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Michelle Zagazeta

Name: ______________________________________ 2021/07/02

Date: ________________________

Student Exploration: Unit Conversions 2 –

Scientific Notation and Significant Digits
[Note to teachers and students: This lesson is designed to be a follow-up to the Unit
Conversions Student Exploration sheet. The same Gizmo is used for both activities.]

Vocabulary: resolution, scientific notation, significant digits

Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

Philip measures a room using his feet. (His feet are each about a foot long.) He estimates the
room measures about ten and a half feet by thirteen and a half feet. He calculates the room’s
area to be: 10.5’ × 13.5’ = 141.75 ft2.

1. Which do you think is the best description of the area of the room? (Circle your choice.)

A. The room’s area is exactly 141.75 ft2. B. The room’s area is about 142 ft2.

The reason why I chose A as the best description of the rooms area
2. Explain your choice: ________________________________________________________
is because it gives the exact measurement instead of a rounded and estimated area.

Gizmo Warm-up
When scientists report a value, they have to take several things into consideration. Sometimes
values are very large or small. In this case, scientists can use shorthand called scientific
notation to report the value. Scientists also must consider how precise their value is. The
precision of a measurement can be shown by the number of significant digits in the value.

To begin, check that the Burj Khalifa question is shown. Drag the three tiles shown below to
determine the tower’s height in micrometers. The answer is given in scientific notation.

1. The Burj Khalifa is 828,000,000 micrometers tall. How is this value written in scientific

8.28 x 108 micrometers

notation in the Gizmo™? _____________________________________________________

2. In a value, any non-zero digit is considered a significant digit. (Zeroes may or may not be

3 significant digits which

significant.) What is the minimum number of significant digits in 828,000,000? ___________
are 828

Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity A:  Select Metric units only and Distance from the
Conversion menu. Make sure Show result is off.
Scientific notation
 Click Next until you reach the question about
Proxima Centauri.

Question: How can you convert numbers into and out of scientific notation?

1. Observe: Some of the problems in this Gizmo involve very small or very large quantities.
Look at the bottom three Unit Conversion Tiles. What do you notice in the numerator?

All three numerators contains scientific notations (ex. 109)


The numbers in the numerators are written in scientific notation. In scientific notation, a
number is converted to the product of a number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10. For
example, 1,000,000 is written as 1.0 • 106. The first part of this number is called the
coefficient. The second part is called the base.

2. Convert: To convert a number written in scientific notation into a standard number, first look
at the exponent on the base. If it is positive, move the decimal point on the coefficient to the
right as many times as the exponent indicates, as shown below:

Look at exponent Count digits Move decimal point Standard form

1 234 567
8.35 × 107 8.3 500 000 83 500 000.0 83,500,000

Practice converting the two numbers below into standard form:

1.0 • 109 = _________________________ 6,720,000,000,000
6.72 • 1012 = _____________________________

You can perform this process in reverse to convert numbers in standard form into scientific
notation. The number of times you move the decimal point to the left will be equal to the
exponent on your base. Remember there should be only one digit to the left of the decimal
point in scientific notation.

Standard form Place new decimal point Count digits Scientific notation
123 456
3,700,000 3.700 000 3.700 000 3.7 × 106

Practice this with the two numbers below:

8.2 x 106
8,200,000 = ______________________ 5.088 x 1013
50,880,000,000,000 = ______________________

(Activity A continued on next page)

Activity A (continued from previous page)

3. Solve: Look at the last tile.

9.461 x 1012 Km
A. How many kilometers are equal to 1 light year? _____________________________

9,461,000,000,000 Km
B. Write this number in standard form: _______________________________________

C. Drag this tile below to solve the problem. Turn on Show result. What is the distance
4.013 x 10 Kilometers
to Proxima Centauri in kilometers? _______________________________________

40,130,000,000,000 Kilometers
D. Write this distance in standard form: _____________________________________

4. Convert: Not all numbers written in scientific notation are very large numbers. Scientific
notation also can be used to write very small numbers. This is done by making the exponent
on the base negative, indicating the decimal point should be moved to the left.

Look at exponent Count digits Move decimal point Standard form

123 456
7.9 × 10-6 000 007.9 0.000 007.9 0.0000079

Try converting these numbers into standard form:

1.0 • 10-10 = _________________________ 0.00000016
1.6 • 10-7 = _____________________________

You can perform this process in reverse to convert numbers in standard form into scientific
notation, as shown below.

Standard form Place new decimal point Count digits Scientific notation
123 45
0.000 05 0.000 05.0 0.000 05.0 5.0 × 10-5

Practice this with the two numbers below:

1.2 x 10 -4 4.58 x 10 -9
0.00012 = ________________________ 0.00000000458 = _________________________

5. Practice: Click Next so that you see the question about a helium atom.

9.8 x 10-11 Meters

A. What is the diameter of a helium atom in meters? ___________________________

0.000000000098 Meters
B. Write this number in standard form: _______________________________________

Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity B:
 Select Distance and Metric units only.
Significant digits  If necessary, click Next until you reach the
question about Burj Khalifa.

Introduction: When you report a measurement, you are really doing two things. Not only are
you communicating the value of the measurement, but you are also stating something about the
resolution, or fineness, of your measurement. This is conveyed by the number of significant
digits in the value.

Question: What digits are significant, and why?

1. Think about it: Mark measures the volume of water in a beaker marked in 50-mL intervals.
He reports the volume is 43.927 mL. What is misleading about this value?
The measurements of the beaker are not as explicit but from Marks observation and report of the value he
implies it is.

Ideally, reported measurements should reflect the resolution of the instrument used to obtain
the data. With Mark’s beaker, a better value might be “about 50-mL.” This is done by
specifying the number of significant digits in the data. A significant digit is any value that has
been directly measured. Other digits are not significant.

Here are some rules for determining whether a digit is significant:

Significant Digit Rules and Examples

1. Any non-zero digit is significant: 227.4 has four significant digits.

2. Any digit that is between other significant digits is significant: 200.08 has five significant

3. Zeros to the right of a significant digit and to the right of a decimal point are always
significant: 6.00 has three significant digits.

4. Zeros used to space a number to the right of a decimal point are not significant:
0.000147 has only three significant digits.

5. In scientific notation, all digits in the coefficient are significant: 8.75 × 105 has three
significant digits.

6. Zeros to the right of a significant digit but to the left of a decimal point may or may not be
significant: 875,000 has at least three significant digits, but may have as many as six.

7. If a number ends in a decimal point, the zeros to the left of the decimal point are
significant: 875,000. has six significant digits.

(Activity B continued on next page)

Activity B (continued from previous page)

2. Practice: Look at the quantities mentioned in the Metric units only Distance problems. For
each value, state the number of significant digits in the first column and the rule(s) you used
to determine the number of significant digits. The first has been done for you.

Number of
Question Rule(s) used
significant digits
The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa
3 1, 4
in Dubai, is 0.828 kilometers high.
The largest human cell is the egg cell, with a
diameter of 121 micrometers. 3 1
On a caterpillar’s map, all distances are marked
in millimeters. The caterpillar’s map shows that
the distance between two milkweed plants is 4 2
4,012 millimeters.
The closest star to our Sun is Proxima Centauri,
4 1
which is 4.242 light years away.
A helium atom has a diameter of 9.8 • 10-11
meters. 2 1,5

3. Practice: The following quantities are all found in the Speed problems (both metric and
mixed units). State the number of significant digits for each value and the rule(s) you used to
determine the number of significant digits.

Metric units only Mixed units

Significant Significant
Value Rule(s) Value Rule(s)
digits digits
3.50 m/s 3 1 113 km/hr 3 1
72 km/hr 2 1 1.25 mi 3 1
4.25 min 3 1 2.00 min 3 1,3
2.0 • 10
μm/s 2 1,3,5 9.58 s 3 1
45.215 d 5 1 1.0 yd/d 2 1,3
km 5 1,2,6 1.02 mm/hr 3 1,2

Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity C:
 Select Speed and Metric units only.
Calculating with  Turn off Show result.
significant digits  If necessary, click Next until you reach the
question about Marcia.

Question: If you multiply or divide two numbers, how many significant digits are in the

1. Observe: The first metric speed question is about Marcia, who ran at a speed of 3.50 meters

There are three significant digits

per second. How many significant digits are in this value? ___________________________

2. Solve: Use the tiles to convert Marcia’s speed to kilometers per hour. When you are
finished, turn on Show result and click Submit to check if the answer is correct.

12.6 Kilometers per hour

A. What value do you get? __________

B. How many significant digits are in this value? __________

3. Learn a rule: In any calculation, the number of significant digits in the answer should not be
greater than the number of significant digits of any measured value. For example, suppose
you do the following area calculation:

5.73 cm • 2.1 cm = 12.033 cm2

In this situation, because the second measurement has the fewest significant digits, the
answer must also have just two significant digits and should be reported as 12 cm2.

For values that are exact, there are unlimited significant digits. For example, there are
exactly 100 centimeters in a meter. For conversion factors that are exact, you do not have to
worry about the significant figures in the conversion factor.

The list below shows all the conversion factors in the Gizmo that are not exact values. For
each inexact conversion factor, write the number of significant digits it has:

9.461 • 1012 km/1 light year 4

_____ 2.20462 pounds/1 kilogram 6

1.60934 kilometers/1 mile 6

_____ 16. 3871 cm3/1 cubic inch 6

453.6 grams/1 pound 4

_____ 3.785 liters/1 gallon 4

28.35 grams/1 ounce 4

_____ 1.308 cubic yards/1 m3 4

(Activity C continued on next page)

Activity C (continued from previous page)

4. Practice: Turn off Show results and click Next. For each of the remaining metric speed
problems, predict the number of significant digits in the answer. Then, solve each problem
and write the answer value and number of significant digits. Turn on Show results to check
your answers.

A. A tuna travels at a speed of 72 kilometers per hour. What is the speed of the tuna in
meters per second?

Predicted number of significant digits in answer: _____

20. Meters per second

Answer value: _______________ 2
Actual number of significant digits: _____

B. A slug takes 4.25 minutes to travel 11.2 centimeters. What is the speed of the slug in
meters per second?

Predicted number of significant digits in answer: _____

Answer value: 4.39 x 10-4 Meters per

_______________ 3
Actual number of significant digits: _____
C. A paramecium is a single-celled organism that lives in ponds. It travels at a rate of
2,000 micrometers per second. What is the speed of the paramecium in meters per
hour? (Hint: Look at the first tile to see how many significant digits are in the value.)

Predicted number of significant digits in answer: _____

7.2 Meters per hour

Answer value: _______________ 2
Actual number of significant digits: _____

D. A space probe takes 45.215 days to travel to Mars, a distance of 60,004,000

kilometers. What is the speed of the probe in meters per second?

Predicted number of significant digits in answer: _____
15,360. Meters per
Answer value: _______________ 5
Actual number of significant digits: _____

5. Think and discuss: Why is it important to pay attention to significant digits in science and

I think the reason why it is important to pay attention to significant digits in science and

engineering is because both use measurements, using measurement devices do not input

the exact number, by carefully and correctly using significant digits engineers and scientists

can get an exact and precise measurement.





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