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Quincy Wright Archives
Quincy Wright •ï¿½100 Items / 21 Books, 24 Articles, 53 Reviews
Preventing World War III: Some Proposals (1962)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Rival Strategies of Peace (Review)
    Preventing World War III: Some Proposals, by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton...
    1. Preventing World War III: Some Proposals by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton Deutsch, ...
    The New Republic, December 1, 1962, p. 24
  2. [+]
    Alternatives to Extinction (Review)
    Preventing World War III: Some Proposals, by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton...
    1. Preventing World War III: Some Proposals by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton Deutsch, ...
    The Saturday Review, September 15, 1962, p. 22
  3. Regular Features
    Book Reviews (8 Reviews)
    Arms and Arms Control
    1. Tomorrow's Weapons by Brig. Gen. J.H. Rothschild, USA (Ret.)
    2. Thinking About the Unthinkable by Herman Kahn
    3. The Abolition of War by Walter Millis and James Real
    4. Studies of War by P.M.S. Blackett
    5. Change, Hope, and the Bomb by David E. Lilienthal
    6. A Warless World by Arthur Larson
    7. Preventing World War III: Some Proposals by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton Deutsch, ...
    8. Power at the Pentagon by Jack Raymond
    Current History, June 1964, pp. 354-356
  4. [+]
    Booknotes (10 Reviews)
    The Corrupt Judge, by Joseph Borkin
    1. The Corrupt Judge by Joseph Borkin
    2. The Soviet High Command by John Erickson and David M. Glantz
    3. The Pen and the Sword by Michael Foot
    4. Trade Union Democracy in Western Europe by Walter Galenson
    5. New Horizons for American Labor by Joseph A. Beirne
    6. Studies of War by P.M.S. Blackett
    7. Preventing World War III: Some Proposals by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton Deutsch, ...
    8. The Truth About Soviet Lies by R.H. Shackford
    9. The Winds of Freedom by Dean Rusk
    10. An Alternative to War or Surrender by Charles E. Osgood
    New Politics, Winter 1963, pp. 161-164
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Military, Technical and Scientific
    1. Limited Strategic War by Klaus Knorr and Thornton Read
    2. Studies of War by P.M.S. Blackett
    3. Man's Means to His End by Robert A. Watson-Watt
    4. Total War and Cold War by Harry L. Coles
    5. Preventing World War III: Some Proposals by Quincy Wright, William M. Evan, and Morton Deutsch, ...
    6. The Price of Peace by James J. Wadsworth
    7. The Strategy of Disarmament by Henry W. Forbes
    8. The Guerrilla---and How to Fight Him by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Nicholls Greene, ...
    9. People's War, People's Army by Vo Nguyen Giap
    10. Defense Psychology by Frank A. Geldard
    11. World War I: An Outline History by Hanson W. Baldwin
    Foreign Affairs, January 1963, p. 433