Semester-8 MCA Integrated IIPS DAVV Syllabus
Semester-8 MCA Integrated IIPS DAVV Syllabus
Semester-8 MCA Integrated IIPS DAVV Syllabus
Course Objectives: The main objective of the course is to learn concepts and working of various soft
computing techniques such as genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and neural networks and apply them for
various real-time engineering problems such as classification, optimizations, clustering and controls.
CO-1 Understanding of different soft computing techniques like Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic,
Neural Networks and their hybridizations.
CO-2 Ability to identify, analyze and apply suitable soft computing techniques to solve engineering or
real life problems.
CO3 Comprehend the fuzzy logic and the concept of fuzziness involved in various systems and fuzzy
set theory.
CO2 Understand Neural Networks, architecture, functions and various algorithms involved.
CO4 Apply neural networks for pattern recognition and prediction tasks
Course Contents –
Unit Title Contents Hr
1 Introduction to Concept of Computing, Characteristics of Hard Computing, Soft 4
Soft Computing, Characteristics of Soft Computing, Hard Computing
Computing Vs Soft Computing, Limitations of Hard and Soft Computing,
Types of Soft Computing Techniques, Applications of Soft
Computing, Hybrid Computing.
LO1: Develop an understanding of hard and soft computing.
2 Introduction to Background, Uncertainty and imprecision, Uncertainty in 8
Fuzzy logic information, Concept of Fuzzy Logic System, Characteristics of
Fuzzy Logic System, Advantages and disadvantages of Fuzzy
Logic System.
Concept of Fuzzy Set, Fuzzy Set Vs Crisp Set, Basic
terminologies, Fuzzy sets, Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy
Membership Functions.
LO1: Understand the concept of fuzzy logic fuzzy sets and fuzzy
LO2: Able to distinguish between fuzzy and crisp logic.
3 Defuzzification Defuzzification Techniques: Concept of defuzzication, Lambda- 7
cut methods, Max-Membership Principle, Centroid Methods and
Weighjted Average Method. Applications of Fuzzy Logic.
1. S.N. Sivanandam & S.N. Deepa, ”Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley Publications,
2nd Edition, 2011.
2. D.K.Pratihar, Soft Computing: Fundamentals and Applications, Narosa Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd. - New Delhi, 2015
3. George J. Klir, Bo Yua, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications,
Prentice Hall, 1995
4. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, Wiley; Third edition,
Reference Books:
1. Jyh Shing Roger Jang, Chuen Tsai Sun, Eiji Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft
Computing, Prentice Hall of India, 2003
2. Nikola K. Kasabov, Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowldge
Engineering, MIT Press
3. S.Rajasekaran, G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithms: Synthesis and Applications. PHI
Online Reference:
CO-PO Mapping
MCA 5 Years
Semester – VIII
Data Mining & Warehousing(IC-811B)
Course Objective: - To understand data warehouses and data Mining with recent trends and
development and trends in the field.
Corse Content:
VII Web Mining Web Mining; Web content mining, Web Structure mining, 4 Hrs
and Spatial Web Usage mining, Text Mining, Temporal Mining and
Mining Spatial Data Mining.
Course Objective: - To make students know about the basic concepts of Computation and learn to
work with mathematical abstractions of computers called a model of computation.
CO1 – get acquainted with concepts of formal languages, grammars, and automata.
CO2 – be able to construct context-free grammars for specifying programming language
CO3 – be able to construct the regular expressions for various pattern matching applications.
CO4 – be able to identify computability and complexity of given problem and construct
theoretical computational models for complex problems.
Corse Content:
Hopcraft and Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, Narosa
Publishing House.
Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Narosa Publishing House.
Cohen Daniel I.A., Introdution to Computer Theory, John Weley and Sons , inc New York
Martyn John C, Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation, McGraw Hill, N.Y. (Internal
Edition McGraw Hill)
Mandrioli Dino, Ghezzio Carlo, Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science, John Weley and
Sons, Inc , New York.
Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc
CO-PO Mapping
Aim of the course: To enable the students understand the concepts of EJB and build web-
based and/or enterprise-based applications that incorporate EJB technology.
The course is designed to make students:
Implement business-tier functionality using EJB technology
Learn the concepts and implementation of RMI and JNDI
Get an overview of EJB fundamentals.
Learn the concepts and implementation of Entity and Session beans..
Course Contents:
RMI: Object Serialization, Developing Applications with RMI, and the RMI security
manager, Parameters passing in RMI.
JNDI: Naming services, Directory services, Benefits of JNDI, JNDI Architecture, JNDI
Overview & EJB Fundamentals: Motivation for EJB, Component architecture, Various roles
in J2EE architecture, Type of Beans, Distributed object & Middleware, Constituents of
enterprise beans: Enterprise beans class, EJB Object, Home object, Local interfaces,
Deployment description, Vendor specific files.
Session Beans: Stateless session beans, statefull session beans, characteristics of statefull
session beans, lifecycle diagram for session beans. JMS, Integrating JMS with EJB,
Developing message driver beans.
Entity Beans: Persistence concepts, Features of entity beans, Bean managed Persistent entity
beans, and Container managed persistent entity beans, Life cycle Diagrams, BMP and CMP
Text Books:
1. Ed Roman “Mastering Enterprise Java Beans”, Wiley Publishing, 2005, 3rd Edition
Reference Books:
1. G Sarang ,Kyle Gabhart Professional EJB wrox publication
2.Richard Monson-Haefel ,Bill, Burke,Enterprise java beans 3.0,5 th Ed Developing
Enterprise Java Components,O’Reilly Media
2. Ahmed “Professional JAVA server programming”, SPD, 2005
3. J2EE Tutorial from
Semeter –VIII
Course Objectives:
CO1 : understand the basic concepts of wireless and mobile communication with focus on mobile
CO3: Understand the concept of wireless LAN, Mobile networks and Advances in Mobile Technologies.
CO4: Acquaint with various transmission and reception techniques used in different mobile
communication systems
Course Outcomes—
CO1: students will be familiar with mobile and wireless communication methodologies
CO2 : Learn wireless communication protocols and different standards.
CO3: able to apply these concepts in Wireless Network planning, design and administration to
support mobility.
CO4 : Current and future Mobile communication standards and techniques used in standards