Modern Slavery Statement

‌Purpose of the statement

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ('the Act'). It aims to inform the University Court, our staff, students, and the public about the steps the University has taken, during the financial year ending 31 July 2024, in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking.

University of Stirling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


The University acknowledges that it has a duty to take a robust approach towards eradicating slavery and human trafficking in its business and throughout its supply chains and recognises that modern slavery is a significant global human rights issue.

This requirement is consistent with the shared vision and distinctive values which are at the heart of our Strategic Plan 2030.

We are a signatory to the SDG Accord, the University and College Sectors response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The University is committed to running our business responsibly and ethically. We are opposed to all forms of slavery and human trafficking and support the government's efforts to legislate against it. We continually examine all our operations and practices to ensure that no one is subject to any form of slavery.

Our annual statement reports the actions the University has taken in the last financial year and explains what we are going to do in the future. 

Our statement

The University of Stirling is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its activities and supply chains.

Our supply chains

The University procures a wide range of goods, services, and works from a diverse supplier base. We acknowledge that modern slavery risks can be found in contracts and suppliers of all sizes and in any industry and economic sector.

The risk of modern slavery in the University’s direct and local activities is however low due to the mitigating measures that we have in place. However, we recognise the potential risks linked to certain global supply chains. 

Many of the University’s bought-in products and services are sourced through collaborative contracts and framework agreements. We therefore work with the relevant contracting bodies and framework owners to ensure due diligence measures are employed during their procurement processes, as well as in our own.

The University’s supply chain consists of circa 15,000 unique suppliers. Major non-pay spend categories are utilities, construction and maintenance, IT, professional services, lab equipment and consumables, and travel.

The University implements the UKUPC Sustain Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) for contracted suppliers as part of its standard requirements in its invitations to tender. Section 1 of the Code prohibits forced, involuntary or underage labour.

The University's terms and conditions of purchase inform our suppliers of our expectations in respect of human rights and the elimination of modern slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains.

The University takes account of suppliers’ approaches to ‘Fair Work First,’ including the Living Wage, in line with the Scottish Government’s statutory guidance.

Procurement regulations

Measures included within the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulation 2015 are embedded in all our procurement activities. Every regulated procurement process undertaken by the University requires tenderers to disclose whether they, or any member of their organisation with decision‐making powers, has been convicted in the last five years of any offence under Part 1 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 or under any provision referred to in the Schedule of the Act.


The University is a member of APUC and supplements its own efforts with support from that sectoral Centre of Expertise. (See the APUC Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement). APUC’s Responsible Procurement Policy informs a clear commitment to responsible procurement. 

The University is an associate member of Electronics Watch (EW), an independent monitoring organisation working to achieve respect for labour rights in the global electronics industry through socially responsible public purchasing in Europe.

Our risk mitigating policies

Procurement policies and due diligence in relation to slavery and human trafficking

The procurement policies provide a broad regulatory regime under which all procurement activity must operate. The procurement procedures translate these policies into processes and procedural standards. Both the policies and the procedures take full cognisance of the legislative framework for public procurement in Scotland. These policies collectively reinforce our adherence to Section 54 of the Act.

Recruitment policies

The risk of modern slavery occurring in the University’s workforce is mitigated by ensuring that staff are recruited following robust recruitment policies (including right to work pre-employment screening undertaken prior to all appointments being made). We rigorously check that all new recruits have the right to work in the UK.

Raising concerns (whistleblowing) policy

The University is committed to the highest standards of openness, probity, and accountability. This policy is designed to encourage staff and other members of the University to speak up if they have any concerns at work. Thereby, the University is able to promptly address any issues and improve the way we operate and the services we provide to students and other stakeholders.

Summary for financial year ending 31 July 2024

Regulated procurement

The University continued to address modern slavery directly by setting minimum standards, using ‘fit for purpose’ specifications and by means of appropriate contract management.

Category management

Procurement managers continued to analyse ‘at risk’ supply chains as part of their ongoing category management activity. Additional mitigating measures were adopted as appropriate.

Best practice

APUC’s SCM (Supply Chain Management) tool is used by Procurement Services. Through SCM, suppliers are asked to provide details of measures they take in relation to modern slavery in their supply chain, including any third-party accreditations and assessments to evidence this.


Procurement Services continued to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking issues across the University community through its ongoing customer and stakeholder engagement.


In the reporting period, over 11% of our non-pay (and non-influenceable) spend was conducted with businesses that are monitored by the Ecovadis supply chain sustainability platform. 

In financial year 2023/24 there were no requirements to terminate business with any suppliers on the grounds of contravention of the Modern Slavery Act. 

Action plan for financial year ending 31 July 2025

We will implement and develop the following action plan to identify and mitigate any risks that modern slavery and human trafficking are present in our business and in our supply chains:

Revised procurement strategy

In March 2025, the Procurement Strategy will be revised. This will reaffirm our commitment to mitigating the risk of modern slavery occurring in our supply chains.

Modern slavery policy

A new policy will be drafted during 2025 which sets out the University’s commitments and responsibilities in relation to modern slavery.

Real Living Wage accreditation

The University is seeking to become an accredited real Living Wage employer. When an organisation achieves real Living Wage accreditation, it commits to ensuring that workers, including in scope contractors, subcontractors, and staff hired through agencies, are paid at least the real Living Wage. Procurement processes for certain services will require to be reviewed and revised as appropriate.

Measuring effectiveness 

Procurement Services will continue to use the EcoVadis supply chain sustainability platform to access better corporate social responsibility (CSR) data on our supply chain. EcoVadis assess suppliers across twenty-one sustainability criteria in four themes, environment, labour & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement, based on leading international standards. We will seek to increase the number of our suppliers that are monitored by Ecovadis.

Our teaching and academic research

We will investigate if/how we can better encourage our students to think of slavery and other human rights violations. We will explore how modern slavery is addressed in our teaching offer and in our academic research and what collaborative (i.e. faculties-professional services) working opportunities might exist.

Review and approval

This statement will be reviewed annually.


Professor Sir Gerry McCormac, Principal and Vice‐Chancellor