Exercise 17. Point Out The Kind of Object and Say by What It Is Expressed. Translate Into Ukrainian

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Exercise 17. Point out the kind of object and say by what it is expressed.

Translate into Ukrainian.

I. What have you got there? (Cronin) 2. She pretended not to hear (Mansfield) 3.
Marcellus found the luggage packed and strapped for the journey. (Douglas) 4. I know
all about it, my son. (Djghouglas) 5. I have to show Dr. French his room. (Shaw) 6. I never
heard you express that opinion before, sir. (Douglas) 7. Halting, he waited for the
Roman to speak first. (Douglas) 8. He was with you at the banquet. (Douglas) 9. They
don't want anything from us — not even our respect. (Douglas) 10. I beg your pardon
for calling you by your name. (Shaw) 11. I found myself pitying the Baron. (Mansfield)
12. I've got it framed up with Gilly to drive him anywhere. (Kahler) 13. He smiled
upon the young men a smile at once personal and presidential. (Kahler) 14. Gallio
didn't know how to talk with Marcellus about it. (Douglas) 15. Laura helped her
mother with the good-byes. (Mansfield) 16. Why did you not want him to come back
and see me to-day? (Mansfield) 17. Mr. Jinks, not exactly knowing what to do, smiled a
dependant's smile. (Dickens) 18. He found it impossible to utter the next word. (Kahler)
19. Marcellus issued crisp orders and insisted upon absolute obedience. (Douglas) 20.
He's going to live his own life and stop letting his mother boss him around like a
baby. (Kahler) 21. I will suffer no priest to interfere in my business. (Shaw) 22. Papa will
never consent to my being absolutely dependent on you. (Shaw) 23. Do you know
anything more about this dreadful place? (Douglas) 24. She hated Frisco and hated
herself for having yielded to his kisses. (Prichard) 25. They had been very hard to
please. Harry would demand the impossible. (Mansfield) 26. His part in the
conversation consisted chiefly of yesses and noes. (Kahler) 27. Michelangelo could not
remember having seen a painting or sculpture of the simplest nature in a
Buanarrotti house. (Stone)
Exercise 18. Point out the Complex Object and say, by what it is expressed.
Translate into Ukrainian.
1. He could see the man and Great Beaver talking together. (London) 2. She had
lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the
bank-notes. (Bennett) 3. Each woman thought herself triumphant and the other
altogether vanquished. (Buck) 4. Thus these two waited with impatience for the three
years to be over. (Buck) 5. Sammy watched Mr. Cheviot slowly take the receiver from
the girl. (Priestley) 6. He hated her to work in the boarding house. (Prichard) 7. The
Consul felt his legs, give way. (Cronin) 8. Mother objected to Aimee being taken away
from her game with the boys. (Prichard) 9. They had never heard him speak with such
urgency, his eyes glowing like amber coals in the fading light. (Stone)
Exercise 19. Translate into English.
1. Он посвящал музыке все свободное время. 2. Объясните мне,
пожалуйста, значение новых слов. 3. Мы приписываем теплому течению
мягкий климат этого острова. 4. Он открыл нам секрет своего изобретения. 5.
Байрон посвятил одну из своих поэм Гете. 6. Вы видели, чтобы кто-нибудь
вышел из комнаты? 7. Она объявила нам о своем желании уехать работать на
целину. 8. Не приписывайте мне того, чего я никогда не делал. 9. Он посвящает
общественной работе все свое свободное время. 10. Мне вчера не починили
часы. 11. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы об этом студенте плохо отзывались. 12. Я
хочу перешить свое пальто. 13. Войдя з картинную галерею, я увидела мою
приятельницу, стоявшую у окна. 14. Она хотела, чтобы ей сшили пальто к
Новому году. 15. Спойте нам. 16. Спойте нам еще одну арию из «Евгения


The Object

Ex. 666. Point out the objects and say what kind they are

I. Tatyana gives music lessons to small children. 2.1 bought a painting for my living-room. 3. Put the child to bed. Tell
him a story, sing him a song. 4. They gave their kids nice presents on Christmas. 5. The boy showed us his collection of
stones. 6. They gave each student a copy of the text. 7. The secretary left a message for the manager. 8. Can you show
me the new files? 9. The office got a new computer and a printer. 10. When you come to visit us, we'll show you all the
sights of Moscow.

II. Thank you, you've asked me a good question. 12. Don't give the kids any more sweets. 13. I'd like to have a word with
you. 14. The poet recited his new poems to the public. 15. The director promised me a promotion.

Ex. 667. A. Choose the preposition from the central column which fits the rest of the sentence

1. Give your share Robert.

2. Buy a drink the rest of the group.

3. Do a favour a friend.

4. Reserve a table to me.

5. Give all your money for your grandchildren.

6. Save a place Ted.

7. Offer a job the best applicant.

8. Pass the file the tutor.

9. Spare something all of us.

В. Replace the noun-phrase after the preposition with a pronoun. Paraphrase the sentences according to the model

Model: Give your share to Robert. Give him your share.

Ex. 668. Put the words in the correct order If necessary, add preposition for

1. The inspector refused to say / anybody / anything. 2. Would you like to read / the children / a bedtime story? 3. I
have promised / a party / the children. 4. Don't tell / anything / the others.

5. Edward teaches / chemistry / students. 6. I shall have to report / this / the authorities. 7. The manager forgot to
mention / his boss / the matter. 8. The Dean explained / the colleagues / the situation. 9. The President announced / his
resignation / the press.
Ex. 669. Choose the correct alternative from the central column

1. showed

2. admitted

3. promised

4. complained

5. explained

6. taught

7. mentioned
8. warned (that) he, she was not (wouldn't be)
He, she
9. assured responsible for that.
to me
10. confessed

11. answered

12. proved

13. said

14. told

15. informed

16. persuaded

Ex. 670. Comment on the objects in the following sentences.

1. My children have their teeth checked every six months. 2. We must have this place tidied up before mother and father
come home. 3. How on earth did you manage to have your house redecorated so quickly and so well? 4. Get your hair
cut — it's a disgrace! 5.1 had my wallet stolen when I was in Naples. 6. We're trying to get the central heating repaired
before the bad weather comes. 7. You really ought to have that cut examined: it looks infected to me. 8. She let us have
our way. 9. He made us go out. 10.1 heard her sing the latest hit. 11. We heard the children quarrelling over the new toy.
12. She expects the guests to arrive soon. 13. Harold promised to be in time for the presentation. 14. Most women enjoy
shopping. 15. My guitar needs tuning. 16. Police officers are not used to being contradicted. 17. We waited for the
weather to clear. 18. Never write down what you don't want to be published.

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