Education Challenges in The Global Community
Education Challenges in The Global Community
Education Challenges in The Global Community
Reported by:
Alleli Faith P. Leyritana
Education Challenges
Statement from the United Nations Secretary-General -Ban Ki-moon,
September 2012
Education is a major driving force for
human development. It opens doors to
the job market, combats inequality,
improves maternal health, reduces child
mortality, fosters solidarity, and
promotes environmental stewardship.
Education empowers people with the
knowledge, skills and values they need
to build a better world.
The UN Sec-Gen. Initiative focuses
on three priorities:
First, putting every child in school.
Shortage of classrooms
Gender discrimination
Child labour
Third World Countries in Terms of
The least developed countries (LDCs) are a
group of countries that have been identified
by the UN as "least developed“.
of students.
Foster Global Citizenship
Barriers to Global Citizenship
Legacy of the current education system.
Outmoded curricula and learning materials.
Lack of teacher capacity.
Inadequate focus on values.
Lack of leadership on Global Citizenship.
ICT in Teaching and Learning
Biodiversity.ppt 2
Benefits of Biodiversity
Ecosystem functions
Ecosystem services
• Cleaning water,
• Cleaning air,
• Habitat & breeding
areas for wildlife, …
Aesthetic and cultural
Biodiversity.ppt 2
Natural Resources
Management of natural
◦ Assure availability of resources
for the future
◦ Three “philosophies”
Maximum sustained yield
Ecosystem-based management
Adaptive management
Threats to Biodiversity/ Key Issues to be
Extinction and population reductions
◦ Hunting and overharvesting
◦ Habitat loss
Key Issues:
Significantly reduce the rate of biodiversity
loss by 2015,
Reverse the trend in natural resource
Restore fisheries to their maximum
sustainable yields
Protection of marine environment- based
resources of pollution
Threats to Biodiversity
Extinction and
population reductions
◦ Pollution
◦ Climate change
◦ Invasive species
Biodiversity.ppt 2
Global Climate
Provision of clean drinking water
Enhance Industrial productivity
Changing the Unsustainable Patterns of
Consumption and Production
Maintain urban air quality and health, and
◦ 38 countries on track to reduce the malaria-related burden of
◦ 9 African countries; 29 outside Africa
The poorest are least likely to use health care:
especially use of skilled care during childbirth.
• Economic
Economi Security
c • Secure
Security access to
Water & Health health
Shelter Services services
• Secure a
Addressing the challenges
Assist Member States to build sound information
systems that can generate high frequency data to
monitor change
Promote and assist countries to implement and scale
up vital registration systems
Work with research partners to develop innovative
methods to collect information on mortality and
cause of death in populations without vital
registration (MOVE-IT)
Develop improved methods for dealing with
incomplete and biased health data to generate
comparable estimates of core indicators across
Improve transparency and replicability of statistics
Improve dissemination and access (Global Health
Sustainable Lifestyles
Agenda 21, 1992
“The major cause of the continued deterioration of the global
environment is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and
production, particularly in industrialised countries, aggravating poverty
and imbalances”
Our Common Future, 1987
"Sustainable development requires the promotion of values that
encourages consumption within the bounds of the ecologically possible
and to which all could reasonably aspire“
Only One Earth, 1972
"But suppose 7 billion try to live like Europeans or Japanese. There is no
way such equations can be worked out. But what 'gives' on the collision
course ? Numbers? Yes - but whose ? Consumption - Yes ? but where ?
Or does the planet itself come under an increasing and irreversible
pressure ?“
Overconsumption of food
In essence, human security means safety for people from both violent
and non-violent threats. It is a condition or state of being characterized
by freedom from pervasive threats to people's rights, their safety, or
even their lives.
(April 1999)
Concept of Human Security
Remove threats
Human Security
Diseases Economic security
Health security
Environmental security Empowerment
Physical security
Community security
Violence Political security Building better
Challenge of balancing Human Security and
State Security
Types of Protection
Object Threats
Security of
Integrity Disease
Human The Poverty
of the
security individual Violence
individual …..
Peace, Human Security and Human Development
Conflicts, in all its nature, have been a major impediment to national
development and particularly, efforts to combat poverty.
Loss of life and property, internal displacements, massive migration, re-
channeling of funds to finance militarization and to counter destabilization are
the common fruits of conflicts. Those who are already suffering from poverty
are brought to even worst conditions as a result of internal conflicts.
The Philippines is no stranger to this situation. For decades, it has experienced
conflicts in many forms in the names of religion and political differences. Armed
communist insurgents and Islamic secessionist groups continue to pose a
challenge to peace, stability and the long-term development of the country. This
is particularly evident in the case of Mindanao.
Open conflict in Mindanao has prevented socio-economic gapos programs
from achieving their goals and instead exacted heavy social and economic costs
on affected communities. In fact, there are regions in Mindanao that belong to
that group of regions all the country with the highest incidence of poverty.
Meanwhile, another form of conflict is said to be brewing with a sampling quite
evidently shown in the May 1, 2001 so-called “uprising” of the urban poor. This
manifests a latent source of conflict that is rooted in the prolonged
marginalization and disenfranchisement of the urban poor
Water and Sanitation
Around 1.2 billion people still have no access to clean
drinking water
Around 2.4 billion people do not have adequate sanitation
Key Issues:
Prevent water pollution to reduce health hazards
Protect ecosystems
Challenges of Rapid and Chaotic
In 1970:
RURAL=63% vs. URBAN= 37%
In 2000:
RURAL=53% vs. URBAN= 47%
By 2030: RURAL=40% vs. URBAN= 60%
Research is from Dr. Anna Tibaijuka, UN Secretary General-UN HABITAT (Population Growth)
Key Issues:
Slum Areas are growing with rapid population growth
human beings
Contribution to National
Preference to Goodness
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
Curriculum Framework