Hyperelastic Modelling of Rubber Wi

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Volume 114 International Scientific Journal

Issue 2 published monthly by the

April 2022 World Academy of Materials
Pages 69-85 and Manufacturing Engineering

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0016.0027

Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with

multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected
to tensile loading
M.J. Jweeg a, D.A. Alazawi b, Q.H. Jebur c, M. Al-Waily d,*, N.J. Yasin e
a College of Technical Engineering, Al-Farahidi University, Iraq
b Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
c Climate Change-Scotland, UK
d Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Iraq
e Engineering Technical College of Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Iraq

* Corresponding e-mail address: [email protected]

ORCID identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7630-1980 (M.A.-W.)


Purpose: This study thoroughly examined the application of inverse FE modelling and
indentation tensile tests to identify nanotubes' rubber material properties.
Design/methodology/approach: Carbon nanotubes with various percentages of multi-
walled carbon nanotubes exposed to high tensile stress were used to enhance the mechanical
qualities of N.R. rubber.
Findings: In this work, carbon nanotubes have been added to natural rubber. By using a solvent
casting technique, toluene was used to make nanocomposites. 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%,
and 1%. In this article, rubber and multi-walled carbon nanotubes interact in practical ways.
Mechanical features of carbon nanotubes in NR have been researched. The results will lead
to rubber products with improved mechanical qualities compared to present nanocomposite
rubber containing various percentages of multi-walled carbon nanotubes exposed to large
tensile test loading. The relative fitness error for significant stresses is reasonable with a second
or third-order deformation model in numerical results.
Research limitations/implications: Non-linear finite element analysis is widely used
to optimise complicated elastomeric components' design and reliability studies. However,
accurate numerical results cannot be achieved without using rubber or rubber nanocomposite
materials with reliable strain energy functions.
Practical implications: The indentation tensile tests of rubber samples have been simulated
and confirmed using a parametric FE model. An inverse materials parameter identification
algorithm was used to calculate the hyperelastic material properties of rubber samples
evaluated in uniaxial tensile. Using ABAQUS FE software, material parameters and force-
displacement data may be automatically updated and extracted.
Originality/value: The numerical data for the inverse method of material property prediction
has been successfully established by developing simulation spaces for various material
characteristics. The force-displacement curve can be represented using technical methods.
The results demonstrate that the inverse FE modelling process might be simplified by using
these curve fitting parameters and plot equations to build a mathematical link between curve

© Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2022 RESEARCH PAPER 69
M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin

coefficients and material properties. The first, second, and third-order deformation models were
tested using FE simulations for the tensile test.
Keywords: Rubber nanocomposite materials, Rubber characterisation, Rubber nanocomposite,
Strain energy, Hyperelastic materials model, Rubber modelling
Reference to this paper should be given in the following way:
M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin, Hyperelastic modelling of rubber
with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading, Archives of Materials Science
and Engineering 114/2 (2022) 69-85. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0016.0027


1. Introduction
1. Introduction including elastomers and various additives with different
functions. The desired output is obtained by multiple
Rubber and rubber-like materials display many unique mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical and chemical
physical and chemical characteristics, including elasticity, properties [8]. The degree of strengthening by filler depends
resilience, flexibility, shock absorption, damping, sealing on several variables, of which a broad polymer-filler
capabilities, and insulation, among other materials [1,2]. interface is the most significant development. Carbon blacks
These qualities allow the rubber to be used in many and silicas are the best known reinforcing fillers. There are
industrial and technical applications [3,4], including tyres, extensively used silicates, clays, whiting (calcium
hoses, conveyor belts, seals, damping components, and carbonate), and other mineral fillers if there is no high
artificial soft tissue. Rubber's stress-strain response is a reinforcement grade. Carbon blacks constitute the
critical research area. Finite element analysis (FEA) has preeminent class in terms of tonnage and different properties
been effectively applied to structural optimisation and of strengthening fillers. Incomplete combustion of
reliability analysis of complex rubber components with hydrocarbons or thermal cracking is the preparation of
substantial deformation thanks to rapid advancements in carbon blacks. Currently, nearly all rubber carbon blacks are
computer power and non-linear numerical simulation made with processes for the oil furnace. Oil or, more often,
techniques [5-7]. natural gas is cracked on a hot refractory surface in the
Similarly, polymer composites have been quite thermal phase without oxygen. Besides carbon blacks for
significant in manufacturing tires. Fillers nanocomposites rubber applications, several grades are mainly developed for
are often used as additives to enhance the mechanical applications not using rubber [9].
behaviour of the polymeric matrix. Reinforcing elastomers Attract attention to the topological limitation principle
with mineral fillers is fundamental to increasing the rubber's refers to the strong interactions spontaneously formed by the
lifetime. So, modification by nanoparticles of rubbers and contact with a soft material that conforms its components
conventional rubbers composites has drawn substantial (i.e. chain segments) with a suitable area geometry (or
interest in research and industry due to the unique property topology). Applied with carbon black (CB)-filled rubber
profile achieved at low nanofiller content. Property compounds, this term readily reflects adsorbing/desorbing
enhancements will cover structural and functional properties balance of chain segments at suitable positions on CB
of mechanical performance. aggregates for various steps, such as viscosity and modulus.
For longitudinal characteristics of aligned composites This balance is reversed for both the magnitude of the strain
and nanotubes' mechanistic strengthening efficacy are or temperature or the two. To address rheological quantities
higher than nanoplatelets with the same aspect ratio. For directly linked to CB and rubber, relatively simple
most random orientation cases and higher aspect ratios mathematical models can be created. Due to their
nanoparticles, nanoplatelets' geometric characteristics experimental simplicity, the strain sweep (SS) test protocols
enable better strengthening; however, the same degree of with sufficient rheometers are ideal, as shown by tests on
dispersion and extinction in the same volume fraction. various CB-filled compounds and an adequate math
Depending upon the nanoparticular-polymer interaction, modelling of results obtained when played at constant
this difference will significantly affect the nanocomposites' frequency strain amplitude and temperature [10].
bulk efficiency. For preparing natural rubber (NR) nanocomposites,
Macromolecules are rarely made of Rubber materials multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWNTs) were used. The
only due to them not having the most optimal performance. nanostructures in MWNTs/NR nanocomposites integrated
They are complex structures with several components, carbon nanotubes into a polymer solution and evaporated the

70 RESEARCH PAPER Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading

solvent. Nanotubes can be distributed homogeneously into In this research, natural rubber products have been
the NR matrix to improve their mechanical properties with improved with mechanical properties by using carbon
this technology. The nanocomposites' properties, including nanotubes with different percentages of multi-walled carbon
tensile strength, tensile modulus, tear strength, break nanotube subjected to high tensile loading.
extension and hardness, have been investigated. The
mechanical experiments show up to 12 times with purity of 2. Experimental
2. work and
Experimental work andpreparation
preparation of
NR in the initial modulus. The dispersion status of the
MWNTs into NR and mechanical inspection were explored
of samples
better to understand the final device's morphology [11]. The In this work, carbon nanotubes have been filled into
elastomer materials are characterised by significant enough natural rubber. The preparation of nanocomposites was
deformation or non-linear hyperelastic behaviour, which carried out using toluene as a solvent by a solvent casting
results in the formation, through the different orientations, process. The additional volumes of carbon nanotubes were
of a slightly entangled network with weak interactions 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1% by 100 grammes of the
[12,13]. Rubber's mechanical properties are mainly overall weight. Later on, the nanocomposite rubber was
determined by configurational entropic and molecular tested experimentally. This experiment aims to apply a
stretching. The rubber elasticity principle, invariant/stretch tensile force to the test sample until it ruptures and then pulls
dependent continuum mechanics, and computational finite it through to defeat. During the tensile load application [26-
element analyses describe elastomers' non-linear hyper- 31], the system calculates property and produces a
elastic behaviour [14,15]. stress/strain curve from which different values, such as the
Rubber is a highly complex material from the modulus of elasticity, can be calculated. The tensile
perspective of its actions. It is not easy to construct a measuring unit used in this analysis (see Fig. 1) has an
component model that can predict the rubber's behaviour. electro-mechanical test system that regularly applies
Many researchers have worked on this for an extended uniaxial loading to test specimens [32-39]. In terms of
period. Primarily, it was based on polynomial scale capabilities and implementations, it serves a broad role.
dynamics, the Ogden Model, the Mooney-Rivlin Model, and
Yeoh [16-17]. Different models are used to quantify the
stress-energy function. The decision is made depending on
whether or not test data is available [18]. Finite element
simulation provides good outcomes as Tensile test results
from uniaxial, biaxial, and planar directions are applied.
Uniaxial test evidence is insufficient when dynamic stresses
perform better [19,20]. Different models are used to quantify
the stress-energy function. The decision is made depending
on whether or not test evidence is available [21,22]. Wei et
al. [10] perform a finite element rubber analysis under high
deformation. He also addressed the implementations of the
finite element in the finite element. The predictive
thermodynamic and continuum mechanics models are well-
established for the hyperelastic material models.
The experimental technique for evaluating the consti-
tuent models, mathematical derivations, and disputes are
discussed. Are performed on some experiments, including Fig. 1. Tensile test machine
uniaxial, planar, and biaxial tension [23-25]. Youjian [15],
and Mullins [18], the tyre performance of the component The tensile machine performs load versus elongation
model is simulated using a finite element method in the tyre (stress vs strain) measurements, which involves applying
industry. Quick transient reactions can also be simulated forces ranging from a few newtons to thousands of newtons,
using the FE protocol. Zhang et al. [19], a model of strain squeezing specimens with rubber grips, and calculating the
invariants existed, Rivlin and Saunders [20], later resultant forces (stresses) and deformations (strains) [40-
generalised. Gent and Thomas [21] look at different strain 44]. Later, tensile force and strain sensors that produce an
energy functions. Smith [22], Valanis and Landel [23], and electrical transducer, a signal proportional to the applied
Ogden [24] proposed the basic stress pattern. stress or strain, are susceptible to measured loads and strains

Volume 114 Issue 2 April 2022 71

M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin

[45-50]. This electric signal is digitised, weighed, and 3.1. Ogden

3.1. formmodels
digitised again. Finally, this electrical signal is analysed,
digitised, and then used to exhibit, study, and report tension, Ogden is [24] a designed model for large deformation
strain, and other approximate content parameters. The isotropic elasticity. It is applied to characterise material's
tensile tests for strength after stretching were conducted non-linear stress-stress behaviour, such as rubbers and
according to standards (D412-98), and the experiments were polymers. Similar to other hyperelastic substance models.
repeated five times, with the average effects being shown The Ogden model was built on the premise that the
and checked each time [51-54]. substance's action maybe by the strain's energy density
The excellent capability of producing rubber nano- function, which is isotropic, incompressible and isotope,
composites is proven by automobile tyres and other rubber Independent strain threshold. The general model of Ogden
materials, one of the most used and long-lasting groups of strain energy potential below Equation shows,
industrial items for more than a century. The exact meaning ���
U � ∑� ����� � ��� ��
� � �� � 3� (1)
can be said for large-scale rubber compounding methods, ��� ��

Qusai et al. [55-58], which have been creating the The Ogden model is commonly employed when the
nanocomposites found in tyres for almost a century, long model is enough to reflect test data of up to 800% of the
before the word "nano" attracted academics' and engineers' tensile test results. The Ogden paradigm is also a much more
attention. Many issues involve rubber nanocomposite scalable description of the experiment's data than the other
mechanical behaviours for tensile loading. In general, the hyperelastic.
nanocomposite rubber applications are subjected to large
tensile loading. So, the principles of large deformation 3.2. Neo-Hookean model
3.2. Neo-Hookean model
rubber are fundamental in nano rubber applications.
Consequently, it is essential to create precise, reliable A model Neo-Hookean is analogous to the principle of
available models to understand rubber nanocomposites' Hooke and is suitable to simulate the material's non-linear
behaviour better. The main challenge is the expectations stress tension behaviour under a wide variety of
under which a given theoretical model fails to predict deformations. In 1948 Ronald Rivlin developed the model
significant deformation behaviour of elastomer nano- (Ericksen and Rivlin [60]). This model is based on the
composites, as models are proposed for neat rubbers. More thermodynamics of crosslinked polymer chains used for
judgmentally, they can hardly be supposed to remain valid plastic products rubber-like and 21. The initial stage of
for systems in which four or more nanofillers having cross-connected polymer is neo-Hookean, and as tension is
different nature, shapes, and sizes are used. This research applied shift to each other. The shape of the Neo-Hookean
attempts to use non-linear hyperelastic models for the non- strain energy potential is as follows,
linear tensile behaviour of rubbers for nanocomposites �
containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). U � C�� �I� � 3� � C�� �I� � 3� � �J�� � 1� (2)

3. Strain energy
3. Strain energy 3.3. Mooney-Rivlin model
3.3. Mooney-Rivlin model

The energy potential stored by an object's deformation is Model Moony-Rivlin During the development of the
called strain energy (Ogden et al. [59]). The straining energy original Mooney model, various observations were made on
is the same as creating regular and shear strains for a the strain energy mechanism for rubber, starting with: (1)
perfectly elastic material. The strain energy is restored when The substance is uniform and free of hysteresis; (2). The
the stress-producing strain is eliminated. Complete recovery substance is isotropic initially, and during the deformation,
is achieved for a completely elastic material, and due to (3) the deformation occurs without any alteration of volume
energy dissipation, the recovery is partial for plastic (Mooney, [16]). The linear shape of stress-energy is initially
material. The strain energy is a function that connects a suggested by Mooney as,
material strain to the energy that this deformation produces. U � C�� �I� � 3� �

�J�� � 1�� (3)
The strain energy density (U), Strain Energy Density (SED), ��

determined by unit body volume, is strain energy. SED is an Based on the linear relationship between stress and strain
excellent content indication since it is standardised to body in primary shear, the Mooney-Rivlin model provides a
height. The strain-energy function can be seen as a slightly better match to some experimental rubber data than
generalisation of the law of Hooke, which systematically pure elastic models with appropriate C1 and C2 options
defines complex elastic components [59]. (Mooney [16], Crocker et al. [61]). Initially formulated for

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Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading

rubber, the Mooney-Rivlin material is also used today to models with each other. There are hyperelastic material
denote general incompressible organic tissue. The more models that have been assessed, as depicted in Figures 2-7.
advanced Ogden substance model has been used to model To compare different material models, Abaqus has a hyper-
rubber and biological materials with even higher strains. elastic curve fitting capability. Abaqus relies on specified
(Breslavsky et al. [62]). stress-nominal strain data when performing uniaxial tests.

3.4. Yeoh model

3.4. Yeoh model a)

The hyperelastic Yeoh model is often a reduced

polynomial shape in the third order, suited to describe almost
isotropic rubber-style materials (Renaud et al. [63]).
According to Ronald Rivlin, the energy density function of
the strain invariant sequences 1, 2, and 3 can be used to
define the elastic characteristics of rubber. The Yeoh model
for incompressible rubber is merely a function of 1, and the
strain energy's energy potential is given by,
� ∑� ̅ �
��� c�� �I� � 3� �
U�� c�� ����x � a��� � � � � (4)
��� ∑���� �J � 1���

3.5. Arruda-Boyce model
3.5. Arruda-Boyce model

The hyperelastic model of Arruda-Boyce used for fitting

tensile tests the potential for the energy strain of the form,
� �
�I� � 3� � �I�� � 9�
� ����

⎛ �� ⎞
� �I�� � 27� �
⎜ ������ ⎟ � ������
⎟ � � � � � lnJ�� � (5)

U � µ⎜ �� �
⎜ ������� �I� � 81� � ⎟
�I�� � 243�
⎝ ��������
� ⎠
These strain-energy functions have been applied to
different strains in which the model is best suited. Since c)
these models are built based on mathematical formation,
critical parameters are often difficult to obtain. As seen
briefly in the equations, a mixture of parameters is in some
cases connected to the initial shear module. That directly
affects precise, durable and unique evaluation and selection
of material models for various circumstances in material

4. Experimental
4. results and
Experimental results and fitting
fitting tensile

To compare different material models, Abaqus has a

hyperelastic curve fitting capability. To determine mechanical
parameters, Abaqus uses stress-strain data from uniaxial tests. Fig. 2. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic
In Abaqus, each set of stress-strain data is converted into a models with tensile test rubber 0% multi-walled carbon
strain energy equation. Abaqus' hyperelastic material curve nanotube; a) Ogden model N=1, 2, 3, b) Neo-Hookean N=1,
fitting feature allows the researcher to compare material Ploynomial N=2, 3, c) Arruda-Boyce N=1

Volume 114 Issue 2 April 2022 73

M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin

a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 3. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 0.2% multi-walled carbon nanotube;
a) Ogden model N=1, 2, b) Mooney-Rivelin model N=1, c) Neo-Hookean N=1, Ploynomial N=2, 3, d) Arruda-Boyce N=1

a) b)

Fig. 4. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 0.4% multi-walled carbon nanotube;
a) Ogden model N=1, 2, b) Mooney-Rivelin model N=1

74 RESEARCH PAPER Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading

c) d)

Fig. 4. cont. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 0.4% multi-walled carbon
nanotube; c) Neo-Hookean N=1, Ploynomial N=2, 3, d) Arruda-Boyce N=1

a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 5. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 0.6% multi-walled carbon nanotube;
a) Ogden model N=1, 2, 3, b) Mooney-Rivelin model N=1, c) Neo-Hookean N=1, Ploynomial N=2, 3, d) Arruda-Boyce N=1

Volume 114 Issue 2 April 2022 75

M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin

a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 6. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 0.8% multi-walled carbon nanotube;
a) Ogden model N=1, 2, b) Mooney-Rivelin model N=1, c) Neo-Hookean N=1, Ploynomial N=2, 3, d) Arruda-Boyce N=1

a) b)

Fig. 7. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 1% multi-walled carbon nanotube;
a) Ogden model N=1, 2, b) Mooney-Rivelin model

76 RESEARCH PAPER Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading

c) d)

Fig. 7. cont. Experimental and fitting of different hyperelastic models with tensile test rubber 1% multi-walled carbon
nanotube; c) Neo-Hookean N=1, Ploynomial N=2, 3, d) Arruda-Boyce N=1

Table 1.
Material models used for material prediction parameters with 0% multi-walled carbon nanotube
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 1: Fitting
µ1 α1 µ2 α2 µ3 α3
Ogden Model error %
Ogden N=1 7.11E-03 2.07 - - - - 3.32
Ogden N=2 5E-03 .136 0.39 -0.18 2.71
Ogden N=3 2.27E-04 2.79 -1.12E-07 4.00 0.40 -1.81 0.48
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 2:
Polynomial D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 Fitting error %
(Mooney- - - - - - - - Unstable
Rivlin) N=1
- - - - -- - Unstable
model No 3:
Reduced Fitting
D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 C30 C21 C12 C03
Polynomial error %
0 4.99E-03 0 - - - - - - D3 - - - 5.34
N=2 0 4.77E-03 0 0 1.43E-09 0 0 - - - - - 3.99
Yeoh N=3 0 4.48E-03 0 0 7.96E-09 0 0 0 -2.23E-14 0 0 1.85
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 4:
µ µo λ D Fitting error %
9.90E-03 9.90E-03 1352.99 0 4.87

Hyperelastic models were the most accurate in predicting Mooney-Rivlin and Neo-Hookean coefficients and
rubber formulation behaviour because they could match Arruda-Boyce and Ogden models calculated all deformation
experimental data points at small and large strain values. modes in Abaqus. Models like Ogden (N=2, N=3) were the

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M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin

most accurate in predicting rubber formulation behaviour 1-6 show an unimportant parameter to a particular model. The
because they could match experimental data points at small mechanical properties were predicted using uniaxial tensile
and large strain values. Using the Mooney-Rivlin and Neo- data to produce these results [55,56, 63-70]. The Ogden
Hookean coefficients and models from Arruda-Boyce, model N=3 has a fitting error of 0.48%, while the rest models
Absqus calculated all deformation modes for each test. Tables predicted parameters with more significant fitting errors [71-75].

Table 2.
Material models used for material prediction parameters with 0.2% multi-walled carbon nanotube
µ1 α1 µ2 α2 µ3 α3
error %
Ogden N=1 1.94E-02 1.91 - - - 4.16
Ogden N=2 1.06E-02 2.02 1.11 -0.18 - - 2.34
Ogden N=3 - - - - - - Unstable
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 2:
Polynomial D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 Fitting error %
(Mooney- 0 5.87e-3 9.27e-2 3.10
Rivlin) N=1
Polynomial N=2 - - - - - - - Unstable
model No 3:
Reduced Fitting
D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 D3 C30 C21 C12 C03
Polynomial error %
Neo-Hooke N=1 0 6.35e-2 0 - - - - - - - - - 7.14
N=2 0 6.70e-3 0 0 -1.73e-8 0 0 - - - - - 5.37
Yeoh N=3 0 6.18e-3 0 0 -3.52e-9 0 0 0 5.28e-15 0 0 0 5.24
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 4:
µ µo λ D Fitting error %
N=1 1.25e-2 1.25e-2 1428 0 7.8

Table 3.
Material models used for material prediction parameters with 0.4% multi-walled carbon nanotube
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 1: µ1 α1 D1 µ2 α2 D2 µ3 α3 Fitting
Ogden Model error %
Ogden N=1 2.89e-2 1.87 0 - - - - - 9.57
Ogden N=2 8.06e3 2.10 0 3.10 -0.18 0 - - 1.04
Ogden N=3 - - - - - - - - Unstable
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 2: D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 Fitting error %
Polynomial Model
Polynomial N=2 0 3 0 0 0 14.05

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Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading

Table 3. cont.
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 3:
Reduced D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 D3 C30 C21 C12 C03 Fitting
Polynomial error %
Neo-Hooke N=1 0 7.51e-3 0 - - - - - - - - - - 15.75
N=2 0 7.91e- 0 0 -1.77e- 0 - - - - - - 14.05
Yeoh N=3 0 8.35e-3 0 0 -7.95e- 0 0 0 1.64E-14 0 0 0 12.85
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 4: µ µo λ Fitting
Arruda-Boyce error %
N=1 1.48E-02 1.41E-02 1488 16.48

Table 4.
Material models used for material prediction parameters with 0.6% multi-walled carbon nanotube
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 1: Fitting
µ1 α1 µ2 α2 µ3 α3
Ogden Model error %
Ogden N=1 5.44E-02 1.79 - - - - 11.29
Ogden N=2 1.23E-02 2.06155759 5.17196953 -0.18 - - 0.34
Ogden N=3 14.77 -0.29 4.29E-2 -3.93 -7.48 -0.97 0.27
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 2:
D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 Fitting error %
Polynomial Model
(Mooney-Rivlin) 0 7.71E-03 0.40 - - - - 4.44
Polynomial N=2 - - - - - - - Unstable
model No 3:
Reduced Fitting
D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 D3 C30 C21 C12 C03
Polynomial error %
Neo-HookeN=1 0 9.32E-03 0 - - - - - - - - - 27.02
N=2 0 1.02E-02 0 0 -3.40E-09 0 0 - - - - - 22.19
Yeoh N=3 0 1.14E-02 0 0 -1.89E-08 0 0 3.81E-14 0 0 16.71
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 4:
µ µo λ Fitting error %
N=1 1.84E-2 1.84E-2 1533 28.24

Table 5.
Material models used for material prediction parameters with 0.8% multi-walled carbon nanotube
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 1: Fitting
µ1 α1 µ2 α2 µ3 α3
Ogden Model error %
Ogden N=1 -0.18 1.72 - - - - 12.48
Ogden N=2 2.12E-03 2.35 1.93 -1.99 - 0.81
Ogden N=3 - - - - - - Unstable

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M.J. Jweeg, D.A. Alazawi, Q.H. Jebur, M. Al-Waily, N.J. Yasin

Table 5. cont.
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 2:
Polynomial D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 Fitting error %
(Mooney-Rivlin) 0 8.368E-3 0.61 - - - - 0.40
- - - - - - - Unstable
model No 3:
Reduced Fitting
D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 D3 C30 C21 C12 C03
Polynomial error %
Neo-Hooke N=1 0 1.05E-02 0 - - - - - - - - - 39.25
N=2 0 1.20E-02 0 0 -4.75E-09 0 0 - - - - - 30.93
Yeoh N=3 0 1.42E-02 0 0 -2.95E-08 0 0 5.70E-14 0 0 0 18.89
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 4:
µ µo λ Fitting error %
N=1 2.092E-02 2.09E-02 1578.00 40.83

Table 6.
Material models used for material prediction parameters with 1% multi-walled carbon nanotube
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 1: Fitting
µ1 α1 µ2 α2 µ3 α3
Ogden Model error %
Ogden N=1 0.10 1.719 - - - - 15.78
Ogden N=2 6.65E-03 2.19 5.09 -1.37 - - 0.38
Ogden N=3 Unstable
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 2:
Polynomial D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 Fitting error %
(Mooney- 0 9.17E-03 0.75 - - - - 5.27
Rivlin) N=1
- - - - - - - Unstable
model No 3:
Reduced Fitting
D1 C10 C01 D2 C20 C11 C02 D3 C30 C21 C12 C03
Polynomial error %
0 1.17E-02 0 - - - - - - - - - 44.82
N=2 0 1.33E-02 0 0 -4.95E-09 0 0 - - - - - 35.95
Yeoh N=3 0 1.56E-02 0 0 -2.80E-08 0 0 0 4.92E-14 0 0 0 25.28
Hyperelasticity Parameters
model No 4:
µ µo λ Fitting error %
N=1 2.32E-02 2.32E-02 1653.00 46.45

80 RESEARCH PAPER Archives of Materials Science and Engineering

Hyperelastic modelling of rubber with multi-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to tensile loading

5. Conclusion
5. Conclusions Acknowledgements

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linear elastic material behaviour. The behaviour of University of Kufa, Department of Mechanical Engineering
hyperelastic materials is more complicated, as complex and Al-Farahidi University for providing the needed
strain energy functions can only describe it, making it more facilities.
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