SCI7 - Q4 - M5 - Earth's Seasons
SCI7 - Q4 - M5 - Earth's Seasons
SCI7 - Q4 - M5 - Earth's Seasons
Quarter 4 -Module 5
Earth’s Seasons
After going through this module, you are expected to use models to relate:
the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime;
the length of daytime to the amount of energy received;
the position of the Earth in its orbit to the height of the Sun in the sky;
the height of the Sun in the sky to the amount of energy received;
the latitude of an area to the amount of energy received; and
tilt of the Earth and the seasons. (S7ES-IVh-9)
describe the movement of the Earth with respect to the Sun using a Sun-
Earth-Moon model;
demonstrate the position of the Earth relative to the Sun using a Sun-Moon-
Earth model;
illustrate the position of Sun and Earth at different seasons of the year; and
explain the causes of seasons.
What I Know
Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following affects the length of daytime and nighttime in a place?
A. The tilt of the Earth’s axis C. The revolution of the Earth
B. The rotation of the Earth D. The revolution of the moon
2. Which month has longer nighttime than daytime in the Southern hemisphere?
A. February B. December C. June D. September
3. Based on the figure, which part of the Earth receives a great amount of heat energy
from the Sun?
A. North pole C. Northern hemisphere
B. South pole D. Southern hemisphere
4. What can you infer about the position of the Earth as shown in the figure?
A. The length of daytime and nighttime are equal in both hemispheres.
B. The northern hemisphere will experience summer and longer daytime.
C. The northern and southern hemispheres will both experience summer.
D. The southern hemisphere will experience summer and shorter nighttime.
5. Which month has shorter daytime than nighttime in the Northern hemisphere?
A. April B. December C. June D. March
7. This is the year’s hottest months where average temperature is around 320C to 400C.
A. Fall B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
9. This is the year’s coldest months where temperature average is around 100C to 150C.
Trees are bare and some animals enter a deep sleep called hibernation.
A. Fall B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
10. If the northern hemisphere experiences summer season, what is the season in the
southern hemisphere?
A. Fall B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
What’s In
Identify the type of breeze shown in each diagram and determine the direction of
the wind. Write your answers in the table provided below.
What’s New
The Earth spins around its axis as it moves around the Sun. This spinning motion
causes the occurrence of day and night. Without it, the day and night cycle in the
different parts of the world would not exist. The length of day and night in a particular
area depends on several factors such as location relative to the latitude and the position
of the earth as it moves around the sun. Its period of revolution is 365 ¼ days
R _ T _ T _O _ I_C_I_A_I_N R _ V_ L _T _ O _
What Is It
The Earth rotates around an imaginary line known as the axis for approximately
24 hours. Although it rotates for 24 hours, the length of daylight and night varies. It is
not exactly 12 hours daylight and 12 hours of night. The inclination or tilt of the Earth’s
axis and the latitude location affect the duration of daytime. Unlike other planets which
have perpendicular axes, the Earth’s axis is inclined or tilted 23.5 0 relative to its orbit. Its
axial position does not only affect the length of the day in a particular place but also the
occurrence of seasons and the amount of direct heat energy that it receives from the Sun,
known as insolation. The part of the hemisphere that is facing directly toward the Sun
experiences longer daylight and receives a greater amount of heat energy than the part
that is facing away from the Sun. This variation of daylight and seasons reverses in the
two hemispheres at a particular month as the Earth revolves around the Sun. The axial
tilt of the Earth does not change as it revolves around the Sun. It is directed to the North
star called Polaris. Only the part that is facing either toward or away from the Sun
changes at certain positions as the Earth travels in its orbit.
Figure 1 presents the position of the Earth in which the North pole is tilted away
from the Sun, thus exposing the Southern hemisphere to direct sunlight. At this point,
the length of daytime in the Southern hemisphere is longer than in the Northern
Hemisphere. Furthermore, the Southern hemisphere receives a high density of incident
rays from the Sun and experiences the summer season. On the other hand, the Northern
hemisphere receives less density of incident rays from the Sun and experiences the winter
season. The change in the length of days is slight near the equator and great in the
temperate zone and the polar zone where the four seasons happen.
The angle of incident rays from the Sun and the surface area on the ground that
receives them are presented in Figure 2. At 90 0, the incident rays hit a 1-meter surface
area as shown in the figure. At 450, more surface area is covered by 40 %. The amount of
insolation or heat energy from the Sun, however, is different in the two situations
presented. It is greater when the sun’s rays heat the ground directly at 90 0 than indirectly
at 450. The amount of heat energy is higher when the incident rays hit directly over a
small surface area than over a large surface area that receives indirect heat.
Analyze the data of sunrise, sunset, and day length presented in Table 1. Observe
the length of the day every month and answer the guide questions presented below the
data table.
Table 1. The Length of Days in Manila on Selected Days of 2020
Guide questions:
1. Which month has the longest length of day? ______________________
2. Which month has the shortest length of day? _____________________
3. Compare the time of sunrise and sunset between June and December. What did
you notice? __________________________________________________________________
4. Why do you think the length of day changes from January to December?
Fill in the KWL chart below by writing your previous knowledge about the earth’s
tilt and position, the concepts that you still want to know, and what you learned based in
this module.
K W L Chart
What I Know ( K) What I Want to Know ( W) What I Learned ( L )
1. The Earth revolves around the Sun while the moon revolves around the Earth.
2. The northern hemisphere of the Earth is more exposed to the Sun than the southern
hemisphere. Explain which hemisphere will receive a greater amount of heat energy
from the Sun.
3. The southern hemisphere of the Earth is more exposed to the Sun than the northern
hemisphere. Explain which hemisphere will receive a lesser amount of the Sun’s
__________________________ Date:
Dear Diary,
Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
2. Which statement BEST describes the position of the Earth relative to its orbital plane?
A. Its axis is tilted 23.5 0. C. Its axis is tilted 60 0.
B. Its axis is tilted 45 0. D. Its axis is tilted 90 0.
3. If the Earth were not tilted, which of the following would happen?
A. The change in seasons will not occur.
B. The day and night cycle will not occur.
C. The length of day and night will be longer.
D. The period of rotation and revolution will change .
4. Which month has the longest length of daytime in the Northern hemisphere?
A. April B. February C. June D. March
5. The Philippines is located above the equator. How will you compare the length of days
and nights during December in our country?
A. The length of daytime and nighttime are equal.
B. The length of nighttime is shorter than daytime.
C. The length of daytime is shorter than nighttime.
D. The length of daytime and nighttime cannot be determined.
What’s In
Your family decided to have a vacation in different places around the
world. Your first stop is a summer vacation in Boracay, Philippines. Fill in the vacation
form below.
Summer Vacation
Boracay, Philippines
What’s New
While staying in Boracay, you noticed a painting gallery displayed near your hotel.
Describe each part of the painting
A. B.
A. B. - It is raining.
C. D.
C. D.
Spring Autumn/Fall
What’s More
Your friends abroad sent you a letter telling you about their experiences on the place they
visited. Identify the season they experienced.
“Hello there! I am grateful to visit this place. It is cold out 1. Write the season
here. We enjoyed making snowballs. I wish you were here.” here:
“New life has arrived. Trees are showing its young and
fresh leaves reminding people that there is always a new
Rose sent you a picture of a tree found in her backyard. Identify the season in each
part of the picture.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Illustrate the position of Sun and Earth at different seasons of the year and provide
the necessary data to describe each season. A is done for you.
Guide questions:
1. How does the position of the Earth causes seasons? ___________________________________
2. Why do vertical rays of the sun move in different directions in one year? _______________
3. How does the angle of Sun’s rays cause the different seasons on Earth? ______________
1. How does the tilt of the earth affect the climate condition in a particular place?
2. How do you describe the position of the earth as it revolves around the sun?________
What I Can Do
I want to visit
Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
2. Which month has longer nighttime than daytime in the Northern hemisphere?
A. February B. December C. March D. September
3. Based on the figure, which part of the Earth receives a great amount of heat energy
from the Sun?
A. North pole C. Northern hemisphere
B. South pole D. Southern hemisphere
4. What can you infer about the position of the Earth as shown in the figure?
A. The northern hemisphere will experience shorter daytime.
B. The southern hemisphere will experience longer nighttime.
C. The length of daytime and nighttime are equal in both hemispheres.
D. The northern and southern hemispheres will both experience summer.
5. Which month has shorter daytime than nighttime in the Northern hemisphere?
A. April B. December C. June D. March
6. This is the year’s hottest months where average temperature is around 320C to 400C.
A. Fall B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
7. This is the year’s coldest months where temperature average is around 100C to 150C.
Trees are bare and some animals enter a deep sleep called hibernation.
A. Fall B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
9. If the northern hemisphere experiences summer season, what is the season in the
southern hemisphere?
A. Fall B. Spring C. Summer D. Winter
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Jessica S. Mateo