Discourse Analysis Revisi Baru

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1. Muhammad Khoirul Huda (204180157)
2. Salma Dyah Nirmala (204180133)
3. Shania Sayyidati (204180134)
4. Wahyu Safitri (204180148)

Text can be used for both written and spoken language. It

usually refers to a stretch, an extract or complete piece of
writing or speech. Texts generally adhere to broad
conventions and rules which determine the language and
structure used in particular text types.
• A written form of communication, which is a non-interactive nature.
• Non-interactive in nature
• Grammatical cohesion and structure of sentences are analysed
• Usually in written form
• Ex. Press reports, street signs, documents.
The types of Text
Definition spoken and written
• Definition of Written Language
A written language is the representation of language by means of a writing
system. Written language is an invention, in the sense that it must be taught
to children.
• Definition of Spoken Language
A spoken language is human natural language in which the word are uttered
through the mount.
Characteristics of Spoken Language
a. Repeating
b. First Draft Status
c. Vocabulary
d. Grammar
e. Intonation
f. Variation in Speed
g. Loudness or quietness
Characteristics of Spoken Language

h. Gesture – Body Language

i. Stress
j. Rhythm
k. Pausing and Phrasing
l. Conventionally
m. Productive
n. Displacement
o. Pitch Ranger
Characteristics of Written Language

a. Final Draft Status

b. Density of Content
c. Grammar
d. Neutrality of Social Roles
e. Punctuation
Characteristics of Written Language

• There are many kinds of writing, but there is no single variety that directly
compares to conversation in spoken language. Conversation, the most
common kind of spoken language, is usually spontaneous, informal, and
• Most written language has some distinctive characteristics. It is usually
planned, organized, and durable
the specific differences between spoken and written language

No Spoken Written
1 Usually transient, unless recorded, and Usually permanent and written texts cannot usually
speakers can correct themselves and be changed once they have been printed/written out.
change their utterances as they go along.

2 Usually used for immediate interactions. Can communicate across time and space for as long
as the particular language and writing system is still

3 tends to be full of repetitions, incomplete tends to be more complex and intricate than speech
sentences, corrections and interruptions, with longer sentences and many subordinate
with the exception of formal speeches clauses. The punctuation and layout of written texts
and other scripted forms of speech, such also have no spoken equivalent. However some
as news reports and scripts for plays and forms of written language, such as instant messages
films. and email, are closer to spoken language.
4 Spoken language is usually a dynamic Writers receive no immediate feedback from
interaction between two or more people. their readers, except in computer-based
Context and shared knowledge play a major communication. Therefore they cannot rely on
role, so it is possible to leave much unsaid context to clarify things so there is more need to
or indirectly implied. explain things clearly and unambiguously than in
speech, except in written correspondence
between people who know one another well.
5 Can use timing, tone, volume, and timbre to Writers can make use of punctuation, headings,
add emotional context. layout, colours and other graphical effects in their
written texts. Such things are not available in
6 Some types of vocabulary are used only or Written material can be read repeatedly and
mainly in spoken language. These include closely analysed, and notes can be made on the
slang expressions, and tags like y'know, like, writing surface. Only recorded speech can be
etc. used in this way.
7 Some grammatical constructions are only used in
writing, as are some kinds of vocabulary, such as
some complex chemical and legal terms.
Similarities between spoken and written
• Both spoken and written language use a student’s
knowledge of the five components of language
(pragmatic, semantic, phonology, morphology,
The Kind of Spoken and
Written language
• Formal Spoken Language
It means that we speak and express our ideas, feeling, and expression
directly in formal situation.
For example:
a. Speech
b. Master of Ceremony (MC) in a formal ceremony, such as national
ceremony, the meeting of presidents, and so on.
Formal Spoken Language

c. Conversation with educated person, important person,

the people who are older then us
d. Broadcasting the news on radio and television.
e. As moderator in a discussion.
Non-Formal Spoken Language
It means that we speak and express our ideas, feeling and expression directly
in non-formal situation, but maybe in relax situation.
For example:
a. Conversation with friends, brother, sister, and people who are the same
age with us.
b. Master of ceremony (MC) in a non-formal ceremony, such as the friend
birthday party.
• Formal Written Language
It means that we write our ideas, feeling, and expression indirectly in formal
For example:
a. Certificate f. letter of credit
b. Document g. letter of trade
c. Laws h. letter of sell and buy
Non-formal Written Language
It means that we write our ideas, feeling, and expression indirectly in non-
formal situation.
For example:
a. Memo
b. Notes
c. Writing in diary

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