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JUNE 2024


First and for most I would to thank the almighty God the source of every knowledge and wisdom
for He has given me peace of mind and help in me to accomplish my study beginning to the end.

Next to God, I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to my advisor Mr
Lapiso E.(LE) for her genuine advice, critical comment, excellent guidance and continuous
encouragements through my study. His suggestion and comments were of great value in
conducting this study.

Thirdly I would like to thank my families for their great deal of financial and moral support in all
aspects of my study. And finally, I would like to thank my friend’s specially classmate for their
morale support.

The aim of this study is the impact of organizational structure on effective communication (in
case of governmental organization in Hossana town. The researcher adopted descriptive survey
design. The researcher used both the primary and secondary sources of Data in the course of the
study. The primary data was sourced through the instrument of questionnaire and interview
while secondary data was sourced through texts books magazines, journals and internet. The
population of the study is sixty eight on effective communications. The researcher recommended
among others that organizations should have well-structured organization order to achieve the
set up objectives.



List of table………………………………………....................................................................III


1. Introduction -..................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study ............................................................................ 1
1.2 Statement.of the problem ............................................................................2

1.3 objactives of the study .................................................................................3

1.3.1 General objactive ...............................................................................3

1.3.2 spacfic objactive .................................................................................3

1.4 Basic Research quosetion .............................................................................4

1.5 Siginificant of the study ................................................................................4

1.6 Scop of the study ...........................................................................................4
1.7 Limitation of the study...................................................................................4

1.8 organization of the study .............................................................................4

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 Definition of communication ------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.2 Roll of communication in organization ----------------------------------------------------5
2.3 Important of communication -------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.4 The communication process ---------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.4.1 Element of communication process -------------------------------------------------6
2.5 Barriers of communication--------------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.6 Function of communication -----------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.7 Methods of communication ------------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.7.1 Verbal communication -------------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.7.2 Non-verbal communication-------------------------------------------------------------------10
2.7.3 Channel of communication network -----------------------------------------------------10
2.7.4 Formal communication channel -------------------------------------------------------------10
2.7.5 Informal communication channel ----------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.7.6 Conceptual frame work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------





2.8 Research design

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.9 Data type and source
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.10 Data collection techniques --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.11 Sampling technique and sample size ----------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.12 Data analysis technique



4.1 response rate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

4.2 classification of respondent based on gender, age,

Education level and marital status ----------------------------------------------------------- 17

4.3 part Two: Effective communication----------------------------------------------------------------- 18
4.4Hossana town municipality ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1
4.5 Hossana town education department -----------------------------------------------------------
4.6 Hossana town agricultural research center -------------------------------------------------------25
4.7 Hossana town public relationship and human

Resource development.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27



4.1 summary of findings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
4.2 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
4.3 Recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29



4.1 response rate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------16

4.2classification of respondent based on gender, age,

Education level and marital status ---------------------------------------------------------------- 17

4.3 part Two: Effective communication----------------------------------------------------------------- 18

4.4 Hossana municipality ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------21

4.5 Hossana education department -----------------------------------------------------------------------23

4.6 Hossana agricultural research center --------------------------------------------------------------- 25

4.7 Hossana public relationship and human

Resource development.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

1.1. Backgrounder of the study
Communication is the art of that determining the survival and growth of individual organization
institution and countries at large. Communication is the process of sharing thought ideas and
feeling with each other in commonly understandable way the art of the communication which
compasses all living beings and provides animal words as well as old as mankind thousands
years ago people use communicate orally it has involves over the years even before they evolved
fully in their present form sounds grunts action signs gesture gesticulation to the spoken and
word. Then after that the world reading writing and modern sophisticated method of
communication was started now a days the survival performance and success predominantly
depends on the type of communication it uses more effective communication beside other
rescores and factors determines the service provision or production despite the rare vireos factors
that determined effective communication organizational structure ore se affections that
effectiveness in an organization (madhukar 2001)

An organization is group of people working together to achieve common goal and

communication is vital part in that process organizational success in dynamic global market
place so communication is life blood of organization. No organization can develop in the
absence of effective communication system. Whatever site of the organization is big or small
communication is essential to fulfill the organization need and want according to bovee and till
(200) effective communication occurs when individual achieve a shared understanding situation
other to take action and encourage thinking in a new way. Kiith Davis (2003).
Communication is the process of passing the information and understanding from one person to
another. It essential a bridge of meaning between the people by using the bridge a person can
safely across their reverse of misunderstanding.

According to William Scott (2001).In this book organization theory communication is process
which involves the transmission and accomplish organizational goal. Communication is the vital
part of very organization as it is for individual we use oral and written communication to share
knowledge message with other at workplace and home communication is too important for
organization because it is the foundation of our personal group and structural as well as
professionals relationship effective communication skill are tools for archiving our goals an
getting the result we want because both employees and the organization benefit from effective
communication any problem in the communication part leads to fatal problems to the
organization ad in certain circumstance even beyond ineffective communication leads to
repeated absents lack of focus on organization objective employee turnover careless and decrease
organizational competiveness such ineffective communication has something to do with
organizational structure logically organizational structure is the frame work that facilitate
communication and efficient work processes an ineffective communication emerging from
organizational structure has multidimensional repercussions .

Lack of effective communication result in multifaceted problem low productivity, unequal

workload, unclear chain of command, lack of team spirit slow decision making and poor
innovation are signal of poor communication to mention, such poor communication may source
from organization structure.

Their for the above mentioned points the researcher to undertake this study in this study the
researcher would assess the impact of organization structure on effective communication flow in
daily activity of organization.

1.2 Statement the problem

Lack of effective communication and inability to identify reasons for infective communication
temps survival and growth of business organizational similarly ineffective communication in
government or other nonprofit organizations hampers efficiency and effectiveness in the service
provision and objective realization "information is might" is the adage and the mantra that
prevalent indifferent literature since the beginning of 21st century.

Information determines the survival and growth of business organizations and it is also the main
platform to offer public service efficiently and effectively in the absence of information, data
cannot be translated into knowledge and finally into episode which fundamentally deter mains
the competitiveness and transformation of organization however the main issues in the success of
transformation from data to knowledge and finally to wisdom dependence on the type of
communication among parties communication among parties indicates the exchange of ideas
that service the mission and the vision of the organization it is the bond between or among
employers groups work units dependents and top exclusive either formally or informally success
of organization predominantly detrained by the effectiveness of internal as well as external

Every organizational works under the mercy of communication because the performance of ay
organizational depends on how its part are communicating the communication among deferent
activities in the organization enables to get and inter prêt information flowing within the
organization or to get vivid information from the outside. In the absences of effective
communication other recourses cannot make meaning and cannot bring change to the
organization. Ineffective in the communication may result in calamity that cannot easily amend
once if occurs therefore, effective and may be the primary reason for competitiveness locally as
well globally.

Any break in the communication or ill communication leads to calamity that jeopardizes the
survival or the growth of the organization or hampers the service provision to the general public,
as it determines the survival and growth of the organization for the business sector. It also affects
the service provision. Efficiency and effectives of the public or governmental organization in
more contemporary team it is the root case for lack of good governance is in its climax,
ineffective communication takes the lion share in aggravating the good governance problem

Despite on literati indicates the leveled of effective communication in private or the public
sector, it is possible to infer that Ethiopia is suffering from lack of effective communication via
indicate there indicators such as good governance and employee satisfaction. The more resent
mantra on private and government Medias is lack of governance in the country.

Equivalently, government officials ask knowledge the existence of good governance in the
country. In the same token, Hossana town in the southern Ethiopia suffers from lack of good
governance. The residence in hossana town. pronounces lack of good governance in almost
every meeting. Thus, indirectly, it is possible to deduce that governmental organization in Zone
and the tone have no effective communication.

Many studies have been conducted on factors that affect the effectiveness communication under
different setting. Communication in general and effective communication under different setting.
Communications in general and effective communication in general and effective
communication in particular are affected by different internal and external factors an
organization factor such as the means of communication. The type of communication parties
involved in the communication the place of the organization and other affect the exchange of
ideas and its productivity.

Nonetheless, on study has evaluated the impact of organization structure on effective

communication among other factors determines the effectiveness of communication in the

Cognizant to the factor mentioned above, lack of effective communication is the main reason for
lack of good governance. Low productivity, unequal workload, unclear chain of command. Lack
of team spirit, slow decision making, and poor innovation in the governmental organization. One
of the factored that may affect effective communication is structure of the organization. This
study, therefore investigate the impact of organizational stretcher on effective communication
with special emphases on internal communication with a case study from governmental
organization in hossana town, in centeral Ethiopia.

1.3 Object of the study

1.3.1 General objective

The general objectivity of this study would be to investigate the impact of organizational
structure on effective communication
1.3.2 Specific objective

The specific of objective of the study would be

1. To identify the type of communication and the style communication used in governmental
2. To identify barriers to effective communication in governmental organization
3. To examine organizational structure used in governmental organization
4. To assess the structure of the organization in the study area.

1.4 Basic research question

The following would be basic research question of this study

1. What type of communication style is being used in governmental organization

2. What are the factors affecting effective communication in governmental organizations
3. What look like organizational structure used in governmental organization
4. What is impact of organizational structure on effective communication in governmental

1.5. Significant of the study

This study would have multidimensional benefit to both academic and practitioners, the
study would provide necessary information with the help of hossana town administrator to
understand there weakens and strength on communication and organizational structure part.
The study would also open an insight on the impact of organizational structure on
communication as whole and effective communication.

1.6. Scope of the study

The study have focused only on the impact of organizational structure on effective
communication flow in same selected government organizations in hossana town in central
Ethiopia. It would try to analyses the major case of communication problem in the
organization manner of communication type of communication problems and consequence of
infective communication on performance of employee in organization.

1.7. Limitation of the study

The researcher has faced many problems during conduction this research. The most
recognized and very challenging limitations of the study are:

 Lack of enough financial support to accomplish this study effectively

 Lack of cooperation and interest of some employees in responding to questionnaires
and filling is carelessly.
 Unwillingness of the respondents to give appropriate answer to question provided.
 Lack of adequate secondary data particularly the impact of organization structure.

1.8. Organization of the study

The final paper of the study has consists of five chapters the first chapters would discuss about
the introduction of the study, background of the study, statement of the problem, significance,
scope of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter of this study would contain
the review of related literature of the study. in the third chapter methodology of the research
would be develop. These sub section under this chapter would be analyzed and interpret in the
fourth chapter. The final chapter would address about the final findings conclusion, and
recommendation of the study would be made.

2.1 Definition of communication

In different time different writers different the word "communication" in different ways, the
word communication is singular from is different from plural, communication when we attempt
to define communication, over the year, has seen numerous dimensions. Redfield says
communication is the process of exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions a means that individuals
or organization use for sharing and understanding with one another, In other word, it is
transmission and interaction of fact, idea, opinion or emotion and feeling or attitude,
communication is exchange of information, through and emotion between individual and groups,
in other word communication plays a fundamental role in balancing individual and
organizational objective (Boyaci, 1996 p3-5). Communication is process of conveying
information from a sender to a receiver with the use of media in which the communicated
information is understood the same way by both sender and receiver (ShumbanSharma 2004).

Communication is also an interdisciplinary subject. It encompasses literature, psychology.

Sociology, ecology, linguistic system analysis, audition, accounting, and statistics.

Communication enables us to do important this: to grow, to learn, to be aware of ourselves and

to adjust to our environment. The word communication is complex, expansive and an evolving
word. It assumes a very dynamic character as the methods. Channels instruments and approaches
relating to the process of communication respond to new situation and challenge. The spectrum
of communication assumes a pervasive quality in the contemporary world and defies description
as it constantly reaches out and assumes new meaning communication is to be understood in
terms of what is does more than discipline, it is the way of life. Business communication R.K
Medhukare, (2004:p18-20).

Communication is an exchange of facts, idea, opinion or emotion, by two or more people.

Communication is intercourse by word. Letters, symbols, or messages and as way that one
organization members share meaning understanding with another (New man and sinner 200).
Communication is sending and receiving of messages by mean of symbols and in that context
organizational communication is key element of organizational climate (Drenth etal 1998).
Communication is transfer of information from sender to receiver under the condition that the
receiver understands the message (Weihrich and koontz, 1993).

2.2 Role of communication in organization

Communication plays a very important role in an organization. In fact, it is said to be the life
wire of the organization. Nothing in the universe, human or otherwise that does not
communicates, through the means of communication may be different. Communication is very
crucial an unavoidable since we have intentions which we want to pass across to another person,
group or even to the outside world. Communication in an organization is a vital. Departments
communicate from time to time in respect to daily activities and the organizations relationship
with the external world. However, what is being communication may be will understood and the
feedback or misunderstood or insufficient and thus communication breakdown in fact
communication within organization, could be grapevine or rum ours. In all, communication in
organization is very complex and it needs to be correctly handled and monitored to avoid chaos,
crisis or conflict.

The basic function and role of the management could not to be performed without
communication. Planning, organizing, coordinating, budgeting, monitoring, controlling, staffing,
delegation, and including marking, production, financing, human resource management, research
and development, purchasing, selling, could not be well coordinated and goal achieved without
communication (http:Elian Articles.com).
2.3 importance of communication

Communication is important for the following reasons:-

A. Sid to managerial performance: managers transmit the objectives of the organization to

subordinates through the communication major problems may solve without difficulty
and thus communication acts as a tool of management.
B. Achieving coordination: in large organization employees works the base of specialization
and division of works. So, there is a need of coordination. This coordination achieved
through communication.
C. Help in decision making: good communication system provides all necessary
information, which enables managers to take quality decisions in the proper time.
D. Smooth organization operation: communication helps workers to the real situation. In an
organization and workers perform their activities without any delay, which leads to the
functioning of an organization. (ArvindKummer.2003).

2.4 The communication process

2.4.1 Elements of communication process

The various element of communication process are:

A. Sender: The people who transmits, speak, or communicates a message or operates an

electronic devices is the one who conceives and initiates the message with the purpose of
informing., persuading, influencing, and changing the attitude, opinion or behavior of the
receiver( audience listener). He/she decides the communication symbols. The channel,
and the time for sending the situation in which communication or place.
B. Massager: Idea or thought or the raw from of telling the ideas that the symbols.
C. Encoding: Is changing the raw idea from its mental from in to symbols, that is, patterns of
words, gestures, pictorial from or sings/physical or sound/of a specific visual or language.
D. Medium (channel):Is the carrier of the massage such as written words, in the form of
written communication, and spoken words and gestures in the form of face-to – face
E. Receiver: is charging the raw idea from its mental from in symbols, that is, patters of
words, gestures, pictorial forms or sings/physical or sound/of a specific visual or
F. Decoding: this the act of translating symbols of communication in to their ordinary
meaning: however, the total meanings of the words/symbols/ together with tone and
attitude of sender as treated by the structure of the massage and the choice of words used
by him/the sender/
G. Feedback: is your receiver's response. The final link in the communication chain.
Feedback is the key element in the communication process because it enables you to
evaluate the effectiveness of you message. IF your audience doesn't understand what you
mean, you call tells the response and refines your message (Communication Hand Book
Sandra Cleary 2003 p3-70).

2.5 Barriers of communication

Communication barrier is any factor which prevents the smooth flow of the message from the
sender to the receiver. Because of the complexity of the communication process may possible
barrier or breakdown can arise. No two persons are exactly alike mentally, or emotionally. Thus
the innumerable human differences plus cultural, social and environmental differences may
cause problems in conveying intended massage. Although all types communication is subject to
misunderstandings. The major barriers of communication include the following:

A. Channel selection: communication may be oral, written, visual or audio-visual. The

different communication channels can be personal barriers in that some individual always
seem to incline toward a particular channels even though a more effective one exists,
while a proper chosen medium can add to effectiveness of a communication, unusual
medium may act as a barrier to it.
B. Physical barrier: It includes noise time, and distance.
1. Noise: Anything that interferes with communication and distorts or black the message
it noise. In factories oral communication could be difficult by the noise of machine.
2. Time: to make communication effective, it should be done at the right time and right
place trying to communicate at in appropriate then for the sender and receiver will not
bring the desired outcome.
3. Distance: Where people sits or stand can be an important factor in their receiving and
transmitting message of course distance between sender and receiver also affect their
C. Semantics: refer to the different uses and meaning of words and symbols. Words and
symbols may not have similar uses and meaning for different individuals from different
cultural group, language and living style so it may create some barrier in communication
process. A semantic barrier includes: Interpretation of words. By passed instruction.
Denotation. Connotation and euphoniums.
D. Perception of reality: the reality of objective and a person is to different people, Reality is
not a fixed concept, it is complex, infinite and continually changing. Besides, each human
being has limited sensory perception-touch. People perceive reality in different way. No
two people perceive reality in identical manners.
E. Attitude and opinion: communication effectiveness is influenced also by the attitude and
opinion of the communication have in their mental filters people tend to react favorably
when the message the y receive agrees with their view towards the information, the set of
facet, and the sender . In addition, the sometimes unrelated circumstances affect their
attitude, and response like: Emotional state, Favorable or unfavorable information, closed
mind, status consciousness and receiver capability.
F. Information over load: if the sender improper, inaccurate or too much information will
suffer information over load happen when individual receive more information than they
are capable of processing. The implication is that individuals can effectively process only
certain amount of information (Business communication Bovee and Thill, p17-20).

2.6 Function of communication

Communication services four major functions within a group

Controlling Motivation

Function of Communication

Information Emotional

Function of communication

A. Control: communication acts as to control ember behavior in several ways.

Organizational level authority hierarchies and formal guidelines the employees are
required to follow, When employees, for instances are required to first communicate any
job related grievance to their immediate boss, to follow their job description, the
company poleis, communication is performing a control function.
B. Motivation: communication fosters motivation by clarify to employees what is to be
done. We saw this operating in our review of goal setting and reinforcement theories.
The formal of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goal and reinforcement of
desired behavior all stimulate motivation and require communication.
C. Emotion expression: that takes place within the group is a fundamental and feelings of
satisfaction communication therefore provides a release or the motivation expression of
feelings and fulfillment of social need.
D. Information: is the final function that communication performing release to its role in
facilitating decision making. It provides the information that individuals and groups need
to make decision by transmitting the data to identify and evaluated alternative choices.
http:/www.media fire.com/

2.7 Methods of communication

Communication takes place by two methods. These two methods of communication are:

2.7.1 Verbal communication

It is ability to communicate by using words that separates human binges from rest of animal’s
kingdom. Verbal communication includes both oral and written communication, (Ray, nond L.
Hilger, 1992, p250).

A. Written communication

It is written on paper or board, charts. Written communication is used for May purpose, it
includes, letters, memos notice, reports and others.

1. Letter: - is the most commonly used form of written communication. They are mostly
used for external communication. Letter has a fixed and formal layout. This must be
adhered to. It can be sales letter, compliant, bank correspondence and many others.
2. Memo: - this is an informal communication between members of the same organization
and usually relates to day –to – day work it is used to convey information and instruction.
Memo contains brief messages. A memo mayor may not be signed. It can be personalized
for senior managers.
3. Notice: - this is used when many people in an organization have to be given the same
information. A notice should be short and to the point. It should be clear and will spaced
for easy reading.
4. Report:-this is written document prepared by individuals or committee. It is prepared
after research.
A. Oral communication

Oral communication refers "spoken words". Any communication which we can hear, lectures in
the class room, speeches of politicians at rallies, instructions, and event songs, poetry recitation,
and other. Oral communication occurs in situation like conversation, telephone talk, interviews,
presentation, and meeting.

1. Face-to face communication is best when it is face-to-face. It is possible between two

individuals in a meeting or interview. Communication follows in both directions. There is
immediate feedback. Facial expiration, body movement and body language
communication and giving more meaning. In face to face commutation style ineffective
listener is not interested.
2. Telephone: - speaking on the telephone depends entirely on the voce and the words used.
It does not require physical presence.
3. Interview: it is a meeting between and interviewer who can be one or many and an
interviewee or candidate. The interviewer asks relevant questions to the candidate.
4. Meeting: usually, meeting involves a number of persons. The chairman guides the
proceeding and maintains order during the meeting. During on the type of meeting, there
may or may not be a fixed agenda. If it is formal meeting, notes are taken during the
meeting, which are called the "minutes"
5. Presentation: this is formal well prepared talk given by an individual to group. The
audience is mostly knowledgeable and or interested. The responsibility of the presenter is
to makes sure that all the listener understand the matter which he or she is presenting and
opens up question after presentation. (Business communication. Bovee and Thill 2000).

2.7.2 Non-verbal communication

Nonverbal communication is the process of communicating through sending and receiving

word less message. The receiver to communication should be in position of to see hear and
feel the communication. The receiver of the communication should be in the position to
clearly see the face, the gesture, the tone, the dress, the appearance and also hear the voice of
the communicator. Nonverbal communication takes place through the following ways
(Business communication Dover and Thill 2000).

1. Facial expression: - it is Saied that face is index of mind. The through and the feeling of
the heart often find expression on the face. One makes on the face. One makes on and
attempt to read the facial expression when one uses the following expressions:- To carry
a mask on one’s face, To carry a wooden expression , To make face, the smile of
acknowledgement or recognition
2. Eye: - the eyes are indeed the most expressive part of human face. The eyes of a person
are often said to face a tale. In fact, the eyes are the most commonly described part of the
body. The feeling s of heart quite often finds expression through the eyes. In the
expression of love, affection, sincerity and other the eye contact become crucial.
3. Posture and gestures: - posture refers to the carriage, state and attitude of body or mind.
Gesture refers to any significant movement of limb or body and deliberate use of such
movement as an expression of feeling.
4. Personal space: - personal space or the space between during their interactions with each
other segment of non-verbal communication.
5. Behavior: - the way in which one conducts one self and behaves in process of
communication s another very forceful facet of non-verbal communication.
6. Appearance :- physical presence and appearance of a person play a key role in the
process of communication
7. Smile: - is a very potent from of facial expression. It opens the door to communication. A
nature, pleasant smile carries great significant in establishing society, community or
business organization (Business communication Bovee and Thill).

2.7.3 Channel of communication network

In every organization there are two types of communication network channels. These are formal
or official channels and informal channels communication. Both channels carry message from
one person or group to another in an organization down ward. Horizontal/lateral/and
diagonal/cross channel/communication.

2.7.4 Formal communication channel

The formal communication channel is that flows along the organization’s line of authority. They
represent the flow communication within flow of communication with in formal organizational
structure. Typically, communication flows in flows in four separate direction:/Business
communication Bovee and Thill 2000.
A. Downward communication

The communication that involves a message exchange between two or more level organizational
hierarchy is called downward/vertical/communication. Formal message flows from managers
and supervisors to subordinates are called down ward communication. Most of down ward
communication involves: - giving instruction, job relational-explanation of how one task related
to other task. Organization policy and procedures. Organization goals and mission and
management directives and job plan.

B. Upward communication

Formal message also flow upward from subordinates to supervisors and managers without
upward communication. Management would never know how their downward message where
received and interpreted by employees. Upward communication provides the feedback necessary
to let supervisors known whether subordinates received and understood messages that were not
sent upward communication these types of message are voluble what that were not sent upward
communication these types of message are valuable. What subordinates are doing. Feedback
report of customers’ interaction feedback suggestion of ideas for improvements within
department organization as whole association and their organization outline of unsolved work
problems on which subordinates now need and or how subordinates think and feel about each
other and their job. There may require help in the future.

C.Horizontal lateral communication

Horizontal communication involves exchange of information among individuals on the same

organizational level. Such as a cross or within department. Horizontal communication is
important to help coordinate work assignment, share information on plans and activities, problem
solving, conflicts resolution and develop interpersonal support, thereby creating a more cohesive
work unit.

D.Diagonal /cross-channel/communication
Diagonal communication is the exchange of information among employees in different work
unit. Who are neither subordinates nor superior to each other communication that take between a
manager and employees of other work groups is called diagonal communication.

2.7.5 Informal communication channel

Informal communication channel, commonly referred to as the grapevine, are a normal

outgrowth of information and casual groupings of people on the job, of their social interactions
and of their under stable desired to communication with one another. Every organization has an
informal communication network has its grape vice that supplements official channel. The
grapevine offers members among organization an out let for their imagination and an opportunity
to express their apprehension in the form of rumor. (Ray Mond L. Hilbert 1992 p56-62).

2.7.6 Conceptual frame work

Organization structure affects the effectiveness of communication in the organization.

Organizational structure takes two forms mechanistic and organic mechanistic structure is
featured with stable environments; tasks are broken down in to specialized and separate tasks,
strict hierarchy of authority. Vertical communication and all decision are made at the top on the
other hand organic organization structure is characterized decision making and lateral
communication both structure have own impact on the effectiveness of communication.
Effectiveness of communication can be represented by clarity, legality. Validity and reliability of
the communication organizational structure determine the clarity understandability reliability and
validity of communication which in aggregate determines the effectiveness of communication as
shown on figure one below.

Figure 2 conceptual frame work

Organizational structure Effective communication

 Mechanistic  clear
 organic  legal
 Reliable
 Valid
 Understandable

To collect analyze the data researcher has used the following methodology

3.1 Research design

The research project used descriptive method for the purpose of collection evidence data because
it would help to describe the impact of organization structure on effective communication.

3.2 Data type and source

The research is qualitative and quantitative. The source of the data includes both primary and
secondary data. The primary data was collected on questionnaire and interviews in the employee
and manager of governmental organization in hossana town, in central Ethiopia. Secondary
source data were collected from records written documents and manual written about the

3.3 Data collection techniques

To collect the relevant data from the study different data collection tools used. Self-administered
questionnaire was pre pared and distributed to respondents (employees) to support the data
obtained through questionnaire, interview was conducted with the manager of the organization.
The secondary data was gathered by reviewing documents. Books and manual from the
organization and the internet.

3.4 sampling technique and sample size

The sampling technique that the researcher used this study was stratified random sampling first
populations are divided in to sub groups strata. Such as, hossana municipality, hossana
agricultural research center. hossana town education department and hossana town public
relationship and human resource development service.

The total numbers of employees in the organizations under the study were 210 among these
hossana town municipality42.hossana town education department 7.hossana town agricultural
research center 8. hossana town public relationship and human resource development service11
were selected by proportional stratified sampling technique.

The reasons for selecting of stratified random sampling were:

Every items or person in the population has chance of being selected for the sample.

The existence of different groups of organizations in hossana town like manipulate, education
department. Agricultural research center. And public relationship and human resource
development service.

According to (1992). document The role of sample size determination, sample sizes of the above
data determined were mathematically as follows;

Name of the organization No of employees Sample size

hossana town municipality 130 42
hossana town education department 21 7
hossana town agricultural research 26 8
center (office)
hossana town public relationship & 33 11
human resource department
Total 210 68

N 210
¿  68
Mathematically n= n₌ n= 1  N (e) n= 1  210 ( 0 . 1)

N1 130
( )  68( )
n1=n N 210 =42
N1 21
( )  68( )7
n2=n N 210 n=Sample size

N3 26
( )  68( )8
n3=n N 210 e=Sample error

N4 33
( )  68( )  11
n4=n N 210

N1=total population of first population subgroup

N2=total population of the second population sub group

N3=total population of the third population sub group

N4= total population of the forth population subgroup

N1=simple size of the first population subgroup

N2= simple size of the second population subgroup

N3=sample size of the third population sub group

N4=sample size of the forth population sub group

Therefore, the total sample element will be 68.


3.5 Data analysis technique

After collection of necessary information from respondent the researcher would use qualitative
and quantitative data in the form of descriptive statics of the data analysis to make the collected
data in to a form that can be easily understandable so the researcher would use tabulation is that
it is comfortable for analysis data in easy and understandable way. Finally interpretation and
description takes place.
This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data collected on the impact of
organizational structure on effective communication. This data obtained from the sample
population involved in the descriptive study is the frame work of the impact of organizational
structure on effective communication on governmental organization in hosssana town central

The findings are made based on answers in the questionnaires filled by the employee and also the
interview with head opinion.

Table 4.1 response rate

Item Number of respondent Percentage (%)

Questioners distributed 68 100
Questioners collected 66 97
Missed 2 3
Source; questioners, 2017
As sown in the above table among questioners distributed by researchers 66(97%) is collected
and analyzed while2 (3%) is missed.

Part one; Demographic characteristics of respondents

Table 4.2 classification of respondent based on gender, age, education level and marital

No Item Number of respondent Percentage (%)

1 Gender
Male 40 61
Female 26 39
Total 66 100
2 Age 15 23
Below 30 year 15 45
30-40 year 30 24
41-50 year 16 8
Above 50 5 100
Total 66

3 Educational level
Blow diploma - -
Diploma 16 24
Degree 36 55
Degree and above 14 21
Total 66 100

4 Marital status
Single 26 39
Married 36 55
Divorce 4 6
Total 66 100
Source; questionnaires, 2017

The above table 4.2(1) shows that 40(61%) of respondent were male and the rest of 26(39%) the
respondent were female.

The above table 4.2 (2) shows that 15(23%) the respondents group is below 30 years. 30 (45%)
of respondent age group is between 31-40 years. 16(24%) of respondent age group in between
41-50 years, the remaining of 5(8%) respondent age group is above 50 years.

As shown the above table 4.2 (3) from the total respondent 16(24%) of respondent are diploma,
36(55%) of respondent are degree and the rest of 14(21%) of respondent degree and above

Table 4.2 (4) also shows that 26(39%) respondent said single.36 (65%) of respondent were said
married and the remaining 4(6%) of the respondent were divorce.

4.3 part Two: Effective communication

Key 5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1= strongly disagree

No Question Alternativ Number of Percentage

e respondent (%)
1 I communicate 5 20 30
to my boss 4 33 50
whenever I went 3 - -
to communicate 2 8 12
1 5 8
Total 66 100
2 The communication I 5 21 32
make with my boss is 4 34 51
clear 3 1 2
2 6 9
1 4 6
Total 66 100
3 The communication I 5 19 29
make with my boss is 4 36 54
3 - -
2 7 11
1 4 6
Total 66 100
4 The 5 25 39
communication I 4 30 45
make with my boss is 3 - -
legal 2 8 12
1 3 4
Total 66 100
5 The communication I 5 23 35
make with my boss is 4 33 50
timely 3 1 2
2 5 7
1 4 6
Total 66 100
6 My boss gives me 5 15 23
sufficient options 4 28 42
3 5 8
2 10 15
1 8 12
Total 66 100
7 The information I get 5 18 27
from by boss is valid and 4 37 56
reliable 3 - -
2 6 9
1 5 8
Total 66 100
8 Most of the time my boss 5 23 35
uses information 4 28 42
technology communicate 3 - -
with me 2 12 17
1 4 6
Total 66 100
9 I do not lie to my boss 5 38 58
4 20 30
3 - -
2 5 8
1 3 4
10 My boss knows if I Total 66 100
Lie in certain 5 10 15
Circumstance 4 15 23
3 5 7
2 20 30
1 16 24
Total 66 100

Source: questionnaire 20017

The above table 4.3 (1) indicates 20(30%) of the respondents strongly agree and 33(50%) of
respondents agree that they could communicate with the boss whenever and wherever they want
in to happen. However.8 (12%) of the respondents disagrees while 5(8%) of the respondents
strongly disagree about the openness of the communication. The data indicates that about 80% of
the respondents witness the existence of open communication in organization.

The above table 4.3 (2) 21(32%) of the respondents strongly agree and 34(51%) respondents
agree as the communication between the boss and employee is clear. However, 1(2%) of the
respondent is neutral, 6(8%) of the respondents disagree and 4(%) of the respondents strongly
disagree on the existence of clear communication. The data indicates that organization in hossana
town make clear communication.

According to table 4.3 (3) 19(29%) of respondents strongly agree and 30(54%) of the
respondents agree on the understandability of the communications between the boss and
employees, nevertheless 7(11%) of respondents agree that respondents and 4(6%) of respondents
respectively dis agree and strongly disagree on the understandability of the communication.
From this table the researcher concludes that the communication between the boss and employee
is understandable.

According to the table4.3 (4) 25(39%) of respondents strongly agree about the existence of legal
communicator between the boss and employee wile, 30 (45%) of the respondents agree that the
communication made with boss is legal. However the rest of 8 (12%) of respondents and 3(4%)
of the respondents disagree & strongly disagree about the existence of legal communication
respectively. The researcher concludes governmental organization in hossana towun make legal

As shown on the table4.3 (5), 23(35) and 33(50%) of the respondents strongly agree and agree
that the communication with the boss in timely, However 1(2%) respondents are neutral while,
5(7%) respondents and 4(6%) respondents disagree ^ strongly disagree on the timeliness of the
communication respectively. From this one the researchers conclude that majority respondent
agreed that communicates are timely.

Table 4.3(6) indicates that 15(23%) respondents strongly agree that boss gives sufficient options
to feedback while, 15(23%) respondents strongly agree that boss gives sufficient options to
feedback while, 28(42%) or respondents agree that there is sufficient options to express feedback
5(%) of respondents are neutral about the feedback, however, 10(15) of respondents and 8(12%)
of respondents disagree &strongly disagree about the availability of feedback opinion
respectively. This indicates that boss in governmental organization in hossan town administration
gives sufficient operation for feedback.

As indicated in table 4. 3(7)18(27%) respondents strongly agree that the information obtained
from boss is valid and reliable. While, 37(56%) agree on the same point. However, 6(9%) of
respondent and 5(8%) of respondent disagree and strongly disagree regarding the valid and
reliable information respectively. The data indicate that information sourcing from boss in
governmental organization is valid and reliable.

According to table4.3 (8) 23(35%) of respondents strongly agree that n using information
technology to communication while 28(42%) agree on the point nevertheless, 12(17%) and (5%)
of respondents are disagree and strongly disagree respectively on the issue increase that the
organization use information technology for communication.

As shown in the table 4.3(9 38(58%) of respondents strongly agree not lie with boss 20(30%)
respondents agree do not lie during communication and the reaming 5(8%) & 3(4%) of
respondents disagree & strongly agree respectively.

On the table 4.3(10), 20 (30%) respondents strongly agree boss knows there is lie certain
circumstances, 16(24%) respondents agree the boss knows lie in the certain circumstances but
the rest of 5(7%), 15(23%) &10(15%) of the respondent are neutral, disagree & strongly disagree

Part three: organization structure

Key5= strongly agree 4=3=neutral2=disagree1 strongly disagree

Table 4.4 hossan municipality

N Question Alternative respondent

O Frequenc respond
y ent
1 our organizational structure has been 5 12 30
change many times in the last 5 year 4 17 42.5
3 4 10
2 4 10
1 3 7.5
Total 40 100
5 16 40
2 Our organizations structure is flexible and 4 18 45
3 - -
allows change in the work place
2 23 57.5
1 23 57.5
Total 40 100
5 14 35
3 Easy to make horizontal communication 4 20 50
formally other departments 3 2 5
2 2 5
1 2 5
Total 40 100
5 4 10
4 Our organizations favors teams working 4 4 10
instead of individual working 3 - -
2 18 45
1 14 35
Total 40 100
5 14 35
5 our organization use information technology 4 12 30
for communication 3 - -
2 8 20
1 6 15
Total 40 100
5 10 25
6 In our organizations letters and formal 4 22 55
meeting are communicated viva in email or 3 4 10
other electron menace 2 4 10
1 - -
Total 40 100

Source: questionnaires 2017 21

As seen on the above 4.4(1) 12(30%), 17(42.5%),4(10%) the respondents were strongly agree,
agree, neural respectively and the remaining 3(7.5%) were goes strongly disagree that hossana
town municipally organization structure has been changed many times in the last five years

From the above table 4.4(2) Show that 16(40%) and 18 (45%) strongly agree and agree the
remaining 3(7.5%) the respondents both disagree and strongly disagree that the organization
structure has been flexible and allowed change in the work place.

Table4.4 (3) show that 14(35%) and 20 (50%) of the respondents strongly agree and agree the
other 2(5%)of the respondents neutral, disagree and strongly disagree respectively that
municipality organization easy to communicate horizontally with other department.

Table 4.4 (4) show that 4(10%) or the respondents were both strongly agree and agree that the
respondents the organization favor team working instead of individual working.

From the above table 4.4 (5) show 14(35%), 12(30%), 8(20%) and 6(15%) of the respondents
strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly dis agree. That the municipality use information
technology for communication purpose respectively.

Form the above table 4.4 (6) show that10 (25%) of the respondent strongly agree, agree and the
rest 22(55%) of the respondent both neutral & disagree that the organization letter and formal
meeting are communicating via email or other electronic means.

Table 4.5 hossana town education department

No Question Alternative Respondent

Frequency Responden
1 Our organizational structure has been change 5 2 29
many times in the last 5 year 4 3 43
3 1 14
2 1 14
1 - -
Total 7 100
2 Our organizations structure is flexible and allows 5 1 14
change in the work place
4 2 29
3 1 14

2 2 29
1 1 10
Total 7 10
3 Easy to make horizontal communication 5 3 43
formally other departments 4 2 29
3 - -
2 14 14
1 1 14
Total 7 100
4 Our organizations favors teams working instead 5 2 29
of individual working 4 1 14

3 1 14
2 1 14
1 - 14
Total 7 100
5 5 3 43
4 2 29
3 1 -
2 1 14
Our organization use information technology 1 1 14
from communication Total 7 100
6 5 1 14
4 3 43

3 1 14
In our organizations letters and formal meeting
are communicated viva in email or other electron 2 1 14
menace 1 1 14
Total 7 100

Source: questionnaires 2017

As seen on above table 4.5(1) shows that 2(29%), 1(14%) and 1(14%) the respondents of
response where strongly agree, agree, disagree, & neutral respectively that the organization
structured has been changed many times in the last five years.

On the table 4.5 (2) shows that 1(14%%),2 (29%), 1(14%), 2 (29%) and 2(14%) the respondent
responses where strongly agree, agree, neutral disagree and strongly disagree respectively that
the organization structure of hossan town education department is flexible and allows change
work place .

From the above table 4.5 (3) shows that 3(45%) and 2(29%) the respondents strongly agree and
agree respectively horizontally communication formally with other department and the
remaining 1(14%) and 1(14%) of the respondents were disagree and strongly disagree
respectively hossana towna education make department make the horizontally communication
formally with other department.

Based on the above table 4.5(4) show that 2(29%) the respondents strongly agree educational
department make team working and develop and 2(29%) of also agree educational department
develop one to five group instead of individual working and the remaining (14%) of the
respondents the response were neutral, disagree and strongly disagree that education department
to make team working.

On the above 4.5(5) show that 3(43%) respondents strongly agree education department use
information technology and 2(29) the respondents agree that the education department use the
communication technology the remaining 1(14%) of respondents both disagree and strongly

The information provided above table 4.5(1-6) the researcher conclude that the education
department have good team working rather than individual, is structures flexible and change the
working place, it communicate horizontally with the other department all this indicate hossana
town education department has organic organizational structure.
Table 4.6 hossana agricultural research center

No Question Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percentage
1 Our organizational 5 2 25
structure has been change 4 2 25
many times in the last 5 3 1 12.5
years 2 2 25
1 1 12.5
Total 8 100
2 Our organizations structure 5 1 12.5
is flexible and allows 4 4 50
change in the work place 3 1 12.5
2 1 12.5
1 1 12..5
Total 8 100
3 Easy to make horizontal 5 1 12.5
communication formally 4 2 25
other departments 3 - -
2 2 25
1 3 37.5
Total 8 100
4 Our organizations favors 5 4 50
teams wring instead of 4 3 12.5
individual working 3 1 12.5
2 2 12.5
1 1 12.5
Total 8 100
5 Our organization use 5 2 25
information technology for 4 3 37.5
communication 3 - -
2 1 12.5
1 2 25
Total 8 100
6 In our organization letters 5 1 12.5
and formal meeting are 4 3 37.5
communicated viva in 3 2 12.5
email or other electron 2 1 12.5
menace 1 1 12.5
Total 8 100
Source: questionnaire 2017

As seen on the table 4.6(1) 2(25%) of the respondent strongly agree the agricultural
organizational structure has been changed many times in the last five years,2(25%) of the
respondent also agree the organization structure has been changed many times in the last five
years and the reaming 1(12.5%), 2(25%)and1(12.5%)of the respondent are neutral, disagree and
strongly disagree respectively

From the above table 4.6(2) show that 1(12.5%),4(50 %( 1(12.5%),1(12.5%) and1(12..5%) of the
respondents response were strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree & strongly disagree
respectively that the organization structure is flexible and allow change in the work place.

From the above table 4.6(3) indicated that 1(12.5%),2(25%), 2(25%), 3(37.5%) of eh respondent
response strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree respectively that the agree cultural
center easy to make horizontal communication formally with the other department.

As shown the above table 4.6(4) 4(50%), ) of the respondent strongly agree and 1(12.5), agree,
natural, disagree and strongly disagree respectively that the organization favor team working
instead of individual working.

As indicated the above table 4.6(5) implied that 2(25%), 3(37.5%), 1(12.5%) and 2(25%) of the
respondent strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly agree respectively that the organization
applies with information technology for communication.
According to above table 4.6(6) implied that 1(12.5%),3(37.5%),2(25%),1(12.5%),and 1(12.5%)
of the respondent strongly agree, agree, neutral, dies agree, strongly agree respectively that the
organization uses letter formal meeting are communicated via email or other media. Based on
above statement from table 4.6(1-6) the researcher conclude that the organization structure is
flexible, easy to communicate, use information technology this show that organic organization

Table 4.7 hossana town public relationship and humane Resource development.

No Question Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percentage
1 Our organizational structure has been 5 4 36.4
change any times in the last 5 years 4 5 45.4
3 - -
2 2 18.2
1 - -
Total 11 100
2 Our organizations structure is flexible and 5 4 36.4
allows change in the work place 4 3 27.2
3 - -
2 2 18.2
1 2 18.2
Total 11 100
3 Easy to make horizontal communication 5 5 45.4
formally other departments 4 4 36.4
3 - -
2 2 18.2
1 -
Total 11 100
4 Our organizations favors teams working 5 8 72.7
instead of individual working 4 3 27.3
3 - -
2 - -
1 - -
Total 11 100
5 Our organization use information 5 4 36.4
technology 4 4 36.4
3 - -
2 3 27.2
1 - -
Total 11 100
6 In our organizations letter and formal 5 2 18.2
meeting are communicated viva in email or 4 3 27.2
other electron means 3 2 18.2
2 2 18.2
1 2 18.2
Total 11 100
Source: questionnaire 2017


From the above 4.7(1) show that 4(36.4%) of respondents strongly agree the organization
structure has been changed many time times in the last five year,5(45.4%) of the respondents
responses agree that organization structure has been changed many times in the last five years
and the remaining 2(18.2%) of respondents disagree the organization structure has been changed
many times the last five years.

From the above table 4 .7(2), 4(36.4%) a respondents strongly agree 3(27.2%) agree and the
remaining 2(18.2%) of the respondents both disagree and strongly disagree.

From the above table 4.7(3) 5(45.4%) of the respondents strongly agree the horizontally
communication applied with the other department and 4(36.4%) of the respondents also agree,
the remaining 2(18.2%) of a respondents disagree that is to make the horizontally
communication with the other department.
On the table 4.7(4) show that 8(72.7%) and 3(27.3 %) of the respondents strongly agree and
agree the organization face team working instead of individual working.

From the table 4.7 (5) show that 4(64%) and 2(36 %( of the respondents strongly agree and agree
that organization face team working instead of individual working.

From the table 4.7(5) shows that 2(36.4%) of the respondents were both strongly agree, agree
and 3(27.2%) of the respondent disagree that the organization use information technology for
communication purpose.

A shown the table4.7 (6) of the respondents 2(18.2%), of the respondents response strongly
agree and neutral the remaining 3(27.2%) agree, organization letter and formal meeting are
communication email

Based on table 4.7 the researcher concluded that hossana public relationship and human resource
development service organic organizational structure because the public service applied that the
characteristics of organic organizational structure.

Those were authority to control central task is delegate, face to face contact for coordination
work process tends to be unpredictable and also people work together and different capacity
simultaneously and over time. According to the resonance of the boss of the organization they
well understood organizational structure, smooth communication among staff through various
communication email on lime massages The most common facing problem of the organization
were semantic problem .



3.1 Summary of findings

The main findings of the project is discussed and summarized to give an insight into the basic
issues of all research project, knowledge gained from the findings will be used to make necessary
recommendation. The researcher projects was intended to assess the impact of organization
structure on effective communication in case of hossan Town, in central Ethiopia from the total
210 employees, the researcher distributed 68 questionnaires to the selected sample and 66
questionnaires are returned and 2 questionnaires were not returned. Majority of employees of
governmental organization in hossan town, central Ethiopia was male among the total
employees there were high rate of age between 31 and 40 are productive. Majority of the
employees were degree at rate of 55%.majority of the employees were married at rate of
55%.most of governmental organization hossana town central Ethiopia followed organic
organizational structure characterized by task devoted and refined employee
interaction.decenteralized decision making and lateral communication.

5.2 Conclusions
 This paper has varies point regarding to the impact of organization structure on effective
communication. In government organization in hossana town, central Ethiopia. The data
only analysis which mainly based on questionnaires and interview used that there are
strongly engage and communication.
Based on the investigation this study the researcher has provided the following
 The organization possessed good communication so, communication a key to successes.
The major aim of communication process is to achieved understanding and
commitment. .
 As indicated analysis of the study clarity is a very important factor affecting
communication. Whatever the method adopted the communication must be clear about
what the conceptual sender wants.
 From the analysis of the study it is indicated that majority of respondents support that
formal communication among department is successful.
 As the majority of responses of employees indicate open discussion is common in
relation with formation of legal, valid, reliable, timetable and common issues in different
levels of hierarchical chains of workers.
 The effective communication contribution the organizational success and it provide
message accurately at specified time to worker in organization. Also effective
communication coordinates each staff member to accomplish tasks working together to
organization success.
 Most of governmental organization in governmental organization hossana town central
Ethiopia followed organic organizational structure organization is a network of persons
of teams, and people work in different capacity simultaneously and over time manager
should try and develop structure that will be suitable to organization needs at particular
time. Manager should also structure organization to suit be the organization employee’s
 In effective communication decrease employee’s performance absolutely. This may the
result employees are fall goal to determine goal effective, does not run operation
smoothly and are highly inefficient poor output quality.

5.3 Recommendation

 As indicated analysis of the study there is some problems between employee and boss
so, to communicate effectively in the organizational structure the following points were
advisable since effective communication is very critical perquisite for maintain
harmonious relationship in the organizational hierarchy:
 Use standard terminology when communication information
 Request and provide clarification when needed
 Ensure statement are direct and an ambiguous
 Inform the appropriate individuals when the mission or plans change
 Communicate all information needed by those individuals or teams external
to the team
 Use non-verbal communication on appropriately
 Use proper order when communicating information
 As majority response of employee indicates the problem of team working so, it
preferable to the organization making effective communication calls for coordinated
effort. Good communication like other high quality output is very much the result of
hard work. Good communication does not occur accidentally. It calls for proper
planning g understanding human behavior, choice of physical facilities, mechanical or
electric devices and the organization context. It is necessary to understand essentials
of good communication and work toward activating them.
 It is advisable for the organization to eliminate factors that hinder flout of
communication that is held with on organization to make employees confidential
about their job security and sustainability the organization have to eliminate those
 Difference in attitude of employees towards communication was the major factor that
affect communication role not to achieve its goals. Thus, the management advised to
encourage the employ’ attitude on

 From analysis of the study timing problem seen so, better to know organizations most
massages have a time values, Action can flow only if the communication reaches in
the time. Pertinent to individuals as well as business.
 The organization should use the internally upward, downward and lateral or
horizontal communication approach. This makes the manager and workers in the
organization interchange their idea, opinion and information fairly to participate in
activity performed.
 Understand the complexity or the process and how it can be influence and taking it
correction action and it is advantages for the organization to strengthen open
discussion through clear, understandable, legal, reliable, valid, effective


 Courtland L.bovee and john V.Thill.(200). Business communication today 6 th edition


 Hamilton and parker (1987). Communicating in business.

 Hebbel’s. Saundra.(2001) communication effectively 6th edition. McGraw Hill.
 Israel Glenn, (1992). The roles of sample size determination \Krizan,marries, and
Johns(2002). Communication, 6th edition Cincinnati: South western publishing company.
 M.K Medhukare (2004). Business communication
 Murphy M.A Hilderbandt, HW. (1999), effective communication, McGraw Hill
published co, New York, 5th edition.
 Business communication Dover and Thill 2000).
 Sendra Cleary, (2003), Communication hand book 2nd edition.
 Business communication R.K Medhukare2001.
 Business communication (ShumbanSharma 2004).

Wachemo University

College of business and economics

Department: Padm

Questionnaires for employee

Dear: respondent, the questionnaires attached hire are based on the impact of organizational
structure on effective communication with a case from governmental organization in hossana
town, central Ethiopia. It aimed at obtaining information for a research project as part of the
necessary requirement for the award of (BA) degree in management.

Honest, clear and objective responses to the question will be highly appreciated. All information
provided shall be treated with high confidentiality and will any be used for this academic
exercise; hence, you are not required to write your name.

Part one: personal information

Put “√”mark inside the box for those questions with chose.

1. Gender : Male Female

2. Age: Below 30 years 30-40 years 40-50 years above
6 50
3. Education: below diploma Degree Diploma Degree and above
4. Marital status: Single Married Divorce
Part two: effective communication
Key 5= strongly agree 4= agree 3= neutral 2= disagree 1=strongly disagree
N 5 4 3 2 1
1 I communicate to my boss whenever I wont to communicate
2 The communication I make with my boss is clear
3 The communication I make with my boss is understandable
4 The communication I make with my boss is legal
5 The communication I make with my boss is timely
6 My gives me sufficient option to give my feed back
7 The information I get from my boss is valid and reliable
8 Most of the time my boss use information technology to
communicate with me
9 I don’t lie to my boss
My boss knows if lie in certain circumstance
Part three organizational structure

Key: 5= strongly agree 4= agree 3=neutral2=disagree 1=strongly disagree

5 4 3 2 1
1 Our organization structure has been changed many
times in last five years
2 Our organization structure is flexible allow change
the work place
3 It is easy to make horizontal communication
formally with other department
4 Our organization favors team working instead of
individual working
5 Our organization is uses information technology for
6 Our organization letters and formally meeting are
communicated via emails or other electronics Part four:

means interview with

the boss
1) Do you have a well-structured communication channel to communicate with you

Yes No

2) If you’re answered is “yes” in question 1(one) above, please, mention the type of
communication channel you use.
3) Please prioritize communication channels mention below according to you usage

Face-to–face talk Email Telephone/cell phone

Online/internet /instant message

Texting (mobile) Memo/document

Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4) Do you think or your communication are well understood by your employee

Yes No
5) If you answered is “yes “in question”5” above which communication channel favors
more for such effective communication.
Face to face talk Email Telephone/cell phone
Online/internet/instant message textile (mobile) Memo/document


6) What are the measure communication problem between you and worker in your
Individual problem Semantic problem physical problem
Organizational problem

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