Socialism With a Human Face or With Goose Pimples? by Karel Tynsky, pp. 80-85
        18. [+]
          Review West German Reparations to Israel, by Nicholas... by Eugene Keller, pp. 86-88 - 1 Review
          1. West German Reparations to Israel by Nicholas Balabkins
        19. [+]
          Review Motion Will Be Denied, by John Schultz by Dotson Rader, pp. 89-91 - 1 Review
          1. Motion Will Be Denied by John Schultz
        20. [+]
          2 Reviews The Politics of Culture, by Antonin J. Liehm by Helga Lohr Bailey, pp. 92-94 - 2 Reviews
          1. The Politics of Culture by Antonin J. Liehm
          2. The Socialism That Came In From the Cold by Jean-Paul Sartre
        21. [+]
          Review Eighty Years and More, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Claire Moriarty, p. 95 - 1 Review
          1. Eighty Years and More by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
        22. [+]
          Review Intervention and Negotiation, by Jerome Slater by James Petras, pp. 96-100 - 1 Review
          1. Intervention and Negotiation by Jerome Slater
      2. [+]
        Fall 1972 Issue = 12 Articles
        1. Vietnam by Ian McMahan, pp. 4-5
        2. Repression and Discord in Ulster by Michael Walsh, pp. 6-9
        3. The ERA by Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 10-12
        4. Hoover's "Kidnap Kissinger Konspiracy" by William C. Davidon, pp. 13-18
        5. Terror in Argentina by James Petras, pp. 19-21
        6. Murder and the Mines by Don Stillman, pp. 22-29
        7. Our Union Elections Are a Fraud, pp. 30-39
        8. The Telephone Strike by Joseph Nabach, pp. 40-46
        9. The Reality of Workers' Lives by Henry Spira, pp. 47-50
        10. Repression and Resistance in Czechoslovakia, pp. 51-94
        11. [+]
          Book Reviews by Geoff White, pp. 95-97 - 2 Reviews
          1. German Social Democracy, 1918-1933 by Richard N. Hunt
          2. Barrios in Arms by Jose A. Moreno
        12. Index Voluem IX, pp. 98-100
    4. [+]
      Issues of 1973 = 3 Issues, 44 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1973 Issue = 15 Articles
        1. The Nixon Victory and Beyond by Michael Parenti and Catharine MacKinnon, pp. 4-8
        2. The UMW by Don Stillman, pp. 9-12
        3. Growing Bureaucratization of the UAW by Paul Schrade, pp. 13-21
        4. Painters' Union by Burt Hall, pp. 22-29
        5. George Meany by Melvyn Dubofsky, pp. 30-36
        6. South Africa by Denise Kessler, pp. 37-40
        7. Iran: Emerging Power in the Middle East by Fred Lowe, pp. 41-46
        8. Alexander Ford's Route to "The First Circle" by A.J. Liehm, pp. 47-55
        9. Latin America's Trend to the Right by Sidney Lens, pp. 56-70
        10. Three Critiques of Castro's Rule by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 71-83
        11. An Exchange on the Equal Rights Amendment by Lois Weiner and Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 84-87
        12. [+]
          Review Designing the Industrial State, by James Burkh... by Ronald Radosh, pp. 88-90 - 1 Review
          1. Designing the Industrial State by James Burkhart Gilbert
        13. [+]
          Review Puerto Rico, by Manuel Maldonado-Denis by Adalberto Lopez, pp. 91-92 - 1 Review
          1. Puerto Rico by Manuel Maldonado-Denis
        14. [+]
          Review Autobiography of Mother Jones, by Mary Harris ... by Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 93-95 - 1 Review
          1. Autobiography of Mother Jones by Mary Harris Jones and Mary Field Parton
        15. The Two Deaths of Max Schachtman by Julius Jacobson, pp. 96-100
      2. [+]
        Spring 1973 Issue = 14 Articles
        1. The Current State of Black America by Julius Lester, pp. 4-13
        2. Repression and Academic Freedom by J. David Colfax, pp. 14-27
        3. Israel 1973 by Don Peretz, pp. 28-36
        4. Perspectives for the Israeli Left by Jonathan Brandow, pp. 37-44
        5. Exchange on the Painters Union by Herman Benson, pp. 45-52
        6. �---��by Frank Schonfeld, pp. 53-54
        7. �---��by Burton Hall, pp. 55-65
        8. A Letter from Prague, pp. 66-70
        9. The Re-Stalinization of the Ukraine by Roman Kupchinsky, pp. 71-80
        10. Dr. Han Suyin's View of Mao Tse-Tung by Raya Dunayevskaya, pp. 81-87
        11. [+]
          Review The New Chastity and Other Arguments Against W... by Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 88-90 - 1 Review
          1. The New Chastity and Other Arguments Against Women's Liberation by Midge Decter
        12. [+]
          Review Land or Death, by Hugo Blanco by James Petras, pp. 91-92 - 1 Review
          1. Land or Death by Hugo Blanco
        13. [+]
          Review Harry Bridges, by Charles P. Larrowe by Richard Boyden, pp. 93-95 - 1 Review
          1. Harry Bridges by Charles P. Larrowe
        14. [+]
          Review Israel and the Palestinians, by Shlomo Avineri by Abraham Friend, pp. 96-100 - 1 Review
          1. Israel and the Palestinians by Shlomo Avineri
      3. [+]
        Fall 1973 Issue = 15 Articles
        1. Symposium: Prospects for a Socialist Movement by Michael Harrington, pp. 4-9
        2. �---��by George Novack and Stephanie Coontz, pp. 10-14
        3. �---��by David McReynolds, pp. 15-22
        4. �---��by Robert J. Alexander, pp. 23-27
        5. �---��by Chuck Avery, pp. 28-32
        6. A Peace Program for the Middle East by Don Peretz, pp. 33-40
        7. Counterrevolution in Chile by James Petras, pp. 41-47
        8. Bolivia Begins the Seventies by James V. Kohl, pp. 48-58
        9. The Working Class in Modern China by Brijen K. Gupta, pp. 59-67
        10. On Revolution and the Prague Spring by Ivan Svitak, pp. 68-78
        11. Dissent at Moscow Peace Conference by Maris Kakers, pp. 79-83
        12. Statement, pp. 84-87
        13. From the Soviet Underground, pp. 88-90
        14. Pierre Leroux by Jack Bakunin, pp. 91-97
        15. Index New Politics Volume X, pp. 98-100
    5. [+]
      Issues of 1974 = 2 Issues, 24 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1974 Issue = 12 Articles
        1. Energy Crisis---The Crude Facts by Simon Rosenbaum, pp. 4-13
        2. Justice, Security, Jewry and the Left by Arthur I. Waskow, pp. 14-19
        3. Background on the Middle East Crisis by Michael Kort, pp. 20-25
        4. On Celebrating Our Defeats by Daniel Berrigan, pp. 26-30
        5. Women Trade Unionists Organize by Lois Weiner, pp. 31-35
        6. Chile by Morris Morley and Betty Petras, pp. 36-50
        7. "Liberalization" of the Franco Dictatorship by Wilebaldo Solano, pp. 51-58
        8. The Romantic Revolt of the Greek Students and Its Bestial Repression by Amalia Fleming, pp. 59-73
        9. Socialist Opposition in East Europe and the International Left by Jiri Pelikan, pp. 74-87
        10. British Labor's Indecisive Mandate by Walter Kendall, pp. 88-92
        11. [+]
          Not Quite the Whole Truth by Helga Lohr Bailey, pp. 93-95 - 1 Review
          1. A Long View from the Left by Al Richmond
        12. [+]
          Review Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life... by Arthur Maglin, pp. 96-100 - 1 Review
          1. Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life by Bruce Brown
      2. [+]
        Spring 1974 Issue = 12 Articles
        1. Putting Socialism on the Agenda by David McReynolds, pp. 4-8
        2. Trends in American Labor by Sidney Peck, pp. 9-27
        3. "Big Labor," Big Trouble by Sidney Lens, pp. 28-37
        4. Notes on the Portuguese Revolution by Paulo Pedrosa, pp. 38-43
        5. On Behalf of a Palestinian Entity by Sammy Smooha, pp. 44-51
        6. Dilemmas of a Palestinian State by Don Peretz, pp. 52-59
        7. Imperialist Strategy in the Middle East by John Galvani and Peter Johnson, pp. 60-66
        8. New Chapter in the Palestine-Israel Conflict by Simon Rosenblum, pp. 67-72
        9. Why Defend Soviet Political Prisoners by Bohdan Futala, pp. 73-80
        10. The Czech Bureaucratic Collectivist Class by Ivan Svitak, pp. 81-91
        11. [+]
          4 Reviews Strategy for a Living Revolution, by George Lakey by Martin Oppenheimer, pp. 92-96 - 4 Reviews
          1. Strategy for a Living Revolution by George Lakey
          2. Power and Struggle by Gene Sharp
          3. Methods of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp
          4. Dynamics of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp
        12. [+]
          Review Engels, Manchester, and the Working Class, by ... by Joseph White, pp. 97-100 - 1 Review
          1. Engels, Manchester, and the Working Class by Steven Marcus
    6. [+]
      Issues of 1976 = 2 Issues, 20 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1976 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. The Interim Sinai Agreement by Noam Chomsky, pp. 4-33
        2. Who Killed New York City? by Jack Newfield, pp. 34-38
        3. Notes on the Portuguese Revolution by Wilebaldo Solano, pp. 39-48
        4. Neo-Stalinism by Julius Jacobson, pp. 49-58
        5. Terror and Economic Depression by James Petras, pp. 59-68
        6. Gingold's Law; Or Why Does the ILGWU Continue to Decay? by Burton Hall, pp. 69-79
        7. A View From the British Left by Eric Heffer, pp. 80-83
        8. Continuing Repression in Czechoslovokia by Vlastimil Hora and Michael David, pp. 84-87
        9. From Prague by Karel Kosik, pp. 88-90
        10. [+]
          A Study of Slavery Which Ignores the Slave by Julius Lester, pp. 91-95 - 1 Review
          1. Time on the Cross: Evidence and Methods by Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman
        11. [+]
          A Reformist Assessment of Communist Society by Joanne Landy, pp. 96-100 - 1 Review
          1. On Socialist Democracy by Roy A. Medvedev
      2. [+]
        Fall 1976 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. Notes on Mao's Death by Julius Jacobson, p. 3
        2. The Birth of Euro-Communism by Victor Fay, pp. 4-13
        3. A Time of Assorted Scoundrels by Phyllis Jacobson, pp. 14-24
        4. The CIA, Frei and the Junta by James F. Petras, pp. 25-35
        5. What Happened to the UAW? by Nelson Lichtenstein, pp. 36-45
        6. ILGWU: Its Enemies and Its Friends by Burton Hall, pp. 46-50
        7. Cracks in Shanker's Empire by Lois Weiner, pp. 51-57
        8. [+]
          On Reforming Marx by H. Brand, pp. 58-66 - 1 Review
          1. The Twilight of Capitalism by Michael Harrington
        9. Index Volume 11, pp. 67-68
    7. [+]
      Issues of 1978 = 1 Issue, 6 Articles
      1. [+]
        Winter 1978 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Notes on the Backlash by Julius Jacobson, p. 3
        2. Against Fanatics on Both Sides by Abraham Friend, pp. 4-14
        3. Against Apologetics for Israeli Expansionism by Noam Chomsky, pp. 15-46
        4. A New Political Era in Spain by Wilebaldo Solano, pp. 47-52
        5. Fitzsimmons and Beyond by John Sikorski, pp. 53-58
        6. A Brief Encounter With a Competent Organ of the State by Burton Hall, pp. 59-68