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52. Open the brackets to use the complex object.

1. The way her mother and uncle understood each other without any effort made her wonder what it
would be like if she wasn't an only child.
2. She didn't want Paul to be a memory; she wanted him here, now, right beside her.
3. The school principal began by saying that if anyone started being silly and giggling, she would make
them spend every break for the next two weeks picking up litter.
4. Sorry, I don't get it. I need you to explain it.
5. The sound was still in her mind - the rattling slam of a screen door, that made her think of hot
afternoons with the rich scent of yellow jessamine in her garden in South Carolina.
6. Here, back home, she could let the past slide away with the sluggish water that trickled over the
7. If you've never been to the Isle of Wight before, I strongly urge you to put that right as soon as
8. John, did I hear you lock the back door? Paul isn't home yet.
9. Georgie listened. The comfortable words made her catch her breath.
10. Harry had forbidden her to leave the house, apart from visits to the small local shops for groceries and
meat to make the huge meals he demanded every evening.
11. He wants an assistant to help him with the horses. I'd like that. He said he'd pay me a bit on Saturdays.
12. Gran was speaking again, in a tone sharper than Laura had ever heard her use before.
13. I smile as I watch my hubby chase the kids back into the lounge.
14. She played truant from school on autumn days. She was reluctant to let the summer go.
15. She saw her sister go into the front room and pull back a corner of the carpet.
16. No, she would survive. She forced her common-sense to prevail.
1. Translate
1) She didn't want me to go to Moscow. 2) Dad wanted me to be a pianist. 3) I would like you to come to us. 4)
They wanted us to lose the game. 5) I would like you to wait for me.
55. The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is very good to use when describing people's feelings.
Read the situations below and identify the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction. Translate the
sentences with the construction into good Russian. Have you translated them word for word or used
equivalents? Why?
1. Amelia felt her heart flutter with excitement and in that moment all thoughts of Chrissie were forgiven.
Амелия почувствовала, как её сердце затрепетало от волнения, и в этот момент все мысли о Крисси
были прощены.
2. Several seconds ticked by as he stared in silence at the photo. I continued to hold my breath, feeling my
heart beat in my chest.
Прошло несколько секунд, пока он молча смотрел на фотографию. Я продолжала задерживать дыхание,
чувствуя, как бьётся моё сердце в груди.
3. I looked down and the ground seemed to zoom up to meet me. I felt myself go dizzy.
Я посмотрел вниз, и земля как будто подлетела мне навстречу. Я почувствовал, как закружилась голова.
4. I felt great. It made me forget everything else.
Я чувствовал себя прекрасно. Это заставило меня забыть обо всём остальном.
5. She returned to the bar, but every time she looked up it seemed Geoffrey Barton was smiling at her over the
top of his book. It made her flutter inside and forget the drinks people had ordered, but it was, she decided, a
nice kind of fluttering.
Она вернулась к бару, но каждый раз, когда поднимала глаза, казалось, Джеффри Бартон улыбался ей
из-за своей книги. Это заставляло её внутренне трепетать и забывать о заказах, но, как она решила, это
был приятный трепет.
6. Whenever she looked up there was a soft smile on his lips for her. It made her blush and muff her notes so
that once Mrs. Jacobs glared at her most directly.
Каждый раз, когда она поднимала глаза, на его губах появлялась мягкая улыбка, адресованная ей. Это
заставляло её краснеть и сбиваться с нот, так что миссис Джейкобс однажды посмотрела на неё
7. "The thought of standing up there in the show with all those people looking at me..." Jordan shuddered and
Grandad's frown deepened even further. "It makes my stomach hurt." Jordan felt his eyes fill with tears.
"Мысль о том, что мне придётся стоять там перед всеми этими людьми, смотрящими на меня..."
Джордан вздрогнул, а хмурое лицо деда стало ещё мрачнее. "Это заставляет мой живот болеть."
Джордан почувствовал, как его глаза наполняются слезами.
8. "Your parents used to do weddings and concerts and all sorts. They were even offered a recording contract. I
suppose you could say I was their roadie! I used to drive them to all their gigs and help carry their equipment
back and forth." Jordan felt his mouth drop open. The trouble with Grandad was that you never knew when
he was telling the truth.
"Твои родители выступали на свадьбах, концертах и прочем. Им даже предложили контракт на запись.
Можно сказать, что я был их помощником на гастролях! Я возил их на все выступления и помогал носить
оборудование." Джордан почувствовал, как у него отвисла челюсть. С дедом была проблема —
никогда не знал, когда он говорит правду.
9. One particular young herring gull gave us a great deal of fun. Nicknamed Harry, though of course we had no
idea of the bird's sex, it seemed to be all feet - large and black and seemingly far too big for its fluffed grey
specked body, the little gull eventually grew very sleek and fat because it had been fed daily. We were sorry to
see it go one day.
Один молодой серебристый чаек доставил нам массу удовольствия. Мы прозвали его Гарри, хотя,
конечно, не знали его пол. Казалось, что это были одни лапы — большие и чёрные, казавшиеся слишком
большими для его пушистого, пятнистого серого тела. В конце концов, чаек стал гладким и упитанным,
так как его кормили ежедневно. Нам было жаль видеть, как он улетел однажды.
73. Point out the For-to-Infinitive Construction and define its syntactic function.

1. For him to ignore the consequences is difficult.

 Syntactic function: Subject of the sentence.

2. Once he gets started on the project, it's hard for him to let go.

 Syntactic function: Subject of the infinitive clause functioning as the real subject (extraposed subject)
of "it's hard."

3. I couldn't bear for Jack and Cara to leave us. It would break my heart.
 Syntactic function: Object of the verb "bear."

4. I was standing at my bedroom door waiting for the letter to drop through the letterbox.

 Syntactic function: Object of the verb "waiting."

5. The woman calls for the dog, throwing a ball for him to chase.

 Syntactic function: Purpose clause (shows purpose or intention of throwing the ball).

6. In order for the team to succeed, they must work together.

 Syntactic function: Purpose clause (shows the reason or goal for which they must work together).

7. He was sent to a hospital in Arizona until his health improved enough for him to come back to Washington.

 Syntactic function: Result clause (shows the result of his health improving).

8. Jackson knew that this place must go or he must go. And for him to leave this job now would mean the end
of his career.

 Syntactic function: Subject of the sentence.

9. The new future was breaking through, but it was for her daughter to seize.

 Syntactic function: Predicative complement (explains what the new future is for).

10. There was a stream of calls for the president to resign.

 Syntactic function: Post-modifier of the noun "calls" (shows what the calls were about).

11. Laura found more work for her to do.

 Syntactic function: Post-modifier of the noun "work" (shows the purpose of the work).

12. Everybody, my friend, everybody lives for something better to come.

 Syntactic function: Purpose clause (shows the reason people live).

13. It was difficult for us to meet. We could not be seen together.

 Syntactic function: Subject of the infinitive clause functioning as the real subject (extraposed subject)
of "it was difficult."

14. Our neighbors moved out of their flat because Mrs. Cole had had an operation and it wasn't easy for her to
live in the flat any longer - she has to be in a wheelchair.

 Syntactic function: Subject of the infinitive clause functioning as the real subject (extraposed subject)
of "it wasn't easy."
78. Rephrase the sentences so as to use the For-to-Infinitive Construction.
1. It's time for the kids to go to school.
2. There's nothing for us to do.
3. She wrapped her arms around her body and waited for Chrissie to catch up.
4. Grandad's been like a cat on a hot tin roof waiting for you to arrive.
5. I was bristling with excitement, my toes curled in my boots, waiting for the moment for him to kiss me
6. All of us women were craving a bit of beauty, something pretty for us to look at.
7. Her sister was supposed to move in and pay my half of the rent for the few months I was away. I arranged
for her to do it.
8. For a long time the villagers were afraid that the pirates might come again, so for many months they
arranged for a watchman to look out from the heights at night and give warning in case of an attack.
9. Later that day, Laura phoned again with the news that she had arranged for Marie to prepare the food for
the party.
10. He knew every animal, noticed their presence in shaking leaves. "Rabbit!" he called on our second or third
day out together. I sat firmly down on a large stone and insisted for us to wait there for a fluffy ball to come
11. At lunchtime, she held up her hand for me to stop and called down to the kitchen for tea.
12. She pressed the elevator button, and when the doors opened, she indicated for me to get in.
13. Chrissie sat on the short grass and indicated for Amelia to do likewise.
14. I couldn't allow myself to despair, so I continued my search in my mother's drawers to find some trinket for
me to brighten up.
15. I waited for the others to catch up.
16. The flat roof of our house was high enough for us to admire the spectacular sunsets of Ohio.
17. I must marry her. It is the only way for me to save her good name and her position.

79. Use the correct form of the infinitive, the Objective-with-the-Infinitive or the For-to- Infinitive in the
texts below. Remember to use the preposition for where necessary.
The bay was tiny. Once Debby had run past the couple of cafes, by the small hotel and around the corner near
the boatyard, there would be nowhere else for her to run. I wanted everything to happen now. I stood in the
kitchen waiting for the water to heat up. The man was pointing out something high up on the building. Celia
felt her heart clench. She returned her gaze firmly to her hands, clasped demurely on her lap, and waited for
this ordeal to be over. "Don't go, Lil. I don't want you to go and leave me." "Let's go to Egypt." "Egypt? Where
the pyramids are? You make it sound very appealing, love." It is very easy for me to stand here and say "try to
keep calm and polite and reasonable." Your boss has been trying to get hold of you. He wanted you to ring
him up instantly whenever you got back. On our long country walks, Grandad was usually the one who had to
wait for the others to catch up. Her voice was almost inaudible, but the words had to be spoken. He
threatened her not to spill the beans, to keep her mouth shut.

70. Rephrase the sentences so as to use the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction without to be.
1. Somebody wanted her dead.
2. The stepmother despised Cinderella and wanted her out. She wanted her gone.
3. He must be out of his trance. I must get him do it.
4. She must be out of the house. I must get her do it as fast as I can!
5. Everybody thought her pretty.
6. Women are disappointed when one doesn't think them worthy of attention.
7. She wanted to buy herself a car because she didn't consider her husband's car fashionable.
8. Such things should not be said in public because people will think them impolite.
9. Linda was jealous because her father considered her younger sister his princess.
10. Though she grew up in Russia, she considered New York her home.
11. They found it very difficult to get on with him.
12. You will probably find it easy to make friends here.
13. I just found him very annoying.
14. Derek considered her one of the sharpest lawyers he had ever worked with.
15. Art experts think this picture a fraud.
16. He didn't know whether he should go to the airport by train or by bus. He found it safer to go by train to
avoid the traffic jams.
80. Use the correct form of the infinitive, the Objective-with-the-Infinitive or the For-to- Infinitive in the
texts below. Remember to use the preposition for where necessary.

"The good thing is that this is the first time I've seen you cry. Crying is normal. You don't have to be strong for
your dad, you know. He'll get by."
"Will he? I sometimes wish he'd find someone else. But then I feel so guilty even thinking that. I don't want
him to forget mum. It's just..."
"That you want him to be happy again? I understand, pet. He won't forget, and neither will you. She'll always
be special, even if someone else does come along. That person won't replace her, she'll just be an extra
person for your dad to care about."

The funds to convert the disused stable block into a hospital, along with the salaries of two doctors and
several nurses, had now been secured. Alan had already agreed to work three days a week in the hospital, so
that the patients who could not pay for treatment could at last find some ease for their suffering. It was so like
Alan to be so passionate about the welfare of his patients. But a doctor had to make a living. He could not
afford to treat all his patients without payment. A post at the hospital would give him a salary that would
enable him to treat all who came. He was so full of optimism for the future of the new hospital, and so
impatient for it to open.

69. Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.
1. As I was going to put a coat on my little daughter, I expected her to have a tantrum and scream, but she
2. The burglars may have got in through the fire exit.
3. I never heard her spread gossip about anybody.
4. Art experts believe the painting to be a copy of the old Master's.
5. I expected a better car than that.
6. She let the guests enter.
7. As early as the 6th century B.C., the earth was seen as spherical.
8. I know that I should not have got angry in front of the children.
9. We were told not to use the computers because of a virus attack.
65. Read the texts below and use the correct form of the infinitive.
This is a fine example of the head of Medusa, one of the three Gorgon sisters. She made the goddess Athena
fly into a rage by consorting with Poseidon, god of the sea. The effects of the spell cast on Medusa caused
anyone she gazed upon, to turn to stone. Her hair had also been transformed into snakes or serpents. The
poor girl, whose name means "a patroness," a "keeper," had to hide her ugliness and was made to move to
"the world's end," an island lost in the sea. Later, Perseus cut off her head. Drops of Medusa's blood fell into
the sea and caused fabulous red corals to appear in the water. These corals are now called gorgonaria or

Charles looked up, to discover Elinor watching him. For a moment he was disconcerted. Elinor's eyes were
unexpectedly shrewd. No young woman had ever viewed Charles with quite such open appraisal. It was a look
that had nothing to do with his wealth or social status. One that seemed to go straight to his heart. It was with
an absurd sense of relief that he saw her, nod. "If you could hold Tom's arm for me," she said. "I think it might
be broken. I want to secure it as best I can before the men take him down to the village." Thankful to have
some kind of employment, Charles held the damaged arm firmly as Elinor worked. "You are a good nurse, I
see," he remarked. He saw her, give a wry smile. "No more than the rest of the women in the village," she
replied. "Llinos is the real nurse in the family. She'd know if this was broken or not only by looking at it. The
rest of us have learned how to make do."

67. You have learnt the forms and functions of the infinitive and the Objective-with-the- Infinitive
Construction so far. Now try your hand at translating. Translate the cards below orally, off the page.
We are happy to have been invited to your conference.
They must have already left the house.
We are very glad to have received your invitation.
You must have read about it earlier.
The Olympic champion came in second.
This problem is too complicated to solve right now.
It seems we have met before.
My phone number is easy to remember.
He turned out to be a pleasant and sociable person.
What made you raise this issue at the meeting?

Everyone was pleased to have seen Agatha Christie's "The Mousetrap."
She must still be sitting in the library. What a pity!
How lucky I am to have gotten plane tickets!
He was the last one to take the exam yesterday. I think this must be his textbook.
They must receive instructions tomorrow.
He is not the kind of person to believe everything.
He seems to be telling the truth.
Sorry, but I have nothing to say.
First-year students tend to make pronunciation mistakes.
What made you conduct this experiment?

Mike regretted not telling his wife about his plans.
We would like the goods to be delivered on time.
Could we have missed that program?
He was the first one to reach the finish line.
He is unlikely to have heard about this theory.
He was glad to have told her the truth.
He doesn't seem to be lying.
There's nothing to do but discuss all the points.
I pretended not to notice him.
Why do you think that?

The melody made him remember his first date with Mary.
We would like everything to be documented.
Your next task is to test this equipment.
He is unlikely to know the answer.
You are the first one to answer.
He is fun to talk to.
She seems to have forgotten everything.
This map is easy to read.
Who was the last one to get off the bus?
Don't make me do what I don't want to!

Define the function of the Infinitive in the sentence.

1. To learn, to desire, to know, to feel, to think, to act - is what I want in life.

2. It was natural to invite her to the party.
3. I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble.
4. Just to be alive is a grand thing.
5. It gives me pleasure to think of you.
6. We managed to see him at last.
7. The main problem is to get the money.
8. What I want is to be healthy, wealthy and wise.
9. I persuaded her to change her decision.
10. Here are some instructions to follow.
11. He taught Mary to play chess.
12. They should think about it.
13. We can’t afford to make mistakes.
14. They seem to know everything.
15. The purpose of knowledge is to make you wiser and stronger.
16. The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up.
17. The book is hard to read.
18. He isn’t easy to do business with.
19. You must speak out.
20. The situation is going to be tough to deal with.
21. She hoped to succeed in life.
22. He is not the man to be easily frightened.
23. I left the flat to get some fresh air.
24. He was, strange to say, an ordinary chap.
25. She used the remote control to switch on the television.
26. I awoke one morning to find myself famous.
27. To be quite frank, I don’t like him at all.
28. I opened the door of the pub to discover that the place was packed full.
29. We never seem to have a moment to spare these days.
30. We used to listen to lectures at the university.

1. To learn, to desire, to know, to feel, to think, to act – Subject.

2. To invite – Adverbial modifier (of result).
3. To have given – Adverbial modifier (of reason).
4. To be alive – Subject.
5. To think – Object. The infinitive functions as the object of "gives me pleasure."
6. To see – Part of compound verbal predicate (aspective).
7. To get – Predicative (part of the predicate).
8. To be – Predicative (part of the predicate).
9. To change – Object. The infinitive acts as the object of the verb "persuaded."
10. To follow – Attribute.
11. To play – Object. It is the object of the verb "taught."
12. Think – Part of compound verbal predicate (modal).
13. To make – Part of compound verbal predicate (modal).
14. To know – Part of compound verbal predicate (aspective). It forms part of the compound predicate with
15. To make – Predicative (part of the predicate).
16. To cheer (both instances) – Predicative (part of the predicate).
17. To read – Attribute.
18. To do – Attribute.
19. Speak – Part of compound verbal predicate (modal).
20. To deal – Attribute.
21. To succeed – Object.
22. To be – Attribute.
23. To get – Adverbial modifier (of purpose).
24. To say – Parenthesis.
25. To switch on – Adverbial modifier (of purpose).
26. To find – Adverbial modifier (of result).
27. To be – Parenthesis.
28. To discover – Adverbial modifier (of result).
29. To spare – Attribute.
30. To listen – Part of compound verbal predicate (aspective).

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