BScHChemSyllabus2013 17
BScHChemSyllabus2013 17
BScHChemSyllabus2013 17
Code: CHEM-2101
Credit Hours: 2
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about basic concepts of organic chemistry, chemistry of
hydrocarbons and functional groups and the mechanism of organic reactions. Such information
will be useful for qualitative analysis and synthesis of organic compounds.
Course Content:
Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry:
Bonding and hybridization, localized and delocalized bonding, structure-aromaticity, inductive
effect, dipole moment, resonance and its rules, hyperconjugation, classification and
nomenclature of organic compounds including IUPAC system, types of organic reactions (an
Chemistry of Hydrocarbons:
Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with emphasis on free radical, electrophilic addition and
electrophilic substitution reactions.
Recommended Books:
1. Brown, W. and Poon, T., Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., John-Wiley &
Sons, Inc., (2005).
2. John, E. M. Organic Chemistry, 8th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, USA, (2012).
3. Robert, T. M. and Robert, N. B., Organic Chemistry, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
4. Younus, M., A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore,
Pakistan, (2006).
5. Sykes, P., A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th ed., Pearson Education
Limited, England, (1986).
6. Solomons, T. W. G. and Fryhle, C. B., Organic Chemistry, 10th ed., John-Wiley & Sons,
Inc., (2011).
7. Furniss, B. S., Hannaford , A. J., Smith, P. W. G., Tatchell, A. R., Vogel’s Textbook of
Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th ed., Longman, UK, (1989).
8. Pavia, D. L., Kriz, G. S., Lampman, G. M. and Engel, R. G., A Microscale Approach to
Organic Laboratory Techniques, 5th ed., Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, (2013).
9. Mayo, D. W., Pike, R. M. and Forbes, D. C., Microscale Organic to Laboratory with
Multistep and Multisacle Syntheses, 5th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2011).
10. Gilbert, J. C. and Martin, S. F., Experimental Organic Chemistry: A Miniscale and
Microscale Approach, 5th ed., Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, (2010).
11. Brown, W. H., Fotte, C. S., Iverson, B. L. and Anslyn, E. V., Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, (2012).
Course Objectives:
Students will gain knowledge about fundamental concepts of biochemistry as well be able to
learn about the structures, properties and functions of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids
and nucleic acids.
Introduction to Biochemistry:
Brief introduction to the scope and history of Biochemistry, molecular logic of the living
organism, cell structures and their functions, origin and nature of biomolecules.
Definition and classification, chemistry, physical and chemical properties of various classes of
carbohydrates, biological functions of starch, glycogen, cellulose, and cell wall polysaccharides,
acid mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans.
Definition and classification of lipids, chemistry and biological importance of fatty acids, waxes,
glycerides, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, sterols and prostaglandins.
Significance of lipids in biological membranes and transport mechanism.
Chemistry and classification of amino acids, physical and chemical properties of amino acids,
biological significance of amino acids, peptides, proteins, their classification, properties and
biological significance, primary, secondary tertiary and quatenary structure of proteins,
denaturation of proteins.
Nucleic Acids:
Chemical composition of nucleic acids, structure and biological significance of nucleic acids,
chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides, nucleic acids hydrolysis, isolation and separation of
nucleic acids, introduction to recombinant DNA technology.
Recommended Books:
Chemical Thermodynamics:
Equation of states, ideal and real gases, the virial equation and the van der Waals equation for
real gases, critical phenomena and critical constants, four laws of thermodynamics and their
applications, thermochemistry, calorimetry, heat capacities and their dependence on temperature,
pressure and volume, reversible and non-reversible processes, spontaneous and non-spontaneous
processes, relations of entropy and Gibbs free energy with equilibrium constant, Gibbs
Helmholtz equation, fugacity and activity.
Chemical Equilibrium:
General equilibrium expressions, reaction quotients, examples of equilibrium reactions in solid,
liquid and gas phases, extent of reactions and equilibrium constants, Gibbs energies of formation
and calculations of equilibrium constants, effect of temperature and pressure on the equilibrium
constants/compositions, van’t Hoff equation, Le-Chatelier’s principle.
Solution Chemistry:
Physical properties of liquids, surface tension, viscosity, refractive index, dipole moment etc. and
their applications, brief account of interactions among the molecules in liquids, ideal and non-
ideal solutions, Raoult’s law and its applications, lowering of vapor pressure, elevation of boiling
point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, vapor pressure of non-ideal solutions and
Henry’s law, abnormal colligative properties, degrees of association and dissociation of solutes,
osmotic pressure and its measurement, fractional distillation and concept of azeotropic mixtures.
Chemical Kinetics:
The rates of reactions, zero, first, second and third order reactions with same and different initial
concentrations, half-lives of reactions, experimental techniques for rate determination and
methods for determination of order of reaction (integration, half-life, initial rate, and graphical
methods), Arrhenius equation.
Recommended Books
1. McQuarrie, D. A. and Simon, J. D., Physical Chemistry – A Molecular Approach, 1st ed.,
University Science Books,(1997).
2. Atkins,P. and Paula,J.D., Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 9th ed., Oxford University Press,
3. Shoemaker, D., Experiments in Physical Chemistry, 8th ed., McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, (2003).
4. Silbey, R., Alberty, R. and Bawendi, M., Physical Chemistry, 4th ed., (2005).
5. Atkins, P., Jones, L., Chemical Principles, 5th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, New
York, (2010).
6. James, A. M., Prichard, F. E., Practical Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Longman Group
Limited, New York, (1974).
7. Chaudhary, S. U., Ilmi Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Ilmi Kitab Khana,
Lahore, (2013).
8. Atkins, P., Jones, L., Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight, 5th ed., W. H. Freeman,
9. Linder, B., Elementary Physical Chemistry, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ptv. Ltd.,
10. Davis, W. M., Dykstra, C. E., Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, 2nd ed., CRC
Press, (2011).
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about sampling and their handling and preparation and results
calculation and data reporting. In addition they will learn and develop understanding about the
classical techniques of analytical chemistry and quality control and quality assurance
Course Contents:
Definitions, seven tools for quality control, the concept of quality assurance, quality assurance
techniques, validations based on design qualification (DQ), installation qualification (IQ),
operational qualification (OQ) and performance qualification (PQ), calibrations, monitoring and
quality reviews, periodical trainings, six sigma concept, ISO standards.
Recommended Books:
1. Skoog, D. A., West, P. M., Holler, F. J., Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, 9th ed., Brooks Cole Publishing Company, (2013).
2. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry. 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (2006).
3. Harris, D. C., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company,
New York,USA, (2011).
4. Kealey, D. and Haines, P. J,Instant Notes., Analytical Chemistry, Bios Scientific
Publishers Limited, Oxford, UK, (2002).
5. Matthios, Otto, CHEMOMETRICS-Statistics and Computed applications in Analytical
Chemistry, 2nd ed., Wiley-VCH, Germany, (2007).
6. Mitra A., Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 3rd ed., John-Wiley &
Sons, (2008).
7. Miller, J. and Miller, J., Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, 5th ed.,
Prentice Hall, (2005).
Code: CHEM-3102
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the key introductory concepts of chemical bonding, acid-
base chemistry, and properties of p-block elements as well as use this knowledge for qualitative
and quantitative analysis of inorganic compounds during laboratory work.
Course Content:
Chemical Bonding:
Types of chemical bonding, ionic and covalent bonding, localized bond approach, theories of
chemical bonding, valance bond theory (VBT), hybridization and resonance, prediction of
molecular shapes using Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) model, molecular
orbital theory (MOT) applied to diatomic molecules, delocalized approach to bonding, bonding
in electron deficient compounds,hydrogen bonding.
Brief concepts of chemical equilibrium, acids and bases including soft and hard acids and bases
(SHAB), relative strength of acids and bases, significance of pH, pKa, pKb and buffer solutions,
theory of indicators, solubility, solubility product, common ion effect and their industrial
p-Block Elements:
Physical and chemical properties of p-block elements with emphasis on some representative
compounds, inter-halogens, pseudo-halogens and polyhalides.
1. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W., Langford, C. H., Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., Oxford
University Press, (1994).
2. Cotton, F. A. and Wilkinson, G., Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley &
Sons, New York, (2007).
3. Huheey, J. E., Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 3rd ed., Harper
International SI Edition, (2006).
5. Lee, J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Chapman and Hall, (1996).
6. Miessler, G. L., Tarr, D. A., Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, India, (2008).
7. Huheey, J. E., Kieter E. A., Keiter L. R., Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and
Reactivity, 4th ed., Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co., (1993).
8. Sharpe, A. G., Inorganic chemistry, 3rd ed., Pearson Education India, (1981).
9. Chaudhary S. U., Ilmi Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore, (2013).
10. Catherine E. House croft, Alan G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall,
11. Kathleen A. H., James E. H., Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., Brooks Cole, (2010).
12. Wulfsberg G., Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 1st ed., University Science
Books, (1991).
13. Hill, R. H. JR and Fister, D. C., Laboratory Safety for Chemistry Students, John-Wiley &
Sons, Inc., (2010).
14. Mendham, J., Denny, R. C., Barnes, J. D., Thomas, M. and Sivasankar, B., Vogel’s Textbook
of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th ed., Pearson Education, Ltd., (2000).
15. Svehla, G., Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th ed., (7th imp.), Pearson Education,
Ltd., (2009).
BS 3rd Year
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to understand and acquire knowledge about the principles and theoretical
background of quantum chemistry, kinetics theory of gases and phase equilibrium. The
knowledge gained thus can be applied to study various aspects of quantum mechanics, gas
kinetic behavior and thermodynamics and phase equilibrium.
Course Contents:
Quantum Chemistry:
Black body radiation, photoelectric effect, line spectra of elements, Bohr atomic model, wave
and particle nature of matter, de Broglie’s equation, Young’s double slit experiment,
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, wavefunctions and Born interpretation of wavefunctions,
probability density, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, Hamiltonian operator, Schrodinger wave
equation, wavefunctions for hydrogen-like atomic orbitals, radial distribution functions,
shielding and penetration, effective nuclear charge, orbital energies, periodic trends in the
properties of the elements in the periodic table.
Phase Equilibrium:
Gibbs phase rule, Phase diagrams of one component and two component systems, Gibbs energy
and the phase diagram of a substance, location of phase boundaries, Clausius-Clapeyron
equation, vapor-liquid equilibrium of binary liquid mixtures, binary phase diagrams and lever
Code: CHEM-3201P
Credit Hours: 1
Course Objectives:
Students will gain knowledge about the stereochemical behavior of organic molecules and
acquire an ability to propose mechanism of simple reactions.
Course Contents:
Experiments involving aliphatic addition, elimination and substitution reactions, e.g., synthesis
of cylohenxene from cyclohexanol, addition reaction to cyclohexene etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Robert, T. M., and Robert, N. B., Organic Chemistry, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
2. John, E. M., Organic Chemistry, 8th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, USA, (2012).
3. Younas, M., A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore,
4. Morris, D. G., Stereochemistry (Basic Concepts in Chemistry), Wiley-RSC, (2002).
5. Mislow, K., Introduction to Stereochemistry, Dover Publications Inc., (2003).
6. David M., Stereochemistry (Tutorial Chemistry Texts), Royal Society of Chemistry,
7. Furniss, B. S, Hannaford, A. J., Smith, P. W. G., Tatchell, A. R., Vogel’s Textbook of
Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th ed., Longman, UK, (1989).
8. Mohan J., Organic Analytical Chemistry, Theory and Practice, 1st ed. Alpha Science
International, Ltd. (2003).
9. Seiler, J. P., Good Laboratory Practice: The Why and the How, 2nd ed., Springer, (2005).
10. Brown, W. H., Fotte, C. S., Iverson, B. L. and Anslyn, E. V., Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, (2012).
11. Solomons, T. W. G. and Fryhle, C. B., Organic Chemistry, 10th ed., John-Wiley & Sons,
Inc., (2011).
12. Pavia, D. L., Kriz, G. S., Lampman, G. M. and Engel, R. G., A Microscale Approach to
Organic Laboratory Techniques, 5th ed., Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, (2013).
13. Eames, J. and Peach, J. M., Stereochemistry at a Glance, Blackwell Science, Ltd., (2003).
14. Eliel, E. L., Wilen, S. H. and Doyle, M. P., Basic Organic Chemistry, John-Wiley &
Sons, Inc., (2001).
15. Eliel, E. L. and Wilen, S. H., Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, John-Wiley &
Sons, Inc., (1994).
Code: CHEM-3202
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the physical and chemical properties of d- & f- block
elements on the basis of their electronic configurations and will be able to work out structures of
coordination compounds through development of understanding of VBT, CFT and MOT.
Course Contents
Chemistry of d-block elements and coordination complexes:
(ii) Actinides: General characteristics, electronic structure, oxidation state and position in the
periodic table, half life and decay law.
Recommended Books:
1. Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G., Murillo, C. A. and Bochmann, M., Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, 6th ed., Wiley-Interscience, (1999).
2. Housecraft, C. and Sharpe, A. G., Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, (2012).
3. Miessler, G. L. and Tarr, D.A., Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed., Pearson-Prentice Hall
International, (2010).
4. Douglas, B., McDanial, D., Alexander, J., Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry,
3rd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (1994).
5. Shriver, D. and Atkins, P., Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., W. H. Freeman & Company,
6. Lee, J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., (1996).
7. Atkins, P. and Jones, L., Chemicals Principles, 5th ed., W. H. Freeman & Company,
8. Svehla, G., Vogel’s Textbook of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis,
5th ed., Longman Group Limited, (1979).
9. Huheey, J. E., Kieter, E. A. and Kieter, R. L., Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of
Structure and Reactivity, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, (1997).
10. Pass, G., Sutcliffe, H., Practical Inorganic Chemistry, Preparations, Reactions and
Instrumental Methods, 2nd ed., Chapman and Hall (1974).
11. Müller, U., Inorganic Structural Chemistry, 2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (2006).
12. Marusak R. A., Doan K., Cummings S. D., Integrated Approach to Coordination
Chemistry, 1st ed., John-Wiley & Sons, (2007).
13. Chaudhary, S. U., Ilmi Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar,
Lahore, (2013).
BS 3rd Year
Code: CHEM-3104
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to introduce the students to the basics principles,
instrumental aspects and applications of separation and spectrophotometric analytical methods
Course Contents:
Separation Methods:
Analytical Spectrophotometry:
Properties of light and its interaction with matter, relation between frequency, velocity and wave
number, Lambert- Beer’s law and its limitations, single beam and double beam
spectrophotometers, lamps and lasers as sources of light, monochromators, detectors,
photomultiplier tube, photodiode array, charged coupled device, FT-IR spectroscopy, fourier
analysis, interferometry, noise and its control.
Code: CHEM-3104-P
Credit Hours: 1
1) Separation of phenol from given organic mixture using solvent extraction.
2) Separation of given mixture of cations using Paper Chromatography.
3) Analysis of the composition of a mixture of nitro anilines by TLC.
4) Separation of sugars using paper chromatography.
5) Separation of amino acids using paper/thin layer chromatography.
6) Deionization and softening of water using ion exchange chromatography.
7) Determination of λmax of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 solutions and verification of Beer-
Lambert’s law.
8) Determination of stoichiometry of a metal complex by visible spectrometry.
9) Determination of aspirin and caffeine in a proprietary analgesic by double beam UV-Vis.
10) Quantification of iron in a given sample by using single beam spectrophotometer.
11) A study of characteristics infrared absorption frequencies.
Recommended Books:
1. Skoog, D. A., West, P. M., Holler, F. J., Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, 9th ed., Brooks Cole Publishing Company, (2013).
2. Harris, D. C., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company,
New York, USA, (2011).
3. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, (2006).
4. Kealey, D. and Haines, P. J., BIOS Instant Notes in Analytical Chemistry, 1st ed.,Bios
Saence Publisher Ltd. Oxford UK. (2002)
5. Pavia, D. L., Lampman, G. M., Kriz, G. S. and Vyvyan, J. A., Introduction to
spectroscopy, 4th ed., Cengage Learning, (2008).
6. Wall, P. E., Thin Layer Chromatography: A Modern Approach (RSC Chromatography
Monographs), 1st ed., Royal Society of Chemistry, (2005).
7. Deinstrop, E. H., Applied Thin Layer Chromatography, 2nd ed., Wiley-VCH, (2006).
8. Kellener. R, Mermet. J. M., Otto, M., Valcarcel, M., Widmer, H.M., Analytical
Chemistry: A Modern Approach to Analytical Science, Wiley. VCH, (2004)
9. Hollas, J. M., Modern Spectroscopy, 4th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Ltd., England (2004).
Code: CHEM-3106
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will gain understanding about the importance of water and its quality requirements for
the industrial uses in addition to learning about water treatment techniques. They will also learn
about the composite materials.
Course Contents:
Sources of water hardness, water treatment and conditioning for municipal and industrial
purposes, steam production and its utilization for power and energy generation, boiler water
treatment, chemistry involved in the formation of scale and its prevention.
Vapor liquid equilibrium, methods of getting equilibrium data for binary systems, construction of
equilibrium diagram, designing of distillation column, reflux ratio and its importance.
Composite Materials:
Introduction to composite material, classification of composite on the basis of reinforcement
(Particle–Reinforced composite, Fibre–Reinforced composite, structural composites) and
classification of composites on the basis of matrix phase (Polymer–Matrix composite, Metal–
Matrix composite, Ceramics–Matrix composite, Carbon-carbon composite, Hybrid-composite,
Laminar composite, Sandwich panels), synthesis, properties and applications of composite
Recommended Books
1. Erwin D. L., Industrial Chemical Process Design, McGraw-Hill, (2002).
2. Chawla, K. K., Composite Materials: Science and Engineering, 3rd ed., Springer, (2012).
3. Methews, F. L., Rawlings, R. D., Composite Materials: Engineering and Sciences, CRC
Press, (2003).
4. Deborah, D. L., Composite Materials: Science and Applications, 2nd ed., Springer, (2010).
5. Gay, D. and Hoa, S. V., Composite Materials: Design and Applications, 2nd ed., CRC
Press, LLC, (2007).
6. Kister, H., Distillation Operation, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill Professional, (1990).
7. Kister, H., Distillation Design, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill Professional, (1992).
8. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L. and Stensel, H. D., Wastewater Engineering: Treatment
and Reuse, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, (2003).
9. Callister, W. D. Jr., Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7th ed., John-
Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2007).
10. Roussak, O. V. and Gesser, H. D., Applied Chemistry: A Textbook for Engineers and
Technologists, 2nd ed., Springer, (2013).
11. Mizrahi, J., Developing an Industrial Chemical Process: An Integrated Approach, CRC
Press, (2002).
BS 3rd Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding about the theoretical and instrumental as
well as application related aspects of conductometric, and electrochemical techniques and
surface chemistry. They will also acquire information regarding nuclear binding energy, nuclear
instabilities and decay mechanisms, fission and fusion processes.
Ions in solution, measurement of conductance and Kohlrausch’s law, mobility of ions and
transport number, conductometric titrations, Debye-Hückel theory and activity coefficient,
determination of activities, application of conductance measurement.
Redox reactions, spontaneous reactions, electrochemical cells, standard electrode potentials,
liquid junction potential, electrochemical series, Nernst’s equation, thermodynamic of redox
reactions, measurement of pH and pKa, dynamic electrochemistry, Latimer Diagram, Frost
Diagram, electrolytic cells, potentiometry, reference and indicator electrodes, voltammetry, fuel
cells, corrosion and its prevention, fuel cell and hydrogen economy.
Surface Chemistry:
Interfaces, Gibbs surface excess, curved surfaces, capillary action, adsorption and adsorption
isotherms, Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms, catalysis, colloids, emulsion and their
industrial applications.
Nuclear Chemistry:
Atomic nucleus, nuclides, nuclear stability, modes of decay, nuclear energetics, nuclear models
(shell + liquid drop model), fusion and fission, non-spontaneous nuclear processes, nuclear
reactors, beta decay systematic.
Code: CHEM-3206-P
Credit Hours: 1
1. Spectroscopic determination of Cu % in the given sample.
2. Conductometric determination of Cu (II)- EDTA mole ratio in the complex.
3. To determine the effectiveness of an extraction of I2 solution by using Solvent
Extraction method.
4. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity method.
5. Determination of percentage composition of KMnO4/ K2Cr2O7 in a given solution by
6. Evaluation of pKa value of an indicator by spectrometric method.
7. Conductometric determination of hydrolysis constant (Kh) of conjugate base of a weak
Recommended Books:
1. Silbey, R. J., Alberty, R. A. and Bawendi, M. G., Physical Chemistry, 4th ed., John-
Wiley & Sons, (2005).
2. Ball D. W., Physical Chemistry, Brooks/Cole Co. Inc., (2003).
3. Vertes, A., Nagy, S. and Klencsar, Z., Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry. Volume 1: Basics
of Nuclear Science, 1st ed., Springer, (2003).
4. Choppin, G., Liljenzin, J-. O. and Rydberg, J., Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry,
3rd ed., Butterworth- Heinemann, (2002).
5. Loveland, W., Morrisey, D. J. and Seaborg, G. T., Modern Nuclear Chemistry, John-
Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2006).
6. Atkins, P. and Paula, J. D., Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 9th ed., Oxford University Press,
7. Somorjai, G. A. and Li, Y., Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, 2nd ed.,
John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2010).
BS 3rd Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding about aromatic substitution reactions and
oxidation and reduction as well as pericyclic reactions.
Course Contents:
Aromatic Substitution Reactions:
Oxidation-reductions Reactions:
Common oxidizing and reducing reagents, reactions involving elimination of H, cleavage of C-C
bond, replacement of hydrogen by oxygen, and addition of oxygen to substrates, reaction
involving replacement of oxygen by hydrogen, removal of oxygen from the substrates and
reduction with cleavage.
Pericyclic Reactions:
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about various types of inorganic material, their structure,
synthesis, characterization and applications in various fields
Course Contents:
Introduction to inorganic materials, crystalline and amorphous states, bonding in solids, non-
stoichiometric compounds, binary solid solutions, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, dielectric,
optical, and chemical (corrosion) properties of advanced materials, synthesis (e.g., sol-gel,
hydrothermal techniques, etc.) and design of inorganic materials and characterization, doping
and purification of silicone, chemical vapour deposition and sputtering, introduction to nano
Course Contents:
Enzyme-substrate interactions and nature of active site, mechanism of enzyme action with
specific reference to chymotrypsin and ribonuclease, kinetics of single substrate reactions,
enzyme inhibition, regulatory enzymes, Allosteric enzymes, Multienzyme system, zymogens,
and isozymes, enzymatic control of metabolic pathways, immobilized enzymes, synthesis,
properties and uses.
Metabolism of Carbohydrates:
Digestion, Absorption and Transport of sugars into cell, Glycolysis, Citric Acid Cycle, HMP
pathway and its significance, Uronic acid pathway, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenesis,
Glycogenolysis, Photosynthesis.
Metabolism of Lipids:
Digestion of Lipids, absorption and transport of lipids and fatty Acids, Oxidation saturated and
unsaturated, odd chain and branched chain fatty acids, Biosynthesis of fatty acids and
eicosanoids, Biosynthesis of triglycerides, phosphides, steroid and Bitter acids, Biosynthesis and
utilization of Ketone bodies.
Metabolism of Proteins:
Digestion of proteins, absorption and transport of amino acids to the cell, Biochemical reaction
of amino acids: decarboxylation, deamination, transamination and transmetylation etc.,
metabolism of essential amino acids, metabolic disorders, urea cycle, Creatine and uric acid
synthesis, inter-relationship between carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.
Recommended Books
1. Voet, D. and Voet,J.D., Biochemistry, 4th ed., illustrated. Publisher: John-Wiley & Sons
Canada, Limited, (2011). ISBN: 0470917458, 9780470917459.
2. Nelson, D. L. and Cox, M. M., Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry, 6th ed., Freeman,
3. Murray, R., Bender, D., Botham,K.M., Kennely,P.J., Rodwall,V. and Weil, P.A.,
Harper’s Biochemistry, 29th ed., (2012).
4. Zubay, G. L., Biochemistry, 4th ed., illustrated. Publisher: WMC. Brown Publishers,
(1998), digitized, (2008). ISBN: 0697219003. 9780697219008.
5. Guyton, A. C. & Hall, J. E., Guyton & Hall Text Book of Medical Physiology, 12th ed.,
Publishers: Saunders Elsevier, (2011).
6. Plummer, D.T., An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 3rd ed., TATA MCGraw-Hill
Publishing Company LTD, (2010).
7. Sawhney, S. K. and Sing, R., Introductory Practical Biochemistry, 2nd ed., Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, (2005).
8. Robert A. Copeland, Enzymes: A Practical Introduction to Structure, Mechanism, and
Data analysis, 2nd ed., Publishers: John-Wiley & Sons, (2000).
ISBN: 0-471-35929-7
Code: CHEM-3105
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to acquire knowledge and develop understanding about the fundamental
principles of environmental chemistry and different types of pollutions. Such information will be
useful in studying and solving pollution related issues and experiments in the laboratory.
Course Contents:
Atmospheric Pollution: The atmosphere, composition, temperature and pressure profile, role of
free radicals in the atmosphere, temperature inversion and photochemical smog, particulate
matter in the atmosphere, Industrial pollutants, atmospheric aerosols, acid-rain major sources,
mechanism, control measures and effects on buildings and vegetation, global warming, major
greenhouse gases, mechanism, control measures and global impact, the stratospheric ozone–the
ozone hole, CFCs, ozone protection, biological consequences of ozone depletion.
Water Pollution:
Water pollution and waste water treatment, municipal, industrial and agricultural sources of
pollution, heavy metals contamination of water, eutrophication, detergents and phosphates in
water, water quality criteria, water purification: primary, secondary and advanced treatment,
removal of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds from polluted water, organic matter in water
and its decomposition.
Land pollution:
Soil and mineral resources, general principles of metal extraction, heavy metals contamination of
soil, toxicity of heavy metals, bio-accumulation of heavy metals, organic matter in soil, macro
and micro-nutrients in soil, ion-exchange in soil, soil pH and nutrients availability.
Green Chemistry:
Atom economy, integrated pests management control (IPMC), ionic liquids, super critical
extraction technology, green synthesis, recycling, carbon dioxide sequestering, water based
Recommended Books:
1. Baird, C. and Cann, M., Environmental Chemistry, 5th ed., W. H. Freeman & Company,
2. Dara, S. S. and Mihsra, D. D., A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution
Control, 9th ed., S. Chand & Co. Ltd., (2004).
3. Singhi, R. and Singh, V., Green Chemistry for Environmental Remediation, John-Willey
& Sons, Inc., (2011).
4. Holloway, A. M. and Wayne, R. P., Atmospheric Chemistry, 1st ed., Royal Society of
Chemistry, (2010).
5. Vaclavikova, M., Vitale,K., Gallios, G. P. and Ivanicova, L. Water Treatment
Technologies for Removal of High Toxicity Pollutants, Springerlink, UK, ( 2010).
6. Manahan, S. E., Environmental Chemistry, 9th ed., CRC press, Taylor & Francis group,
USA, (2009).
7. Girard, J. E., Principles of Environmental Chemistry,2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett
publishers, (2010).
8. Harrison, R. M., Monks, P., Farmer, J. G., Graham, M. C., Mora, S. J., Pulford, I. and
Hulsal, C., Principles of Environmental Chemistry, 1st ed., Royal Society of Chemistry,
9. Matalack, A., Introduction to Green Chemistry, 2nd ed., CRC press, Taylor & Francis
group, USA, (2010).
10. Wright, J., Environmental Chemistry, Routledge, (2003).
11. O’Neill, P., Environmental Chemistry, 3rd ed., Blackie Academic & Professional, (1998).
12. Elsom, D. M., Atmospheric Pollution: A Global Problem, 2nd ed., Wiley-Blackwell,
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4126
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objective:
Students will acquire know-how and understanding about different mechanisms of inorganic
reactions and their applications towards understanding different types of complexes.
Course Contents:
Classification of reaction mechanisms; rate laws; steady state approximation; inert and labile
complexes; substitution reactions in octahedral complexes and square planar complexes, acid
hydrolysis, base hydrolysis, steric effects of inert ligands, nucleophilic reactivity, trans-effect,
cis-effect, racemization reactions. Mechanism of electron transfer reactions, oxidation reduction
reactions of metal ions, outer and inner sphere mechanisms, factors affecting rate of electron
transfer reactions, two electrons transfer reactions, complementary or non-complementary
electron transfer reactions, oxidative addition, addition of oxygen, hydrogen, HX, organic halides
and bimetallic species Reductive Elimination Reactions.
Recommended Books
1. Huheey, J. E., Keiter, E. A., Keiter, R. L., Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure
and Reactivity, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, (1997).
2. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W., Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press,
3. Wilkins, R. G., Kinetics and Mechanism of Reactions of Transition Metal Complex, 2nd
ed., (Rev.), Wiley-VCH, (1991).
4. Jolly, W. L., Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Company, (1991).
5. Jordan, R. B., Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organomettalic Systems, 2nd ed.,
Oxford University Press, New York, (1998).
6. Atwood, J. D., Inorganic and Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms, 2nd ed., Wiley-
VCH, Inc., (1997).
7. Sharma, S. K., Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Discovery Publishing House, (2007).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4127
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objective:
Student will acquire sound knowledge about π--acceptor ligands and different types of inorganic
Course Contents:
π-Acceptor Ligands:
Introduction to π-acceptor ligands, effective atomic number (EAN) rule and chemistry of metal
carbonyls, nitrosyls, and isocyanides, structure elucidation based on spectroscopic evidences,
applications and uses of metal carbonyls and their derivatives for catalysis and organic synthesis.
Inorganic Polymers:
Introduction to homoatomic and heteroatomic inorganic polymers, chains and cages of boron,
silicon, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur, synthesis and applications, Polyionic species,
Isopoly and heteropoly anions of transition metals, silicates, borates, condensed phosphates,
Recommended Books
1. Brady, J. E., and Sense, F., Chemistry-The Study of Matter and Its Changes, 5th ed.,
Wiley Plus, (2009).
2. Miessler, G. L.,Tarr, D. A., Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall International,
New Jersey, USA, (2010).
3. Douglas, B., McDanial, D., Alexander, J., Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry,
3rd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (1994).
4. Huheey, J. E., Keiter, E. A., Keiter, R. L., Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure
and Reactivity, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, (1997).
5. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W., Langford, C. H., Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., Oxford
University Press, (1994).
6. Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G., Murillo, C. A. and Bochmann, M., Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, 6th ed., Wiley-Interscience, (1999).
7. Atkins, P. and Jones, L., Chemicals Principles: The Quest for Insight, 5th ed., W. H.
Freeman, (2010).
8. Mandelkern, L., An Introduction to Macromolecules, 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, New
York, (1983).
9. Ravve, A., Principles of Polymer Chemistry, 2nd ed., Plenum Publishers, (2000).
10. Crabtree, R. H., The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 5th ed., John-
Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, (2011).
11. Yamamoto, A., Organotransition Metal Chemistry, Prentice Hall, (1992).
12. Billmeyer, F. W., A Text Book of Polymer Science, 3rd., John-Wiley and Sons, (2003).
13. Malmcoim, P.S., Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd ed.,Oxford University Press,
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4128
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire understanding about various types of transitions (e. g. d-d transition, charge
transfer) occurring in transition metal compounds and to characterize new compounds by
application of electronic spectroscopy.
Course Contents:
Electronic States of transition metal complexes, Russel-Sander's coupling scheme, derivation of
term symbols for d1-d10 systems, d-d transitions, connecting atomic states and molecular states,
correlation diagrams, Tanabe -Sugano diagrams, calculation of 10Dq values, High-spin and low-
spin molecules, Jahn-Teller effect, applications of subgroups, selection rules for electronic
transitions in molecules, LMCT and MLCT transitions, some examples involving different
Recommended Books:
1. Yarwood, J., Bazin, P., and Douthwaite, R., Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and
Organometallic Compounds, Volume 42, The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, (2011).
2. Lever, A. B. P., Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, 2nd ed., Elsevier, UK, (1984).
3. Brisdon, A. K., Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods, Oxford University Press, UK, (1998).
4. Solomon, E.I., Inorganic Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy: Methodology, Volume 2,
Wiley, New York, (1999).
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab-I
Code: CHEM-4129
Credit Hours: 1
Course Contents:
1. The resolution of cis-dichlorobis (ethylenediamine) chromium (III) chloride into its optical
2. The preparation and resolution of the tris (ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) ion into its optical
3. Estimation of Al (III) and Fe (III) using 8-hydroxyquinoloine.
4. Estimation of Ni (II) in the presence of Cu (II).
5. Determination of chloride in the presence of iodide and evaluation of Ksp of AgI and AgCl.
6. Determination of dissociation constant Ka for acetic acid.
7. Determination of Ni+2 ions by EDTA (Back titration).
8. Determination of Ca+2 and Zn +2 ions by EDTA (Masking titration).
9. Titration of strong acid and weak acid with a strong base.
10. Precipitation titration involving AgNO3 and KCl.
Recommended Books:
1. Bassett, J., Denny, P. C., Jeffery, G. H., Mendham, J., Vogel’s textbook of Quantitative
Inorganic Analysis, 4th ed., English Language Book Society, (1978).
2. Pass, G., Sutcliffe, H., Practical Inorganic Chemistry: Preparation Reactions and
Instrumental Methods, 2nd ed., Chapman and Hall, (1974).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about C-Hetero atom bond with emphasis on how it is formed
and how it reacts. The importance and applications of compounds containing hetero atom should
also be discussed.
Course Contents:
Aromatic Heterocycles:
Structure, classification and nomenclature; aromaticity; basicity and acidity of the nitrogen
heterocycles; synthesis and reactions, chemistry of furan, pyrrole and thiophene, pyridine;
Organometallic Compounds:
Chemistry of organic compounds containing sulfur, phosphorus, boron and silicon: synthesis,
reactions and application.
Recommended Books:
1. Claydem, J., Greeves,N. and Warren, S., Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed., Oxford University
Press, (2012).
2. Coxon, J. M. Norman, R. O. C., Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd ed., CRC Press,
3. Joule, J. A., Mills, K., Heterocyclic Chemistry, 5th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, UK, (2010).
4. Crabtree, R. H., The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 5th ed., John-
Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, (2009).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4131
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge regarding the rearrangement reactions and their types including
some name reactions, and different intermediates involved in organic reactions. Students are
expected to learn the underlying concepts and synthetic applications.
Course Contents:
Reactive Intermediates:
Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and arynes, their generation, stability,
reactions and synthetic applications.
Rearrangement Reactions:
Recommended Books:
1. Clayden, J., Greeves, N. and Warren, S., Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed., Oxford University
Press, (2012).
2. Coxon, J. M. and Norman, R.O.C., Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd ed., Chapman and
Hall, UK, (1993).
3. Brown, W. H., Fotte, C. S., Iverson, B. L. and Anslyn, E. V., Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
Brooks/Cole Learning, (2012).
4. John, E. M., Organic Chemistry, 8th ed., Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., USA, (2012).
5. Robert, T. M. and Robert, N. B., Organic Chemistry, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4132
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire an adequate knowledge about fundamental and instrumental aspects of
different spectroscopic techniques and will be able to perform structural elucidation of organic
compounds using spectral data.
Course Contents:
Basic concepts, electronic transitions, Lambert-Beer’s law, factors influencing the lambda max
(λmax) values, Woodward rules for calculation of wavelength values.
IR spectroscopy:
Basic concepts, absorption mechanisms, functional group determination and factors affecting the
absorption frequencies.
H-NMR and 13C-NMR:
Chemical shift, factors affecting chemical shift, spin relaxation, spin-spin coupling, coupling
constants, nuclear overhauser effect, 2-D NMR, COSY and HETCOR.
Mass Spectrometry:
Basic concepts; mass spectrometers, ionization techniques, different fragmentation patterns and
structure elucidation, combined usage of IR, UV, NMR and Mass spectrometric data for
structure elucidation of organic compounds having medium complexity.
Recommended Books:
1. Mohan, J., Organic Analytical Chemistry: Theory and Practice, 1st ed.,Alpha Science
Int.Ltd., (2003).
2. Kalsi, P. S., Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, 6th ed., New Age International, New
Delhi, India, (2007).
3. Yadav, L. D. S., Organic Spectroscopy, Springer, UK, (2005).
4. Kemp, W., Organic Spectroscopy, 3rd ed., W. H. Freeman & Company , New York,
USA, (1991).
5. Younas, M., Organic Spectroscopy, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar Lahore, Pakistan,
6. Hollas, J. M., Modern Spectroscopy, 4th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2004).
7. Pavia, D. L., Lampman, G. M., Kriz, G. S. and Vyvyan, J. R., Introduction to
Spectroscopy, 4th ed., Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, (2009).
8. Silverstein, R. M., Webster, F. X. and Kiemle, D., Spectrometric Identification of
Organic Compounds, 7th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2005).
9. Williams, D. H. and Flemming, I., Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, (2008).
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab.I
Code: CHEM-4133
Credit Hours: 1
Course Contents
Recommended Books:
1. Mohan, J., Organic Analytical Chemistry: Theory and Practice, 1st ed.,Alpha Science
Int.Ltd., (2003).
2. Williams, D. H. and Flemming, I., Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.,
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, (2008).
3. Pavia, D. L., Kriz, G. S., Lampman, G. M. and Engel, R. G., A Microscale Approach to
Organic Laboratory Techniques, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Laboratory Series, Cengage
Learning, (2013).
4. Furniss, B. S., Hannaford, A. J., Smith, P. W. G., Tatchell, A. R., Vogel’s Textbook of
Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th edition, Longman, UK, (1989).
BS 4th Year
Electrical double layer, interface, a look into the interface, OHP (Outer Helmholttz Plane) and
IHP (Inner Helmholttz Plane) , contact adsorption, Gibbs Surface Excess, potential differences
across metal solution interfaces, outer and surface potential differences, galvanic potential
difference, electrochemical potential difference, interfacial tension, electro-capillary
thermodynamics, Lippmann’s equation, Helmholtz-perrin model, Gouy-Chapmann model, Stern
model of electrical double layer, and BDM (Bockris-Devanathan-Muller) model, charge density,
differential capacitance, shape of capacitance-charge curve, the Capacitance hump.
Electrochemical devices, charge transfer processes in the absence and presence of electrical field,
the over potential, Butler-Volmer’s equation,the idea of equilibrium exchange current density,
the symmetry factor, high field and low field approximation, Tafel’s equation, cyclic
voltammetry and its applications, Fuel cell, corrosion and its prevention, electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy.
Statistical Thermodynamics:
Description of various systems, Concepts of states, accessible states and distribution, Probability
concepts, Maxwell-Boltzmann’s statistics for the systems of independent particles, Partition
functions, The relationship of partition function to the various thermodynamic functions,
Transitional, vibrational and rotational partitional functions and equilibrium constant, Statistical
thermodynamics, Applications to equilibrium and chemical kinetics, Bose-Einstein’s and Fermi-
Dirac’s statistics.
Recommended Books
1. Gasser, R. P. H., Entropy and Energy Level, Rev. ed., Oxford University Press, New
York, (1986).
2. Wayatt, P. A. H., The Molecular Basis of Entropy and Chemical Equilibrium, Royal
Institute of Chemistry London, UK, (1971).
3. Bockris J. O. M., and Reddy, A. K. N., Modern Electrochemistry:Ionics, Vol. I, 2nd ed.,
Plenum Press, London, (1998).
4. Seddon, J. M. and Gale, J. D., Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Royal Society
of Chemistry, (2001).
5. Engel, T., Reid, P., Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics, 3rd ed.,
Prentice Hall, (2012).
6. Bard, A. J. and Faulkner, L. R., Electrochemical Method:Fundamentals and Applications
2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (2001).
7. Kondepudi D., Introduction to Modern Thermodynamics, John-Wiley & Sons, (2008).
8. Hamann,C.H., Hamnett,A. and Veilstich,W., Electrochemistry, 2nd ed., Wiley-VCH Verla
Gnb H and Co.KGaA, (2007).
9. Braun R. D. and Walters F., Application of Chemical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, (1982)
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4135
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will learn the fundamental principles of polymerization, synthesis methods and reaction
mechanisms, thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the polymerization, and physical and
mechanical properties of polymers. Students will also know about the polymer characterization
techniques and various applications of polymers.
Polymer Chemistry:
Introduction to Polymers, step-growth polymerization, polymer chain growth, kinetics of
polymer chain growth, co-polymerization, emulsion polymerization, natural and inorganic
polymers, physical aspects of polymers, molecular weight of polymers, distribution, averages,
and methods of determination, viscosity, osmometry, light scattering method, diffusion,
sedimentation, optical rotation method, structure of polymer chain, introduction to chain
isomerism, stereochemistry, configurations, and conformations (not in Hiemenz), amorphous
state of polymers, in-depth examination of polymer conformation, microstructure, and dynamics
in the amorphous state, polymer viscoelasticity, stress relaxation, mechanical models of polymer
behavior, time-temperature superposition, polymer rheology, crystalline state of polymers,
crystallization and kinetics, crystalline structures, experimental methods, polymer solutions and
Recommended Books
BS 4th Year
Course Contents:
Quantum Chemistry:
Operators and their properties, Schrõdinger wave equation, particle in a box and a ring, quantum
mechanical tunneling, angular momentum, postulates of quantum mechanics, central field
problem, approximate methods, perturbation methods and variation principle, many electron
systems, treatment of simple harmonic oscillator, diatomic rigid rotor, valence bond and
molecular orbital theories, Hũckel method for pi-electron approximation in aromatic compounds.
Molecular Spectroscopy:
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, symmetry properties of molecules,
microwave and infrared spectroscopy, rotational, vibrational and rotational-vibrational spectra of
diatomic and polyatomic molecules, electronic spectra of simple molecules, nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy.
Recommended Books
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab-I
Code: CHEM-4137
Credit Hours: 1
Course Contents
1. Determination of partial molar properties.
2. Determination of free energy changes, standard free energies.
3. Verification of Kohlrausch’s law.
4. Study of temperature dependence of electrode potentials.
5. Determination of heat of solution, ionic reactions and other experiments from
6. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity method.
7. Precipitation value of electrolytes.
8. Measurement of IR spectra of simple compound and their interpretation.
9. Measurement of cyclic voltammogram of an organic compound and its interpretation.
10. Determination of dipole moment of an organic liquid.
11. Determination of percentage composition of KMnO4-K2Cr2O7 in given solution by
12. Evaluation of pKa value an indicator by spectrometric method.
13. Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles and their characterization using IR and XRD
Recommended Books
1. Garland, C. W., Shoemaker, D. P., and Nibler, J. W., Experiments in Physical Chemistry,
8th ed., McGraw-Hills, New York, (2003)
2. James, A. M., Prichard, F. E., Practical Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall Press,
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4138
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about theoretical aspects and instrumentation of different
atomic spectroscopic methods as well as learn about the applications of these techniques in the
field of chemical sciences.
Course Contents:
Flame Photometry:
Origin and classification of atomic spectroscopic methods, origin of atomic spectrum, position of
the signal, intensity of the signal, spectral line width, principle of flame photometry, fate of the
sample in the flame, flame and its characteristics,instrumentation for flame photometry, merits
and limitations.
Recommended Books
1. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (2006).
2. Harris, D. C., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company,
New York, (2011).
3. Kealey, D. and Haines, P. J., BIOS Instant Notes in Analytical Chemistry, Bios Scientific
Publishers Limited, Oxford, UK, (2002).
4. Sharma, B. K., Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 24th ed., Goel Publishing
House, Meerut, India, (2005).
5. Skoog, D. A. and West., D. M., Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th ed., Hot
Reinehart Inc., London, (2008).
6. Ebdon,L., Evaus, E.H, Fischer, A., and Hill, S.J., An Introduction to Analytical Atomic
Spectrometry, John Wiley & Sons, England. (1998).
7. Bernhard Welz, Michael Sperling, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, 3rd ed., Wiley-VCH,
Germany, (1998).
8. Farrukh, M. A., Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, InTech, (2012).
9. Kellner, R., Mermet,J.M, Otto,M., Valcarcel, M., Widmer, H.M., Analytical Chemistry :
A Modern Approach to Anlytical Science, Wiley-VCH,(2004)
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4139
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire sound knowledge regarding the theoretical, instrumental as well as
application related aspects of different electroanalytical techniques
Course Contents:
Electrode potential, Nernst equation and its use for measuring half-cell potential, different kinds
of electrodes including glass and calomel electrodes, working of potentiometer and its
applications including pH measurements, Ion selective electrode systems, Ion exchange
membrane electrode, solid state membrane electrodes, and bio-membrane electrodes,
Potentiometric titrations.
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the principles and instrumentation of advanced
chromatographic techniques namely GLC, HPLC and capillary electrophoresis along with their
applications in different fields such as food, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, environmental and
other industrial sectors.
Course Contents:
General principle, sample preparation, separation process (normal phase and reverse phase
separation), instrumentation, method development and applications.
Capillary electrophoresis:
Theory and principle of CE, mobility, electro-osmotic flow separation by CE, instrumentation,
modes of operation, applications.
Recommended Books
1. Skoog, D. A., West, P. M., Holler, F. J. and Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, 9th ed., Cengage Learning, (2013).
2. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (2004).
3. Kealey, D. and Haines, P. J., BIOS Instant Notes in Analytical Chemistry, 1st ed., Taylor
& Francis, (2002).
4. Sharma, B.K. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 24th ed., Goel Publishing
House, Meerut, India, (2005).
5. Grob, R. L., Eugene, F. Barry, Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography, 4th ed., John-
Wiley & Sons, USA, (2004).
6. Kellner, R., Mermet, J-. M., Otto, M., Valcarcel, M. and Widmer, H. M., Analytical
Chemistry: A Modern Approach to Analytical Science, Wiley-VCH, (2004).
7. Meyer, V. R., Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, 5th ed., John-Wiley
& Sons, Ltd., (2010).
8. Lindsay, S., High Performance Liquid Chromatography, 2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons,
Ltd., (1992).
9. Braitwaite, A. and Smith, F. J., Chromatographic Methods, 5th ed., Kluwer Academic
Publishers, (1999).
10. Miller, J. M., Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts, 2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons,
Inc., (2005).
11. Camilleri, P., Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed., CRC Press,
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab-I
Code: CHEM-4141P
Credit Hours: 1
Course Objectives:
1. Separation of hydrocarbons using GLC, Separation of essential oils, fatty acids,
2. To determine pKa values for the given samples of weak acids by potentiometric method.
3. Quantitative determination of sodium hydroxide by potentiometric titration.
4. Preparation of buffer solutions of definite pH.
5. Electrogravimetric determination of copper in given samples.
6. Study of thermal decomposition of copper sulfate pentahydrate and calcium oxalate
Recommended Books
1. Harris, D. C., Quantitative Chemical Analysis., 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company,
New York, (2011).
2. Braitwaite, A. and Smith, F. J., Chromatographic Methods, 5th ed., Kluwer
3. Camilleri, P., Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed., CRC Press,
4. Weinberger, R., Practical Capillary Electrophoresis, 2nd ed., Academic Press, (2000).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4142
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the fundamental biochemical and molecular aspects of
endocrinology and chemistry of blood and other extracellular fluids.
Course Contents:
General introduction, chemical nature of hormones, common characteristics, mode of action of
hormones, hormones receptors, chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism and biological functions of
pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreatic and gonadal hormones, hormones of GIT,
renal and pineal Glands.
Recommended books
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the structural and functional features of DNA and RNA.
Course Contents:
DNA: the primary genetic material, structure, replication in prokaryotes and comparison with
eukaryotes, DNA sequencing, chemical synthesis of polynucleotides, DNA repair and
Different types of RNA and their role in protein synthesis, transcription and its regulation,
genetic code, post transcriptional processing, structure of transfer RNA, protein synthesis
inhibitors, control of translation, post translational modification, plasmids, bacteriophage and
cosmids, invitro mutagenesis, deletion, insertion and substitution, recombinant DNA and genetic
Recommended Books
1. Watson, J. D., Baker, A. T., Bell, S. P., Gann A., Levine, M. and Losick, M. R.,
Molecular Biology of the Gene, 7th ed., Benjamin Cummings, (2013).
2. Watson, J. D., Myers, R. M., Caudy A. A., and Witkowski, J. A., Recombinant DNA:
Genes and Genome. A Short Course, 3rd ed., W. H. Freeman, (2006).
3. Krabs, J., Genes X 10th ed., Jones and Bartlett Learning, (2011).
4. Alberts, B., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th ed., Publisher: Garland Science, (2008).
ISBN: 0815341113, 9780815341116.
5. Brown, T.A., Genomes 3, 3rd ed., Publisher: Garland Science Publishing, (2007). ISBN:
0815341385, 9780815341383.
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4144
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will gain knowledge and in depth understanding about the fundamental biochemical
techniques such as extraction, purification, fractionation and centrifugation being applicable for
macromolecules separation as well as those techniques which are used for characterization of
Course Contents:
Extraction, Fractionation and Purification of Macrobiomolecules:
Homogenization, solubilization and concentration including ultrasonication, lyophilization and
ultradecantation, purification based on differential solubility techniques, ion-exchange
chromatography, gel chromatography, affinity chromatography, paper & thin layer
chromatography and HPLC.
Paper and gel electrophoresis, two-dimensional electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis.
Preparative and analytical electrofocusing.
Principle, preparative centrifugation, application of density gradient and differential
centrifugation, ultracentrifugation sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity
methods, application of analytical centrifugation.
Tracer techniques:
Detection and measurement of radioactivity, application of radioisotopes in biological system.
Course Contents:
1. Estimation of water soluble vitamin-C and fat soluble vitamin-D.
2. Estimation and kinetics studies of amylase and peroxidases.
3. Estimation of total protein in egg.
4. Characterization of proteins by SDS-PAGE.
5. Isolation and characterization of DNA by Agarose gel electrophoresis.
Recommended Books
1. Boyer, R., Modern Experimental Biochemistry, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Inc., (2009).
ISBN: 978-81-7758-884-2.
2. Shankara, Y. M.S., Laboratory Manual for Practical Biochemistry, 1st ed., Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., India, (2008). ISBN: 978-81-8448-259-1.
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge and technical know-how about sugar manufacturing industry,
starch production industry and leather tanneries.
Sugar Industry:
Scope of sugar industry, Manufacture of raw sugar from cane and beet, Refining of raw sugar,
Methods of clarification of cane juice and chemistry involved in the clarification processes,
Defecation Remelt Carbonation (DRC), Defecation Remelt Sulphitation (DRS), Defecation
Remelt Phosphitation (DRP) and Double Carbonation Double Sulphitation (DCDS), Utilization
of by-products of sugar industry.
Starch Industry:
Scope of starch industry, Raw materials for starch production, Manufacture of starch from
various raw materials such as corn, rice, wheat, potatoes, Industrial applications of starch,
Chemistry involved in the conversion of starch, Synthesis of d-glucose and dextrin from starch.
Leather Industry:
Leather, gelatin and adhesives, Preparation of hides, Methods of tanning, vegetable and chrome
tanning processing of leather, Production of glue and gelatin.
Recommended Books
1. Rao,G.P., Mogarey, R.C., Solomn, S., Rewal,S.S. and Li,Y-., Sugar Cane:Production
Managemnet and Agro-Industrial Imperatives, Ibdc Publisher, (2005).
3. Kent, J. A., Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, 10th ed., Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers, (2003).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about various fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides used in
agriculture sector as well as know about the environmental pollution and its protection.
Classification of pesticides, formulation and toxicity of pesticides, future trends of pest control,
control of weeds, household agrochemicals, plant growth regulators and background chemistry,
hazards associated with the use of agrochemicals and environmental aspects.
Sources of air, water and soil pollution, Industrial waste control for the protection of
environment, modern trends of waste management.
Recommended Books
2. Manahan, S. E., Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry, 2nd ed., CRC Press, (2001).
6. Kumar,A., Industrial Pollution: Problems and Solution, Daya Publishing House, India,
7. Kent, J. A., Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, 10th ed., Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers, (2003).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge for extraction, production and processing oil, fats and waxes.
They will also gain knowledge about soap and detergent industries as well as surface coating
Raw materials for paints and pigments, classification and properties of surface-coating
constituents, classification and manufacture of pigments, production of paints, varnishes,
distempers, enamels and lacquers, chemistry involved in the drying phenomena of paints, drying
oils for paint and classification of drying oils.
Recommended Books
1. Vermani,O.P, Narula, A.K, Applied Chemistry,Theory and Practice, 2nd ed.,New Age
4. Bockisch M., Fats and Oils Handbook, American oil Chemists and Society, (1998).
5. Gunstone F., Oils and Fats in Food Industry, Wiley Black Well, (2008).
6. Gunstone F., Vegetable Oil in Food Technology: Composition, Properties and Uses,
John-Wiley & Sons, (2011).
7. Lambourme,R., Strivens, T.A., Paint and Surface Coatings: Theory and Practice,2nded.,
Woodhead Publishing Limited, (1999).
8. Board.B, Paint, Pigment, Solvent, Coating, Emulsion, Paint additives and formulations,
Engineers India Research Incorporation, (2008).
9. Kent, J. A., Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, 10th ed., Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers, (2003).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
The practical design for this course code will polish the psychomotor skills of students and
enable them to acquire acquire knowledge about various industrial preparation fertilizers,
pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture sector as well as know about the environmental
pollution and its protection.
Recommended Books
1. Roger’s Industrial Chemistry. Von Norstand Co. N. Y.
2. Reigel’s Handbook of industrial chemistry. Von Norstand Reeinhold Co. N. Y.
3. Chemical Process Industries by Shreve and Dum. McGraw Hill.
4. An introduction to industrial organic chemistry by Wiseman. App. Sci. Publ.
5. Practical chemistry by O.P. Pandey , D.N. Bajpai, S. and S. Giri (S. Chand & Company
limited, Ramnagar, New Delhi-110055.
6. Concise Engineering Chemistry, Neetu Goel and Sanjay Kumar, AITBS Publisher and
distributor (Krishan Nagar, Delhi.).
7. Chemical Engineering series, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc. ISBNO-07-112 721-6 Vogels
Text book of Inorganic analysis 4th edition revised by J. Bassett. ELBS William Clowes
Limited Beccles and London.
8. Vogel’s Textbook of Qantitative chemical analysis 6th edition., J.Mendham, RC Denney, JD
Barnes, MJK Thmas. The School of Chemical and Life Sciences University of Greenwich
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
The students will acquire knowledge about environmentally friendly utilization of coal and how
to extract maximum energy and convert coal in to a variety of highly demanding chemicals used
as feed stock in a number of Industries.
Course Contents:
Coal: Composition, structure, coalification and classification of coal, ASTM international and
coal Standards. Use of coal in different industries like power generation, steel and other
metallurgical operations. Coal exploration, mining and mining risk handling, pretreatment and
preparation of coals. Innovations in coal using industry.
Environmental Aspects: Pollution problems associated with coal combustion, mining and flue
Gasification: Thermodynamics, kinetics and catalytic aspects of coal gasification, fixed bed
gasifier, fluidized bed gasifier, transport reactor, liquid medium gasifier and underground
gasification. Gas upgrading by carbon monoxide shift, gas purification, methanation and
dehydration, properties and processing of gaseous fuels, environmental consideration.
Recommended Books:
1. Wen, C.Y. and Stanley, E. Coal conversion Technology, Addison-Wesley, New York.
2. Probstein, R.F and Hicks, R.E. Synthetic Fuels, McGraw Hill, New York. (1982).
3. Francis, W. Fuels and Fuel Technology, Pergamon Press, London. (1980).
4. Merick, D. Coal Combustion and Conversion Technology, McMillan Ltd., London (1984).
5. Berkowitz, N. The Chemistry of Coal, Elsevier Amsterdam. (1985).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
The students will acquire knowledge about the modern refining operations for maximum
recovery of petroleum products and to get knowledge using crude petroleum and its distillate
products in commercial manufacture of highly demanding petrochemicals.
Course Contents:
Petroleum: Composition, properties and classification of crude oils, oil shale and tar sands.
Preparation, structure and properties of cracking and reforming catalysts. Mechanism of cracking
and reforming. Effect of operating conditions on cracking and reforming products.
Hydroforming and desulphurisation of petroleum products.
Petrochemicals: Ethylene production by thermal cracking from ethane. Propane and naphtha.
Petrochemicals from oxidation processes. Production of petrochemicals from halogenation
processes. Hydrogenation of benzene, fats, and adiponitrite, nitration of benzene and toluene,
sulphonation of benzene and toluene, alkylation of aromatics.
Recommended Books:
1 Hobson, G.D. Modern Petroleum Technology, Part 2, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2 Gates,B.C, Katzer, J.R and Schuit, G.C.A. Chemistry of Catalytic Processes, McGraw
Hill Book company, London (1979).
3 List, H.L. Petrochemical Technology, Printice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
4 Goodger, E.M. Hydrocarbon Fuels, Union Brothers Ltd, London. (1975).
5 Maleev, V.L. Internal Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill Book Company London,
6 Hughes, J.R., and Swindells, N.S. Storage and Handling of Petroleum Liquids, Charless
Griffin and Company Ltd, London. (1987).
7 Wiseman, P. An Introduction to Industrial Organic Chemistry, Wiley Interscience, New
York (2001).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
The students will acquire knowledge of the physicochemical and instrumental analysis of fuels
Course Contents:
Physicochemical: Determination and data interpretation using ASTM methods of API Gravity,
Flash Point, Pour Point, Analine Point, Distillation behaviors, Octane no. Cetane number and
Analytical Methods: Analytical methods in the production of analytes and quality assurance of
fuels using GC-FID, GC-MS, Calorimetry, Atomic absorption, ICP.
Recommended Books:
1. Ewing, G.W. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, McGraw Hill, London. (1985).
2. Chrisition, G.D. Instrumental Analysis, Allyn and Bacon, Inc, Boston, London. (1986).
3. Kagler, S.H. Spectroscopic and Chromatographic Analysis of Mineral Oils, John, Wiley
and Sons, New York. (1983).
4. Karr. C. Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products, Academic Press, New York.
5. Harker, J.H. and Backurst, J.R. Fuel and Energy, Academic Press, London and New
York (1988).
6. Skooge, D.A.Instrumental Analysis, Sanat Printer, Indian Edition, 2009.
BS 4th Year
Recommended Books:
1. Speight, J. G Handbook of Petroleum Analysis Wiley-Interscience, (2002)
2. Speight, J. G. Handbook of Coal Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, (2005)
3. ASTM, 2000, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing and
Materials, West Consbohockm, PA, USA
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about chemistry of organometallics especially with reference to
their types and bonding, and reactivity of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis.
Course Contents:
Fundamentals of organometallic compounds, types of bonding in organometallics, single, double
and triple bonds to carbon (compound types, acyls, alkylidene complexes and alkylidyne
complexes), delocalized hydrocarbon systems (alkenes, olefins, allyl and butadienes), alkyne
complexes, cyclic π-complexes (five and six membered rings). Homogeneous catalytic
hydrogenation, dimerization, oligomerization, polymerization, hydroformylation of olefins,
catalytic polymerization of acetylenes. Insertion reactions and uses of organometallic compounds
in organic synthesis.
Recommended Books
1. Powell, P., Principles of Organometallics Chemistry, 2nd ed., Springer, (1998).
2. Yamamoto A., Organotransition Metal Chemistry: Fundamental Concepts and
Applications, 1st ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1986).
3. Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G., Murillo, C. A., Bochmann M., Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, 6th ed., Wiley-Intersceince, New York, (1999).
4. Miessler, G. L., Fisher, P. J. and Tar, D, A., Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Prentice Hall,
5. Douglas, B., McDaniel, D. and Alexander, J., Concepts and Models of Inorganic
Chemistry, 3rd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1994).
6. Haiduc, I. and Zuckerman, J. J., Basic Organometallic Chemistry, Walter De Gruyter
Inc., (1985).
7. Jolly, W. L., Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Company, (1991).
8. Porterfield, W. W., Inorganic Chemistry: A Unified Approach, 2nd ed., Academic Press,
9. Vincet, A., Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory: 2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,
10. Malik, W. U., Tuli, G. D., Madan, R. D., Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry, S.
Chand and Co. Ltd., (2010).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4227
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about magnetic properties from chemistry point of view and
group theory.
Course Contents:
Symmetry and Group Theory:
Symmetry and group theory, point groups, multiplication tables, group representation and
development of character tables. Introduction to the interpretation of spectra and structure
Recommended Books
1. Douglas, B., McDaniel, D., Alexander, J., Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry,
3rd ed., John-Wiley & Sons Inc., (1997).
4. Miessler, G. L., Fisher, P. J. and Tar, D, A., Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Prentice Hall,
6. Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G., Murillo, C. A., Bochmann, M., Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, 6th ed., Wiley-Intersceince, New York, (1999).
7. Jolly, W. L., Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Company, (1991).
8. Carter, R. L., Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, 1st ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, (1997).
9. Orchin, M., Jaffe, H. H., Symmetry, Orbitals, and Spectra, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, (1971).
10. McWeeny, R., Symmetry: An Introduction to Group Theory and its Applications, Dover
Publications, Inc., (2002).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4228
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about radio and nuclear chemistry and nuclear reactions.
Course Contents:
Fundamentals and applied aspects of radioactivity and nuclear chemistry. types and
characteristics of nuclear radiation, structure of nucleus, half-life, nuclear binding energy, and
artificial radioactivity, fission and fusion reactions, acceleration of charged particles and
applications of radioisotopes.
Recommended Books
1. Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J. W., Miller, J. M. and Maciuas, E. S., Nuclear and
Radiochemistry, 3rd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1981).
2. Choppin, G. R., Rydberg, J., Liljenzin, J., Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, 3rd
ed., Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., (2002).
3. Arnikar, H. J., Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th ed., New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
Publishers, (1996).
4. Naqvi, I. I. and Farrukh, M. A., Radiotracers in Chemical Applications VDM Verlag Dr.
Müller, Germany, (2010).
5. McNeese, T. J., & Ezbiansky, K. A. (1996). Photochemical preparation and reactivity of cis-
Cr(CO)4(CH3CN)2. Journal of Chemical Education, 73, 548–550.
6. Miessler, G. L., & Spessard, G. O. (1991). Organometallic chemistry – A course designed for
sophomore chemistry students. Journal of Chemical Education, 68, 16–18.
8. Spessard, G. O., & Miessler, G. L. (1996). Organometallic chemistry. Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
9. Szafran, Z., Pike, R. M., & Singh, M. M. (1991). Microscale inorganic chemistry. New York:
John Wiley & Sons.
10. ZAVIX Holzbecher and other, Hand Book of Organic reagents in Inorganic Analysis Ellis
Hurwod Limited, London. (1976)
11. J. Bassett, R. C. Denny, G. H. Jeffery and J. Mendham, Vogel’s Text Book of qualitative
Inorganic Analysis, the English Language Book Society and Longman, New York, (2008)
12. James S. Pritz, George H. Sehenk, Quantitative Analysis Chemistry, Alby and Becon Inc.
London. (2001)
13. Pass, G., Sutcliffe, H., Practical Inorganic Chemistry: Preparation Reactions and
Instrumental Methods, 2nd ed., Chapman and Hall, (1974).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4230
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about different types of natural products with emphasis on their
structure, synthesis and applications.
Course Contents:
Study of cholesterol and steroidal hormones with emphasis on their structure and biosynthesis.
1. Dewick, P. M., Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, 3rd ed., Medicinal
Natural Products, John-Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (2009).
4. Shahidi, F. and Naczk M., Phenolics in Food and Nutraceuticals, CRC Press, (2004).
6. Finar, I. L., Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2, Stereochemistry and the Chemistry of Natural
Products, 5th ed., Pearson Education Ltd., Delhi, (2008).
7. Hesse, M., Alkaloid Chemistry, John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (1981).
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding to design protocols for synthesis of small to
medium sized organic compounds and be able to carry out retrosynthetic analysis, and propose
alternative reactions to synthesize a compound.
Course Contents:
Principles and importance of organic synthesis, Introduction to reterosynthesis and disconnection
approach, synthesis of aromatic compounds; one and two group carbon C-X disconnections,
donor and acceptor synthons, C-C disconnections and 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-, 1,5- and 1,6-
difunctionalized compounds, synthesis of cyclic compounds (3-6 membered), chemo-, regio- and
Synthetic strategies:
Functional group protection: hydroxyl, amino, carbonyl, carboxylic, sulfanyl, C=C, solid phase
synthesis, phase-transfer catalysis.
Recommended Books
1. Warren, S. and Wyatt, P., Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection
Approach, 2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2010).
2. Fox, M. A. and Whitsell, J. K., Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Jones & Bartlett Publishers
3. Clayden, J., Greeves, N., and Warren, S., Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed., Oxford University
Press, New York, (2012).
4. Loudon, M., Organic Chemistry, 5th ed., Roberts Company Publishers, (2009).
5. Smith, J. G., Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, (2010).
6. Norman, R. O. C. and Coxon, J. M., Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd ed., CRC Press,
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4232
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge and learn about the nature, types and properties of drugs and
medicines, and the role of an organic chemist in drug designing and drug discovery.
Course Contents:
Chemistry of biomolecules; introduction to drugs and drug discovery, sources of therapeutic
agents, structure activity relationship (SAR), drug-receptor interaction, , drug formulation and its
methods, different types of drugs; chemistry and modes of action of some common drugs.
Recommended Books
1. Paul, M. D., Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, 3rd ed., Medicinal
Natural Products, John-Wiley & Sons, Ltd, (2009).
2. Wolff, M. E., Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry, 4th ed., Part III, John-Wiley & Sons, New
York, (2006).
3. Williams, D. A. and Lemke, T. L., Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 6th ed.,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York, (2008).
4. D. Sriram, P. Vogeeswari, Medicinal Chemistry, 2nd ed., BITS Pilani, Pearson, Publisher:
Darling Kindernley, India, (2010).
5. Carins D., Essential of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Pharmaceutical Press, London,
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab-II
Code: CHEM-4233P
Credit Hours: 1
Course Contents
Experiments based on isolation of natural products from plants are recommended. These may
include isolation of caffeine from tea, isolation of nicotine from tobacco, isolation of carvone
from mint, isolation of limonene from orange peels, isolation of piperine from black pepper, etc.
Experiments involving multi-step synthesis may also be included, such as the synthesis of methyl
Literature survey for Laboratory work is to be carried out during the course of studies.
Recommended Books
1. Clarke, H. T., A Handbook of Organic Analysis-Qualitative and Quantitative, John-
Wiley & Sons, New York, (2007).
2. Mann, F. G. and Saunders, B. C., Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., Longman,
London, (1960).
3. Vogel, A. I., Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part 3: Quantitative Organic
Analysis, Longman, London, (1987).
4. Furniss, B. S., Hannaford, A. J., Smith, P. W. G. and Tatchell, A. R., Vogel’s Text Book
of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th ed., National Book Foundation, Islamabad, (2008).
5. Shriner, R. L., Hermann, C. K. F., Morrill, T. C., Curtin, D. Y. and Fuson, R. C., The
Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds, 7th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, (1997).
6. Mendham, J., Denney, R. C., Barnes, J. D. and Thomas, M. J. K., Vogel’s Text Book of
Chemical Analysis, Prentice Hall, (2000).
7. Beckett, A. H. and Stenlake, J. B., Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Part II, 4th ed.,
Continuum International Publishing Group, (1988).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge and learning about reaction dynamics and kinetic theories. They
will also know about the factors which can influence the rates of reactions under different
reaction conditions.
Reaction Dynamics:
Correlation between physical properties and concentration, Kinetics of the complex reactions,
reversible, parallel, consecutive bimolecular reactions, Theory of absolute reaction rate,
Lindemann’s theory of unimolecular reactions, bimolecular collision theory, transition state
theory, comparison of collision and absolute reaction theories, Potential energy surfaces,
Thermodynamic formulation of reaction rates, Calculation of entropy and enthalpy changes,
Thermal decomposition of nitrogen pentaoxide.
Reactions in solutions:
Influence of ionic strength on the reaction rate, effect of dielectric constant of the medium on the
rate of the reaction, single sphere activated complex model, double sphere activated complex
model, complex reactions, chain reactions, single chain carrier with second order breaking, one
chain carrier with first order breaking, two chain carrier with second order breaking,
experimental techniques for fast reactions.
Recommended Books
1. Espenson, J. H., Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill,
London (2002).
2. Connors, K. A., Chemical Kinetics: The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution, VCH
Publishers, Inc., (1990).
3. Silbey, R. J., Alberty, R. A. and Bawendi, M. G., Physical Chemistry, 4th ed., John-
Wiley & Sons, (2005).
4. Atkins, P. and Paula, J. D., Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 9th ed., Oxford University Press,
5. Houston, P. L., Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics, Dover Publications, (2006).
6. Levine, R., Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, (2005).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will learn about the mechanisms of radiation induced chemical changes in
molecules, radiation dosimetery and applications of the radiation chemistry. They should
also know about radioactive decays, and how radioisotopes are produced and applied in
Mössbauer spectroscopy. Students should also learn the principles of fluorescence,
phosphorescence and other photochemical processes, and their applications.
Course Contents:
Radiation Chemistry:
Development and advancement in radiation chemistry, radiation dosimetry, Fricke dosimeter,
dosimetry in pulse radiolysis, energy states in radiation chemistry, excited states, fragmentation,
pre-dissociation, photochemical decay, ions and electrons, radiolysis of gases, liquids, solids,
frozen liquids and ions in radiation chemistry, recent application of radiation chemistry.
Principles of photochemistry, laws of photochemistry, Einstein’s law of photochemical
equivalence, rates of intramolecular processes, chemical reactions and quantum yields with
examples, energy transfer in photochemical reaction, quantum yield of emission process
radiation and nonradiation process, kinetics and quantum yields of radiative and nonradiative
process (fluorescence, phosphorescence, inter-system crossing, internal conversion, quenching)
and Stern-Volmer reactions, photosensitized reactions.
Recommended Books
1. Spinks, J. W. T. and Woods, R. J., An introduction to Radiation Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley
Inter Si. Pub., USA, (1990).
2. Aziz, F. and Rodgers, M. A. J., Radiation Chemistry Principles and Applications, 1st ed.,
VCH Publishers, Inc., (1987).
3. Choppin, G., Liljenzin, J-O., Rydberg, J., Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, 3rd ed.,
Butterworth-Heinemann, (2002).
4. Mostafavi, M., Douki, T., Radiation Chemistry:From Basic to Applications in Material
and Life Sciences, EDP Science, (2008).
5. Dunkin, I., Photochemistry, Vol. 36, RSC Publishing, (2007).
6. Dickson, D. P. E., Berry, F. J., Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Cambridge University Press,
7. Scaglia, B., The Fundamentals: An Understanding of Photochemistry, Biblio Bazaar,
8. Konya, J. and Nagy, N. M., Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 1st ed., Elsevier, (2012).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the important physical and chemical aspects of nano and
colloidal systems and the basics of thermodynamically and kinetically stabilized nanoparticles
and colloidal solutions. They will also learn about the surfactant chemistry, characterization
methods and applications of nanoparticles and colloidal solutions.
Course Contents:
Colloid and Surface Chemistry:
Colloidal solutions, catalyst preparation methods, industrial catalysts, emulsion, surfactant,
nanoscale chemistry, nanomaterials and their applications, dimensional control in nanostructures,
macromolecular surface films, charged films and Langmuir-Blodgett layers, characterization
methods and applications.
Solid surfaces, surface structures, clean surface structures, gas solid interface, thermodynamics
of adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, kinetic and mechanisms of catalyzed reactions,
adsorption at liquid surfaces, chemisorption, physiosorption and dynamics, enzymatic catalysis,
organized molecular assemblies, experimental probes for surface and adsorbent structures,
scanning probe techniques, low energy electron diffraction (LEED), electron spectroscopy, and
other surface analysis techniques.
Recommended Books
1. Hunter, R. J., Introduction to Modern Colloid Science, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1994).
2. Poole, C. P. and Owens, F. J., Introduction to Nanotechnology, 1st ed., Wiley-Interscience,
3. Klabunde, K. J., Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2003).
4. Kolunsiki, K. W., Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience, 3rd ed., John-
Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (2012).
5. Adamson, A. W. and Gast, A. P., Physical chemistry of Surfaces, 6th ed., Wiley-Interscience,
6. Atkins, P. and Paula, J. D., Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th ed., Oxford University Press, (2006).
7. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, (2004).
BS 4th Year
Course Contents
Recommended Books
1. Halpern, A., McBane, G., Experimental Physical Chemistry: A Laboratory Textbook, 3rd
ed., W. H. Freeman, (2006).
2. Palmer, W. G., Experimental Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press,
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4238
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about the theoretical and instrumental aspects of luminescence
spectroscopy and thermal techniques of analysis in addition to learning about their applications.
Course Contents:
Luminescence Spectrophotometry:
Recommended Books
1. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry. 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York, (2006).
2. Harris, D. C., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, New
York, (2011).
3. Braun, R. D., Introduction to Chemical Analysis, International Student Edition, (1985).
4. Haines, P. J., Whitby, On Canada Mcgraw Hill Ltd., Thermal Methods of Analysis
Principles, Applications and Problems, 1st ed., Springer, (1995).
5. Lakowicz, J. R., Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3rd ed., Springer (2006).
6. Gabbot, P., Principles & Applications of Thermal Analysis, Wiley-Blackwell, (2007).
7. Brown, M. E., Introduction to Thermal Analysis: Techniques and Applications, 2nd ed.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2001).
8. Skoog, D. A., West, D. M. and Holler, F. J. and Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, 8th ed., (Int.), Cengage Learning, (2004).
9. Burgess, C. and Jones, D. G., Spectrophotometry, Luminescence and Colour; Science and
Compliance, Vol. 6, Elsevier Science, (1995).
BS 4th Year
Code: CHEM-4239
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about different nuclear analytical techniques with special
emphasis on the theoretical, instrumental and applications
Course Contents:
Radiotracer techniques, choice of radiotracers, factors affecting choice of radiotracers, isotope
dilution analysis (IDA), principle and equation, instrumentation, applications, advantages and
limitations, sub-stoichiometric isotope dilution analysis (SIDA), activation analysis (AA),
principle of NAA, neutron sources, interferences, sensitivity and detection limits, classification,
instrumentation, applications, advantages and limitations, comparison of NAA and IDA with
other methods, radiometric titrations (RT), procedure, advantages and limitations, radio
chromatography and radioimmunoassay.
Recommended Books
1. Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J. W., Macias, E. S. and Miller. M. J., Nuclear and
Radiochemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley, New York, (1981).
2. Arnikan, H. J., Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th ed., New Age International Pvt.
3. Harvey, B. G., Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall Inc., (1969).
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about sample preparation, derivations and analysis of different
types of foods, pharmaceuticals and forensics.
Course Contents:
Food Products:
Introduction to food analysis, sampling of food, general methods of analysis. Analysis of milk,
butter, wheat flour, meat, beverages, tea, coca, honey and soft drinks.
Classification of drugs, tests for analysis of different pharmaceuticals, introduction to US and
British pharmacopeia.
History and scope of Forensic Science, Forensic Ethics, Forensic Toxicology. Classification and
analysis of narcotics & dangerous drugs, examination of crime scene evidences, fingerprinting,
skeletal material to provide scientific opinion for legal.
Recommended Books
1. Skoog, D. A., West, D. M. and Holler, F. J., Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7th
ed., Saunders College Publishing, (1995).
2. Christian, G. D., Analytical Chemistry, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., 6th ed., (2004).
3. Eckert, W. G., Introduction to Forensic Science, 2nd ed., CRC Press, (1997).
4. Nielsen, S. S., Food Analysis, 4th ed., Springer, (2010).
5. Thomas, G., Medicinal Chemistry: An Introduction, 2nd ed., John-Wiley & Sons, (2007).
6. Kobilinsky, L. F., Forensic Chemistry Handbook, 1st ed., John-Wiley & Sons, USA,
7. Watson, D. G., Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Textbook for Pharmacy Students and
Pharmaceutical Chemists, Elsevier, (2012).
8. Stuart H. Barbara, “Forensic Analytical Techniques”, 1st ed., John-Wiley & Sons,
9. Jackson, A. R. W. and Jackson, J. M., Forensic Science, 2nd ed., Pearson Education,
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab-II
Code: CHEM-4241P
Credit Hours: 1
Course Contents
Recommended Books
1. Latimer, Jr., G. W., AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, 19th ed., (2012).
2. Ranganna, S., Handbook of Analysis & Quality Control for Fruits & Vegetables, 2nd ed.,
TATA McGraw-Hill Education, (1986).
3. Stuart H. Barbara, “Forensic Analytical Techniques”, 1st ed., John-Wiley & Sons,
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will learn about fundamentals of microbiology and immunology as well as the related
disorders such as microbial borne infectious diseases, allergy, inflammation, and hypertension
and their control.
Course Contents:
Fundamentals of Microbiology:
Prokaryotic cell structure and function, Prokaryotic growth and nutrition, prokaryotic genetics.
Virus and eukaryotic microorganisms, virus, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Bacterial diseases, airborne, foodborne and waterborne bacterial diseases.
Industrial microbiology and biotechnology, microorganism in industry, alcoholic beverages,
other important microbial products
Chemistry of immunoglobulins, myeloma and hybridoma immunoglobulins, immune system and
its abnormalities, allergy and inflammation, complement system, Peripheral leucocytes and
macrophages, Type I lgE-mediated hypersensitivity, other types of hypersensitivity autoimmune
disorders, immunodeficiency disorders.
Recommended Books
1. Nester, E., Nester, M., Anderson, D. and Roberts, C. E. Tr., Microbiology: A Human
Perspective, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, (2011).
2. Duan, T., Melvold, R., Viselli, S. and Waltenbaugh, C., Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews,
Immunology, 2nd ed., Lippincott William & Wilkins, (2012).
3. Harvey, R. A., Cornelissen, C. N. and Fischer, B. D., Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews:
Microbiology, 3rd ed., Lippincott William & Wilkins, (2012).
4. Wiley, J. M., Sherwood, L. M. and Woolnerton, C. J., Prescott’s Microbiology, 7th ed.,
McGraw-Hill Education, (2011).
5. Male, D., Brostoff, J., Roth, D. B. and Roitt, I. M., Immunology, 8th ed., Elsevier, (2012).
BS 4 t h Year
Course objectives
The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge about bionanotechnology in general and its
potential applications in particular. Bionanotechnology aims to exploit attributes of new
materials like biosensors for medical applications. Understanding of the structure and assembly
of nanoparticles opens some exciting possibilities to construct artificial structures in applied
nanotechnology, which will mimic the functions of the biological systems.
Course Contents
Introduction to nanoparticles, overview of nanoscale materials, effect of length scale on
properties, introduction to bionanotechnology, bionanotechnology systems, protein based
nanostructures, nanobiosensors, challenges and opportunities associated with biology on the
nanoscale, green nanoparticle production, self-assembly and templating, surface patterning and
functionalization, characterization techniques of nanostructures.
Recommended Books
1. Ratner, M.A. and Ratner, D., Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big
Idea, Prentice Hall Professional, upper saddle river, New Jersey (2003).
2. Goodsell, D.S., Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature, Wiley-Liss, Inc., Hoboken,
New Jersey (2004).
3. Papazoglou, E. S., Bionanotechnology, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, California, USA
4. Renugopalakrishnan V., Lewis, R. V., Bionanotechnology: Proteins to Nanodevices,
Springer (2006).
5. Iqbal, S., Bionanosensors, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, California USA (2008).
6. Kotov, N. A., Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures, CRC press, USA (2006).
7. Dinh, T.V., Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine: Methods, Devices and Application
CRC press, USA (2007).
8. Kumar, C., Nanomaterials for Biosensors, Wiley-VCH, Germany (2007).
9. Niemeyer, C.M., and Mirkin, C.A., Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and
Perspectives,Wiley-VCH, Germany(2004).
BS 4 t h Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about dietary components; energy needs based nutritional
requirements of different age groups as well as the importance of minerals and vitamins.
Course Contents:
Major Dietary Constituents:
Nutritional importance of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, lipids, and dietary fiber.
Energy Needs:
Assessment and requirement of energy in different age groups nutrition in growth and aging,
nutritional requirement during infancy and childhood, diet, nutrition and adolescence, nutrition in
the elderly minerals, biochemical role of Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium,
Phosphorous, Selenium and Zinc, their dietary source daily requirements and deficiency
Role of vitamins as coenzymes structure, physiological functions, deficiency diseases and
recommended dietary allowances of the following vitamins, fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K,
water soluble vitamins: Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Blotin and
Ascorbic acid.
Course Contents
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge to understand the structure, mechanism, properties and
synthesis of various polymers. The course will also provide technical know- how about perfumes
and cosmetics and surface coating industries.
Course Contents:
Paper and Pulp:
Raw materials for pulp and paper industries, classification of paper products, chemistry involved
in the processing of Kraft pulp, sulphite pulp and semi-chemical pulp, manufacture of paper and
regeneration of spent liquor.
General classification and characterization of polymers, mechanism and chemistry of
polymerization, thermoplastic and thermosetting polymerization, A brief outline for the
production and applications of polymers i.e. polyethylene, polystyrene, polyurethanes, polyesters
and urea phenol formaldehyde resins, and production of drug delivery polymers.
1. Odian, G., Principles of Polymerization, 4th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2004).
2. Carraher, C. E. Jr., Polymer Chemistry, 6th ed., Marcel Dekker Incorporation, New York,
3. Roussak, D. V., Gesser, H. D., Applied Chemistry; A Textbook of Engineers and
Technologists, 2nd ed., Springer, (2013).
4. Bajpai, P., Environmentally Friendly Production of Pulp and Paper, John-Wiley & Sons,
Inc., (2010).
5. Schueller, R. and Romanowski, P., Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry: Practical Knowledge
for the Cosmetic Industry, 3rd ed., Allured Publishing Corporation, (2009).
6. Barel, A. O., Paye, M. and Maibach, H. I., Handbook of Cosmetic Science and
Technology, 3rd ed., Informa Healthcare, (2009).
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
Students will acquire knowledge about pharmaceutical industries and nuclear industry as well as
about oil refinery and production of various petrochemicals.
Course Contents:
Recommended Books
1. Austin, G. T., Nelson, W. L., Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 4th ed., Aukland. Mcgraw
Hill, (1985).
2. Shreve, R. M., George, T. A., Shreve's Chemical Process Industries, 5th ed., McGraw-
Hill Book Company Inc., New York, (1984).
3. Kent, J. A., Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, 10h ed., Kluwer
Academic/Plenum publishers, (2003).
4. Vermani, O. P., Narula. A. K, Applied Chemistry, Theory and Practice, 2nd ed., New Age
International Publisher, India, (1995).
5. D. G. Watson, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Churchill Living Stone, (2007).
6. Cairms, D., Essentials of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Press, (2003).
7. Loveland, W. D., Morrisey, D. J, Modern Nuclear Chemistry, Wiley Interscience, (2005).
8. Speight, J. G., The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, 3rd ed., Taylor & Francis,
BS 4th Year
Course Objectives:
The course is designed to give sufficient knowledge about iron, steel and its alloys. The course
also provides the knowledge about corrosion and its preventions. The course will also give the
knowledge about organic Dyes industries, different lubricants used in industrial processes.
Course Contents:
Iron, Steel and Alloys:
Iron ores, constituents and their classification, manufacture of iron and steel, types of iron and
steel, metal extractions and production of Alloys.
Explosives and Propellants:
Raw materials, manufacture of industrial explosives and propellants, types of explosives and
their safety measures, chemistry involved in production of military explosives.
Nuclear Materials:
Extraction of uranium from rocks, importance of nuclear technology, nuclear energy and its
peaceful applications, production of nuclear energy and control of nuclear reactors, chemistry of
fission and fusion reactions, reprocessing of nuclear spent fuel, industrial application of nuclear
Recommended Books
1. Akhawan, J., The Chemistry of Explosives, 2nd ed., Royal Chemical Society, (2004).
2. Campball, F. C., Elements of Metallurgy and Engineering Alloys, ASM. International,
3. Davis, T. L., The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, Angriff Press, (2012).
4. Reddy, L. K., Principles of Engineering Metallurgy, 2nd ed., New Age Publishers, (2009).
5. Loveland, W., Morrissey, D. J. and Seaborg, G. T., Modern Nuclear Chemistry, John-
Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2006).
6. Choppin, G., Liijenzin, J-O. and Rydberg, J., Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, 3rd
ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, (2002).
7. Vermani, O. P, Narula, A. K, Applied Chemistry,Theory and Practice, 2nd ed., New Age
Publishing House,India, (1995).
8. Balsaral,V.M, Applied Chemistry, I.K. International House Pvt. Ltd., India, (2009)
BS 4th Year
Course Title: Lab-II
Code: CHEM-4249P
Credit Hours: 1
Course Contents
1. Analysis of Lithium in industrial effluents, barium in ores, potassium by in soil samples.
2. Spectrophotometry: Iron in pharmaceuticals, chromium in steel, phosphate in fertilizers.
3. Preparations: Calcium gluconate, detergents, cosmetics and vanishing creams.
4. Analysis of Steel and Industrial Alloys.
5. Purification and analysis of waste lubricating oils.
6. Evaluation of edible and industrial oils. Determination of acid value. Saponification value
and Iodine value.
7. Extraction and characterization of essential oils from fragment plants.
8. Preparation and characterization of Nylon.
9. Analysis of effluent form industrial wastes.
10. Recovery of chromium from tannery effluents.
11. Preparation of Shaving creams.
12. To determine the percentage of available chlorine in the supplied sample of bleaching
13. To determine the iron contents in the given iron ore solution by using external indicator
Recommended Books
BS 4th year
Course Objectives:
The students will acquire knowledge about the coal conversion processes like solvent extraction,
hydrogenation, and importance of catalysis in such reactions, product up gradation and analysis
and environmental problems relating to synthetic fuels obtained from coal.
Course Contents:
Liquefaction of Coal
Effect of Parameters: Effect of coal properties, catalyst and solvent on liquefaction behaviour
of coal, effect of coal properties like rank, maceral components and mineral matter on
liquefaction, effect of operating condition like temperature, pressure, residence time, solvent,
catalyst, etc.
Liquefaction Reactor: Description of high pressure coal liquefaction reactor and auxiliary
devices, ebulated bed reactor, fluidization.
Recommended Books:
1. Wen, C. Y. and Stanley, E. Coal Conversion Technology. Addison-Wesley, New York.
2. Probstein, R. F and Hicks, R. E. Synthetic Fuels. McGraw Hill, New York. (1982).
3. Francis, W. Fuels and Fuel Technology. Pergamon Press, London (1980).
4. Merick, D. Coal Combustion and Conversion Technology. McMillan Ltd., London
5. Berkowitz, N. The chemistry of Coal. Elsevier Amsterdam (1985).
BS 4th year
Course objectives:
The students will acquire knowledge about the modern thermodynamics and combustion of
hydrocarbons fuels. The students will also be able to learn about the safe storage and
transportation of hydrocarbons fuels.
Course Contents:
Thermo chemistry and Combustion of Hydrocarbon Fuels: Basic thermodynamics
principles, standard enthalpy of formation, standard enthalpy of reaction, enthalpy of combustion
products, mechanism of combustion of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon, theory of flame
propagation, method of measuring flame speed, fuel performances in reciprocating piston
engines, environmental pollution from hydrocarbon fuel utilization.
Storage and Handling of Hydrocarbon Fuels: Various types of storage tanks, different
methods of transportation of crude and refined petroleum products. Health hazards associated
with petroleum handling, volatility losses, fire hazards and its prevention. Extinguishing of oil
fire methods.
Recommended Books:
1. Hobson, G. D. Modern Petroleum Technology. Part 2, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Gates, B. C, Katzer, J. R, and Schuit, G. C. A. Chemistry of Catalytic Processes..
McGraw Hill Book company, London (1979).
3. List, H. L. Petrochemical Technology. Printice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
4. Goodger, E. M. Hydrocarbon Fuels. Union Brothers Ltd, London. (1975).
5. Maleev, V. L. Internal Combustion Engines. McGraw Hill Book Company London,
6. Hughes, J.R., and Swindells, N. S. Storage and Handling of Petroleum Liquids. Charless
Griffin and Company Ltd, London (1987).
BS 4th year
Course Contents:
Biomass Resources: Biomass conversion processes, bio gas technology. Various traditional
methods of alcohol production. Alcohols and its uses as alternative fuel.
Hydrogen: Hydrogen production, storage, handling and its uses as alternative fuel. Fuel cells:
Fuel Cells and its application,
Nuclear fuels: Nuclear fuels processing, fission and fusion, nuclear reactors.
Recommended Books:
1. Gyngell, E.bS. Applied Chemistry for Engineers. Edward Arnold Publisher, Ltd. London.
2. Harker, J.b . and Backurst, J.R. Fuel and Energy. Academic Press, London and New
York (1988).
3. Goodger E. M. Alternative fuels (chemical energy resources). The Macmillan press Ltd,
London, (1980).
4. Twidell, J. and Weir, T. Renewable Energy Resources. John Wiley and Sons, London,
New York, (1986).
BS 4th year