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Dmitri V. Pavlov Archives
Dmitri V. Pavlov •ï¿½1 Book
Leningrad 1941: The Blockade (1965)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Thank God for Goering! (Review)
    Leningrad 1941: The Blockade, by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    1. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    The Nation, January 10, 1966, p. 50
  2. [+]
    The 900 Days (Review)
    Leningrad 1941: The Blockade, by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    1. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    The Saturday Review, December 11, 1965, p. 42
  3. [+]
    "Bang!" (4 Reviews)
    The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, by Walter Gorlitz and Wilhelm Keitel
    1. The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel by Walter Gorlitz and Wilhelm Keitel
    2. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    3. Hitler and Russia by Trumbull Higgins
    4. Germany Between East and West by Frederick H. Hartmann
    New Politics, Fall 1966, p. 96
  4. [+]
    Communist Bloc (6 Reviews)
    Communism in Europe, Vol. II, by William E. Griffith
    1. Communism in Europe, Vol. II by William E. Griffith
    2. The Communist Economic Challenge by David Ingram
    3. The Economy of Communist China by Yuan-li Wu
    4. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    5. Russia and Germany: A Century of Conflict by Walter Laqueur
    6. Warsaw in Exile by Stefan Korbonski
    Orbis, Summer 1966, p. 633
  5. Regular Features
    Book Reviews (10 Reviews)
    On the Soviet Union
    1. The Communist Party Apparatus by Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov
    2. The New Class Divided by Albert Parry
    3. Soviet Strategies in Southeast Asia by Charles B. McLane
    4. The Soviet Political System by Alfred G. Meyer
    5. Conflict and Decision Making in Soviet Russia by Sidney I. Ploss
    6. The Soviet Youth Program by Allen Kassof
    7. The Case of Richard Sorge by Frederick W. Deakin and Richard Storry
    8. Soviet Russia and Asia, 1917-1927 by Harish Kapur
    9. Marxism in the Modern World by Milorad M. Drachkovitch
    10. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    Current History, October 1966, pp. 233-236
  6. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
    1. The Soviet Political System by Alfred G. Meyer
    2. Soviet Military Policy by Raymond L. Garthoff
    3. Soviet Criminal Law and Procedure by Harold J. Berman
    4. The Teachers and the Taught in the USSR by William Benton
    5. Moscow Summer by Mihajlo Mihajlov
    6. Leningrad 1941: The Blockade by Dmitri V. Pavlov
    7. The Rise and Fall of Stalin by Robert Payne
    8. Stalin's Russia: A Historical Reconsideration by Francis B. Randall
    9. Soviet Chess by David John Richards
    10. The Merchant of Revolution by Z.A.B. Zeman and W.B. Scharlau
    11. The New Eastern Europe by J.F. Brown
    Foreign Affairs, July 1966, p. 711