Student standing in the INTO building

Widening participation

If you want to study at university then we’ll do our absolute best to help you succeed regardless of your circumstances.

The University of Stirling is committed to enabling students from all backgrounds to achieve their full potential. We believe that everyone has the potential to succeed and actively encourage applications from non-traditional groups. See the University of Stirling Widening Access Strategy and Student Carers Policy.

The Widening Participation staff support a wide range of different students who can be considered as coming from a widening participation background. We work with students, and their parents, guardians and advisers, to help find the right route into university for them. There are a number of different options available depending on your background and what you want to study.

The University is committed to ensuring fairness to those applying to study at Stirling in line with Universities Scotland guarantee of fairness when applying to a University in Scotland.

Are you a widening access student?

As a widening access student, you are entitled to a range of support from the university. You can access support throughout your university journey: as an enquirer, an applicant and during your time studying with us, right through to graduation and beyond.

There a number of types of students who we would consider to be a widening access student. These include:

  • you are from a priority postcode area (check your postcode below);
  • you are a care experienced student;
  • you are a young or adult carer;
  • you are an estranged student;
  • you are a refugee or asylum seeker;
  • you are from the armed forces community;
  • you are a student on the University of Stirling Access to Degree Studies Programme;
  • you are a student on a SWAP access course (Scottish Wider Access Programme).


Help and advice

There is lots of help and advice we can give you, depending on where you’re from and what type of student you are.

Coming from school

University is an option that is open to everyone no matter who you are or where you come from.

Coming from college

Our college students make up a significant part of the student population at Stirling. See how we can help you enter the University.

Mature students

We're here to help anyone who is interested at studying at the University whatever your age and background.

Care experienced students

We recognise that some care leavers may face different kinds of hurdles in coming to university.

Young and adult carers

Carers can sometimes face issues that can make the thought of coming to university daunting. See the range of support available.

Estranged students

We provide support throughout the student journey for students who have no contact with their family or key family member.

Armed Forces community

We provide support to anyone from the armed forces community who wishes to study with us at the University of Stirling.

Refugee and asylum seekers

See the support available for refugee and asylum seeking students who are living in the UK.

Parents and guardians

Going to university is a big step for students. Find out how we provide security and wellbeing for our students.

Teachers, lecturers and career advisers

We can work with you to help your students through their journey to higher education.

Financial support

See what financial support is available specifically for widening access students.

Get in touch

You probably have loads of questions about coming to university. Just get in touch – we’re here to help.

UK and Europe Student Recruitment

2C3, Cottrell Building, Stirling, FK9 4LA

[email protected]