KRR (New)
KRR (New)
Course Description:
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning is at the core of Artificial Intelligence. It is
concerned with the representation of knowledge in symbolic form and the use of this
knowledge for reasoning. This course presents current trends and research issues in
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. It enables students interested in Artificial
Intelligence to deepen their knowledge in this important area and gives them a solid
background for doing their own work/research in this area. The topics covered in more
detail are AI Logics, Probabilistic Reasoning, Constraints, and Stochastic models
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this module, students should be able to: Demonstrate an
understanding of the fundamental ideas of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning;
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of a number of different approaches in
Machine Learning; Demonstrate the ability to apply AI and Computational Intelligence
techniques to a variety of research and application projects.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Assignments, Presentations, Course Project etc. Major component of the
course should be covered using practical implementation of AI techniques.
Courses Assessment:
Exams, Assignments, Quizzes. Course will be assessed using a combination of written
Books &Reference Materials:
“Knowledge Representation and Reasoning” by Ron Brachman and Hector
"Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems" by Michael Negnevitsky
"Expert Systems: Principles and Programming" by Joseph C. Giarratano and Gary
D. Riley
Week 9
Rule based Agents
Week 10 Multi-agent Resource Allocation
Rule-based system
Fuzzy Logic
Week 13 Fuzzy Rules
Inference using Fuzzy Rules
Stochastic models
Markov Models
Hidden Markov model
Week 14
Markov chain