Chapter-5 Project
Chapter-5 Project
Chapter-5 Project
5.1. Project execution system
• Once these systems and procedures have been
developed for the project, it is the duty of the project
administrator to set for smooth take off.
• It requires proper project execution systems which
should be more concerned about external intervention
for survival than on its internal self regulating
capability. The external intervention will be of the
following forms: Project direction, project co-
ordination, project communication, project
organization and project control
5.1. Project execution system
• Therefore, for the successful execution and
administration of project requires direction,
organization, co-ordination, communication and
control all at the same time but in varying proportion
• a) Project direction
• Project direction refers to the use of authority to
channel/flow the activities of the project on desired
lines. During the initiation of start-up period of
the project this direction shall be provides by the
project manager.
5.1. Project execution system
• The project manager during this period needs to
provide directions relating to: Scope of work,
Specification of results of completed work, Basis of
work, Division of work – imported vs. indigenous,
departmental Vs. contract etc., Schedule of work,
Budget of work, Systems and procedure for work,
Co-ordination of work, Authority and accountability
for work, Control of work
• . Direction, during the project initiation period, means
not simply giving a push to the project; the direction
issued at this stage will, in fact, shape the destiny of
the project.
• Direction during production stage:
• A group meeting may also be used for this purpose.
On-going directions may refer to approval of work
schedules, detailed budgets, specification, purchase
orders, work orders, construction drawings, travels,
miscellaneous expenses, changes in baseline etc.
………. Ongoing direction
• Project start-up, design review, purchase order and work
orders are on-time directions.
• b) Communication in a project
• For ongoing direction a two-Way communications system
is essential.
• Communication has two dimensions physical and mental,
passing a memo, drawing, data, instruction, information,
etc. are the physical aspects of communication;
understanding the same in the light of role expectation,
empathy, preconceived notion, language barriers, listening
skills etc., are the mental aspects of communication.
c) Project co-ordination
• Co-ordination can be defined as the effort to bring
parts into super relation for harmonious functioning.
Therefore, one cannot proceed simply with the
execution of a project without proper co-ordination.
• Project co-ordination procedure
• Co-ordination basically addresses itself to two aspects
of work –physical matching and timing. The physical
aspect would refer to what is to be done, how much is
to be done and who to do it; the timing aspect would
refer to when these will be done
Project execution system
• 1.5. Pre-requisites for successful project
• Time and cost over-runs of projects are very common
in practice, particularly in the public sector. Due to
such time and cost over-runs, projects tend to become
uneconomical, resources are not available to support
other projects, and economic development is
adversely affected. This helps to minimize time and
cost over-runs and thereby improve the prospects of
successful completion of projects.
• A lot of things can be done to achieve this goal; the
most important ones appear to be as follows:
• a. Adequate formulation
• b. Sound project organization
• A sound organization for implementing the project is
critical to its success
• Once the investment decision is taken – and often
even while the formulation and appraisal are being
done – it is necessary to do detailed implementation
planning before commencing the actual
• c. Advance action
• When the project appears prima facie to be viable and
desirable, advance action on the following activities
may be initiated: (i) acquisition of land, (ii) securing
essential clearances, (iii) identifying technical
collaborators / consultants, (iv) arranging for
infrastructure facilities, (v) preliminary design and
engineering, and (vi) calling of tenders
• e. Timely availability of funds
• Once a project is approved, adequate funds must be
made available to meet its requirements as per the
plan of implementation
• f. Judicious equipment tendering and
• g. Better contract management
• Since a substantial portion of a project is typically
executed through contracts, the proper management
of contracts should be done.
• h. Effective monitoring
• In order to keep a tab on the progress of the project, a
system of monitoring must be established.
• Factor (Determinants) for effective project
• The study of factors for effective projects
management comprising both internal and external
determinant factors are taken into account. The
internal factors are project managers, project team,
project management techniques, project organization
structure, project monitor and evaluation system, use
of computers, detailed project engineering know how,
management reporting system, etc.
1. Internal Factors
• a. Project Managers:
• and he is a person who has been associated with the
project right from the scratch to the completion of the
• b. Project Team:
• The project team comprises of section heads of
production, electrical and mechanical who are
looking after the activities of their respective wings.
1. Internal Factors
• c. Project Managerial Techniques:
• The organizational structure should provide for
scheduling and monitoring, contract management,
materials and equipment procurement, on site co-
ordination and control and information processing,
• -D.Adequate powers should be delegated to enable on
the spot decisions
• Centralized policy formulation
1. Internal Factors
• e. Use of Computers:
• Project management software package are used to meet
deadlines, to reduce costs and ultimately to optimal utilization of
• f. Management Reporting System:
• The management information and reporting systems ensures
monitoring or the project progress and also identifies the specific
information requirement of the project. To achieve this objective
every project should develop requisite reporting formats for
input and output of data, proper information flow and
communication systems and setting up adequate date processing
and storage systems necessary for the purpose.
2. External Factors
• a. Support from financial institutions:
• The financial institutions support is an important determinant of project
management performance though achieving the project objectives of time, cost
and quality
• b. Early Clearance from Government Department:
• The simplification of bureaucratic rigmarole and red-tapism of the government
departments in project approval and sanctioning for public sector projects and
liberalization of industrial licensing, foreign exchange regulation provision,
MRTP clearance, environmental clearance etc. Are necessary.
• c. Detailed Project Engineering Know-how:
• Detailed and scientific projects engineering know-how is sine-quinine to have
optimum utilization of the project cost.
• d. Construction Management:
• Construction management plays a unique part in the matter of industrial project
2. External Factors
• e. Project Consultants:
• Project management consultants are professionally
qualified who are fully equipped to perform
services to the project management organization in
the entire gamut of erection, commissioning and
implementing the industrial projects.
• 5.3. Project Human Resource Management
• The management of people is a challenging task
because of the dynamic nature of people
5.3. Project Human Resource Management
• All Decisions that affect the workforce affect the Organization’s HRM
function. Progressive HRM Practices have a significant effect on
Organizational Performance. Human Resource Management refers to the
philosophy, policies, procedures and practices related to the management of
people within an organization. Human Resource Management involves: HR
Acquisition (Recruiting, selecting, Orienting), HR Development (Training, PA,
compensation, motivation, employee relations), HR Utilization (Knowledge,
Skill and Abilities) and HR Exit (Voluntary and involuntary separations).
Project human resource management includes the processes required to make
the most effective use of the people involved with a project. Project Human
Resource Management includes the processes that are important to organize
and manage the project team. . In projects, HRM has some peculiarities and
problems. These include Project staffing problems (e.g. diversity, availability),
Performance appraisal problems, Motivation problems and Job Description etc
• Managing people under projects is more difficult because of the following.
5.3. Project Human Resource Management