2024 04 28 NBC Pip For Literacy Instruction
2024 04 28 NBC Pip For Literacy Instruction
2024 04 28 NBC Pip For Literacy Instruction
□ Capacity Building
□ Reading Intervention Program
Implementation Modality:
(check the modality that □ Materials Contextualization/ Enhancement/ Development
applies) □ Creation or Strengthening of Existing Programs/ Systems
□ Support to Parents/ Home Learning Partners
Please refer to the last page for the rubric and rating guide.
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines
Target Learners 15 Grade 7 Learners who are Non-Readers and Frustrated-level Readers
Number of Batches and 1 Batch (July 2024–April 2025) School Year 2024-2025
Proposed Implementation Date
Nabunturan Integrated School envisions to be recognized in the next five years (2024-2029) as a learning
organization responsive to the literacy development of learners in the new normal. It strongly believes that quality
literacy instruction which is delivered across the eight learning areas by competent and committed teachers through the
utilization of appropriate learning resources in a learners’ friendly, inclusive, safe, gender–sensitive, and motivating
environment will contribute to the learner’s literacy development. The school further aspires to become a learning center
renowned for its effective, progressive, scientific, and research driven literacy pedagogical approaches led by teachers
who are dedicated, value-laden, and trained competently in the international trends of literacy instruction. In order to
develop a tangible life-long impact to literacy learning of learners, a support system from the community partners,
parents, and stakeholders shall be strengthened to provide learners an enriching literacy skills gained through different
educational platforms.
1) collaborative efforts of internal and external stakeholders as contributory part of the learning organization;
2) frameworks for social and emotional learning as well as gender equity and social inclusion for holistic well-being; and
3) use of the iDdO reading program and evidence-based literacy development techniques, phonics approach, and
guided reading approach facilitated by qualified language teachers. Project ROADMAP is therefore a reading literacy
program designed, prepared, and created for challenged Filipino learners in the locality.
Project ROADMAP (Reading Outcome and Development Materialized through Active Intervention Program) is a unique
educational initiative of Nabunturan Integrated School that seeks to enhance key learning areas for students in order to
promote holistic development. The program also strives to close specific educational gaps that our identified students in
the school are experiencing and offers tactical solutions to assist in closing those gaps before these gaps will negatively
impact students' development. It is focused on enhancing reading literacy among identified grade 7 learners integrating
six stages such as baseline test, profiling, intervention, mid-assessment, intervention, and final assessment. This
program is guided by its conceptual framework as basis for providing comprehensive understanding on program's
agenda. The goal of each of these treatments is to promote learners' overall development.
For the program, Project ROADMAP is an anchored program from the existing reading program partnered by the
Division Office and the Provincial Government of Davao de Oro named iDdO Read program. This shall be (one) 1-hour
reading instruction three times on weekdays after class hours. The identified pre-tested learners with their respective
parents were individually and personally informed of the baseline results as well as of the introduced intervention
program in order to protect their identities.
For the teachers, they shall undergo inservice training with the pedagogy of teaching reading as far as this program
is concerned. The use of the program’s learning materials like modules and workbooks were taught including the
assessment guides and tools.
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines
Highlighted in this project is the involvement of stakeholders, they shall be responsible in aiding the teachers and
the school in general in realizing the goals and mission of the program.
a. They must participate in the reading intervention program orientation. They must be aware on the status of the
learners who will serve as the recipient of the program.
b. They shall understand that partnership activities must be directly aligned with student achievement goals.
c. They shall be aware that efforts must be collaborative and genuine. There are meaningful roles for each party to
play and these must be clearly articulated.
For the school head of Nabunturan Integrated School, he shall be responsible in securing logistics, producing the
program materials, and ensuring that the program is facilitated progressively. He shall also be responsible for the
supervision, monitoring, and implementation.
All grade 7 language teachers are identified as internal stakeholders, with consideration given the fact that they
teach reading subjects. The school head also plays a crucial role in ensuring that the project moves forward. The
parents of the identified non-readers and frustration-level readers in grade 7 are considered external stakeholders.
Other external stakeholders include Parent Teachers Association (PTA), LGUs, NGOs, and others.
Relative to the criteria for the selection of learners and language teachers, it shall be based on the Phil IRI result
for the learners and the school organizational chart and form 7 documents for the teachers.
Nabunturan Integrated School, as a school in the heart of the province, facilitates a Project Initiative Plan (PIP)
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines
where all stakeholders both internal and external are moved collaboratively to implement and work for the “Project
ROADMAP.” This program is designed for struggling readers who are below the proficiency level and require
supplementary literacy instruction in order to obtain grade-level reading skills.
Session Objectives
At the end of the Topic/Content Nominated Project
Day/ Time Outputs Methodology Resources
session, participants Highlights Team Members
will be able to:
(July, Week 1)
Stage 1
Conducting - Find out the reading - Class Reading Shared Vision/ Forum School PIP Members MOOE
baseline test ability level of the Proficiency/ Level SMART Goals/ PIP
learners. Profile
Stage 2
Categorizing - Group the learners - Profile of learners Inclusion of PIP Data Gathering and PIP Team, SPT MOOE
learners according to their reading per reading level Data Sorting
proficiency/ level.
(August 2024) - Reading corner with Language Teachers
- Classify/ sort reading categorized/ sorted
materials as to degree of materials
difficulty and as to
learners’ needs.
Stage 3
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines
Implementing Implement action plan on - Readers’ Portfolio/ Plan Conduct Reading School Reading MOOE and other
intervention reading program. Journal Implementation Classes Coordinators Local Funds
(Intervention 1) - Tracking Reading Language Teachers
(September- Record
November 2024)
- Individual Reading
- Teachers’ Journal
Stage 4
Conducting mid- Find out the progress of - Updated Class Assessment Conduct Post Reading Language Teachers MOOE
assessment learners’ reading Reading Proficiency/ Assessment
proficiency/ level. Level Profile PIP Members
(January 2025)
Stage 5
Implementing Implement action plan on - Readers’ Portfolio/ Plan Conduct Reading School Reading MOOE and other
intervention reading program for those Journal Implementation Classes Coordinators Local Funds
program to those who need further learning
who perform poorly assistance. - Tracking Reading Language Teachers
in the mid- Record
assessment (Intervention 2)
- Individual Reading
(February-March - Teachers’ Journal
Stage 6
Conducting final- Evaluate learners’ reading - Comprehensive Assessment Evaluation and Language Teachers Other Local Funds
assessment abilities. Learners’ Reading Analysis of Results
Profile and Recommendation
(March 2025)
Prepared by:
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines
School Principal, Nabunturan Integrated School
Recommending Approval:
District Supervisor
Approved by:
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines
6. The School Shared Vision was improved from the first draft.
10. The interventions used the concepts and models taught in the ISPD
Name of Facilitator