Design Thinking in Education - ROSAL

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Welcome Teachers

Sir MARK @ your Service!

1. Design thinking is ______________.

a. working together as a group

b. redesigning the way you think
c. asking users to solve a problem
d. a systematic approach to solving a
problem from the user's perspective
2. Design thinking typically helps
a. Data Analysis c. Innovation
b. Finance Planning d. School Operations
3. Sir Mark is a teacher & he wants to
use design thinking in his class.
What is the first step that he needs
to do?
a. create a prototype
b. identify the problem in his class
c. collaborate with his co - teachers
d. emphasize and understand his
students needs.
4. In the _________ phase, the designer
tells the point of view statement which
clearly tells the problem that the
designer wants to address.
a. Define c. Ideate
b. Empathize d. Prototype
5. Brainstorming is a technique than
can be used in __________.
a. Testing c. Generation of Ideas
b. Empathizing d. Prototyping
Let's Check!
1. Design thinking is ______________.

a. working together as a group

b. redesigning the way you think
c. asking users to solve a problem
d. a systematic approach to solving a
problem from the user's perspective
2. Design thinking typically helps in______________.

a. Data Analysis c. Innovation

b. Finance Planning d. School Operations
3. Sir Mark is a teacher & he wants to use design
thinking in his class. What is the first step that he
needs to do?

a. create a prototype
b. identify the problem in his class
c. collaborate with his co - teachers
d. empathize and understand his students needs
4. In the _________ phase, the designer tells the
point of view statement which clearly tells the
problem that the designer wants to address.

a. Define c. Ideate
b. Emphatize d. Prototype
5. Brainstorming is a technique than can be used in

a. Testing c. Generation of ideas

b. Empathizing d. Prototyping
Did the designers consider
the functionality of the
products and
the satisfaction
of the users?
*Guide Questions

o Why is there a need to utilize

Design Thinking in Schools?
o What is Design Thinking?
o What are the processes involved
in Design Thinking?
o How can we utilize Design
Thinking in Education?
Way of
Traditional Way of Thinking

Product Users
New Way of Thinking

Product Drawn… Users

“Design Thinking
is the confidence that everyone
can be part of creating a more
desirable future, and a process to
take action when faced with a
difficult challenge. That kind of
optimism is well needed in
(Tim Brown, IDEO, 2011)
Design Thinking

•It is a process for solving

problems by prioritizing
the student’s needs
above all else.
Design Thinking
*It relies on observing,
with empathy, how
people interact with
their environments.
Features of Design
Emphasis on Rapid Iteration
Increasing Collaborative Process
PURPOSE of Design Thinking
• Human-centered nature of idea generation.

• Opportunity for judgment and reflection.

• Improve human environment.

• Preparing the young meet the

complex global challenges.
Benefits from Design Thinking
• Focused and research-based
• Problem/project-based
• Creative and innovative
• Artful
• Interdisciplinary
• Real-world
Where can we
apply design
thinking in the
context of education?
Design Thinking and Design education seem to suggest a
significant opportunity for a new design-based education
Suggests that exposure to design education at primary school
could lay a solid foundation that would not only benefit children
who go on to become creative professionals, but would in fact
benefit all children and lead to their greater engagement at school
and future success in their professional lives.
As teachers around the country are being expected to
educate digital natives, the demand to be flexible,
creative, innovative, empowering, and engaging is
only going to increase. Design thinking can have a
positive impact on K12 education, especially for
teachers as they continually reflect upon and revise
their teaching methods.
Helping students to utilize design thinking lik
designers may better prepare them in dealing e
challenging, and complexsituations in school, careers
and in life.
Higher-order thinking skills are
easily developed on the
learners when these learners
are engaged in the design
thinking process
(Razzouk, 2012).
”The best
preparation for
tomorrow is doing
your best today.”
Thank you very

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