The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Current History Archives
Current History •ï¿½41 Years, 406 Issues, 4,205 Articles, 24,132pp
Southeast Asia
China and Southeast Asia
Current History, December 1984, pp. 405-408
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1950s = 3 Years, 24 Issues, 287 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1956 = 6 Issues, 82 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1958 = 6 Issues, 72 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1959 = 12 Issues, 133 Articles
        2. [+]
          Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 118 Issues, 1,255 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1960 = 12 Issues, 127 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1961 = 10 Issues, 111 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1962 = 12 Issues, 133 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1963 = 12 Issues, 129 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1964 = 12 Issues, 128 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1965 = 12 Issues, 122 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1966 = 12 Issues, 126 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1967 = 12 Issues, 121 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1968 = 12 Issues, 121 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1969 = 12 Issues, 137 Articles
                            2. [+]
                              Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 111 Issues, 1,120 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1970 = 12 Issues, 133 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1971 = 12 Issues, 126 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1972 = 12 Issues, 125 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1973 = 12 Issues, 117 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1974 = 12 Issues, 120 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1975 = 11 Issues, 108 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1976 = 11 Issues, 110 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1977 = 10 Issues, 98 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1978 = 10 Issues, 97 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1979 = 9 Issues, 86 Articles
                                                2. [+]
                                                  Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 86 Issues, 834 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1980 = 5 Issues, 46 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1981 = 9 Issues, 88 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1982 = 9 Issues, 89 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1983 = 9 Issues, 87 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1984 = 9 Issues, 84 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              January 1984 Issue = 9 Articles
                                                              1. United States Policy in the Middle East by Robert G. Neumann, pp. 1-4
                                                              2. Prospects for a Unified Lebanon by Nikola B. Schahgaldian, pp. 5-8
                                                              3. The Iran-Iraq War by Richard Cottam, pp. 9-12
                                                              4. Israel: A Time of Retrenchment by Alan Dowty, pp. 13-16
                                                              5. Palestinians in the 1980's by Aaron David Miller, pp. 17-20
                                                              6. Jordanian Foreign Policy by Adam M. Garfinkle, pp. 21-24
                                                              7. Syria in the Maelstrom by Robert Olson, pp. 25-28
                                                              8. Saudi Arabian Oil Policies by Ramon Knauerhase, pp. 29-42
                                                              9. The Month in Review, pp. 43-50
                                                            2. [+]
                                                              February 1984 Issue = 9 Articles
                                                              1. The United States and Latin America by Richard Millett, pp. 49-53
                                                              2. Political Change in El Salvador? by Enrique A. Baloyra, pp. 54-58
                                                              3. Nicaragua and Honduras: Toward Garrison States by Mark B. Rosenberg, pp. 59-62
                                                              4. Brazilian Democracy and the Foreign Debt by Eul-Soo Pang and Laura Jarnagin, pp. 63-67
                                                              5. Chile's Political Instability by Arturo Valenzuela, pp. 68-72
                                                              6. The Crisis of Venezuelan Democracy by John D. Martz, pp. 73-77
                                                              7. Peru: The Shadow of the Shining Path by David P. Werlich, pp. 78-82
                                                              8. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews by Mary M. Anderberg, pp. 83-90 - 2 Reviews
                                                                1. Peron: A Biography by Joseph A. Page
                                                                2. Juan Peron and the Reshaping of Argentina by Frederick C. Turner and Jose Enrique Miguens
                                                              9. The Month in Review, pp. 91-98
                                                            3. [+]
                                                              March 1984 Issue = 10 Articles
                                                              1. United States Policy in Southern Africa by Michael Clough, pp. 97-100
                                                              2. Mozambique: Nonalignment or New Dependency? by Michael S. Radu, pp. 101-104
                                                              3. South Africa: No New Political Dispensation by Patrick O'Meara, pp. 105-108
                                                              4. Political Consolidation in Zimbabwe by Virginia Curtin Knight, pp. 109-112
                                                              5. Chad: The Road to Partition by Rene Lemarchand, pp. 113-116
                                                              6. The Ethiopian Revolution at the Crossroads by Edmond J. Keller, pp. 117-121
                                                              7. The Overthrow of Nigeria's Second Republic by Richard A. Joseph, pp. 122-124
                                                              8. Superpower Diplomacy: Arming Africa by Frank M. Chiteji, pp. 125-128
                                                              9. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews, pp. 129-138 - 12 Reviews
                                                                1. JFK: Ordeal in Africa by Richard D. Mahoney
                                                                2. Afrikaner Political Thought by Andre Du Toit and Hermann Giliomee
                                                                3. South Africa in Southern Africa by Thomas M. Callaghy
                                                                4. Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution, 1900-1982 by Allen F. Isaacman and Barbara Isaacman
                                                                5. International Politics in Southern Africa by Gwendolen M. Carter and Patrick O'Meara
                                                                6. Political Leadership in Africa by John R. Cartwright
                                                                7. Zimbabwe: A Revolution That Lost Its Way by Andre Astrow
                                                                8. An Introduction to Nigerian Government and Politics by Billy J. Dudley
                                                                9. Yearbook of International Organizations 1983/84, Vol. I
                                                                10. Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers by Brigitte T. Darnay
                                                                11. The Soviet View of U.S. Strategic Doctrine by Jonathan Samuel Lockwood
                                                                12. China Briefing, 1982 by Richard C. Bush
                                                              10. The month in Review, pp. 139-146
                                                            4. [+]
                                                              April 1984 Issue = 10 Articles
                                                              1. European-American Relations and NATO's Initial Missile Deployments---David S. Yost, pp. 145-148
                                                              2. A New Era in West Germany by Gerard Braunthal, pp. 149-152
                                                              3. France under the Socialists by Michael M. Harrison, pp. 153-156
                                                              4. British Foreign Policy by Martin Edmonds, pp. 157-159
                                                              5. A Change in Italy's Choirmaster? by Lawrence Garner, pp. 160-163
                                                              6. Spain's Socialists: A New Center Party? by Meir Serfaty, pp. 164-168
                                                              7. Divided Belgium Walks a Tightrope by Pierre-Henri Laurent, pp. 169-172
                                                              8. Norway's Rendezvous with Modernity by Frederick Hale, pp. 173-177
                                                              9. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews by W.W.F., pp. 178-186 - 5 Reviews
                                                                1. The Alliance by Richard J. Barnet
                                                                2. In Search of Modern Portugal by Lawrence S. Graham and Douglas L. Wheeler
                                                                3. On Britain by Ralf Dahrendorf
                                                                4. Conventional Deterrence by John J. Mearsheimer
                                                                5. The Limits of European Integration by Paul Graham Taylor
                                                              10. The Month in Review, pp. 187-194
                                                            5. [+]
                                                              May 1984 Issue = 9 Articles
                                                              1. Canadian Foreign Policy in the 1980's by John Kirton, pp. 193-196
                                                              2. Canadian Defense: The Genesis of a Debate by R.B. Byers, pp. 197-201
                                                              3. The Canadian Winter of Nuclear Discontent by Don Munton, pp. 202-205
                                                              4. Contemporary Canadian Politics by Henry S. Albinski, pp. 206-210
                                                              5. Canada Emerges from Recession by Ian M. Drummond, pp. 211-215
                                                              6. Canadian Agriculture in the 1980's by Michele M. Veeman and Terrence S. Veeman, pp. 216-219
                                                              7. The Politics of Development in Canada's North by Gurston Dacks, pp. 220-224
                                                              8. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews, pp. 225-234 - 7 Reviews
                                                                1. Social Science as Moral Inquiry by Norma Haan
                                                                2. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow
                                                                3. Rethinking Intellectual History by Dominick LaCapra
                                                                4. Language and Politics by Fred R. Dallmayr
                                                                5. U.S. International Monetary Policy by John S. Odell
                                                                6. The US, the UN, and the Management of Global Change by Toby Trister Gati
                                                                7. The Non-Aligned, the UN, and the Superpowers by Richard L. Jackson
                                                              9. The Month in Review, pp. 235-242
                                                            6. [+]
                                                              September 1984 Issue = 10 Articles
                                                              1. Sino-American Relations: Building a New Consensus by Steven Goldstein, pp. 241-244
                                                              2. China and the Soviet Union by Chi Su, pp. 245-247
                                                              3. Sichuan: China's Quintessential Province by Vaclav Smil, pp. 248-253
                                                              4. China's Reform Program by Christopher M. Clarke, pp. 254-256
                                                              5. China's Economy: Advances and Dilemmas by Chu-yuan Cheng, pp. 257-260
                                                              6. China's Foreign Trade Polices by S.H. Chou, pp. 261-264
                                                              7. Redefining Chinese Socialism by John Bryan Starr, pp. 265-268
                                                              8. China's Military in the 1980's by June Teufel Dreyer, pp. 269-271
                                                              9. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews by W.W.F., pp. 272-281 - 11 Reviews
                                                                1. Chen Duxiu: Founder of the Chinese Communist Party by Lee Feigon
                                                                2. China as a Maritime Power by David G. Muller, Jr.
                                                                3. Chen Village by Anita Chan, Richard Madsen, and Jonathan Unger
                                                                4. State and Society in Contemporary China by Victor Nee and David Mozingo
                                                                5. The China Quagmire by James William Morley
                                                                6. Revolutionary Struggle in Manchuria by Chong-Sik Lee
                                                                7. Seeds of Destruction by Lloyd E. Eastman
                                                                8. China by Peter Cheng
                                                                9. China Without Mao by Immanuel C.Y. Hsu
                                                                10. The Rise of Modern China by Immanuel C.Y. Hsu
                                                                11. Rural Energy Development in China by Robert P. Taylor
                                                              10. Four Months in Review, pp. 282-306
                                                            7. [+]
                                                              October 1984 Issue = 9 Articles
                                                              1. The Age of the Soviet Oligarchs by Mark R. Beissinger, pp. 305-308
                                                              2. The United States and the Soviet Union by Coit D. Blacker, pp. 309-313
                                                              3. Fantasies and Facts: The Soviet Union and Nicaragua by Robert S. Leiken, pp. 314-317
                                                              4. Soviet Industry and Trade by Alice C. Gorlin, pp. 318-322
                                                              5. Soviet Agriculture: A State Secret by Folke Dovring, pp. 323-326
                                                              6. The Soviet Labor Force by David E. Powell, pp. 327-330
                                                              7. Soviet Military Policy in Transition by Cynthia A. Roberts, pp. 331-334
                                                              8. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews by W.W.F., pp. 335-346 - 9 Reviews
                                                                1. The Threat by Andrew Cockburn
                                                                2. The Russians and Reagan by Strobe Talbott
                                                                3. Soviet Foreign Policy: The Brezhnev Years by Robin Edmonds
                                                                4. The Antagonists by Richard A. Gabriel
                                                                5. A Documentary History of Communism in Russia by Robert V. Daniels
                                                                6. The Soviet Polity in the Modern Era by Erik P. Hoffmann and Robbin F. Laird
                                                                7. The Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism by John B. Dunlop
                                                                8. The Soviet Union: A Geographical Study by G. Melvyn Howe
                                                                9. The Soviet Union and the Middle East in the 1980s by Mark V. Kauppi and R. Craig Nation
                                                              9. The Month in Review, pp. 347-354
                                                            8. [+]
                                                              November 1984 Issue = 9 Articles
                                                              1. Soviet Relations with East Europe by Richard F. Staar, pp. 353-356
                                                              2. Poland's Socialism by Arthur R. Rachwald, pp. 357-360
                                                              3. Kadar's Hungary in the Twilight Era by Ivan Volgyes, pp. 361-364
                                                              4. Czechoslovakia in 1984 by Otto Ulc, pp. 365-369
                                                              5. The Politics of Scarcity in Yugoslavia by Robin Alison Remington, pp. 370-374
                                                              6. Romania's Growing Difficulties by Trond Gilberg, pp. 375-379
                                                              7. The Prospects for German-German Detente by Arthur M. Hanhardt Jr., pp. 380-383
                                                              8. [+]
                                                                Book Reviews, pp. 384-393 - 15 Reviews
                                                                1. Antipolitics by George Konrad
                                                                2. Soviet-East European Relations by Robert L. Hutchings
                                                                3. Foreign and Domestic Policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s by Michael J. Sodaro and Sharon L. Wolchik
                                                                4. From Hitler to Ulbricht by Gregory W. Sandford
                                                                5. The Warsaw Pact by David Holloway and Jane M.O. Sharp
                                                                6. Self-Management: Economic Theory and Yugoslav Practice by Saul Estrin
                                                                7. The National Question in Yugoslavia by Ivo Banac
                                                                8. God's Playground: A History of Poland, Vol. I by Norman Davies
                                                                9. God's Playground: A History of Poland, Vol. II by Norman Davies
                                                                10. Bitter Legacy by Richard C. Lukas
                                                                11. Poland: Genesis of a Revolution by Abraham Brumberg
                                                                12. Polish Communism in Crisis by George Sanford
                                                                13. Next to God--Poland by Bogdan Szajkowski
                                                                14. The Birth of Solidarity by Anthony Kemp-Welch
                                                                15. Romanian Foreign Policy and the United Nations by Robert Weiner
                                                              9. The Month in Review, pp. 394-402
                                                            9. [+]
                                                              December 1984 Issue = 9 Articles
                                                              1. The United States and Southeast Asia by Gareth Porter, pp. 401-404
                                                              2. China and Southeast Asia by John Franklin Copper, pp. 405-408
                                                              3. The Legacy of History in Vietnam by William J. Duiker, pp. 409-412
                                                              4. Kampuchea: End Game or Stalemate? by David P. Chandler, pp. 413-417
                                                              5. Political Forces in Thailand by Clark D. Neher, pp. 418-421
                                                              6. Burma: A Time for Decision by Josef Silverstein, pp. 422-425
                                                              7. Malaysia: Policies and Leadership by R.S. Milne and Diane K. Mauzy, pp. 426-438
                                                              8. The Month in Review, pp. 439-444
                                                              9. Index---January-December 1984 Volume 83, pp. 445-450
                                                          2. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1985 = 9 Issues, 91 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1986 = 9 Issues, 87 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1987 = 9 Issues, 87 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1988 = 9 Issues, 87 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1989 = 9 Issues, 88 Articles
                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                    Issues of the 1990s = 8 Years, 67 Issues, 709 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1990 = 9 Issues, 84 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1991 = 9 Issues, 94 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1992 = 9 Issues, 90 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1993 = 9 Issues, 92 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1994 = 8 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 1995 = 9 Issues, 98 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 1996 = 9 Issues, 101 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 1997 = 5 Issues, 50 Articles